Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 720 Meiling’s swan song

After finishing speaking, King Chen was silent for a long time, and finally said: You said that Li Qingquan has completed the layout in Osumi Capital. Who is this Li Qingquan?

What he really wanted to ask was whether Li Qingquan could be trusted.

Things like what they are doing now can be said to be the biggest taboo in the world. Once it is leaked, no bones will be left.

Correspondingly, the key people in each link must be 100% trustworthy.

Li Qingquan was the person Lin Su chose. He could not question the credibility of this person, but he also could not know anything about Li Qingquan.

Lin Su told the truth...

Li Qingquan was the former prince of the Jin Dynasty. After the fall of the Jin Dynasty, he entered Da Cang and took the alias Mei Wudong, the sick young master...

He is Green Yi's brother...

The secret fragrance of the capital is controlled by Li Qingquan...

Just a few messages, everything is shocking...

Prince Chen actually knew about Mei Wudong. At least, he had heard of the name of the Fourth Young Master in the capital.

He was Lu Yi's elder brother, so King Chen was relieved.

Everyone in the world knows how Lin Su treats Lu Yi. Lu Yi's brother is naturally one of his own. This kind of blood and family ties cannot be cut off.

King Chen also knew about the hidden fragrance in the capital. He knew that the secret fragrance was originally controlled by the prince, but then suddenly broke away and was suspected of being snatched by an expert. He actually also suspected that it was Lin Su, but it was difficult to ask. Now Lin Su directly told He, the change of the secret fragrance that day was his single-handed operation.

Lin Su actually already has a deep foundation in the capital, and at least one mysterious underground force is completely under his control.

However, King Chen was also a man with deep feelings. As soon as he heard about Li Qingquan's true identity, he immediately had a new idea: What is Li Qingquan's purpose in helping me like this?

As soon as this question came out, the answer naturally emerged in Ge Xin's heart.


As the only inheritor of the Jin Dynasty royal family, to participate in such a major event, his goal must be to restore the country!

Lin Sudao: I promised him not to help him regain his country but to help him get revenge!

Help him get revenge, but don’t help him restore his country!

The gloom in King Chen’s heart disappeared instantly...

He was actually a little worried that Lin Su would make excessive demands on behalf of Li Qingquan, such as ceding four northern towns to the former prince of the Jin Dynasty. If such a request was made, he really didn't know whether he should agree to it.

Because once he agrees, there will be no essential difference between him and His Majesty sitting on the throne today.

Today's appointment is almost a replica of the Los Angeles Alliance.

However, if Lin Su made any request, he had to agree.

Now Lin Su clearly told him that he would only seek revenge and not regain his country, so that was no problem.

Okay, you can give him a clear reply. After the matter is completed, if he needs it, I will do my best to help him. If he needs people, he will give soldiers, if he needs soldiers, he will give him equipment, if he needs money, he will give money and food!

Except for the territory, everything else is fine!

Okay, Lin Su nodded: Let's talk about the specific matters of His Highness's visit to Beijing... First of all, let's make it clear that His Highness's visit to Beijing is top secret!

King Chen nodded slowly.

Yes, he had to keep it top secret!

The current situation in the world is too terrible. Your Majesty has become frightened. When all fronts are suffering successive setbacks, he already has the mentality that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go by mistake. Under the control of this mentality, although His Majesty believed from the bottom of his heart that Lin Su was the biggest threat to the throne, it did not prevent him from taking action against King Chen, a secondary scourge.

Meiling is no longer peaceful. In just two months, Ge Xin personally killed at least ten masters.

Although no real heavyweight master has appeared yet, there has been a master who can compete with her. She is actually very distressed. King Chen's secret visit to Beijing is definitely a clever move.

Because this move will hit His Majesty's target.

No one thought that King Chen would leave the geographically advantageous Meiling and enter the capital in the Longtan Tiger's Den.

It is indeed wonderful for His Highness to enter the capital. However, the situation in the capital is complicated. How to protect yourself when Your Highness enters the capital is a big problem. Ge Xin said the key link.

Yes, it is actually not difficult for King Chen to enter the capital invisibly. With Ge Xin's skills, escorting King Chen, as long as you use a little bit of thought in the route you choose, it is basically foolproof.

