Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 738 News shocks the capital

When I drink wine alone among the flowers, who am I feeling sad for? A voice came softly.

The wine glass in Princess Yufeng's hand trembled slightly, and when she looked back, she saw Lin Su.

As soon as she saw Lin Su, Princess Yufeng jumped up. About three-thirds of the wine had entered her intestines. She lost her balance and almost fell. Lin Su stretched out his hand and grabbed her shoulder.

Princess Yufeng said softly: At this moment, I shouldn't be worried. In the past, thousands of mountains were covered with snow, but today, there is only a wall between us. Although this separation is still like thousands of mountains and rivers, I can smell his breath after all.

She was talking about her brother.

In the past, my brother lived in Meiling, far away from me by thousands of rivers and mountains. Birds could not reach me, and fish and dragons could not cross.

Her only relative in the world was just a symbol of Meiling for a long time.

Today, her brother has entered Lingyin Temple, and she and her brother are enjoying the breeze of the Western Mountain.

However, she did not dare to enter Lingyin Temple because she knew that her brother's visit to Beijing would touch the most sensitive nerve in the palace.

Her mentality is extremely complicated, including happiness, worry, fear, and confusion...

Everything turned into a glass of wine unknown to outsiders and blended into her sorrow.

Outsiders don't know these, but he, not an outsider, knows it!

Lin Su sat down, picked up the wine glass, poured a glass, and drank it up.

Putting down the wine glass, Lin Su said, I arranged for your brother to come to Beijing.

The alcoholism in Princess Yufeng's eyes disappeared instantly: Is the time up?


Ask simply, answer even simpler.

But Princess Yufeng's heart was up and down, and she couldn't control herself. She raised her gaze from the sparkling lake to the floating clouds in the sky, and her voice came quietly: What are the chances of winning?

The change of the royal family and the determination of the great position in the world are the ultimate in the world.

Can such a big thing be accomplished?

I'm afraid even the clouds in the sky can't answer such a difficult question for her.

Lin Su said: Don't worry, everything is under control.

Princess Yufeng's eyes slowly moved over: What can I do?

You just need to sit on top of the Western Mountain and watch the clouds rise and fly in the capital!

Sit still on the west mountain and watch the white clouds fly! Princess Yufeng murmured: I really don't know what I will see in the next few days.

Lin Su smiled softly: I will show you the opening of the curtain now!


Yes! The unfolding of this scene may sting you a little, but please believe that your father, the queen, and your mother are eager to see this scene...

Princess Yufeng was shocked all over...

The shadow outside the pavilion was also shaken all over...

They vaguely guessed what Lin Su was referring to in this scene...

Lin Su raised his hand and the gold paper fell...

His precious pen was raised and slowly lowered...

Four words appeared on the gold paper: Da Cang News!

Below, the handwriting is like running water, and in the blink of an eye, a large article...

On the seventh day of the third month of the Yuanyou year, the late emperor passed away. His face was red, his lips were black, and he was spitting out golden foam. Ji Shang, who was the king of Ning at that time, entered the palace to take charge of the affairs under the respectful welcome of Prime Minister Lu Tiancong and other court officials. He set up a mourning hall in the forbidden palace. Above the mourning hall, there is a chamberlain named Zhou Zhi, saying that His Majesty is still warm, could it be that he has not died? The seven people above the mourning hall are Zhou Yong, Li Lie, Qu Wendong, He Xiaojun, Li Qingze, Du Yangxin, Jun Yu His face changed after hearing this, and the servant was killed on the spot. King Ning ordered that the seven of them dare not say anything. Afterwards, except for the Li family who fled to the isolated island of Dongzhou and the Qu family who withdrew from the court, all the other five families were killed. . This incident left a suspicious case of the death of the late emperor. Someone with knowledge of the matter said that his majesty did not die, but died of Wujin Pill, a rare drug from Yaowang Mountain. After killing someone with this poisonous pill, the bones of the corpse will not rot for thousands of years, and the bones will become golden, which is the same as the ancestor. The portrait of the emperor is a perfect match. Last year, the Tianji Dao Sect left a rumor: The emperor killed the emperor in the Purple Gold Pavilion, and the black gold bones were found under the Sun and Moon Mausoleum. This was the evidence. Afterwards, the Tianji Dao Sect was annihilated by His Majesty’s order, and all the Taoists Three hundred and twenty-five people, including thirty-seven officials present at the time, were all killed on the spot by the Royal Forest Army, and the matter was settled. However, the truth cannot be tampered with, and history cannot be falsified. King Ning's succession to the throne is a decree of the law. , or usurp the throne and commit regicide, it remains to be traced later.”

