Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 722 Sword of Nirvana

When Su Rong left, she was like a rainbow in a sea of ​​flowers.

One step landed on the mountain gate, and the momentum was as high as the sun.

The three lost disciples suddenly found a backbone, and at the same time they bowed and called to the Saint.

Su Rong's eyes did not fall on them, but locked firmly on Lin Su: Do you really dare to come?

Lin Su smiled faintly: Why don't you dare?

If you dare to come to Yaowang Mountain, I will teach you what a lesson is! Su Rong's whole body was filled with real energy, and the surrounding flowers and trees were motionless at the same time, as if they were frozen in the wind.

Lin Su sighed: It seems that Yaogu is right. Some people just don't know how to advance or retreat if they don't fix it! Wife, fix her!

As soon as these words were spoken, the dark night suddenly stepped out.

One moment, she was a quiet and loving bird next to Lin Su.

At this moment, her hair was flying like a demon.

With just one step, Su Rong's eyes suddenly fell on her face...

She didn't see Dark Night at all before, or there was no Dark Night in her eyes at all, but now, there is only one person in her eyes, and that is Dark Night...

An Ye smiled coldly at her, the sword light floating in his eyes...


The sword comes out!

The speed of this sword cannot be described in words!

The power of this sword is not obvious at all!

Su Rong knew what was good, and her heart was suddenly shocked. She moved her hand, and a strange crescent knife appeared. The moon shook, and thousands of ripples appeared...


The sword light cuts into the ripples, like a sword cutting through clear water...

Stirring up thousands of ripples...

With a bang, Su Rong fell back a hundred feet...

The mountain gate beneath her turned into powder, and half of the mountain behind her was reduced to ashes!

Lin Su's eyes brightened.

The dark night is indeed still a dark night!

Although she had just broken into the sky, theoretically she could only compete with the low-level Xiang Tian Fa Di, and she could not be the opponent of Su Rong, the genius Xiang Tian Fa Di.

However, she has made up for the shortcomings of the Peeping Sky Realm, and she is already a completely reborn Peeping Sky Realm.

Her attack completely exceeded Lin Su's expectations. In terms of the power of this attack alone, even Lin Su at this moment could not match her.

In terms of combat power alone, Su Rong was not as good as Lin Su, and naturally not as good as An Ye who was cheating.

With just one blow, Su Rong was defeated.

Su Rong was shocked and angry when she retreated.

Her eyebrows raised, and a big tree rose from the back of her head, covering half of the sky. On top of the big tree, a Dao flower swayed. This is already her strongest cultivation method, the Mitian Kung Fu combined with her Dao Essence Flower!

An unpredictable avenue of mystery comes from the sky.

The smoke and dust that just flew up hovered in the air.

The whole world is filled with a vicissitudes of ancient energy.

An Ye's expression also changed.

She felt threatened!

An Ye's hair suddenly stopped flowing, and her eyes looked desolate...

The wind blew out of her eyes...

Just like the north wind blowing across the earth, bringing with it a sense of death and destruction...

The space created by Su Rong was torn apart by the north wind, and a wisp of cold wind penetrated her soul realm and penetrated directly into her heart.

What is this? Su Rong shouted, full of disbelief.

The Sword of Nirvana! An Ye said word by word: Return! To! Nirvana! Destruction!

As soon as these four words fell, Su Rong's Yuan Shen tree withered inch by inch, and Su Rong's beauty faded.

Just when her soul was about to be swallowed by the Sword of Nirvana, her Dao Essence Flower shined brightly, and with a bang, Su Rong flew far away. This time she flew even further, flying three hundred feet, with heavy weight. The ground hit a mountain.

Half of the mountain peak behind her was knocked away, and Su Rong seemed to have no feeling.

The entire valley was in a mess, and Su Rong didn't seem to see it.

She was in a frenzy, tossing and turning with only one unbelievable thought: Am I defeated again?

I am defeated when I meet him!

When I meet the woman next to him, I still lose! Whether it's a village girl pruning flowers or a swordsman who doesn't even hold a sword...

