Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 734 A unique killer move in the millennium literary world

A new genre?


All four people were shocked...

I call it news! Lin Su said: Everyone go away, and soon you will understand the power of it!

The four people left the restaurant with their worldview subverted, but also with their respective missions.

Lin Su slowly walked to the window and looked at the starry sky thousands of miles away...

Everyone in this world knows the news.

They also know how impactful the news is to those in power.

But in this different world, there is no news, only the Dibao. The so-called Dibao is an official report. The official report has a strong will of the superiors. What can be reported and what cannot be reported, and only officials can see it.

Ordinary people have no way to see it. Even if they can see it by chance, it will only be the part that the official is willing to let them see.

Therefore, they did not have the opportunity to understand officialdom.

Some people may have a memory of exposure to official circles - the Hundreds of Sins created by Lin Su. He asked the remnant guards to plaster the Hundreds of Sins all over the streets. Overnight, Zhang Wenyuan became notorious and dignified. The Minister of War was dismissed from his post and stepped into the trap that Lin Su had already dug.

The one hundred crimes committed that time had a hint of news.

But it's not really news yet.

Because the identity of the publisher is doubtful, the method is a bit underhanded, the credibility is not very high, and it is difficult to be considered elegant.

Although it has various disadvantages, its power once made Lu Tiancong and other high-ranking officials shiver down their backs, because it was the first time they had seen the power of this kind of public opinion war, and it was the first time they knew that some people who usually didn't care at all By publishing small things to the public, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

They were worried that Lin Su would use the same method to deal with them.

Today, Lin Su's tone has been clear, and he wants to use this method.

But the person he chose was no longer the princes of the court, the person he chose was the Ninth Five Supreme Being!

Facing the Ninth Five Supreme Being is not that easy...

He needs to choose a good entry point, he needs to hit the ground running, he needs to think carefully...

The night at the end of April is cool.

The stars in late April are clear.

The capital has become quiet.

There was a faint sound of silk and bamboo, but it was also very soft...

Lin Su sat in front of the window for a long time, and a bunch of complicated things gradually became clear...

At this moment, he suddenly felt sensitively that the night was getting quieter, so quiet that there was no sound...

Why is it so quiet?

Lin Su suddenly raised his head, and the familiar window outside the window had changed drastically!

There are no more streets in the night, no more inns opposite, no more distant Bailu Mountain, and no more stars in the sky.

The sky is an eerie blue.

The desks in his room were originally real objects, but at this moment they turned into paintings. Not only these things, but also his sleeves, which he accidentally glimpsed, turned into paintings, and even his hands were also paintings.

If anyone else sees this scene, they will definitely think they have seen a ghost. Yes, everything in this small space seems to have been painted on. Lin Su, a living person, has no trace of a living person at this moment. , he became a portrait in this world...

In the painting, an old man strolled towards Lin Su, slowly zooming in in front of Lin Su. As he walked forward step by step, everything around the old man was torn apart like paper, and then disappeared strangely. It's like an eraser, erasing everything in the painting.

When he arrived in front of Lin Su, he raised his hand and gently tore it apart. What he tore was Lin Su!

Lin Su's clothes had been torn apart, but the old man suddenly stopped, because at this moment, Lin Su seemed to escape from the painting. He was no longer a painting, but a human being. Once he became a human being, he could not tear it apart.

The old man was stunned.

Lin Su's eyes opened.

The two looked at each other quietly.

The top quality literary spirit worked, didn't it? the old man's voice sounded, echoing strangely in the world of painting.

It seems so!

The first grandmaster of Qinglian is indeed extraordinary!

Lin Sudao: Master of the Hidden Dragon Sect, right?

The old man didn't speak...

Lin Sudao: I heard that you lived for a thousand years?


I heard that ordinary people can't kill you?

You can't kill extraordinary people! The old man smiled lightly.

I want to try it! Lin Su slowly raised his head.

You should first think of a way to get out of this literary world, instead of thinking of something you can't do. The old man raised his hand gently, and suddenly layers of layers surrounded Lin Su, like a painting suddenly rolled up. .

In this volume, heaven and earth become an axis!

I call myself the king of this volume and this space!

However, Lin Su's finger suddenly stretched out and hissed!

The rolled-up scroll was divided into two, and Lin Su stepped out of the painting space...

The old man's expression suddenly changed: This is...

Suddenly, a silver light flashed between Lin Su's eyebrows, piercing the sky, and a silver moon appeared in the void...

As soon as the silver moon came out, the entire sky changed color. The original weird blue turned into a silver moon world.

The old man was moved: The poem Man Jiang Hong handed down from generation to generation by Zhan Qing!


The silver moon sets and the old man splits into two!

The painting space created by the old man has disappeared without a trace...

The inn reappeared, the streets returned, and the starlight fell on Lin Su's handsome face, reflecting his unique and heroic spirit in his elegance...

However, there was no trace of pride on Lin Su's face.

His brows even furrowed.

Because the old man who was divided into two parts reunited and stood quietly in front of him...

What an amazing talent, I really admire him! The old man had a strange look on his face. His admiration was genuine.

As the leader of the Hidden Dragon Sect, he never made a mistake as long as he made a move, but tonight he missed a move.

Although this move is only for an instant.

But the message conveyed is shocking...

The literary world of the Yinlong Sect Master is the painting world, but it is completely different from the ordinary painting world.