But what about after entering Beijing?

Who can guarantee that King Chen will not be assassinated?

You need to know that the capital is His Majesty’s base camp, and all kinds of masters will be there.

Literature, martial arts, spiritual practice...

Ge Xin is not a god. At best, she is only on the same level as Duan Xingtian, the commander of the Forbidden Palace.

When this question was raised, King Chen and Lin Su laughed at the same time...

Brother, I have a place, and obviously you have one too! King Chen said.

Lin Su nodded: Let's each write down the name of this place and see if you and I agree.


Two pieces of paper and two pens.

It's all ordinary pen and paper.

The two of them wrote a few words separately.

An Ye and Ge Xin picked up the paper written by their respective husbands with great interest and unfolded it at the same time.

Lin Su wrote three words: Lingyin Temple.

King Chen wrote four words: Lingyin returns his wish.

The four of them laughed at the same time.

Lingyin Temple!

This is where Lin Su and Chen Wang chose.

What does Lingyin mean by returning his wish? Lin Su said.

Ten years ago, my mother was critically ill, and my father sought medical advice from all over the place, but could not find any good medicine. The master of Lingyin Temple came to the palace to give my mother the Buddha's light and moisturize her body, and she became healthy. My father promised to choose an auspicious day, and Lingyin would fulfill his wish. This happened , everyone knew about it at the time. However, the palace suddenly changed and the trip failed to take place. If my itinerary is exposed, I can use this as an excuse to say that my father, the emperor, asked me to have a dream and fulfill my wish on my father's behalf.

Lin Su smiled: Your Highness has thought carefully, so it's settled!

He had to admit that King Chen was really thoughtful.

Although King Chen came to Beijing secretly, there is no airtight wall in the world. After he arrives at Lingyin Temple, he may not be able to hide it from everyone in the world. If his identity is still discovered, he must have a reasonable excuse.

And fulfilling his wish on behalf of his father is the best way to say it.

Because what the late emperor promised that day is something everyone knows.

As an emperor, he kept his word, but failed to fulfill his promise. There was no peace under the nine springs, and he asked his son to fulfill his wish on behalf of his father in a dream. Even if it was truly a ghost story, it was nonsense that everyone could accept.

And the benefits of making a wish go far beyond that.

To fulfill a wish, he was acting on behalf of his ancestors. It is human nature not to want to make public, which explains why he went to Beijing incognito.

Secondly, fulfilling the wishes of the ancestors is a private matter, and it is legitimate for him not to report it to His Majesty (His Majesty also issued an imperial edict in the early stage, allowing King Chen to enter Beijing at any time, and that edict also showed its effect at this time).

In the end, it is still a sacred thing to fulfill one's wishes on behalf of the late Emperor. Until this matter is settled, no one, not even His Majesty, has any reason to transfer King Chen out of Lingyin Temple. So, when King Chen comes to Beijing, are he afraid of being summoned by His Majesty?

To be honest, I'm really scared.

King Chen is currently the prince. Once the emperor summons you, you will have to go.

Have you gone?

In this hellish world, safety is really not guaranteed - there are too many ways.

If King Chen dies in the palace due to unknown reasons, or if he is not dead at the time but has something fatal implanted in him, what can you do to the emperor?

And this emperor can do anything.

But King Chen still blocked this loophole.

It is used to make wishes!

He could directly refuse His Majesty's summons. In this era, the ancestors are superior to all, and the former emperor is superior to the current emperor - at least in the minds of everyone.

King Chen wrote one more word than Lin Su's answer.

But don’t underestimate this word.

This word means that King Chen has thought very deeply. He has been preparing to go to Beijing for a long time, and his excuses are already tight...

Lin Su understood this, so he was relieved.

Brother, come with me! King Chen stood up.

Junior sister, let's go for a walk too! Ge Xin stretched out his hand to An Ye.

King Chen and Lin Su walked all the way to the top of Meiling.

Ge Xin and An Ye walked all the way to Meiyuan.

Both directions.

This is probably the only time in the past eight years that Ge Xin has not traveled with King Chen.

But she also knew that King Chen was not in danger because Lin Su was by his side, and the place where Lin Su was was a safe place.

