Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 736: Killing in front of His Majesty

Who rang the Emperor's Shocking Bell? His Majesty said solemnly.

Duan Xingtian outside the palace raised his eyes and looked at the ripples rippling around the distant palace city. Before he could speak, a voice came from afar: Lin Su rang the Jing Emperor Bell and asked to see His Majesty!

Lin Su?

His Majesty and the Prime Minister looked at each other, quite surprised...

The morning breeze blows, and on the wall behind His Majesty, an ancient painting gently blows...

Xuan! His Majesty responded...

The chief eunuch outside shouted in the distance: Announcement: Lin Su is here to see you!

Meet Lin Su!

Meet Lin Su!

The sound of the long queue outside was relayed outside the palace city...

Lin Suzheng straightened his scholar's clothes, strode through the palace gate, strode up the white jade steps, and entered the Zhengde Hall.

Outside the Zhengde Hall, Duan Xingtian stood with his head held high.

In the Zhengde Hall, His Majesty is sitting on a dragon chair. On the lower left side is an old man, Lu Tiancong. On the right side of the door, an old eunuch is bowing to serve him.

The huge hall was very empty at the moment, but it also had a strict atmosphere.

Lin Su stepped through the palace door and walked forward along the middle path. He lightly arched his hand and said, Your Majesty!

His Majesty's face suddenly darkened.

Prime Minister Lu Tian's eyelids twitched slightly.

The eunuch commander behind him was angry: How brave Lin Su, why don't you kneel down!

This is the Zhengde Hall. Anyone who enters this hall in Da Cang must kneel down and worship. This is the etiquette!

Lin Su just handed it over as a gift!

He has violated the rules!

Lin Su said: Your Majesty, please forgive me for the inconvenience of my humble minister Qingmu Ling, who is unable to kneel down and worship!

The heads of the three people in the hall jumped together...

Wen Dao Aoki Order!

The ultimate literati in the secular world, those who hold this order will walk in the temple. People in the temple will not kneel in the secular world. Even the emperor in the world will still not kneel.

This is the transcendent status of the temple.

However, this detachment has long been subject to various modifications.

You were only given the Wen Dao Aoki Order by the temple, and you just walked with the temple. You are not a real temple walker at all. If you were more knowledgeable, you would have taken off the Wen Dao Aoki Order before entering the temple. Wouldn't it be wrong? Can it be normal?

You just don't pick it off, and you just have to live with this inconvenience.

What does it mean?

It means that you no longer intend to bow to His Majesty.

This thing is small.

But this thing is also big.

The three people in the hall were all human spirits, and they felt this change in an instant.

The gloom on His Majesty's face only lasted for a moment, and he became cheerful after a moment: Ai Qing rang the Emperor's Shocking Bell, why?

Let’s get right to the point.

Lin Su raised his gaze and glanced past the row of ancient paintings behind His Majesty: I just heard that Deng Hongbo was wrongfully imprisoned and has not been released. I want to beg Your Majesty to release him!

His Majesty frowned slightly: Just to release one person, my beloved, wasted an opportunity to shock the emperor?

Your Majesty, this matter is just a trivial matter to Your Majesty, but to the Deng family, it is a matter of paramount importance. For the sake of a clean and upright court, how can a humble minister regret an opportunity to surprise the Emperor?

I am very pleased with Ai Qing's high moral integrity! His Majesty praised: I was discussing with the Prime Minister just now about Deng Hongbo's matter. The Prime Minister should give Lin Ai Qing an answer on this matter.

Lu Tiancong took a step forward and said, Mr. Lin, Deng Hongbo is in the sky prison because he framed the prince. Although the crime of frame-up has been eliminated, the court officials believe that there may be hidden secrets behind this matter and it is not appropriate to release him now.

The court official thought, but he didn't know which court official it was? Could it be just the prime minister himself? Lin Su looked at Lu Tiancong.

Presumptuous! Lu Tiancong's face darkened: Where do you think this is? Are you allowed to map it at will and talk nonsense?

Lin Su's face also darkened: Prime Minister, do you know where this place is? Your Majesty ordered you to answer me, just give me a good answer!

