Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 737 The Law of Time and Space Moves the Forbidden Palace

Lu Tian decoded the key information from Lin Su's words.

Where is His Majesty the Emperor?

It can also be interpreted naturally.

And he interprets it more intuitively, because he has always been the one in the game.

Lin Su rang the Emperor's Shocking Bell today and forcibly released Deng Hongbo. It was nothing. However, when he entered the Zhengde Hall and refused to kneel down using the Wen Dao Qingmu Order as an excuse, he sounded the alarm for His Majesty. It is a matter of etiquette and feudal society. It's quite a big deal, but for people with big ambitions, it's actually still very vain.

It's not like Lin Su has never knelt before His Majesty.

Now it is not a particularly big obstacle to kneel down and worship again.

If he didn't want to arouse His Majesty's jealousy, it would be reasonable to pretend that neither his skin nor his flesh would be rotten if he knelt down.

However, he stopped pretending today.

A person who has been pretending to be harmless for a long time suddenly stopped pretending and started to be strong in front of His Majesty. What does it mean?

It means the showdown time is coming!

This is the conclusion your Majesty has come to!

This conclusion is terrible!

There was no one in Zhengde Hall.

His Majesty spoke slowly: What do you think of today's events?

The voice was very soft, as if he was talking to himself.

But he knew that someone would reply, because others didn't know, but he knew that there was someone in Zhengde Hall, and this was the person he truly trusted.

However, when I asked this question, it really turned into talking to myself, and there was no reply.

His Majesty raised his gaze to the wall behind him. He was suddenly startled. This surprise was no small matter...

That ancient painting is gone!

His Majesty was a little confused for a moment...

what happened?

How could this painting disappear?

This painting is not an ordinary painting. It was originally a cultural treasure. It was trained into the literary world by the Yinlong Sect leader and became his ultimate secret.

The secret is that paintings are immortal and people are immortal.

Even if he is killed in the outside world, he can still be reborn in the painting and teleported to his original location again.

It can be said that this painting is the foundation of the Hidden Dragon Sect.

If you want to kill the Yinlong Sect Leader, you must first destroy the painting.

In the whole world, except His Majesty himself, the Hidden Dragon Sect Master, no third person knows this secret. Therefore, no one has ever taken action on this painting. In fact, no one can take action on this painting when it is hung in the deep palace.

But today, this painting has disappeared.

Could it be said that there is something wrong with the Hidden Dragon Sect Master?

With this thought, His Majesty's whole body was shaken...

With his hands together, the golden light of the imperial seal was generated, and a ray of golden light shot towards the wall, tracing back the shadow!

Before Lin Su entered the palace, this painting was still there...

When Lin Su bowed, the painting was still there...

Lin Su responded to the Prime Minister, raising his hand and stroking his hair...

As soon as this action was taken, a black hole suddenly appeared on the picture. The black hole rotated and absorbed the painting, tearing it to pieces. The Yinlong Sect Master struggled desperately in the painting, but everything was in vain. He was swallowed by a black hole. He swallowed it like this. When he swallowed it, His Majesty was still there, observing Lin Su with interest.

The prime minister was also present, and he was thoughtfully answering Lin Su's questions...

His Majesty's back felt cold: Deloitte!

As soon as the voice came out, the chief eunuch appeared silently in the hall. The chief eunuch at this moment was completely different from what Lin Su had seen. He was no longer a hunched old eunuch, he was like a ghost in the night.

Because His Majesty is not calling the General Manager, but Deloitte.

Call the supervisor, and the eunuch supervisor will come out.

Call Deloitte, and the person who comes out is a spiritual master.

Look, what kind of technique is this? His Majesty said solemnly.

The chief eunuch, Deqin, stared at the black hole and his expression changed greatly: The laws of space! The king of laws! This man is actually proficient in the laws of space. No wonder the sect masters have fallen into his trap!