Am I really useless?

Am I not good enough for cultivation at all?

With this thought, Su Rongdao's heart has become dusty...

On the contrary, Lin Su was filled with joy...

The Sword of Annihilation was used by An Ye once.

That move was the result of her triggering all the inspiration for kendo.

To be precise, only half a move.

Although it was only half a move, Lin Su was still moved, because this half-move sword technique was full of the artistic conception of annihilation. Nirvana is also one of the rules. The rule of annihilation is an extremely terrifying rule. Very few masters in the Source Heaven Realm have it. Someone can touch it.

Dark night touched.

She only used half a move that day, but was unable to continue due to her weak foundation in practice. But at that moment, she had already bloomed the eternal light of her sword.

If the script continues according to the normal script, An Ye will fall into a bottleneck in swordsmanship. She will recall this moment of youth and her perfect swordsmanship for the rest of her life - because this half-sword is the highest achievement of her swordsmanship and cannot be copied.

However, a magical elixir changed her.

Regret Wu Dan!

This elixir gave An Ye a chance to return, giving her a chance to make up for the missed martial arts foundation.

This made up for it, An Ye's mind was clear, and the most touching swordsmanship of Annihilation, after half a month of retreat, it truly turned into a unique skill that she could use at any time.

The first blow out of seclusion shattered Su Rong's Taoist heart.

Lin Su looked at Su Rong, whose face was ashen and whose eyes were wild. There were signs that any words he said at this moment would push Su Rong forward a big step towards the dangerous path of Taoist collapse...

However, a voice came from the sky...

I, Su Yuanshan, would like to welcome Qinglian's first grandmaster to the peak for a talk!

Lin Su raised his eyes and shot up to the sky.

Dark Night's body is like running water, following it up.

Su Rong's feet shook, and the scarred mountain peak collapsed, and she soared into the sky.

The next moment, Lin Su landed on the sect's main peak.

In front of it is a red pavilion on the top of a mountain. In the red pavilion, an elegant old man of about fifty or sixty years old with an immortal spirit stands standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky.

This gaze slowly lowered and fixed on Lin Su's face. A smile slowly appeared on the old man's face: Grandmaster Lin, please!

Lin Su stretched out his hand, grabbed An Ye's hand, and the two of them entered the red pavilion.

The wind beside the old man stirred slightly, and Su Rong appeared. After a moment of flying in the air, the dark clouds on Su Rong's face disappeared, and there was no wind or waves, just like still water.

Lin Su glanced over her face as beautiful as a spring flower, and he couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart. Saint Su Rong was really an extraordinary person. She had just suffered a heavy setback, but she could regain her composure at this moment. It seemed that she was really trying to destroy her Taoist heart. It's not easy.

Su Rong is a very special person.

With Ye Lian's Dharma Skin protecting her body, she can't be killed at all.

It was not even appropriate for Lin Su to really push her to the point of life and death - he was afraid that she would give birth to the Great Heart Flower and the Great Divine Flower of her ancestor Ye Lian.

The only thing he can do is destroy her Taoist heart.

Taoist heart is a very mysterious thing. It is similar to Wenxin. If Taoist heart is covered with dust, it is difficult for a practitioner to make any progress.

The Taoist heart has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation. It does not mean that the higher the cultivation level of a practitioner, the firmer the Taoist heart. Some people have cultivated to the source heaven realm, even one step away from the legendary holy realm, and put their Taoist heart on their own. Some people are ruined, and some people are at a very low level, but their Taoist heart is as iron as stone, and they can withstand any blow.

What kind of fool is Su Rong?

She is neither of the above types.

It is not certain how strong her Taoist heart is. Every time she is hit, she shows signs of collapse.

But turning her back, she figured it out again.

No longer broken, the whole person is clear.

A person with this kind of trait is a wise person, a free and easy person, and a person with great potential for cultivation. There are signs that it would be difficult for Lin Su to destroy her Taoist heart and interrupt her cultivation process.