Lu Tian's hair almost stood on end, but, as Lin Su said, this is the Zhengde Hall, and it was His Majesty who ordered him to answer Lin Su. There is no room for official authority here!

He took a deep breath: When Deng Hongbo was established as the crown prince, he created a lot of trouble, and his heart must be punished. Someone must have instigated him later to maliciously destroy the destiny of our country. If this thief is not found, the country will be in danger. Therefore, The crime is not important, but the instigator is important, Mr. Lin, do you understand?

As he spoke, his voice became fierce...

But Lin Su was confused. He raised his hand gently and touched his head, looking even more confused: Prime Minister, how do you want me to understand? The third prince colluded with Wujianmen. There is irrefutable evidence. Deng Hongbo’s accusation is conclusive. Is this a side issue? As for his heart, it’s even more of a joke. You can punish him if you want to punish him, but you let his people go. You hold his people so tightly. , what kind of punishment is it? Isn’t it clear that you are using power to vent your personal anger? What does it mean that the accusation is not important? The law of the country is based on the law and crime is the evidence. You come to make a accusation that it is not important. What? You want to rely on yourself? With the power to subvert the laws of the country? As long as you don't like anyone, you can arrest him first and then accuse him of an 'unwarranted' crime?

No one knew that when these words were spoken, a strange space suddenly bloomed on a painting...

As soon as this space was opened, a black hole formed silently in the area where the painting was located. It silently sucked the ancient painting into it and tore it into pieces. At the moment when it was torn apart, a person appeared vaguely on the ancient painting. , extremely frightened, extremely desperate, twisting like a ghost, trying to crawl out of another space, but everything is in vain, the laws of space are so wonderful that they are beyond anyone's imagination...

His Majesty didn't notice that he was catching Lin Su's every word.

This is probably what Lin Su's opponents will do. As long as Lin Su makes a move, they will concentrate all their attention on analyzing it, trying to capture his subsequent actions through his words...

The prime minister didn't even notice because he was almost fainting.

But he was speechless, because Lin Su's words contained a huge amount of information, were extremely logical, and were backed by national law.

Your Majesty! Lu Tiancong turned to Your Majesty: This man is so extreme that words cannot describe it. I can't persuade him. Your Majesty will take matters into his own hands regarding Deng Hongbo!

His Majesty smiled softly: Has the Prime Minister learned about Lin Aiqing's eloquence today? Don't be angry. As a veteran minister, you should be happy when a new generation is born! I have made up my mind about Deng Hongbo, come on!

The eunuch outside stepped forward: Here!

It is my decree: Although Deng Hongbo has the intention to commit crimes, he is still worried about the affairs of the country and has done nothing serious. Let him be released!

Lin Su smiled: Thank you, Your Majesty!

Bow slightly.

His Majesty issued another decree: I have given you an oral message: The third prince, Ji Yan, has made careless friendships and has damaged the prestige of the royal family. He will be banned from the residence for three months! It's time to reflect!

Lu Tiancong also smiled, and the matter of the third prince was brought up high and put down gently. It was what he wanted to see, but Lin Su must not have wanted to see it. Lin Su had spent so much effort, but in the end he could only hurt the third prince a little bit. His friendship with Wujianmen, after being banned for three months Punished lightly.

With a wave of His Majesty's hand, the chief eunuch left the palace.

His Majesty's eyes fell on the two people below, with a gentle smile on his face: Prime Minister, don't care about Lin Aiqing's forthrightness. It is best to be ministers of the same palace, seek common ground, put aside minor differences, put aside prejudices and worry about national affairs together.

They both thanked each other at the same time...

Everyone, please step back!

Farewell, Your Majesty! Lu Tiancong made a big salute, Lin Su bowed and made a small salute, and the two of them walked out side by side.

Today's events include loud thunder and light rain...

Lin Su rang the Emperor's Shocking Bell, and the whole city looked at him sideways.

Waiting for the thunder to explode, but there is no thunder, only gentle wind.

Lin Su and Lu Tian came out side by side, also smiling.