His Majesty's hand gently touched, the golden light of the imperial seal disappeared, and his face turned livid.

Is this kid starting to feel scary?

Yes! In the world of spiritual practice, no one has mastered the laws of time and space so far. In fact, the fundamental reason why the literary world can surpass the five realms is that the literary world of the literary world has its own trace of the secret of time and space, but it is only a trace, and What this kid is using today is the standard space law... Deqin was completely distracted.

His Majesty's face was as gloomy as water: What if what he was aiming at just now was not this painting, but the few people?

Deloitte breathed out softly: Don't worry about this, Your Majesty. If this son attacks Your Majesty, the Emperor's Seal will naturally be activated. Although his space laws are amazing, his cultivation is not deep after all, and he will definitely not be able to block one of the Emperor's Seals. hit.

His Majesty's face slowly returned to normal.

The panic I felt just now disappeared with these words.

He cannot accept that his life is in the hands of others.

But now he knows that his safety is still guaranteed, because he has the imperial seal and he is the orthodox emperor!

Your Majesty, this man is so bold and dares to kill people in Zhengde Hall, is it... Delqin's words stopped abruptly, because His Majesty shook his head.

Deloitte gets it too.

Killing people in front of His Majesty is naturally a crime so serious that even genocide cannot be stopped.

The problem is that you have to have evidence.

When he committed the murder, the Prime Minister was present and His Majesty was present. He and the Prime Minister left the Zhengde Hall side by side. All they saw was peace.

Why did he kill someone?

Yes, the Emperor's Seal can restore the truth of the matter. He pointed his finger upward, and a black hole was formed out of thin air, swallowing a painting.

However, who can prove that this black hole is related to him?

Even if it is proven that it is related to him, who can prove that this painting is of a living person?

You had to link the tearing of an ancient painting to someone named Lin, and this guy came up with a sentence: Ruined a painting, right? I pay! Do you think he can't say such infuriating words?

To sum it up, today's matter cannot cause a big fuss. Once it does, the gains outweigh the losses.

Based on this incident, you cannot convict Lin Su.

On the contrary, there will be endless troubles.

What are the consequences?

You must disclose the fact that this painting belongs to the Hidden Dragon Sect. Once it is disclosed, all the murders His Majesty has secretly committed over the years will not be caused by himself.

In addition, Lin Su possesses the Law of Space. This magical law is flocked to by all practicing sects in the world. Once it spreads to the world, those practicing sects may line up and bring gifts to the Lin family to ask for advice. , Mr. Lin is a man of his word in the world of spiritual practice. Isn’t it adding another variable to Da Cang’s complicated chess game?

Your Majesty understands this.

Deloitte, the eunuch manager, also understands.

Therefore, let the Hidden Dragon Sect Master come and go without a trace. Anyway, this old guy always comes and goes without a trace.

His Majesty slowly moved his eyes towards Deloitte, who was very nervous...

The important task of killing Lin Su was once shouldered by the Yinlong Sect Master. Now that the Yinlong Sect Master is gone, this job should not fall on me. Although I have no descendants without that guy, I can boss him around in front of the manager. , life is still enjoyable, I really haven’t lived enough...

Although he is also a master in the realm of Heaven and Earth, although he can roll his eyes when facing the masters of the major immortal sects, and although he is not convinced by Duan Xingtian, the number one martial artist in the capital, he has always been convinced by the master of the Hidden Dragon Sect.

But now, the Hidden Dragon Sect Master, whom he admired to the core of his being, was destroyed by him without anyone noticing, right under His Majesty's eyes, which made the blood of this mysterious manager with a high level of cultivation run cold.

He had thought about his own cultivation, and in terms of cultivation, he was definitely above Lin Su.

In terms of combat power, he may not necessarily be above it, because he knew how impressive Lin Su's achievements were.

Of course, the path of spiritual practice cannot only focus on combat power, but also on means.

But the method is exactly what he has the least confidence in...

