Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 708 Silent Night on April 14th

April 14th, night!

The moon is already very full.

Lin Su and Zhou Mei were staring at the moon in the sky in the inn.

Along with the whole process of Nanshan City from hustle and bustle to silence.

It was late at night and there was no movement.

The moon is still the same moon, and the stars are still the same stars.

The street looked quiet and clean under the moonlight. In the Nanshan Inn, the two elders' rooms were lit up with lights like beans, and they were also very quiet.

The lights were not turned off, and the students below did not leave either.

There was the sound of poetry reciting. To be honest, even Zhou Mei didn't like this level of poetry...

She was still a little confused: Hey, do you think your Nanshan students are stupid? If they have the skills to please these two old guys, why don't they put some effort into you? You are the first grandmaster of Qinglian, you As soon as he took action, he crushed White Deer Academy to the ground. Isn’t it ten times or a hundred times better than these two old guys? More importantly, I personally think it’s easier to deal with you than these two old guys. Even if they can’t handle you, Who doesn’t have a few sisters in their family? I believe that their sisters’ looks will not be worse than that of the village girl outside the city.”

Lin Su ignored the ambiguity in her words and smiled faintly: Do you really think that when students recite poetry, their skills are limited to poetry itself?

Zhou Mei's eyes moved over, with a bit of confusion...

Lin Suyouran said: What they recite is poetry, and what they recite is also the world! No matter the poem, the lyrics, the article, or the words, they are just stepping stones. What they want is never progress in poetry, what they want is just A higher platform, their poetry is undoubtedly not outstanding, but their human sophistication is superb.

Lin Su's poetry is undoubtedly peerless.

His literary skills are undoubtedly at the pinnacle, but he is not tolerated by the general trend of the world!

It would be unwise for any student to make friends with him.

But these two veterans are different. Not to mention the level of their poetry, the key point is that they represent the peak of literary orthodoxy.

To make friends with such a peak, the road is open...

Zhou Mei sighed softly: Of course I understand what you said, but what I don't understand is why you must force yourself to be an alien.

Two reasons, one true and one false...

Stop coming! Seriously...

The truth is: I didn't force myself to be an alien, I was already an alien...

Zhou Mei gave him a fierce look: Why didn't you say you came down from the sky? I just can't say a few serious words to you. I really can't talk to you anymore if you tell the truth. You should just tell lies. !”

The lie is... I am not such an outlier, so how can I be unconventional? How can I attract a beauty like you to come to me? Life is full of grass and trees, and if I don't like the white jade bed, wouldn't I have grown this skin in vain?

Zhou Mei looked at him for a long time and let out a long sigh: Forget it, can I not ask questions? Can I just be too talkative? Don't be so wild in front of me. I'm not as thick-skinned as you think... Say something. Seriously, have you discovered Su Rong's whereabouts?

Su Rong?

Su Rong!

Lin Su looked at the window on the left, staring at some lights on the distant mountain top: Although I have not found her whereabouts, if nothing else happens, among the thousands of candles in the Luyang Palace tonight, there should be one for her. She is bright.

Lu Yang Palace!

Zhou Mei also cast her eyes towards the palace in the middle of the mountain and took a breath: Then, how will she act?


Isn't it important? Have you figured out the situation? She is no longer the same person! On the night of Tianlao, the whole city can clearly see that Su Rong has merged with her ancestor Ye Lian, and her Tao realm has become unbelievable. My mother was shocked.

Yes, the whole capital knows about what happened on Tianlao Night.

Although ordinary people don't know what this means, top practitioners do.

They knew that Su Rong was fused with the Great Dao Essence Flower of the ancestor Ye Lian.

At the extreme level of cultivation, three flowers gather on the top of the head and five qi move towards the origin.

Practice and become holy.

Ye Lian's three flowers were ready that day, and she was in the final step of becoming a saint.

Her body died and her Tao disappeared, but her Tao flower was still there, integrated into the human skin she left behind.

These three flowers are the most high-end inheritance of Yaowang Mountain.

Su Rong fused this human skin and bloomed the essence flower of the avenue at the critical moment of life and death. Even His Majesty's imperial seal stopped because of this essence flower.

Just tell me how terrifying this essence flower is?

Zhou Mei's mother was also a witch from the Jianghu generation. She was well-informed and lawless. She used to watch the practitioners in the world tossing around, just like watching children competing for sweets. But when she saw this beautiful flower, she lost count.

Su Rong bloomed the essence of the Tao, and her Tao realm was already unfathomable.

Even though her cultivation level is only as high as that of heaven and earth, no one can predict her actual combat power.

Lin Su dares to say that such a person is not important?

Lin Su smiled: The Dao realm is not as mysterious as imagined. There is only the Dao realm, but no corresponding cultivation. The Dao realm is still empty. If she really has such terrifying combat power, she can go directly to my Haining Lin family and bring her Wouldn't it be more in line with her original intention to ravage me in the West Courtyard? She chose to join forces with two literary circles to block me in Nanshan, which has proven that her actual combat power is not that strong!

This is the truth!

Only those who are calm enough can analyze this truth!

When faced with the pursuit of someone who has blossomed the essence of the Dao, most people's minds will already be in confusion. How can they analyze it?

Lin Su was not upset. Zhou Mei felt that his analysis was right...

And she also interpreted the basis of Lin Su's not important argument: What you mean is that she plans to join forces with these two literary circles. Now that you get rid of one of them, her cooperation will be broken. Regardless of the original Any strategies have to be readjusted?”

