Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 723 Limited time mountain closure

An Ye felt embarrassed.

Su Rong felt insulted.

Su Yuanshan is naturally the same, but he is old and mature. Even if he is angry, he is firmly suppressed in his heart. His face remains calm and he says calmly: Grandmaster Lin is a master of literature and art. He should know the etiquette. However, when we meet today, I am so impressed. There was an accident.

The words were gentle, but the accusation was also serious.

He just pointed out that Lin Su was disrespectful.

Lin Su smiled: Rituals are used to determine relatives and distance, resolve suspicions, distinguish similarities and differences, and clarify right and wrong. Even if there is a sense of justice as a giver, there is also the respect of a recipient. Why do you and I, Yaowang Mountain, need to be obedient to each other?

One sentence is extremely sharp.

In one sentence, all the trump cards are revealed.

Etiquette is performed on those who deserve respect. You, Yaowangshan, are not worthy of respect at all.

Etiquette is also performed when intimacy and distance are uncertain, and similarities and differences are difficult to distinguish. But now that you and I are hostile, everyone clearly understands it, so why should we violate it?

Even though Su Yuanshan has been practicing for hundreds of years, he has long been able to express his emotions and anger, but at this moment, he is also angry. He said in a deep voice: Grandmaster Lin's hostility towards our sect is really not concealed at all.

My personality has always been like this. When facing an old farmer who has his feet on the earth and is worthy of the sky, I will have a full degree of respect. But when facing those sects that disrupt the government and bring harm to the world, why should I show half a degree of respect?

Su Yuanshan's face suddenly sank: It disrupts the situation of the court and brings harm to the world. Are you referring to me, Yaowang Mountain, by your words?

Isn't it true that the sect leader asked knowingly? Lin Su raised his eyes from the edge of the silver pot in his palm.

Su Yuanshan said angrily: Since the establishment of Yaowangshan School, it has been our mission to help the world, the country, and the people...

Forgive it! Lin Su interrupted with a gentle wave of his hand: I'm afraid you even think this slogan of the sect master is ridiculous! Why use it to taint your ears and mine?

A few wisps of black energy rose on Su Yuanshan's face, and he forced himself to calm down...

Lin Su picked up the silver pot and took a sip: When people are born, it is rare to see spring and snow, but everyone is inevitably vulgar. When the Immortal Sect is established, let alone helping the world and the people, you and I both know what the Immortal Sect is. ! Regarding what you did at Yaowang Mountain, I have already clearly understood that you want to use the power of the imperial power to strengthen the sect. In fact, which immortal sect in the world is not like this? I, Lin Su, don’t bother to pay attention to these facts. I can’t even pay attention to it.”

As soon as these words came out, things took a turn for the worse.

Although both sides' trump cards were completely revealed, the smell of gunpowder in the air became much lighter.

Su Yuanshan took a deep breath: So, Grandmaster Lin went to Yaowang Mountain today, why did he come?

Lin Sudao: A few words to the sect leader!

Grandmaster Lin please!

These three sentences are really not pleasant to hear, but Yaowang Mountain is named after medicine. You should know that there is a common saying in the world: Good medicine is bitter in the mouth and is good for the disease; loyal words are hard on the ears and good for action.

An Ye has the urge to touch his forehead. This is the rhythm of scolding someone. If you want to scold someone, do you need to get their authorization first? And if you say this, people must give you this authorization!

You little rascal is really not afraid of pissing people off!

Su Rong was not stupid, she bit her teeth directly.

Of course, Su Yuanshan was not stupid. He suppressed his anger and said, Grandmaster Lin, please!

Lin Su then put down the wine bottle and began: First sentence: You Yaowangshan lacks self-awareness!...

It was indeed a scolding!

But his subsequent explanation is irrefutable...

The original words are very eloquent, and the extracted meaning is as follows:

Do you think the DPRK is so easy to get involved with? Do you think it’s so easy to stand in line? Don't you think about it, how many people are involved in the fight for reserves? Don’t you take a look at who the parties involved are? Is His Majesty the Emperor an ordinary person? Is the third prince an ordinary person? Are court officials ordinary people? Is Wujianmen an ordinary force? To put it bluntly, among all the forces participating in the competition, you Yaowangshan are the weakest link. No matter what the final outcome is, you are all cannon fodder. I really don’t know where you Yaowangshan got the courage to interfere with this. Damn it, you guys are just stupid...

Su Yuanshan's eyelids twitched slightly, and his heart was full of emotions. He was angry, depressed, but also faintly frightened...

Lin Su glanced at his face and stretched out a second finger: The first sentence is a matter of mentality, and the second sentence is a matter of vision. In such a fierce and cruel competition, even half a step wrong is a problem. It’s a disaster, and you are more than half a step wrong? You are fundamentally wrong! You have chosen the wrong person!”

Su Rong's eyes suddenly raised...

Regardless of whether others admit it or not, at least she admits it...

Yaowang Mountain was really the wrong choice!

