Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 719 Entering the Palace in the Dark Night

In ten days, the overall situation of White Deer Academy has been decided.

The dean's decision-making system was officially implemented.

In fact, the dean's decision-making system is not a new thing. More than half of the top universities in the nine countries and thirteen states adopt this decision-making system.

Although the elders system still exists in some universities, it is like a feudal remnant of this era, changing little by little.


Because the body of elders system has too many drawbacks.

The decision-making cycle is long, and the decision-making process encourages the interests of the small circle. When the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds.

Therefore, the dean's decision-making system to replace the pedantic and backward system of the elders is the general trend of this era.

Such a big change occurred at the decision-making level in White Deer Academy.

Ordinary people are indifferent.

People in the capital may find it a bit strange when they first hear it, but then they have no idea about it.

The court officials were sensitive and thought a little, but soon it disappeared.

Because these things have nothing to do with them.

The one who really feels it is His Majesty.

However, His Majesty is speechless.

Because this is what the temple means.

Your Majesty can do whatever you want in the land of Da Cang, but he does not dare to go against the temple.

And he was also in the wrong. Over the years, he relied on Zhizhitang to control White Deer Academy. In fact, he was poaching the temple. Now the temple woke up and rectified White Deer Academy. What could he say?

Nothing more than depression.

And what about Lin Su?

This period of time is very relaxing...

At Lin's house in Haining, he was like a hard-working little bee who regarded his daughters-in-law as flowers and took them out to have a good time and collect honey...

If the wives were ordinary people, they would probably only be able to deeply appreciate the joy of being with their husband-in-law.

However, they are not ordinary people. They all know that the storm is coming!

This night, the clouds hung low.

The rainy season is coming this year.

In the pavilion, the night wind blew, and the distant river surface was pitch black. The suppressed waves were beating against the embankment. Only Haining Lin's house and the moon tower still had a bright moon.

Under the dim moonlight, there is still a faint layer of light, which is the smoke in the dark night...

In the study, I was still meditating in the dark night, but the smoke was already very light...

There are signs that she is about to end her retreat.

Lu Yi felt a little cold and got into Lin Su's arms: Ms. sir, the rainy season is coming this year. Are you going back to Nanshan again?

The Nanshan Yanghu embankment has just been completed and will be tested for the first time in this year’s rainy season.

The girls expected that Lin Su should return to Nanshan and witness the miracle of Nanshan that he created with his own hands through the first rainy season.

But Lin Su shook his head: I want to go to Beijing.

Going to Beijing? Who else? Luyi's eyes widened.

As soon as he heard these familiar words, Lin Su almost blurted out a catchphrase. Considering that getting your sister might cause misunderstanding, he urgently stopped speaking...

Suddenly, there was a slight shock in the study room...

Lin Su suddenly turned around, and the next moment, he appeared outside the study...

All the girls also left the Liang Pavilion together...

The autumn water painting screen on the moon tower suddenly stood up and looked towards the study...

In the study, a soft light slowly bloomed, like a pair of eyes. These eyes lit up the night sky of Lin Mansion in the darkness, like a heavenly eye peering into the heaven.

Peep into the sky! Qiushui Huaping breathed out softly.

Lin Su smiled, and the realm of peering into the sky in the dark night broke through again.

She has experienced being knocked down from the Heaven-Peering Realm, and now, she has entered the Heaven-Peering Realm again!

The door of the study slowly opened, and he stepped out of the study step by step in the dark night. When he stepped out, it was like a demon on patrol, bringing darkness with him. But when she came to Lin Su's side, she smiled sweetly. With this smile, the storm disappeared, and the demon's presence disappeared. Xun also disappeared, and she was just a little daughter-in-law who came to her husband, smiling beautifully and peacefully.

Little baby, congratulations on entering the sky again! Lin Su stretched out his hand and hugged her.

Congratulations to Sister Ding! Lu Yi ran over and hugged An Ye.

Sister Chen smiled softly and did not lean in, but her smile was congratulations.

Cui Ying is a little timid. This is a top martial arts master. Can he hug him?

An Ye cast his eyes on her, stretched out his hand, and Cui Ying flew over involuntarily. An Ye hugged her: What are you afraid of? Can I eat you?

Luyi chuckled beside her: The main reason is that she secretly ate your husband-in-law. Now that you are a master of martial arts, she is afraid that you will beat her...

An Ye replied angrily: It's like I couldn't beat her before I peeked into the sky. Besides, she ate it secretly, but you didn't? Why aren't you afraid that I'll beat you?

Suddenly, the entire west courtyard came alive...

We have initially reached a consensus on the matter of stealing. In fact, it is unfair to say that a few women are stealing. What can we with our little arms and legs steal? If you want to eat secretly, then your husband will also eat secretly...

The target of the attack was directed at Lin Da Slang. For the first time, Lin Su realized that having more wives meant more trouble...

This night, Dark Night stood alone in Lin Guan's way again...

Anyway, she has mastered martial arts and can block it...

The next day, when she opened her eyes, she was greeted by Lin Guan's lips, which made a deep seal and said to her: Let's go visit King Chen!

Visiting King Chen?

Invite her to visit King Chen?

When visiting King Chen, it was usually Sister Chen. Although there was no barrier between the sisters, they all carefully guarded this line.

Because everyone knows that visiting King Chen represents Lin Su's inner circle.

It would be no exaggeration to say that his conversation with King Chen was the biggest secret in the entire Cang.

Although they are Lin Su's concubines, it does not mean that they are involved in everything.

However, today, Lin Su invited An Ye.

A complicated light flashed through An Ye's eyes instantly: Mr. sir... there is something I didn't tell you...

you say!