The difference is that the direction is reversed.

For ordinary painting geniuses, turning reality into reality is the highest state. For example, in the autumn water painting screen, if the fish she painted can swim out of the painting, it will be transformed into reality. If the fish has spirituality, she will have reached the level of her paintings. The highest achievement of Tao.

The ultimate achievement of Hua Dao is probably this.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that there is another direction for painting.

The painting of the Hidden Dragon Sect Master goes in another direction. How? He can turn the real world into a painting!

The real table enters the painting world and turns into a painting.

The real house enters the painting world and turns into a painting.

People of flesh and blood enter the painting world and become paintings.

This painting has deviated from the direction envisaged by Painting Sanctuary. Therefore, his painting is not painting in essence, but a killing technique!

Think about it, real people enter the painting world and become ignorant paintings, and people die.

In the thousand-year time span of the Hidden Dragon Sect, there were few exceptions.

However, Lin Su reversed course when he had turned into a painting!

This reversal is almost impossible!

There was only one situation that could create this spectacle, and that was the special ability of the top-notch Wenxin. Therefore, the Hidden Dragon Sect Master immediately concluded that Lin Su had the legendary level of top-grade Wenxin.

If this incident shocked him.

The bigger shock was that Lin Su gently waved his hand and directly tore his painting world apart.

The Hidden Dragon Sect Master is only half a step away from the quasi-sage, and his literary world is almost equivalent to the weaker quasi-sage world.

Who in the world can gently raise his hand and come out?

He couldn't think of anyone in the whole world - even a master of the Yuantian realm on the spiritual path, who would definitely not think of his literary world so lightly.

You are quite admirable! Lin Su said: Because you have proved with your actual actions that you are indeed not easy to kill.

It's not that it's not easy! It's that it's impossible! the sect master corrected, mentioning this proud skill, the sect master regained his confidence.

Is it really impossible? Lin Su stared at him coldly.

Ha ha……

The sect master looked up and smiled: Over the past thousand years, there have been many people who have been confused like this, but they all have to admit in the end that I am immortal. As long as I am immortal, the people I want to kill will eventually die. This is just the first time. This is still the second time. I hope you will perform well next time. By the way, from now on, you'd better not sleep, lest you give me an opportunity to take advantage of it, haha...

His laughter gradually faded away, and there seemed to be infinite space between him and Lin Su...

Under Lin Su's eyes, he was drifting away...

Wait a moment!

When these three words came, the sect leader stopped, and the distance between him and Lin Su was no longer wide...

Lin Su said slowly: As the leader of the Hidden Dragon Sect, it is your duty to work for the emperor, but do you still remember what kind of explanation was given to you when you first took office?

First term? Ji Sheng? The sect leader asked in five words.

You call the first king by his first name without any respect. Lin seems to have guessed your answer! Lin Su said.

No need to guess! I can tell you my answer clearly! The sect master said: The Hidden Dragon is only loyal to the current king, not to the predecessor! This is the Hidden Dragon Iron Rule!

Lin Su sighed softly: I sympathize with you!

Sympathy? Haha... The sect master smiled and laughed.

Ordinary people say they are loyal to their current king, which is foolish loyalty, but it also means respectability. But you are different. You have lived for a thousand years and experienced seventy-two generations of kings. The seventy-two generations of kings have different personalities. , as the king of this generation, you will definitely betray the king you were loyal to in the past. Your life is in the name of loyalty, but in fact, betrayal is the normal state of your life. If you are a woman, you are not even as good as a free-spirited bitch; if you It’s a dog, and this dog is also quite characterless.”

A scolding, full of joy, so mean, and humiliating to the bone!

The sect leader's face was filled with dark clouds, and he stared at Lin Su: Are you trying to taint my Wen Xin with this dirty trick?

Haha, you are thinking too much! You are a thousand-year-old dog, and your Wen Xin is already filthy. How can you make your Wen Xin even more filthy? Lin Su said coldly: I'm just telling you, you were originally still filthy. There is a glimmer of hope to survive, because you yourself have closed the door to your life with your own hands!

Then just wait for Grandmaster Lin's amazing hand!

Silently, the space opened and closed, the sound of paper clattered, and the old man disappeared.

Lin Su stood in front of the window for a long time, then slowly turned back and reached the bedside. Suddenly, he looked back. The moment he looked back, a smile bloomed on his face...

Found me again! Zhou Mei's voice came from the darkness: It seems that you are really familiar with me. That song 'Heart has a clear connection' that writes about all the love affairs in the world just refers to me. Anyway, The vague connection you had with the dark night back then has changed in nature and is no longer this kind of connection with poetry...

Damn! In such a tense situation, you actually came over overnight to tease me? Lin Su was so surprised.

Fart! If you want to tease me, you are teasing me, oh, you are not allowed to tease me... Zhou Mei corrected with a blushing face.

Bang, Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead: I firmly agree with what you said. The situation tonight is special. We have agreed not to tease each other, speak serious words, and do serious things... How are you doing there? Already?

Four people came out of Prince Ping's Mansion, and three were killed. The remaining one's body was gone, and one soul was taken away by the fake nun from your Banshan residence. It is expected that after an interrogation, there will be a lot of things. If you want to do it, I came here overnight. I really didn’t do it to tease you. I just suddenly remembered something and I had to tell you...

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