Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 735 Ring the Shocking Emperor Bell Again


Zhou Mei said: Beware of that person!


The subject of the day!

Zhou Mei said every word!

Because she is anxious!

She was in the Yangtze River that day and was almost torn in half like a painting. If she hadn't reacted so quickly, she would have died. If he hadn't rescued her in time, she wouldn't have survived.

This encounter was the most thrilling in her life.

Now she had to remind Lin Su.


Because Lin Su did another big thing today that angered His Majesty!

As soon as this incident came out, His Majesty was furious and might send that mysterious master to specifically target Lin Su.

This thing suddenly occurred to her, and she rushed over as soon as she thought of it. Her heart almost skipped a beat all the way, for fear of seeing Lin Su split into two halves. Fortunately, nothing was abnormal, but she still did not dare to be negligent. Send him a reminder quickly...

Lin Su smiled...

As soon as her smile appeared, Zhou Meihui misunderstood: Don't take it seriously, this person...

This person has already been here!

Zhou Mei jumped up suddenly...

Don't worry! Lin Su said: He is here and there is nothing he can do to me!

Zhou Mei's face changed: His incredible methods have no effect on you... on you?

You don't understand things in the literary world! Lin Su said: Although he can't do anything to me, the threat to others is still too great. After dawn, I have to fight back!

How to fight back?

kill him!

Do you know where he is? Zhou Mei's eyes lit up.

Probably know!

You probably know it, but you have to know it accurately. Otherwise, with this method of coming and going without a trace, no one can take him down. And once this person cannot be taken down, it will be terrible. In the whole capital, He really wanted to kill whoever he wanted. Apart from him, no one in their camp could escape, not even her father, who was protected by her mother, not even Chen Geng and Zhang Juzheng. One calamity.

It is obviously taboo for people of this level to take action, so he has not used it in the early stage.

Now it has begun to be used. Once used, it will be extremely decisive.

This is the awareness that everyone in their camp should have...

Don't worry, I have already made arrangements for this matter! Lin Su said.

A gentle slap on Zhou Mei's shoulder made Zhou Mei relax...

This may be Lin Su's charm.

This may be the unique trust that Lin Su has brought to the people around him in the past time...

Zhou Mei looked out the window: There is one more thing!


Deng Hongbo has not left the prison yet. My father is worried that something might change.

Logically speaking, Deng Hongbo should be acquitted now.

Because Lin Su had already cleared his name.

Deng Hongbo's only crime was to frame the prince's friendship with Wujianmen.

As Lin Su said, if there is no irrefutable evidence, it is a frame-up. If there is iron-clad evidence, it is not a frame-up, but a normal impeachment by Da Cang Chaotang. It is the impeachment of the righteous people in the world. This is the kind of impeachment that officials who care about the future of the country deserve.

Even though this impeachment made the royal family unhappy and the court unhappy, it was fair and aboveboard.

Such impeachment has never been a crime!

There is no reason for anyone to detain him and prevent him from leaving the prison.

However, eight hours have passed since the Ming Dynasty was announced, eight hours have passed since the irrefutable evidence was presented, and Deng Hongbo still has not received the letter of absolution!

Zhou Zhang was very uneasy.

A familiar smile appeared on Lin Su's lips again: You still don't want to be pardoned? That's great. Tomorrow I will ring the Jing Emperor Bell and ask for the person directly from His Majesty!

Zhou Mei was slightly shocked: Why did you say... it's great?

Because I need a reason to ring the Emperor's Bell, and Deng Hongbo is imprisoned in the sky prison without any crime, that's the reason!

Zhou Mei looked at his high-spirited face and felt a little obsessed for a moment. Tomorrow he would go into the palace to face the king. For him, facing the king was almost equivalent to a big collision with the ultimate opponent. He was not nervous at all. Such a man , Dad, how many have you seen?

Lin Su raised her hand gently and grabbed her shoulder: What's wrong? Why do I feel that you are a little lost in my charm? Wake up, you are now the master of Anxiang Hall under me, you are not an ordinary person , you can’t be such a nymphomaniac...

Zhou Mei stepped down, accurately stepping on his instep, and yelled at him bitterly: You still said this! You bastard! You said you kidnapped me, but I didn't expect to kidnap me to help you in that broken fragrance. You are the master of the hall, you are just teasing...

Then where did you expect to turn? Lin Su came over with a smile.


He received a second kick!

Zhou Mei disappeared, this time she really disappeared!

She was actually very busy. Clearing out the Wujianmen was also a big project. She didn't have time to talk to him. After the things at hand were finished, she would discuss the true meaning of abduction...

The next day!

It's sunny!

The blue sky is cloudless, and the beauty of summer has appeared in the capital.

Lin Su left the restaurant and strolled down the street.

There is no news about the third prince.

Although this incident is well known to everyone in the officialdom and has caused a stir, there is still a layer of cloth between the officialdom and the people. Especially when it involves sensitive matters, few officials dare to talk nonsense.

Lin Su walked all the way outside the palace, raised his eyes and stared at a small clock in front of him.

Several guards stared at him from upstairs.

Lin Su entered the palace today, obviously to rescue Deng Hongbo, but secretly his plan was extremely wild, he wanted to kill someone!

Who to kill?

Hidden Dragon Sect Master!