Prince Chen is actually supported by Baixianglou.

Lin Su's heart was slightly shaken...

King Chen has his own power.

In the army, in the court, in the rivers and lakes...

Lin Su knew that the most powerful people in the army were the four people Qu Feiyan killed.

Lin Su knew part of the power in the court, at least Zhou Zhang did.

Jianghu, he vaguely guessed. He guessed that King Chen had collected the power of Jianghu, but he didn't know which sect or sect it was. Now, An Ye told him that the power of Jianghu collected by King Chen included Baixiang Tower.

Baixianglou is An Ye’s natal home.

Baixiang Tower does not have any earth-shattering power in the world, nor does it have any outstanding achievements. However, Lin Su knows that Baixiang Tower is extraordinary, because even in a foreign country thousands of miles away, Baixiang Tower's ships still appear, and Baixiang Tower still appears. Lou, do not focus on force, they pursue business to connect the world.

Your Majesty doesn't care about this kind of power, but this kind of power is what King Chen needs most.

Because King Chen needs to collect information from all aspects.

No organization can provide him with information at all levels like Baixianglou.

Without the Baixiang Tower, King Chen would be an idle king living in Meiling, but he would not hear what was going on outside the window. With the Baixiang Tower, he could use the Baixiang Tower's eyes and ears as his eyes and ears to gain insight into the world.

This is why King Chen needs Baixiang Tower.

And why did Baixianglou choose King Chen?

An Ye told him a fundamental reason: the owner of Baixiang Tower, her adoptive father, was greatly favored by the late emperor!

This reason is obviously enough.

An Ye also told him another thing...

Ge Xin in Prince Chen's Mansion is her fellow senior sister, and she is like a sister to her!

Lin Su smiled: I originally thought about getting you two familiar with each other in preparation for fighting side by side in the future, but now it seems that it will save trouble.

This is why Lin Su chose to go with him in the dark night today.

The chess game has come to an end, and the close combat is approaching. He and King Chen must fight side by side. The most powerful fighting force around him is An Ye, so An Ye has to know the whole chess game. Today he will bring An Ye into Prince Chen's mansion, that is Let her get acquainted with Ge Xin, but unexpectedly, the two of them were already familiar with each other, even much more familiar than he and Ge Xin were.

An Ye chuckled: The world is really wonderful, isn't it? My senior sister and I have been together since we were young. We practice the same method and walk the same path. I also told her that in the future, we should be on the same stand. Now She is King Chen’s concubine, and I am your daughter-in-law. You two have already reached the same front without our consultation.”

That's great, let's go!

Lin Su and An Ye stood up side by side, stepped through the floating clouds, moved their feet, and stood outside Prince Chen's Mansion.

In the Huxin Pavilion, the nine-curved corridor connects the palace.

In the Pavilion in the middle of the lake, the gauze blows in the wind.

As soon as Lin Su and An Ye arrived, Ge Xin, who was accompanying King Chen, slowly stood up...

Welcome out of the pavilion.

An Ye took a step forward and called Senior Sister!

King Chen was slightly surprised...

Ge Xin's eyes lit up: Have you already told the truth to your husband?

This title means everything. If An Ye didn't tell the truth, she wouldn't call her senior sister.

An Ye smiled softly: Senior sister, your path goes with mine, and your husband-in-law and my husband-in-law also go together. There is no need to hide between us. Sisters are of the same mind, and we can work together!

King Chen smiled: The words of younger brothers and sisters are very good! That's how it should be! Brothers and sisters, please join the cabinet!

Stepping into the pavilion, the gauze behind him flowed down with the wind. In front of King Chen was a case with wine and tea on it: Brother, are you having tea or drinking today?

Three glasses of wine for thousands of miles of mortal life, and a pot of tea for great achievements! Lin Su chanted in a manly voice: Today, drink tea!

Ge Xin's whole body was shocked...

But her psychological quality was first-class, and she did not behave abnormally. She poured tea for the three of them. The first cup was given to Lin Su, the second cup was given to King Chen, and the third cup was handed to An Ye's hand, and she looked at An Ye. Touching each other brings excitement...

She is a master of Baixiang Tower.

So is the dark night.

The master of Baixianglou acts secretly, so there are very few fellow travelers on her itinerary.

But now, her junior sister has become her fellow traveler. At least, at this stage, the two of them can be close to each other. As the King of the Night, who has never had a fellow traveler, this pleasure is actually more enjoyable than drinking three glasses of strong wine. .

What excited her even more was what Lin Su said.

Three glasses of wine for thousands of miles of mortal life, and a pot of tea for great achievements in the future.

If she was a literary person, she would applaud these two lines of poetry.

She was not a scholar, but she understood the meaning of these words.

If nothing unexpected happens, today will be the beginning of a great cause!

Lin Su gently raised the tea cup in his hand: Your Highness, you have to go to Beijing!

Going to Beijing?

The teacup in King Chen's hand trembled slightly: Is the time up?

Almost! Lin Su said.

How's that going?

Lin Sudao: In the northwest border city, the Ji family's army has arrived at Helan City. Li Xiaotian is about to die. His death is the clarion call for counterattack...

Lin Su described his plan in detail...

An Ye was shocked. This was the first time she entered deeply. As soon as she entered deeply, she stepped into an extremely secretive and extremely thrilling chain...

Ge Xin's eyes were as bright as spring water, and her heart almost jumped...

The blush slowly rose on King Chen's face. Although he didn't take a sip of wine today, Lin Su's plan was the strongest wine for him...

The plan is very complicated, but it can only be said in a few words...

There are some things that they don't need to know too specifically, they just need everything to be under his control...

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