One piece of news costs three hundred and eighty words!

That’s it!

Lin Su held his hands together, and a token appeared in his hand. It was neither gold nor wood!

The front is temple and the back is permanent!

The standing order was pressed on the gold paper, and the gold paper rose up in the air and disappeared in a flash!

The next moment, the capital city suddenly shook, and the light on the wall of culture and education shone brightly. Everyone in the city, including scholars, peasants, industrialists, merchants, dignitaries, traders, and people, all felt the mysterious pull of culture and education at the same time. Everyone turned at the same time and stared at the capital. Literary wall...

Above the restaurant, the noisy laughter and bragging stopped suddenly, and all eyes were focused on the literary wall of the capital...

Da Cang News? What is this?

It's quite common. It's just a narrative. Is it a historical record?

On the seventh day of the third month of the Yuanyou year, the late emperor passed away... Oh my god...

At this glance, no matter what, the news content came into view, and the mountains were shaken immediately...

The emperor in the Purple Gold Pavilion kills the emperor, and there are black gold bones under the Sun and Moon Mausoleum. Why do these two sentences sound so familiar... With a roar, a hand stretched out from the side and held the man's mouth tightly. One table suddenly became silent, and then the remaining tables suddenly became silent as well. The restaurant that was noisy just now became as quiet as night.

No one dares to speak!

A piece of extremely terrifying historical data lingers in everyone's heart...

The same was true on the street. Countless pedestrians made a fuss at first, then fell silent...

In the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Zhang Haoran suddenly raised his head. The pen in his hand trembled slightly, and a large dot of ink fell on the white paper in front of him. It fell and turned into an ink flower. He was completely unaware...


This is news!

He really made news, and as soon as it came out, the earth collapsed!

The spearhead is directed at the death of the late emperor, and the spearhead is directed at the present Majesty!

In the Zhongshu Province, the Zoushi Pavilion, Prime Minister Lu Tiancong was talking to the Song Dynasty. He was smiling and seemed to have gained a lot. Suddenly, he saw the Wen Dao Wall clearly presented in front of them as if it was pulled from a distance.

The expressions of both of them changed at the same time!

Be bold, be bold... Lu Tian's lips trembled slightly...

Master Xiang, look at the end! Song Du exclaimed.

Lu Tian's gaze dropped to the end, his eyebrows raised sharply: Standing Orders of the Temple!

He was shocked!

Really shocked!

As the prime minister, he is used to seeing major events in the world. If an ordinary big-character poster is posted on the wall, he will not care too much no matter how explosive the content is. However, this one reveals the most explosive news in the world, but there is a token at the end. , the standing order of the temple!

The standing orders of the temple are equivalent to the orders of the temple elders!

That is the most authoritative token in the world!

Just now, a question ran through his mind, why could such a piece of paper be affixed to the most authoritative cultural wall in the capital? Could it be that Zhang Ju is making a move? There are only two people in the capital who have the authority to publish announcements on the Wen Dao wall. One is Zhang Juzheng, and the other is the watchman of the Confucian Temple.

But now, Zhang Juzheng's suspicion has been removed.

Because there is a clear seal on this piece of paper: the temple always goes! Zhang Juzheng is not a regular in the temple!

Is it really a watchman?

