Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 732 The man in the painting takes action tonight

Lin Su smiled: Your Highness is referring to the fact that you will enter the East Palace and become the Lord of the Blue Sky in the future. By that time, we will all be liquidated by you, right?

The third prince did not answer, and it was not convenient for him to answer, but his eyes clearly pointed in this direction.

Lin Sudao: Unfortunately, Your Highness, your path has changed. Your distance from the East Palace is not as close as you imagined.

The third prince sneered: Based on the so-called ironclad evidence you obtained today?


You might as well present this irrefutable proof to your father! The third prince smiled lightly, with a leisurely expression.

Zhang Haoran and others thought at the same time, could it be said that this irrefutable evidence is not so lethal to the third prince?

Why does he look so confident?

Lin Su slowly raised the official seal in his hand: Although the prince's friendship with Wujianmen is a minefield, your majesty has already known about your friendship, so you bet that if I present this evidence to the emperor, your majesty will not change his original intention. Is it?


Lin Su smiled: Since the evidence is presented to His Majesty, it is difficult to change it, so I will change the method, but what if it is revealed?

The third prince's expression suddenly changed!


Ordinary people would never be able to do such a decisive thing. To expose the most secret things involving the royal family's children is a heavy blow to the reputation of the imperial power and majesty of the royal family. No one dares to be so decisive.

But the person in front of me is not an ordinary person.

It's not like he has never done such shitty things before.

One of them happened to involve his third prince. On that day, the third prince brought the pills given by his father to Princess Yufeng. Lin Su saw through it on the spot and made a warning.

Good guy, that performance caused the royal family to endure a storm. My father didn't have a good sleep for three days and three nights, and he, the third prince who was famous in the capital, was beaten back for the crime of murdering Princess Yufeng. manor.

That was the first real setback in his life!

How could he not remember it so vividly?

Fortunately, he helped his father hold the vat that time. His father felt indebted to him, so he took care of him.

It can be said that he was burdened by the memorial that time, which was obviously a humiliation, but secretly received special care from his father, and the gains were even greater than the losses.

But this time is different!

This time he colluded with Wujianmen not to support his father.

If it is played secretly, it is foreseeable that the father, for the sake of having no one at his knees, and the East Palace must have a master, takes things lightly and takes them lightly. After all, being friends with Jianghu forces is not a problem in the eyes of the father. The father himself did this, and the prince did the same thing. What big deal could he do?

But Ming Xue is different.

Mingzou is known to all officials in the world.

What will those court officials do?

The court officials on Zhang Juzheng's side will attack him in groups with great righteousness.

The court officials on my side have no excuse.

The trend of the court has changed dramatically. The East Palace reserve position that I originally had no suspense about suddenly became a matter of suspense...

For a moment, the third prince's back was covered in cold sweat...

Lin Su stood up slowly: Now here's the problem. When the five of us leave the palace, we will immediately tell your majesty that if you want to retain your position without causing trouble, the only way is to summon the masters in your palace to kill us. Silence me! Your Highness Prince Ping... what choice will you make?

Your Highness Prince Ping, what choice will you make?

Lin Su's voice was not loud, but it covered the entire palace!

The wind and thunder in the palace are faint, like the eye of a storm is forming!

However, Prince Ping's face was as serious as iron, and the clothes on his body did not float up. The guards paid close attention to his reaction, but he did not react at all. After a shocking blow, the suppression of the palace and Prince Ping's anger failed in the end. It turned into a decisive blow.

Lin Su laughed: Let's go...

Take a stride.

On both sides of the passage, there are guards like clouds!

Although the sky in the palace is clear and clear, it is extremely oppressive!

Lin Su strode through this passage and arrived at the gate of the palace. He slowly turned back and stared at a thin man in green clothes behind him. He glanced twice, then turned around, and the five of them arrived outside the palace together.

After coming out of the palace, Zhang Haoran and others seemed to have taken off their heavy winter clothes and put on light summer clothes...

This is a feeling of relief in my bones...

Lin Su's eyes moved over: Brothers, how did Deng Hongbo write the memorial he presented that day?

