Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 721 Clean up Yaowang Mountain first

Above the floating clouds, Lin Su was flying across the dark night.

With An Ye's ability, it was easy to cross thousands of miles, but she still liked her husband holding her like this.

Perhaps this is the nature of a little girl. No matter how high her cultivation level is, there is always a Fox Demon Xiaojiu living deep in her heart. The most important thing is that Lin Su gave her a reason: I am a scholar, and I am Wanli Xu. There is no need to waste true energy in crossing, only Wen Qi. Wen Qi is essentially borrowed. If you don't borrow it, it will be in vain. If you borrow it, it will be in vain. If you borrow it in vain, why not borrow it?

This reason is very powerful!

So, An Ye, the super strongman who had just broken through the realm of peering into the sky and gained a B, put away his desire to penetrate the sky, and was carried across the void by her husband.

An Ye raised her head in Xianggong's arms, sighing secretly in her heart, Xianggong is so handsome, and then started to ask the real question...

“Is Lingyin Temple really safe?”

King Chen and Lin Su wrote down a place name at the same time, which closely matched Lingyin Temple.

What King Chen focused on was to have an excuse in case he was exposed.

Where is Lin Su? His focus was obviously on safety.

Does Lingyin Temple have such a high safety factor?

Lin Su smiled: In my dictionary, there are really few safe places in the world, but Lingyin Temple is undoubtedly relatively safe.


Divided into three levels, each level reveals a safe interpretation...

On the first level, Lingyin Temple is a Buddhist sect, and most people don’t dare to be presumptuous. This is the sense of security in the eyes of ordinary people.

On the second level, the master of Lingyin Temple has an unpredictable level of cultivation, which is a sense of security in the eyes of practitioners.

On the third level, Lingyin Temple is the incarnation of Master Zhishan, a generation of eminent monks from a thousand years ago. The sound of the Buddhist bell once shook the people of Xiangtianfadi off the cliff, vomited blood and escaped (Su Rong did not break through Xiangtianfadi at that time, But it can be equated with the general Xiangtianfadi). This is the sense of security in the eyes of those in the know.

Therefore, in Lin Su's dictionary, if there is any safe place in the world, Lingyin Temple is undoubtedly the first choice.

After listening to Lin Su's narration, An Ye opened his eyes wide: Master of the Supreme Good?

You also know the highest good?

An Ye breathed out softly: The Supreme Master is a peerless eminent monk who has not appeared in Buddhism for thousands of years. His cultivation has reached the Great Vajra Realm. You probably don't quite understand what the 'Great Vajra Realm' is. People can stand up to the saints who have become saints through Taoism, and they will not fall behind at all...

Lin Su's heart was pounding...

For the first time, he glimpsed the background of the flower demon in the mansion...

The flower demon in the mansion fought with the Supreme Master for thirteen years, with no outcome, and finally forced the Supreme Master to transform into a Buddhist temple and use a powerful blow, which resulted in the loss of both sides.

Then, he had a rough idea of ​​the flower demon's realm.

Holy level!

She is a demon saint!

No wonder she was able to kill the Red Fox Demon Emperor with a twig when her cultivation had not recovered at all.

No wonder when she mentioned her glorious record, she looked like she would rather die.

Compared to her heyday, killing the Demon Emperor was really not a great achievement but a shame.

Oh my god, there is actually a demon saint hiding in my house. It is an existence of the same level as the monsters in the blood coffin. It is a super powerful force that forces the Buddhist power to reach nirvana.

Such a powerful demon clan, I have always kept him as a pet...

If she had a physical body, I would almost become her cheap husband...

With endless fantasies, Lin Su flew over Quzhou, flew over Chuzhou, and arrived in Dongzhou...

An Ye looked at her husband: Sir, have you strayed from the direction? This is not the way to the capital.

We are not going to the capital! Lin Su smiled softly, with a somewhat mysterious smile.

Where to go?

Yaowang Mountain!

An Ye was shocked...

Although she did not return for a long time, only about twenty days, and the retreat time accounted for half a month, she did not understand the situation. Even if she did not understand, with Sister Chen, Lu Yi and the others here, She also dug into Lin Su's situation in the past two years.

What she knew was not limited to how many women Lin had found.

She focused on Lin Su's enemies.

She knows Yaowang Mountain!

Yaowang Mountain is a force that has been hostile to Lin Su for a long time!

Yaowang Mountain is different from the Bishui Sect. Although the Bishui Sect had a small friction with Lin, overall, they were very gentle. Zhang Yiyu was caught between them. The two parties could be said to be hostile, or the relationship could be said to be complicated.

