Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 731: Heart-cleansing in Prince Ping’s Mansion

Prince Ping had a private meeting with someone and was accidentally bumped into by Lin Su and others. This person had a strange fragrance. Even though Zhang Haoran claimed to know all about flowers and plants, this was the first time he smelled it.

Outside the Lixian Pavilion of Prince Ping's Mansion, there is a demon clan flower growing. Most humans don't recognize this kind of flower, but Lin Su knows it! Where did you know him from? The three hundred years of Li Lao at Lingnan University were too boring. There were more than twenty rooms filled with all kinds of strange knowledge, including knowledge about various flowers, with maps and introductions.

Lin Su walked around his room, focusing on the demons and monsters, and naturally knew about the various exotic flowers and plants of the monsters.

Manluo's flower is the flower of the demon clan. It is everywhere in the demon clan's holy land. It is not surprising at all, but it will die as soon as it leaves the holy land. It is very difficult to cultivate it in the outside world. Therefore, Lin Su had never seen this flower with her own eyes in the world.

The question arises, why does Prince Ping have to cultivate this kind of demon clan flower in his palace? You need to know that this flower itself is not particularly beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to grow and requires huge investment.

Therefore, ordinary people would not spend such a large amount of money just to grow a few flowers that have no practical significance and are not even beautiful.

The third prince is not a playboy.

Although he spends money like water, he will spend it wisely.

Competing with the prince requires money everywhere. He will only complain about the lack of money, but not the abundance of money.

So, it is a bit of a thought to spend blood on a flower that has no practical significance.

Could it be a cover-up?

To cover up his association with a mysterious figure?

The strange fragrance of this mysterious figure cannot be concealed. Any time the third prince meets him, the fragrance will inevitably be leaked, and interested people and special people may pay attention to it.

However, if such a strange flower was planted in the third prince's house, it would not arouse suspicion.

Is the purpose of this row of Manluo's existence just to deceive others?

No one would have thought that Lin Su would think so deeply in front of a row of flowers and trees the first time he stepped into Prince Ping's Mansion.

No one would have thought that Lin Su's focus was not on trees.

He was paying attention to the two guard leaders outside Lixian Pavilion, and the two maids who served them tea, water and snacks...

However, these attentions will never be felt by the people being paid attention to...

Outside the pavilion, there is a flower path.

Someone is coming in stride.

When Lin Su and others looked up, they saw the high-spirited face of the third prince and Du Qing who was following him.

The third prince walked like a dragon and a tiger, walking with wind, which brought the young man's vitality to a new level. He strode onto the Lixian Pavilion with a smile on his face.

Lin Su and others stood up and bowed slightly: His Royal Highness Prince Ping!

The third prince returned the greeting: How lucky are you that five great scholars are here together? Please sit down, please sit down!

Arriving at the main seat, after the third prince took his seat, all the great scholars also took their seats.


Two maids, one on the left and one on the right, held up the tray and served the fragrant tea.

Everything is in harmony.

The third prince smiled: All the great scholars are here today. I wonder if you have any advice.

Although he was talking about all the great scholars, his eyes were only on one person, Lin Su.

Lin Su raised his head and said, I'm here because of Deng Hongbo's affairs.

One sentence to get to the point.

Of course the third prince had already guessed it, but there was still a bit of surprise on his face: I have just heard about Deng Hongbo. This man has been thrown into the heavenly prison by his father. You don't go to the Golden Palace or the Punishment Department, but There seems to be something wrong with going to my palace...

Lin Sudao: Your Highness, does he know that 'it is necessary to tie the bell to untie it'?

The third prince frowned: What does Grandmaster Lin mean?

Lin Sudao: Deng Hongbo's crime was to 'frame His Highness'! He said that His Highness colluded with the Wujian Sect. His Majesty was furious and had him thrown into prison. Lin and five other people came to the door today just to question His Highness face to face about this crime. Is it really true?

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere inside and outside the pavilion changed instantly.

The third prince's face suddenly darkened: Master Lin, according to Da Cang's national law, to taint the prince's innocence without any evidence is a crime of beheading and confiscating his family. If you want to overturn the case for Deng Hongbo, please go directly to the Ministry of Punishment!

With his anger, the majesty of having held a high position for a long time suddenly burst out. Outside the Lixian Pavilion, the trays in the hands of several maids shook...

But Lin Su looked at it like a breeze and smiled faintly: Dacang's national law, to taint the prince's innocence without evidence is indeed to behead his head and confiscate his family. However, His Highness Prince Ping... Only without evidence can you accuse someone of being innocent. If there is evidence, but so what?

Du Qing's back suddenly felt cold.

If there is no evidence, someone will be innocent, but if there is evidence?

Could it be said that he really has evidence in his hands? What kind of evidence?

This is troublesome.

Ordinary people would not be able to obtain irrefutable proof of the third prince's relationship with Wujianmen, but how could the person in front of him be an ordinary person?

The third prince's face was ashen: If you have ironclad evidence, you might as well send it to the Ministry of Punishment! If you don't have ironclad evidence, I hope...

There is no irrefutable proof! Lin Su interrupted directly.

This interruption was quite rude, but no one in front of me cared.

Du Qing's whole body was shocked, as long as there was nothing in front of him...

However, Lin Su added: However, since you have come to Prince Ping's Mansion, you can always get the irrefutable proof... you!

He pointed a finger directly at the maid in front of him...

Everyone's eyes are focused on this woman...

Du Qing's heart skipped a beat because he saw the maid's eyes, which were very dull. Oh my god, this was a sign that the culture had cleansed her heart. No...