For a moment, everyone who was secretly paying attention relaxed...

Lin Su and Lu Tiancong left the palace and walked down the white jade steps...

Master Lin is the prefect of Nanshan and has been in the capital for a long time. It is not appropriate to pass the general out. He needs to return to his jurisdiction as soon as possible. Lu Tiancong spoke.

It's okay, I'm used to it! Lin Su said.

What do you mean by getting used to it? Lu Tian raised his gaze.

Nanshan Prefecture has become accustomed to my absence! Lin Su said: To be honest with the Prime Minister, I, the prefect of Nanshan, have only been to Nanshan three times. Once I stayed for one night, and the other time I stayed for three nights. At most I only stayed for half a month at a time. I have never been to the seven counties of Nanshan, and I have never entered the four offices and eight rooms. All the officials of Nanshan Mansion have become accustomed to the absence of the governor.

Lu Tiancong said slowly: Does Magistrate Lin regard this 'absence' as a proud achievement in the officialdom?

I can't say I'm proud, it's just a sense of calmness!


Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, don't underestimate the word calm. Some people pursue power all their lives and do not hesitate to sacrifice their loved ones to achieve their position of supreme minister. But what about being a supreme minister? They still worry about gains and losses and cannot be calm! Comparatively speaking, the calmness of being in the officialdom and having nothing to ask for is like a clear stream, which is extremely valuable.

Lu Tian's anger, which had just subsided, surged into the sky again.

He once told himself that what the person in front of him said was like fart, but he still couldn't stop hearing it.

Because these words are too targeted.

The pursuit of power at the expense of family members refers to him, Lu Tiancong!

In the past, his son Lu Shuizhou married Luo Tianyao. Luo Tianyao's disciples were in trouble and asked him to save him. Not only did he not save him, he also tied up Luo Tianyao himself and sent him to the prison cell, causing Luo Tianyao to give birth to Lu Youwei in prison. , also made Lu Youwei weak and sick. If Lin Su hadn't come to the rescue, Lu Youwei's grave would have been swaying with grass at this moment.

This is not a stain on Lu Tian's career in politics. On the contrary, he ascended to the position of prime minister based on his decisive gesture and his reputation of being selfless.

However, when these words came out of Lin Su's mouth, they were so ironic.

Lu Tiancong suppressed his anger:

Didn't Mr. Lin just keep talking about ruling the country by law in front of His Majesty? In fact, in the past, I didn't follow personal feelings, so what's wrong with using the law to judge things? Mr. Lin, as a great master, discusses laws and theories, chooses the ones that are beneficial, and uses them whenever possible. If it is disadvantageous to change it, wouldn't it be like starting a mouse and having two ends?

This makes perfect sense.

One moment you were talking about the rule of law.

At this moment, you ridiculed Lu Tian for his selflessness back then.

What you're doing over and over again, isn't it because you're turning your back on Lu Tian?

Lin Su smiled: Did the prime minister really act in accordance with the law that day? But why do I remember that Aunt Tianyao's school was wiped out and was eventually deemed an unjust case by His Majesty the late Emperor? If it is an unjust case, how can we talk about following the law? Isn't it clearly a violation of the law? Prime Minister, please ask yourself, how much credit do you have for this unjust case that is a violation of the law? Aunt Tianyao regrets her whole life, and Youwei almost died. Do you owe it to you? As a human being, you don’t understand, and as an official, you are destined to be What a joke… Farewell!”

Lin Su gently cupped his hands and rose into the sky.

Lu Tiancong stood still for a long time.

If you don’t understand how to be a human being, being an official is destined to be a joke!

He had never heard such harsh words before.

However, there is a hidden meaning in these words!

He finally exposed his plot today!

He is really pointing his sword at the Ninth Five Supreme Being!


Because he dared to mock himself as the prime minister!

No one in the world has the right to laugh at the Prime Minister, except one person!

This person can only be the king!

If he dares to laugh at himself, he intends to be a king! This may be the only useful clue that the prime minister caught today after he was so angry.

Lin Su, something big is about to happen, and it's not far away!

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