It is shaded by plum trees and has late spring flowers blooming.

Ge Xin's eyes fell on An Ye's face: Junior sister, you have broken through and peered into the sky.

Yes! Senior sister, you also broke through the sky.

Do you know? When the prince and I were boating on Yichuan Lake last year, he said something that I still feel deeply about. He said that if he cannot escape, he hopes that I will not fight for him and remain useful. I used my force to peer into the sky, to avenge him and comfort the souls of the dead. Now that I have peered into the sky, the situation has changed drastically...

An Ye smiled softly: Yes, with my husband in charge, we will face the eternal blue sky.

You really have unreserved trust in your husband-in-law. Ge Xin smiled softly.

An Ye said: If I don't even trust my husband, who can I trust?

Some things are really ridiculous! Ge Xin said: My adoptive father said that day, among our group of disciples, only junior sister can reach the peak of martial arts, not because of your qualifications, but because of your calm mind. You have no worries, but now you have fallen into the mortal world, with your heart and eyes full of a man, and you look like a happy little woman.

An Ye chuckled: But I, a happy little woman, have made it all the way through the two natural chasms of Peeping the Sky and Peeping the Sky, and my progress is so fast that I can catch up with the amazingly talented and beautiful Senior Sister!

So, this is the incredible thing about martial arts...

The two of them walked side by side and came to the wall of the plum garden. On the wall of the plum garden was the Plum Snow written by Lin Su that day...

The plum blossoms and snow are fighting for the spring but they are not willing to fall. Sao Renge spends money to comment on the poems. The plum blossoms are three points less beautiful than the snow, but the snow loses the fragrance of the plum blossoms.

What does this poem mean? Ge Xin asked.

If senior sister hadn't asked this, I would have only read it as a talent. But when senior sister asked this, I think it has a new meaning. Plum snow competes for spring, beautiful spring scenery, beautiful rivers and mountains. Who is competing? Who decides the outcome?

Two women were chatting and laughing in the plum garden.

But on the top of Meiling, King Chen looked down at Meiling with a complicated expression.

Eight years! King Chen spat out three words.

Three words, extremely simple.

But these three words have a myriad of meanings.

For eight years, he lived in seclusion in Meiling. He was familiar with the falling flowers and flying flowers in this mountains and rivers. He was familiar with every time the north wind passed by...

He was drunk and dreaming, and he also had the world in his heart...

He also wanted to end the rest of his life, but he woke up again and again, faced with the torture deep in his heart, and sweated every time...

The hatred of parents, the hatred of family and country...

Eight years, among these mountains and rivers, may be just the time for a small tree to grow into adulthood, maybe it is just the time for a child to grow into adulthood, maybe it is just the time for plum blossoms to bloom eight times, maybe it is just the time for the Yangtze River water to flow into the East China Sea, and the waves to bloom. Rolling time, however, is undoubtedly an important part of life for a person. Lin Sudao.

King Chen's eyes slowly fell on his face: If, I only say if...if I can never see this mountain and river again, you bring my bones back here and bury them here! I don't want myself, Instead of staying in that dirty land, I would rather my soul stay in Yishui Beichuan forever.

I want to comfort you. There are no what-ifs in life, but I can't be sure that things in the world will go as I wish. If that day comes, I promise you! Lin Su said: The converse is also true. If I For now, let’s build a tomb for me here.”

Why the Cenotaph?

Lin Su smiled softly: Because I am a person. If I am alive, Yushu Linfeng is a must. If I die, there will probably be no bones left. Since it is quite difficult for you to find my arms and legs in the ruins, I will I won’t give you such a big problem, it’s okay if you have some clothes, but if you don’t even have any clothes, you can just bury it with wine beside the white clouds.”

King Chen shook his head gently: Although I haven't known you for a day or two, it's still hard for me to get used to using such a relaxed and funny style to explain my funeral affairs... There is also one thing that I should not forget, about my sister.

His sister...

He once said that if I am gone, he will take care of my sister for me.

As a wife, as a concubine, as a friend, please do as you please!

After a while in Prince Chen's Mansion, Lin Su and An Ye rose into the sky and flew to the north...

King Chen and Ge Xin stood up to see each other off. Next, they both have something to do...

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