Before he could react.

Lin Su said in a deep voice: Are you from Wujian Sect?


Ask in one sentence, answer in one word!

With just this sentence, the situation has turned upside down!

The third prince's whole body was shaken, and his royal seal pierced through the air: What a brave bitch, framed in front of his face...

King's Seal!

The power is second only to the East Palace Treasure Seal, and is equivalent to the first-grade official seal!

A first-grade official seal can kill the demon emperor, and can kill elephants, heaven and earth!

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the third prince to use his royal seal, because if the royal seal is moved, the situation will become extremely serious. But now, he does not dare to wait, he is afraid that Lin Su will continue to ask...

Only the first time to control the situation!

However, there was another thing they didn't expect!

Lin Su raised his hand, and a piece of gold paper rose into the air...

In the Jin Dynasty, there was a bright moon at Dacang Pass, and the people who marched thousands of miles have not returned, but the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and they will not teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountains!

Above his head, a Great Wall suddenly appeared, a silver Great Wall.

With a bang, Wang Yin collided with the Great Wall, and cracks appeared in the Great Wall, but Wang Yin also flew away...

Golden and silver light swept across Prince Ping's Mansion, the rockery collapsed, and the west tower turned into dust silently...

Everyone in the palace moved together...

Zhang Haoran and other four people started writing Out of the Fortress together. The four golden papers broke through the air at the same time, turning into four new Great Walls, and merged into the silver Great Wall in the sky...

This Great Wall is the ultimate protection formed by Lin Su's peerless battle Qingshi Out of the Fortress. With this protection, it can block the power of the King's Seal. Coupled with the help of the four great scholars, the Great Wall is like a steel fortress.

Lin Su! The third prince roared angrily, and the king's seal was placed even larger...

His Royal Highness Prince Ping! Lin Su said coldly: Your royal seal is not enough to break through my Qingshi protection. You might as well let the Wujian Sect master in your house try it!

If Lin Su hadn't said this, maybe a few people who appeared in secret would actually take action.

However, as soon as he said these words, Du Qing's face was as dark as water, the third prince's face was as dark as water, and the several masters who appeared in the dark all froze. They can form a combined force. With a joint attack, they can hope to defeat this devil. Qing Shi's protection, but in this way, it was completely exposed!

No one can afford the risk of exposure.

In a royal palace, a large group of people of the same level as heaven, law and earth suddenly appeared, which was shocking to the world.

Moreover, people who are like heaven, law and earth have a path of cultivation. As long as they are willing to check, they can find out a lot of things...

While they were hesitating, Lin Su had already accomplished what he wanted to accomplish...

The two chief guards outside the pavilion just now, the two maids inside the pavilion just now...

Lin Su had long been controlled by Lin Su's literate mind-cleansing method, and he confessed with dull eyes...

They are all Wujianmen!

The length of time between them and the third prince can be five years, and the short time is three years!

The third prince knew their identities.

There are many people from Wujianmen in the mansion...

All it takes is these three pieces of information to prove that the three princes colluded with Wujianmen!

The palace seemed quiet.

Because the royal seal has been collected.

Lin Su's protective city has been collected.

The masters who were secretly guarding had already left their weapons.

But, it just seems...

The atmosphere was extremely depressing, and the third prince stared at Lin Su with a livid face...

The hearts of everyone in Lin Su's team all accelerated.

They knew that Lin Su entered the palace today to find evidence.

They imagined that Lin Su would use all his six senses to search for various evidence chains, and then leave the house to tell them what he had discovered.

Unexpectedly, things progressed completely differently from what they expected.

Lin Su used a method that no visitor would use. It could even be said to be the simplest and crudest method in the world. He caught a maid and asked her directly: Are you a Wujianmen?

King Ping made a decisive decision, broke his face and offered his royal seal.

Lin Su directly waved his hand to block the king's seal, and under the king's seal, he performed a cultural cleansing on the four people.

No one would use this method.

Because this method is too rough and rude, the consequences will be to turn against someone face to face and directly use the strongest means to attack.

But Lin Su used it!

A person who is famous for his wisdom and wisdom used the most low-end trick today.

However, the results have come out and their goal has been achieved!

The third prince’s friendship with Wujianmen is irrefutable!

It has been fully recorded by the official seal!

But they didn't know why, but their hearts still felt cold, especially when they saw the third prince's not particularly broken state, they vaguely felt that the matter was not over yet...

The third prince slowly sat down, slowly lifted the tea cup on the table, and slowly said: Grandmaster Lin is really decisive in his actions.

The word juejue has infinite meaning.

Lin Su smiled: This is not called decisiveness, it is just simple things to be done easily!

The third prince also smiled: Do you think this matter is simple?

Sorry, Lin thinks it is really simple! Lin Su said: Your Highness, please don't forget that I only entered the palace today to rescue Deng Hongbo.

Grandmaster Lin thinks that this will save him? The third prince's eyes were half-squinted.

His crime is fundamentally wrong. What reason does Your Majesty have for not letting him out of the prison?

For a moment, I have to admit that you, Grandmaster Lin, saved him! But Grandmaster Lin should know that a person's life is not only about the present, but also about the unpredictable future!

Everyone was shocked.

Although the words are very general, the third prince's meaning is clear and everyone can understand it...

This time, Deng Hongbo was able to escape, but the general trend was still with the third prince.

He will be in charge of the East Palace, and he will be the king of a country.

He will have to settle accounts in the future.

Including Deng Hongbo, including the five people currently standing in front of him!

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