He wondered about Su Rong.

Su Yuanshan was trying to figure him out.

Su Yuanshan was interested in this Da Cang Zhuang Yuan Lang, this Qing Lian's first grandmaster. His earliest interest was that he had a dispute with His Highness the Crown Prince.

At that time, Su Yuanshan naturally thought of the image of the No. 1 Scholar with disheveled hair and crying on the street. There were many literati who were suppressed. The final image was like this. They were proud of their talents and resented under the pressure from all directions. The injustice of fate manifests itself in the nervousness of the streets, where children throw stones and play with it.

However, Lin Su walked farther and farther, beyond his prediction step by step, and finally stepped into the supreme realm of Qinglian's first master.

One night, the prince sent him a message: Lin Su should be eliminated.

He suddenly realized that one day he would have an encounter with this person...

Next, he sent his most proud disciple, Su Rong, down the mountain. In addition to carrying out the mission assigned by the prince, he also had another mission: to get rid of Lin Su.

It was from this moment on that the intersection between Lin Su and Yaowang Shan officially began...

Su Rong was defeated in the first battle, and Yaowang Mountain suffered heavy losses...

Su Rong was defeated for the second time, Yaowangshan was involved in Wujianmen's revenge, the great elders were all dead, and there was a high probability that Yaowangtang in the world would be empty...

Su Rong went down the mountain for the third time. In theory, she shouldn't have lost again, but she still lost...

If the previous two failures were anything to go by, this time, all the wise men in Yaowang Mountain were confused. They didn't even know how they were defeated.

At present, they have not yet formulated the latest plan. Lin Su turned against customers and came to the door...

Su Yuanshan's inner emotions turned into water and flowed through his heart, and he said a very polite sentence: Grandmaster Lin sets foot on Yaowang Mountain, and the walls are shining brightly. Please sit down!

Lin Su nodded and sat down opposite Su Yuanshan.

An Ye stood behind him. Although Su Rong tried hard to calm down her inner emotions, she still felt a sense of oppression from her body. Su Rong also stood behind Su Yuanshan.

The two people on the opposite side are both masters.

In the entire Yaowang Mountain, no one can rival him except himself and his master.

It is dangerous for Master to meet these two people alone.

So, she had to be there too.

Two against two, at least they can't suffer the immediate loss.

Su Yuanshan also sat down.

He raised his finger and pointed at the teapot next to him. The teapot sizzled. In a moment, the water was boiling. He lifted the teapot. The tea leaves on the shelf behind him were lifted up like a pair of invisible hands and fell into the cup. The boiling water washed them down. , the fragrance is overflowing.

As soon as he dropped the teapot, two cups filled with fragrant tea passed through the air and landed in front of Lin Su and An Ye.

This is Yaowang Mountain's unique Yaofeng cloud. You two may wish to taste it. Su Yuanshan said with a smile.

An Ye felt embarrassed for the first time...

She is not afraid of others drawing their swords.

She is a little afraid of being polite.

If you think about the things in Yaowang Mountain with your toes, you will know that they cannot be easily eaten.

However, when someone politely offers you fragrant tea, how can you refuse?

Lin Su smiled slightly, flicked his hand, and sent the two cups of fragrant tea back along the way.

He raised his hand, and two silver pots appeared in his palm, the Lin family's top wine, Supreme Baiyunbian.

He and An Ye share a pot.

And he also said: Sect Master, please don't misunderstand me. I don't drink your tea, not because I am afraid that your tea is poisonous, but because I simply look down on your taste in Yaowangshan!

The words were spoken with a smile.

The first half has an obvious explanation intention.

But with the second half added on, the wine bottle I picked up in the dark night suddenly felt a little hot...

Oh my God!

My husband, are you too subversive?

Do you simply look down on Yaowangshan’s taste?

Who in the world dares to look down on the taste of a great immortal sect? Even if you really despise someone from the bottom of your heart, you are probably the first person in history to say it to someone's face and slap someone in the face so unabashedly.

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