But Yaowang Mountain is not, Yaowang Mountain is a proper enemy.

The kind that has already been torn apart.

If possible, Yaowang Mountain would directly kill Lin Su's family without any reason.

If possible, Lin Su could directly destroy the entire Yaowang Mountain sect without any reason.

And today, is it the battle to destroy the sect?

No! Today is not a battle to destroy the sect. Even with the strength of the two of us, we can't destroy Yaowang Mountain. Lin Su gave her a clear answer.

Then what are we going to do?

Lin Sudao: There is a more vivid metaphor... When enjoying a big meal, no one likes a group of blowflies circling around you!

An Ye frowned: What does enjoying a big meal mean?

The sword points at the Nine-Five Supreme! It's a sumptuous meal!

An Ye's eyes flashed: The blowfly is Yaowang Mountain! Are you going to draw a line for them so that they don't get involved in this matter?


Lin Su has been planning for many years regarding the matter of the Sword Pointing to the Nine-Five Supreme.

After all the plans have been exhausted, there is only one real goal.

He didn't want the plan to grow in stragglers; he wanted to cut them off.

Yaowang Mountain is obviously a possible branch of this grand plan.

Therefore, before he can take action, he needs to break this wing first.

If anyone knew that Lin Su, the person Yaowangshan tried so hard to kill, did not stay far away from Yaowangshan, but instead took the initiative to send him to his door, they would definitely think that he was crazy...

Even An Ye, who was full of confidence, was secretly afraid of this trip.

My husband is a man of literati. He doesn't understand the cruelty of spiritual practice, nor the taboos of spiritual practice, so he just shows up at his door like this? Set foot on the opponent's base camp?

Is it too crazy?

However, this is the nature of Dark Night, she is not afraid of any danger.

Moreover, she also trusted her husband.

Then go for it!

To the north of Dongzhou, there are thousands of miles of fertile land!

These fertile fields are planted with medicinal materials.

Because here is the sphere of influence of Yaowang Mountain, the land of Dongzhou, half of the state's medicinal materials, half of the state's efforts are devoted to the expenses of one sect, this is the current situation of Dongzhou.

This is also His Majesty’s feedback to Yaowang Mountain.

Yaowangshan has been standing behind His Majesty for a long time, providing him with both visible and invisible resources and assistance. His Majesty is willing to do so, not to mention half a state, even a single state.

Yaowang Mountain has received His Majesty's approval, so it is natural that he can dig three feet into the ground.

The people are oppressed by Yaowang Mountain, and they are in dire straits, but no one cares. Anyway, there are not many other things in this world, there are many people, and when there is life, they work hard to plant medicine in Yaowang Mountain. When people's lives are gone, they just throw them away. Enter the medicinal field and turn into fertilizer, year after year, generation after generation...

The two of them flew high in the sky, crossing thousands of miles, with undulating mountains in front of them. At this time of year, azaleas were blooming all over the mountains, and the tops of the mountains were in bloom, creating a strange appearance where the mountains were like a fairyland and the plains were desolate.

There is a deep valley in front, with high mountains on both sides as a screen. On the high mountain on the left, three characters are engraved by a long sword: Yaowang Mountain.

A stone archway below was also struck by a long sword. Even though it has been a historic site for hundreds of years, it still has a strong sword energy.

Three disciples dressed in white stand on the arch. They are the people guarding the gate of Yaowang Mountain.

With a shout, two figures descended from the sky and landed on the arch. The strong wind stirred up shook the three disciples far away...

Lin Su raised his head and spoke slowly: Haining Lin Su made a special trip to visit Yaowang Mountain. The master of Yaowang Mountain, Su Yuanshan, came out to meet him!

This sentence was by no means loud, but it instantly covered the eighty-one peaks around it.

Echoes roared in the valley...

Su Yuanshan, the sect leader of Yaowang Mountain, came out to meet...

Come out and see...

As soon as I see you...see you...

The three disciples who were inexplicably knocked back in front were just about to yell and draw their swords, but when they suddenly heard these words, they were all stunned.

Yaowang Mountain is not an ordinary place, it is a mountain that joins the world. It is even said that its purpose is to join the world. The deeper you join the world, the more you understand the world, the more secrets you participate in, and the more important you get.

Therefore, its disciples are not practitioners who only know how to practice, but human spirits.

They live far away in Dongzhou, and may not know much about the people and things in Da Cang, but in any case, they do not include Haining Linsu!

Lin Su has always been Yaowangshan's opponent.

Even Yaowangshan wants to get rid of people from top to bottom.

Now, this spiritual genius and literary and Taoist master who had only heard of his name but never met him made a special trip to visit him. Suddenly, a thousand waves were stirred up...