Not many people in the world know about the Yinlong Sect Master, and even fewer have seen it with their own eyes. Among this generation, at least in Da Cang Capital, there are only three people who have seen it with their own eyes. His Majesty the Emperor, Lin Su, and Zhou Charming!

That kind of people!

Such a thousand-year-old freak!

No one should be famous enough to be disgraced.

However, Lin Su wanted to kill him.

He wants to kill the Hidden Dragon Sect Master for one reason...

The Hidden Dragon Sect Master hurt Zhou Mei...

The leader of the Hidden Dragon Sect is targeting him...

Anyone who is targeted by the Hidden Dragon Sect Master's power will die...

He comes and goes without a trace, and he cannot be killed at all...

His assassination attempt on you will be treated as nothing if it fails a thousand times. You only need to fail once and it will be over...

Moreover, he clearly told Lin Su last night that from now on, it is best not to sleep. This sentence is really not a joke. As long as the Yinlong Sect Master does not die, Lin Su really does not dare to sleep, because once he falls asleep, he will not even sleep. You need to sleep, and as long as you are distracted, you may fall into His ways.

Lin Su did not dare to look down upon such an opponent.

Therefore, he must kill the Hidden Dragon Sect Master.

If Zhang Juzheng, Chen Geng and others knew that Lin Su wanted to kill the Hidden Dragon Sect Master, they would definitely not believe their ears.

The master of the Hidden Dragon Sect has lived for a thousand years. How many people have tried to kill him during these thousand years? Who can kill him? He himself is an immortal! He is still the person beside the emperor!

Everyone knew that he was hiding next to the emperor, but no one knew where he was, and no one in the world was qualified to investigate the people around the emperor!

In summary, Lin Su's immediate attempt to kill the Hidden Dragon Sect Master was an impossible task.

However, Lin Su wanted to finish.

Based on a judgment...

The lifelong mission of the Hidden Dragon Sect Master is to protect the current king.

Then, he must be by His Majesty's side.

Your Majesty is in a deep palace, and normal men are not allowed to stay overnight in a deep palace. Therefore, the method used by the Hidden Dragon Sect Master must be the most secretive method, for example, hiding in an ancient painting.

According to common sense, it is impossible for a living person, a normal person, to hide in ancient paintings, but Lin Su knew that this person could definitely do it.

So, when he rings the Emperor's Shocking Bell, will he be able to see this ancient painting when His Majesty receives him?

Yes, it must be possible!

Because he is already a dangerous person in His Majesty's heart. A dangerous person asks to see Your Majesty. As Your Majesty's strongest guardian, how dare you not protect him closely?

So, last question...

Even if he saw this painting next to His Majesty today, could he kill the person in the painting?

No one can kill the person in the painting, but Lin Su can destroy the painting!

He believes that this painting is the true identity of the Yinlong Sect Master. As long as this painting is destroyed, the secret of the Yinlong Sect's immortality will be broken. Maybe his literary world will also be broken. Like the Yinlong Sect Master, People, as long as these two things are broken, even if they don't die, they are no longer scary.

This is Lin Su's idea.

Wild and daring.

He seemed to have overlooked another thing, that is, His Majesty actually wanted to kill him. If he broke into His Majesty's home court alone like this, wouldn't he be afraid that His Majesty would kill him on the spot?

In fact, he did not ignore this.

So he entered the palace by ringing the Emperor's Shocking Bell.

The Jing Emperor Bell, the temple has its own rules. Whenever the Jing Emperor Bell is sounded, the monarch must meet in person. Such a bell will raise eyebrows in the whole city. Such a bell will be recorded in the temple. No one dares to ignore such a meeting. Let him out of the palace.

Under the scorching eyes of the guards, Lin Su walked forward step by step. The leader of the guards on the tall building stood up slowly, his sharp eyes like an eagle firmly locking Lin Su's footsteps. As long as Lin Su crossed the golden line in front, Then he could fulfill his duties. He knew Lin Su, and he had realized that the situation was not as light as everyone saw.

Lin Su didn't seem to pay attention to the golden thread at his feet, but he just happened to reach the edge of the golden thread. Just when the guard leader was hesitating whether to speak, he moved his hands together, and a ball of silver literary energy turned into a bell...


The Emperor's Bell is ringing!

A circle of sound waves centered on the Jing Emperor Bell shook the whole city!

The Shocking Emperor's Bell... The brow of the guard leader above suddenly shrunk...

The Jing Emperor Bell! Who rang the Jing Emperor Bell? someone on the street outside exclaimed.

What kind of earth-shattering thing happened? someone exclaimed.

Suddenly, the entire capital city looked towards the palace, full of surprise and nervousness...

The Shocking Emperor's Bell is extraordinary, and the threshold for ringing the bell is incredibly high: number one, number two, top pick, prince, special envoy of the temple...

Which one is a human being? Aren’t they all gods?

The public was immediately shocked...

The officialdom was immediately shocked...

In the deep palace, His Majesty is sitting on the dragon chair in the Zhengde Palace. Listening to the report of the Prime Minister, he seems to be longing for something else. Perhaps it is not that he is longing for anything else, but that he is thinking and feeling tired because of yesterday's events. I was busy and tired when I suddenly heard the Jing Emperor Bell.

Prime Minister Lu Tiancong's report came to an abrupt end.

He raised his gaze and met His Majesty's open eyes.

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