Zhang Haoran exhaled: The third prince, Ji Yan, does not cultivate the behavior of a prince, does not accumulate the virtues of the palace, colludes with the Wujian Sect, brings disaster to the courtiers, and brings evil to the world. He is a person of no virtue and no conduct, and is not worthy of the throne of the East Palace. Please remove him. King, banished to Ruzhou.

Lin Su nodded: It's very well written, copy it!

The official seal in his hand flashed: Lin Su, Zhang Haoran, Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, and Qiu Mochi jointly signed a memorial to Your Majesty...

The official seals of all officials in the world were shaken...

When everyone saw it, they were shocked...

Zhang Juzheng's eyes widened as he looked at the lines of text flowing on the official seal, and his mouth opened wide, Fuck! The voice was very soft, but Mr. Xuezheng of Wenyuan Pavilion who was very close to him heard it clearly. Mr. Xuezheng's eyes widened. Oh my god, I seemed to hear a word coming from the mouth of the great scholar, but I must have heard wrong. It is absolutely impossible for a dignified bachelor to say such vulgar words...

Lu Tiancong stared at the words on the official seal, and his long beard stopped fluttering for an instant.

There was a knock on the door, just a knock. Before Lu Tiancong could let him in, the knocker came in by himself. It was Lu Tiancong's confidant, Nangong Pushe.

Master Prime Minister, have you ever seen... Nangong Pushe's voice stopped suddenly because he saw the official seal on the Prime Minister's hand, and the Prime Minister had already seen it.

Exactly the same as Deng Hongbo's memorial! Lu Tian regained his official seal and returned to normal.

Exactly! The lower official also noticed it! Nangong Pushe was very excited: This is a provocation! With his talent, it is extremely simple to write a memorial to himself, but he chose not to write it himself. He chose to copy Deng Hongbo's !This is……

Lu Tiancong raised his hand to interrupt!

Lu Tiancong understood what he wanted to say.

With Lin Su's talent, he can excel in anything.

Even if it is a memorial, his memorial is still outstanding.

However, today he copied Deng Hongbo's memorial.

Don't change a word.

This is provocation, this is sarcasm, this is also a declaration of war!

He just wanted to tell everyone nakedly that based on this memorial from Deng Hongbo, you sent him to prison, imprisoned his family members, and sold them to others. I did exactly the same thing as him, and you are on my side. Try it!

His Majesty, who is deep in the palace, looks ashen!

In Da Cang's officialdom, there are few outstanding achievements.

Although there is no limit to the official seal's expressive function, as long as the official's head is clear, no one dares to use it easily.

Only Lin Su used it three times.

The first time, the case of poisoning Princess Yufeng. The second chapter, a shocking case in Dragon City.

This is the third time!

Lin Su's three outings were each difficult. This time, His Majesty once again felt the dilemma...

If the prince is still there, your majesty can really depose the third prince, because your majesty is really unhappy about the third prince's friendship with the Wujian sect, and he also ordered the suppression of the Wujian sect.

The suppression at that time was real and not an act, because Wujianmen was suspected of stealing his secret fragrance, and was on the opposite side of Yaowangshan. Yaowangshan was obviously the prince's power, but secretly it was his majesty's power. How could it be tolerated? Is Wujianmen causing trouble?

Therefore, he suppressed the Wujianmen he could find in the capital.

He also knew the relationship between the third prince and Wujianmen.

However, things have changed drastically now.

The prince is dead. There is no successor to such a huge country. Even though the third prince does not take advantage of him in some aspects, he is still the only candidate for the prince. He has to turn a blind eye to this country.

What's more, he just negotiated a deal with Wujianmen...

Wujianmen turned enemies into friends and became his power...

Therefore, the third prince's collusion with the Wujianmen was nothing in the heart of his majesty. If it was done secretly, he would not be able to make any waves in his heart.

The problem is Mingzou!

Mingzou is in big trouble!

The courtiers don't know His Majesty's thoughts. They only know that a prince who colludes with Jianghu forces is not suitable to be a prince, and there are laws to follow. For details, see Zongzhengfa...

A storm is about to arise in the court, and this gust of wind cannot be suppressed...

His Majesty raised his eyes and slowly crossed the window lattice...

Falling on an ancient painting.

In this painting, an old man looks up at the vast starry sky...