All the mountain peaks were shaken.

All the elders were shocked.

The sect leader's peak and the sect leader's practice room were like a flash of lightning sweeping across the sky. The sect leader Su Yuanshan suddenly opened his eyes, with murderous intent and surprise in his eyes...

On the side of the sect's main peak is a high mountain covered with rhododendrons. There is a cave inside, hidden behind a waterfall.

The waterfall suddenly stirred up ripples and parted with a chirp...

Inside, a woman sitting cross-legged and meditating opened her eyes, and her eyes were filled with light...

The moment her eyes lit up, the waterfall outside suddenly stopped flowing. The next moment, she walked out of the cave and stepped into the sky. As she took this step, the azaleas all over the mountain turned into butterflies at the same time, flying up and down...

The Saint is gone! A disciple shouted softly on another mountain peak.

Yes, she is Saint Su Rong.

Su Rong only has half a month to go back to the mountain!

I left the mountain two months ago and returned half a month ago.

When I came out of the mountain, I was in high spirits and full of passion as I wanted to pick off Lin's head on the way back.

But when I returned to the mountain, I entered the Holy Maiden Peak directly and saw no one.

The disciples had also been talking about it. Could it be that the saint's coming out of the mountain did not go well again?

Only Su Rong and the sect master knew that this time was not going well.

She is quite unlucky!

Very unsatisfactory!

She and Yinlong, two literary men who set out at the same time, gathered the power of three masters and vowed to take the melon seeds from Lin's head. However, Lin Su did not take the ordinary path at all, and huddled in the Lin family for more than a month and refused to go out.

Can't you move if you stay in the Lin family?

In fact, Su Rong wanted to press him to the ground and rub him directly at the Lin family, but the two literary people were old and very cautious. They said that the Lin family's situation was unclear and there might be some formation. It was not appropriate to do it at the Lin family to avoid causing trouble and causing harm. A clever plan to kill with one blow.

So the battlefield of life and death was set in Nanshan.

They started their layout in Nanshan, waiting for the Nanshan magistrate to step in...

During this waiting process, Lin Su, the prefect of Nanshan, played with his daughter-in-law in Haining, admired the flowers of late spring, hugged and teased the little niece, and had a great time. In late spring, I slowly celebrated the Qingming Festival, and then slowly set foot on the Nanshan Road. This slow pace makes people quite impatient to wait.

However, after he stepped into Nanshan, his painting style changed suddenly.

The pace is unimaginably fast.

He met two literary elders immediately, killed Li Qinghan immediately, and killed everyone except Du Yuanfeng immediately. The killing speed of the three of them was so fast that they had no chance to start, and they were already changed beyond recognition... …

I don’t know how Li Qinghan was killed, and it is still a mystery to this day.

He used the excuse of Li Qinghan's murder to cleanse Du Yuanfeng's heart. Almost everyone knew that it was impossible for Du Yuanfeng to kill Li Qinghan, but this is the depressing thing about the matter. He directly ignored the crime of Li Qinghan's murder and transferred the crime to all parties. In the mountain tragedy, when it came to this tragedy, Du Yuanfeng completed a miraculous transformation. He was not framed, but had irrefutable evidence.

As a result, before the trio even started to cooperate, two people were killed.

Su Rong was left naked.

Su Rong inspired the arrogance of the practicing genius and faced him directly.

At this meeting, Su Rong was once again trampled to the point of doubting her life...

The Dao Essence Flower inspired by Su Rong at the critical moment of life and death and regarded as a legendary level of cultivation could not defeat him at all.

Instead, Su Rong was cut off by the nasty village girl with a pair of scissors. Don't underestimate the loss of this petal. It took Su Rong half a month to recover.

That wasn't what she was most angry about.

There were two things that made her most angry. First, she was insulted face to face for the first time in her life. Lin Su told her face to face in an extremely contemptuous tone: I have known for a long time that you are Su Rong, the saint of Yaowang Mountain. Our relationship is purely for use of you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not using you for anything else, just because you’re stupid.

Secondly, what the hateful village girl said: If a small garden is not repaired, it will become overgrown with weeds, and if a person does not repair it, he will not know how to advance or retreat... Then he brought up her broken scissors and really repaired her once.

If Su Rong were a male, she might be the eighteenth generation ancestor of these two people...

Now, this bitch who has been punished even 800 times, the most bastard in the world, has actually come to Yaowang Mountain. If I don’t trample you to the point of doubting your life this time, I will not be the saint of Yaowang Mountain!

As soon as Su Rong took a step forward, she went!

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