Because they were competing for the crown prince, and they chose the prince!

And the prince is dead!

No matter how many reasons there were for choosing the prince at the beginning, the death of the prince now means that Yaowangshan made the wrong choice.

But Su Yuanshan's expression was very mysterious. He raised his eyes, and there was a little more confidence in his eyes: Grandmaster Lin is referring to His Royal Highness?

Lin Su stared at him with a playful look in his eyes: I know what you want to say. You want to say that the one you chose is not the prince at all, but the current majesty from beginning to end. This choice is not wrong, is it?

This sentence cleared up Su Rong's doubts! Yes, when the prince died, she immediately contacted the master and told him the bad news. How did the master reply to her? Don’t worry, I, Yaowangshan, support the current His Majesty! The prince's death, although it was a big event, could not shake the foundation of Yaowang Mountain.

What does Grandmaster Lin have to say about this? Su Yuanshan basically returned to normal.

Lin Sudao: From your point of view, it is not wrong to choose His Majesty. However, when looking at problems, you cannot just look at the insteps. When analyzing things, you cannot use static thinking, but dynamic analysis! Your Majesty is here, and you, Yaowangshan It seems like you are safe and sound, but what will happen if His Majesty dies?

Su Yuanshan's eyelids started to twitch again...

This is what worries him the most!

Yaowangshan has participated in the fight for the crown prince for many years, obviously siding with the prince, but in fact siding with his majesty.

He thinks he is very smart. Regardless of whether the prince rises to power in the future, Yaowang Mountain will remain in an invincible position.

However, things took a turn for the worse.

The prince died immediately.

The third prince became the crown prince.

Yao Wangshan did too many things for the prince, and his conflict with the third prince was completely irreconcilable.

Once the third prince succeeds to the throne in the future, will Yaowang Mountain be able to do well?

This is static and dynamic thinking. Although he did not understand these two special terms, he naturally understood the meaning of Lin Su's words...

Lin Su was worried that he didn't understand, so he added an explanation: You Yaowangshan have been too hasty in recent years, and your enmity with the third prince has been too deep. Although it seems safe for you to bet on both the prince and his majesty at the same time. , However, you missed a fatal key point. In the past few years of fighting, you have gained the hatred of the third prince, and you have completely forced the third prince to the Wujianmen. Even if the third prince can let you go in Yaowangshan, the person behind him Wujianmen will definitely get rid of you and then quickly. You need to know that Wujianmen is on the path of cultivation. People on different paths can complement each other, but people on the same path can only compete!

Analyze the long list.

Su Yuanshan's back was sweating, but he raised his eyes and remained firm: Your Majesty is still Your Majesty! And His Majesty is in good health, so he may not necessarily collapse before the Crown Prince...

This is very taboo, because it involves the emperor's life and death.

However, he couldn't care less at the moment, he had to give himself this comfort.

Lin Su smiled: So your IQ is simply not able to control such a complicated situation... There are two things you need to understand!

Su Yuanshan was humiliated by him again, but Su Yuanshan didn't care and could only answer: Please!

Did you know that the third prince is about to take over the East Palace?

I know! Su Yuanshan breathed out, feeling helpless. Naturally, he was unwilling to let the third prince enter the East Palace, but could he stop him?

When the third prince enters the East Palace, no matter how much help comes from behind, it is ultimately decided by His Majesty. Why doesn't His Majesty stop him or even push it? Doesn't he know the grudge between the third prince and you Yaowangshan? Doesn't he know that once The Third Prince has become the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, and your Yaowang Mountain will be wiped out? There is only one reason, the emperor’s thoughts! The emperor’s thoughts are not on your mountain. What he is looking at is the billions of miles of mountains and rivers in the sky. No matter how good your friendship with him is Deep, no matter how much you pay for him, you can never replace the position of any prince in his heart. You are just his pawn, and the prince is his son! Dear!

What did Su Yuanshan say about this matter?


He actually understood it already!

Ever since he learned the news that the third prince had entered the East Palace, he had taken action. A certain concubine in the palace had expressed opposition in front of His Majesty, but what did His Majesty say? After giving the imperial concubine a lesson, if the third prince does not enter the East Palace, who will? In the vast country, there must be a prince! Don’t mention the idea of ​​a woman again!

From then on, this incident brought chills to Shiwang Mountain. At this moment, Lin Suchi tore it open, sprinkled it with salt and rubbed it.

Lin Su has a second thing to say...

His voice was lowered: You said that His Majesty is in good health. Maybe the Third Prince is gone, but he is still there. Theoretically, you are right, but you should not forget another thing!

What's the matter?

The late emperor eight years ago was also in good health. It looked like he had at least several decades to live, but why did he suddenly die?... There are some things that you can do, but people from Wujianmen may not be able to do it. Can't do it!

This sentence was very soft, so soft that no fifth person could hear it.

However, these words were as heavy as a mountain, making everyone present feel their hearts tremble.