Lin's methods are truly unconstrained...

His Majesty spoke: You will temporarily take over Yinlong and divide your troops into three groups. One group will be stationed in the ten military camps designated by me, one group will take over the defense of the imperial mausoleum, and the third group will go to Haining and wait for my order!

Yes! Deloitte immediately withdrew!

This is the order he is willing to accept. As long as you don't let me bring Lin Su's head to you for a limited time, I will accept any order...

Lin Su left the palace, feeling like the weather today, with clear skies.

He almost laughed.

The Hidden Dragon Sect Master just disappeared!

Millennium legend, you are really awesome, but how are you today? I'll ring the bell once, enter the palace once, and kill you in front of His Majesty and the Prime Minister!

Do you think this bell is really the Jing Emperor Bell?

That's your death knell!

Hidden Dragon was built at the beginning of the founding of Da Cang. It has always been a representative of the hidden power of the dynasty and an indispensable part of the imperial power. Do you think I really can't move it?

I'll show you how to move it!

At White Deer Academy, the dust has settled. Chen Geng has taken over the power. Zhizhitang, the hidden dragon's lair, is no longer in power, and it has begun to taste the taste of being stepped on.

Your Majesty dares to be angry but dare not speak!

Because among the people who stepped on Zhizhitang this time, it was not just Chen Geng, but also the inexplicable ones from the temple!

Your Majesty is faced with internal and external difficulties and does not dare to make any more enemies.

Lin Su's figure fell together on the west mountain.

What is there in Xishan?

In Xishan, there is Lingyin Temple, which was transformed into the body of a generation of divine monks a thousand years ago, witnessing the rise and fall of the world for thousands of years.

There is King Chen in Xishan. King Chen has entered Lingyin Temple and is chanting sutras behind closed doors in a small room.

There is also Princess Yufeng in Xishan, looking at Lingyin Temple from her Xishan Villa. What flows between her and King Chen is not just the air, but also the grudges and entanglements of the previous dynasty, and the rise and fall of the country's fate.

There are still very good memories of Lin Su in Xishan.

He went to Xishan many times, and each time fragment accompanied each historical moment, accompanied his growth, and also witnessed his glory.

He wants to use this Western Mountain as his base camp, and in this different world, truly launch a battle worthy of being recorded in history. This battle may not seem violent on the surface, but its significance is... Change the world!

Lin Su came to Xishan Villa.

The gatekeeper bowed deeply: Master Lin! The princess is at Zuixian Pavilion!

Do you want to drink? Lin Su smiled.

Young Master, you are drinking!

Are there any guests at the villa?

No! Miss Xie went to Lingyin Temple to watch the fun, and the only one in the mansion was the princess...

In Xishan Villa, there are still half of the flowers in the garden during this season.

In the depths of the residual red, a pavilion is like a cover, blocking the scorching sun, but it cannot block the reflection of the scorching sun from the pool water.

Princess Yufeng sits quietly in the pavilion, lazily.

She gently raised her hand, and in her palm was a blue and white porcelain cup with white clouds in the cup. As she raised her hand, the gauze flowed down her wrist, revealing her arms like frost and snow, wine flowing into her soft intestines, and the charming face of Princess Jade Phoenix. Adding a third of blush made her face look like a spring flower.

Wine is a thing, a miracle of creation.

Some people get drunk from drinking, and their faces look like pig liver.

Some people's faces turn paler the more they drink.

Princess Yufeng seems to have taken a middle road between the two. When she drinks, her lips become brighter and her skin becomes whiter. She also has the meaning of blushing, but this blush is exceptionally subtle, just like a light touch on her jade cheeks. The smoke slowly dispersed, and a hint of drunkenness filled her eyes again...

Outside the pavilion, the shadow opened its mouth slightly, but no sound came out.

Lin Su just walked through the flower path, walked through the reflection of the small lake, and came to her side...

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