This son should be eliminated!

Five words, blowing in the wind.

The ancient painting swayed gently, and the old man in it slowly lowered his head. In the night wind, it looked infinitely weird...


Two words were sent back.


Lin Su and the other five people immediately set off a storm in the capital.

All officials received it.

Everyone was shocked.

The officials in the third prince's camp were very excited and went around the department to discuss urgently with people who were on the same road. They had a hunch that memorials against the third prince would be flying all over the place.

Sure enough, after only half an hour of silence, the Zhongshu Provincial Memorial Hall began to receive memorials...

Zuo Junyu, the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel...

Yang Yuqing, the right minister of the Ministry of War...

The right minister, the third in command of the department, is often the target of exclusion.

Censor Zhou Zhang...

Censor Li Fang...

Censor He Min...

As a censor, he is the kind who must keep up with him whenever something happens, and his only meal is impeachment.

Sanping County Magistrate Lin Jialiang...

Beichuan County Magistrate Zeng Shigui...

After receiving the memorial from the two county magistrates, Lu Tiancong became angry and threw the memorial away: How outrageous! Two Sesame Mung Bean officials thousands of miles away dare to follow suit and impeach!

Before the roar could be silenced, several more memorials flew in...

Lu Tian's face turned green when he looked at it. Just now he thought his official was a junior official, but this time he was a senior official...

Zhang Juzheng!

Chen Geng!

The memorial sent by the two first-rank officials was only a copy, and it was clearly marked, and the original was given to Zongzheng Temple.

Holy shit!

Zongzheng Temple is the place where the laws of the dynasty are established. If you stab it with a spear, it will turn the world upside down!

If His Majesty feels provocation, what the Prime Minister feels is troublesome, what the Third Prince feels is crisis!

The second time he challenged Lin Su face to face, he also learned about Lin Su's methods again. Lin Su was good at finding skills in impossible situations!

As a prince, he originally had no suspense when he entered the East Palace. However, when Lin Su arrived at his Prince Ping's Mansion, for half an hour, he suddenly opened a gap in the East Palace where there was no suspense.

Du Qing's face turned pale and his eyes were confused. This wise man's state of always having wisdom no longer existed. Perhaps what happened before him was unexpected, leaving him confused for a moment. Or perhaps facing Lin Su, He has deep-seated unconfidence...

The third prince's superiority was revealed.

Du Qing was at a loss, but his master calmed down.

After drinking a cup of tea, the third prince slowly raised his head and looked at the four lost Wujian disciples in front of him: You guys, leave the house immediately and leave the capital for a long flight. You are not allowed to appear within a thousand miles of the capital until the overall situation is determined.

Yes! The four of them bowed at the same time, retreated at the same time, and disappeared at the same time!

Du Qing, how will this king deal with you? The third prince looked over.

Du Qing bowed slightly: This is a crucial step to cut off the chain of ironclad evidence. It must be taken. However, Qing is not sure whether Thief Lin has any plans.

Of course he knew the meaning of the third prince's move...

The third prince colluded with the Wujian Sect. These four people were witnesses. Although their testimonies were obtained, these words were only said by these four people and not by the third prince himself (Lin Su was not yet capable of directly confronting those who held the royal seal. The third prince's literary education cleanses his heart), thus leaving a space for justification.

The third prince can deny it!

He can claim that he actually does not know the identities of these four people!

He didn't know anything about it!

Although he was responsible for the oversight, and although it was difficult for him to clear away the suspicion of being acquainted with the Wujianmen, they still had the possibility to clear away the suspicion as long as the right to speak was in their hands.

Even if it is difficult, even if there are twists and turns, even if there will be stains in the end, the road to the East Palace cannot be closed just now.

To achieve this, the first priority is to send these four witnesses far away from the capital, and from now on they will not be in the public eye. As long as these four people do not fall into the hands of the other party, and the other party does not get more detailed evidence, the third prince will Will never admit it.

This is the third prince!

He acts resolutely and resolutely, but he also has the tendency to never turn back!

But if there is hope, we must go all out!

Facing Du Qing's hesitation, the third prince frowned: What are you saying behind your words? What kind of behind-the-scenes words?

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