Eight years ago, the emperor in the Purple Gold Pavilion killed the emperor, and there were black gold bones under the Sun and Moon Mausoleum!

How the late emperor died has become the biggest taboo.

Because of this greeting that day, the Tianji Dao Sect was uprooted.

Dozens of officials were killed that day because of this speech.

Because of this incident that day, six major families were wiped out...

Lin Su suddenly said you can do it, these four words made Su Yuanshan's whole body tense. Could it be that the person in front of him knew the details of the regicide case? Otherwise, why should the target be directed at Yaowang Mountain?

If it were just these four words, Su Yuanshan would have to defend himself immediately.

However, he also said something later, which made Su Yuanshan's mind fly to nine days away...

He bets on His Majesty and thinks that he has nothing to worry about. There is one basic point, that is, His Majesty is alive!

However, can His Majesty really survive today?

The third prince is now the only one among all the princes who can succeed to the throne.

However, the emperor is not dead, he only has the qualifications to inherit, he cannot become the real emperor!

What would the third prince think?

What do you think of supporting the third prince through the endless mountains and rivers?

They will not be satisfied with a dong palace!

It's just an east palace. Government orders cannot leave the capital, they can't act in a public way, they are restricted in every aspect, and they are always on guard against the person sitting above them. How can they realize their grand plans and great achievements?

There is only one way!

Get rid of His Majesty!

After His Majesty's death, the third prince, the only one qualified to succeed, successfully ascended the throne!

And is it possible to get rid of His Majesty?

Yaowang Mountain was able to do it eight years ago, but Wujianmen, which is far more profound than Yaowang Mountain, can't do it?

Lin Su said that when he went up the mountain today, he would only give three words to Yaowang Mountain.

I have said two things so far. One is that Yaowangshan has no self-awareness. As the weakest link, he has to participate in the most complicated game. Another sentence is that Yaowangshan has no vision and made the wrong choice.

As soon as these two words came out, Su Yuanshan collapsed.

Because all his uneasiness was amplified by Lin Su.

All his hidden worries have become highly likely possibilities with Lin Su.

All his bases collapsed.

The head of a dignified sect is actually at a loss...

Lin Su stretched out his hand and took away the silver wine bottle he carried with him: Sect Master Su, do you have one last sentence? Do you want to hear it?

Su Yuanshan woke up from a dream: Grandmaster Lin, please!

Lin Sudao: The third sentence is a piece of advice! Your Yaowangshan theory is not enough to turn things around with your strength, and your theory with wisdom is not enough to game the world. If you participate blindly, the more you do, the more mistakes you make, so, Lin’s advice is: Close the mountain for now! Stop all activities outside the mountain before next year’s Spring Festival!”

Close the mountain!

Immortal Sect seals the mountain!

As soon as Lin Su's words came out, Su Yuanshan and Su Rong were shocked. They knew what the concept of Xianzong's sealing of the mountain was. As long as the mountain was sealed, it meant that Yaowang Mountain had completely withdrawn from the secular world.

From the date of the closure of the mountain, Yaowang Mountain will be removed from the world of spiritual practice. Even if there is a great spiritual practice event, you will not be notified.

This force exists in name only.

This is the tragedy of cultivation second only to the entire family being wiped out.

Therefore, the sealing of mountains in the cultivation world is limited to the biggest crisis. For example, Li Yunhe defeated the Immortal Sect thousands of years ago to seal the mountains. For example, the Jianmen sealing the mountains is an alternative to force majeure. If the mountain is not sealed, the sect will be destroyed. Such a choice would be made under certain circumstances.

But now, Lin Su came alone and left three words. One of them was to let Yaowang Mountain be closed.

How can you agree to this?

Absolutely impossible!

Su Yuanshan's eyes were full of murderous intent...

Lin Su stood up slowly: Advice is just advice. It's up to you whether you want to listen or not. Wife, let's go!

Pulling An Ye's hand, the two of them flew up into the sky and disappeared outside the sky...

The two disappeared completely.

On the main peak of Yaowang Mountain, Su Yuanshan and Su Rong looked up at the same time, and both saw the complicated emotions in each other's eyes...

Master, what should I do? Although Su Rong is known as the brain trust of Yaowang Mountain, she was at a loss about what happened today. It wasn't that she couldn't understand Lin Su's three sentences. On the contrary, she understood it very well. Because she understood, she realized the seriousness of the situation.

As he said, Xianzong is most afraid of choosing the wrong person when taking sides.

But now, Yaowang Mountain really made the wrong choice.

It was wrong for the prince to die.

At that time, she also found comfort from her master that the emperor was still there.

However, this comfort was stripped to pieces by Lin Su in a few words...

Just because the emperor is here now, doesn’t mean he will be here again in the future!

Even if the emperor is here now, it does not mean that he will always protect Yaowangshan. When he chose the third prince to enter the East Palace, he clearly told Yaowangshan that your weight in Yaowangshan is not that important. I cannot sacrifice myself to protect you. The third prince has a bright future.

Yaowang Mountain was abandoned!

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