A piece of news shocked Lu Tiancong, but a token brand gave him some kind of fear...

He is like this, why is he even more worried about others?

All officials were dumbfounded...

Frightened, shocked, reflective, the more I think about it, the more afraid I become...

They may not know much about what happened that day, but they are very clear about what happened to the Zhou, Qu and other seven families. In fact, they also have doubts in their hearts. Why are these seven families targeted by His Majesty? Why was the Tianji Daomen so decisively suppressed by His Majesty? Now this news solves the mystery.

But the mystery solved doesn't mean detachment, they have deep fears.

Could it be that His Majesty is really regicide and usurping the throne?

No one dared to think about such a thing, no one dared to delve into it. However, a press release was posted on the wall of the capital's literary circles, and it immediately became something that everyone must know...

The temple is often visited, and the target is pointed at the Ninth Five Supreme Being. Is this a head-on confrontation between the holy power and the imperial power?

In the deep palace, His Majesty stared at the literary wall for a long time.

The words on the literary wall flowed through his eyes.

His breathing was completely still, and his chest was also strangely still. A sense of depression quietly spread around him. The eunuch manager Deliqin beside him and the commander-in-chief Duan Xingtian standing at the door held their breaths.

The entire palace seemed to be extremely quiet for an instant...

For a long time, His Majesty's eyes moved to the deep sky, and golden light flashed in his palm. A dragon bridge spanned the sky and the earth, the Huangyinhua Bridge, leading directly to the Confucian Temple. His Majesty left the deep palace and stood in the sky outside the Confucian Temple. The people below raised their heads together, and countless People kneel down...

His Majesty turned a blind eye to the people below. He cast a cold gaze on the Confucian Temple and took a deep breath: Your Majesty, how about coming out to see me?

His voice was soft and gentle, but everyone felt His Majesty's suppression. Only because he was facing the watchman of the Confucian Temple, he had to suppress his anger...

Above the Confucian Temple, the figures moved slightly, and the watchman appeared. His eyes were on His Majesty in the sky, and he just looked at him calmly, without saluting or saying hello.

Your Majesty, there is a piece of news on the Wen Dao Wall. Do you know about it?

The watchman nodded slightly.

What do you think, your envoy?

The watchman said calmly: Of course I will watch it from the Confucian Temple!

Everyone below was heart-beating.

The two people standing face to face at this moment represent the most powerful people in the world. One is the Ninth Five Supreme Being and the other is the Supreme Being. The atmosphere between these two people was so strange when they met. Da Cang News asked the watcher for his opinion, and how did the watcher respond? See it at the Confucian Temple!

No opinion!

His Majesty said solemnly: The Literary and Dao Wall in the capital is also a holy place for literary and moral education. Any words published on the wall should be published with authority. But today, someone published rebellious words on this sacred wall and maliciously slandered the king of a country. , does your envoy think it is appropriate?

The watchman said calmly: This news records the historical data of the death of the late emperor eight years ago, and the destruction of the Tianji Dao Sect last year. The death of the late emperor and the destruction of the Tianji Dao Sect are known to everyone in the city. It should be a fact. As for whether the details are true, I dare not lie, and Your Majesty can also verify it. If the true situation is completely different from this record, and such a person really has malicious intentions, Your Majesty will not be too late to pursue this person for the crime of rebellion and slander!

His Majesty's face turned dark green: The real situation is naturally very different from this record. Anyone with eyes can also see that this person has the ambition to bring trouble to the world, but your envoy is still defending this person?

The watchman remained calm: May I ask what is so different? The bones of the late emperor were not golden in color? Or were five of the seven major families in the second-level mourning hall not wiped out? Or was the Tianji Dao Sect not wiped out? Or was it? Is there any discrepancy between the number of Taoist priests and officials your Majesty killed at that time?

The five questions of his soul directly penetrated His Majesty's psychology...

The five questions of his soul also passed through the eardrums of the people in the city and went straight to the Western Mountain...

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