Yes, that's not entirely true! Lin Su held up the teacup.

Zhou Mei's eyes lit up again: What do you mean it's not completely right?

What I want to get rid of is not just a literary world! Lin Su said: As long as Li Qinghan dies, Du Yuanfeng will also be finished! At the same time, whether His Majesty, the Prime Minister, Cao Fang, or White Deer Academy's Zhizhi Hall, all will be killed. Come to the chess table obediently.

Zhou Mei was just about to pour tea.

She and Mr. Lin were already close, and she had learned a lot about Mr. Lin's way of analyzing the current situation while drinking tea. However, when she suddenly heard these words, her hands trembled and the tea was spilled. table……

Once Li Qinghan died, Du Yuanfeng also died...

Your Majesty, Prime Minister, Cao Fang, White Deer Academy Zhizhitang...

The four names that came out casually were all behemoths, all big figures or superpowers who were stomping around in the territory of Da Cang.

He wants to bring all these people into his game!

This game of chess, what a terrifying game of chess?

These are all hidden behind the murder of the demonic Moon Shadow!

She couldn't decipher the connection behind it at all.

She could only look up at the moon: I originally had some psychological taboos about the killing of Yueying, but now, I am looking forward to this killing coming soon. I must see how you can use this killing to start a world-shattering story. chess game.

On the night of the 14th, there was no wind or waves.

Passed peacefully.

The next day is April 15th!

Throughout the day, Lin Su and Zhou Mei did not leave the room.

Lin Su was sleeping, lying on the chair and sleeping until noon.

Zhou Mei was also sleeping, wrapping herself in the sheets on the bed, which were twisted into twists by her. She was not sleeping honestly at all...

As the afternoon passed, the sunset slid down Mount Lu.

The last trace of light disappeared, and night fell.

The moon rises from the west, round and big...

In the small garden outside the city, Yaogu stopped what she was doing, walked slowly to her recliner, lay on her back, and tapped her toes, causing the recliner to shake slightly.

From the outside, she looks very laid-back.

But her eyes, staring at the moon, were as bright as stars.

She knew that tonight was the night of the Moon Shadow Killing.

She saw the cause, and she wanted to witness the process with her own eyes, but she couldn't see the end clearly...

In the far southwest, outside the ancient country of Southwest, beside Yanqing Lake...

The moonlight is like water, the boat is leisurely...

The wind dancer raised and lowered the oar, slowly rowing across the silent Yanqing Lake...

A layer of mist was lifted by her paddle, revealing a red pavilion inside...

Above the red pavilion, a woman stood quietly in the pavilion, looking at the bright moon in the sky...


Fengwu called softly.

The woman slowly turned back. Her face was delicate and her hair was as white as snow. She looked like a young lady, but endless years of wind and frost had passed through her eyes.

Wu'er, you're here to celebrate my birthday with me again. My aunt's voice was also elegant and elegant.

Feng Wu smiled sweetly: On the night when Wu'er was born, my aunt came here after delivering the baby for me. We used Leting as the boundary and claimed it for eighteen years. You gave me life, but you couldn't see me after that, so every year I I gave it to my aunt to see for her birthday. Let you know that Wu'er, whom you delivered with joy, has grown one year older.

Eighteen years! My aunt sighed softly: From crying for food to being tall and graceful, to being graceful and graceful today, Wu'er, you have grown up.

Feng Wu smiled softly: You know? Auntie, they all say that I look like you.

My aunt smiled, this smile was full of charm, this smile was full of grace and grace: Today, how do you want your aunt to celebrate your birthday? Can you play a song for you?

No! Feng Wu said, I'm not here to listen to music today. On the contrary, I want to play a song for my aunt!

That's great! My aunt said happily: I have known for a long time that your music has improved rapidly, so I will let my aunt listen carefully today!

Feng Wu sat down on the boat and picked up the Yao Qin in her hand...

Ding Dong...

This was a hand-starting sound, and my aunt was slightly shocked...

When the music started, it was like heavenly music coming for nine days, and my aunt's whole body was shaken...

When the song ended, my aunt's eyes were as bright as stars: Seven tones?!

Exactly! Feng Wu said: Auntie, a new door has been opened for happiness in the world, and the era of seven tones has arrived!

The era of seven tones has arrived! The era of seven tones has arrived... My aunt was distracted, her white hair swaying gently in the wind...

Eighteen years ago, my aunt wanted to open a new door with the Tao of Music, and use the true power of the Tao of Music to break through the world and become a saint. However, the world has changed, and this new door has been opened in the world...

Auntie is on the verge of collapse, and her red pavilion is also on the verge of collapse.

As Feng Wu said, the fundamental purpose of her eighteen years in the literary world was to one day break through it and become a saint.

The direction of her breakthrough is to make up for the shortcomings of the five tones and complete the unprecedented feat of music.

However, today Feng Wu brought a song that has already made up for the shortcomings of the five tones, it is a flawless seven tones!

In this way, her eighteen years of hard training suddenly became meaningless.

Even if she also realized the seven tones, it was still a step too late.

She is no longer a pioneer!

Her feelings at this moment were the same as those of the Nanchu layman in Baijiyuan that day.

But her literary attainments and state of mind were obviously not comparable to those of the lay people of Nanchu. She did not vomit blood, nor was she despairing of all her thoughts, but her mind was shaken...

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