Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 739 The Disaster of Watchmen

His Majesty took a deep breath and calmed his expression: Your Majesty, may I ask who wrote this news?

The watchman said: Your Majesty asks this, is it because he wants to use the methods he used to deal with the Tianji Dao Sect in the past to eliminate the root cause of this disaster?

His Majesty said: How dare you! I just want to clarify the misunderstanding with this person face to face.

The updater said:

Your Majesty, if you want to clarify the misunderstanding, the best way is not to confront this person, but to open an altar to worship your ancestors!

Open an altar to worship ancestors? His Majesty frowned, not knowing what he meant.

The purpose of opening an altar to worship ancestors is just for one thing. To open the Ming Dynasty Mausoleum and take the remains of the late emperor under the witness of the great scholars in the capital. Wouldn't the truth about the death of the late emperor be revealed? The man said: As the saying goes, the pure will become pure and the turbid will become turbid. , the rumors disappear and the truth disappears, the sage is established in the Qingming Dynasty, your Majesty claims to be a virtuous king, and there should be laws to cure it!

As soon as the voice fell, he turned around and walked into the Confucian Temple without a trace.

As soon as the golden light of the imperial seal faded away, Your Majesty returned to the deep palace...

With a bang, thousand-year-old ancient books were scattered all over the study room. His Majesty stood in the study room and hit the desk with a heavy palm. His body was positioned like this and did not move for a long time.

Your Majesty... a voice came from beside him.

His Majesty slowly turned sideways, his blood-red eyes locked firmly.

Deloitte bowed and said: Judging from his reaction today, it is really possible that he did this!

The him he was talking about was Chang Shiba, the watcher.

In the capital, there is only one person in the temple, and that is him.

And there happened to be a regular seal behind this news. Who could it be if it weren't for him?

What's more, when His Majesty met with the watchman today, every word was like a stitch, and the watchman's demeanor fully showed that he was very suspicious.

Chang Shiba! His Majesty uttered three words in a deep voice: He really thinks that he is a regular member of the temple, and why others can't help him? You... whispered an order.


This is how the layout for the regular 18-year-olds begins.

In the Xishan Villa, Lin Su held up a glass of wine, raised it from a distance, and faced the Confucian Temple: Thank you! He drank it down in one gulp.

He and the watchman did not reach an agreement, and he never thought that the watchman would be so harsh with His Majesty and involve him in the war for no reason.

However, he had to admit that he, Lin Su, was the biggest beneficiary of the watchman's performance.

In this way, His Majesty's attention will be attracted to the watchman, and all confrontation methods will be launched against the watchman, and no one will notice Lin Su.

Hei Lao concealed Lin Su's standing order for the first time.

The watchman relays and conceals it again.

After concealing it twice, he, Lin Su, became invisible.

Invisibility at this time is too important, because he has just placed the first chess piece, he cannot be interfered with too much, and he needs a relaxed peripheral environment.


There was a slight sound of water drops falling onto the surface.

Lin Su's eyes fell back and saw Princess Yufeng's pear blossoms. She held the wine glass tightly in her chest. She lowered her head, but a few tears still stubbornly flowed to her cheeks...

Lin Su gently raised his hand and pressed it on her shoulder...

Princess Yufeng slowly raised her head, her tears unreserved in her eyes...

Don't be sad! I made a special trip to Xishan today to stay with you, just because I'm afraid you'll be sad...

Princess Yufeng sobbed: Actually, I know many things. I have known for a long time that there is something wrong with the death of my father, the emperor, and my mother. I have known about his dangers for a long time. I have known the cause, process and result of the matter. I have always known They all tell themselves that things have happened, and no matter how deep the wound in their heart is, it is just an old wound... But when this wound is really opened in front of you, it is still... still...

I know, it still hurts! Lin Su gently reached out and hugged her shoulders.

This was the first hug between them.

Although this hug only held half of her.

Although this hug has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.

However, Shadow still shed tears...

There are tens of billions of people in the world, some are laughing on stage, some are crying in the garden, some have traveled for hundreds of years just for food and clothing, some have endured for eight years just for revenge...

Everyone has his own opportunities, everyone has his own sorrows, everyone has gains, everyone has losses...

In Lingyin Temple, King Chen stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the Wen Dao wall through the small window.

His quiet room is within an inch.

But his thoughts were extremely far away.

At that time, the eldest brother was the prince, and the second brother was well-organized. It was almost destined that the future of the world would have a benevolent king and a conquering king. No one cared about him, so he should be a profligate prince.

He did indeed do this. The brothel in the capital knew that he was a profligate prince.

The world also knows it.

He can play with all kinds of novelty gadgets, he can drink fine wine, and he can appreciate beautiful women.

This kind of life was novel and interesting, and he never tired of it. Until one day, his father summoned him. He didn't blame him like he used to, and he didn't sigh that iron can't be transformed into steel. He just asked him calmly: In this life, do you plan to become a man? what kind of person?

When he spoke, his father interrupted him: Don't tell your father now. Go back and think about it carefully. In three months, you will answer your father again. You don't have to care whether your answer will make your father happy. You Just remember one thing, you will never change this answer or regret it for the rest of your life!

He returned to the palace with his father's problem.

In the three months given to him by his father, he reflected on life for the first time in his life.

For the first time in my life, I looked at my past, and for the first time in my life, I discovered my own weakness.

He had the answer about his life. He was waiting for the three months to expire and stepped into his father's study again. He was also looking forward to his father looking at him with a new look in his eyes with joy.


The father could not wait for this answer, and the difficult problem of a father leaving a naughty son came to an abrupt end!

The father died.

In just these three months, everything changed.

The father died, the mother died of illness, the eldest brother was killed, the second brother started an army, the world changed hands, and everything familiar was instantly changed beyond recognition.

Including the question he had been thinking about for three months.

Yes, this question turned into plum blossom petals in the eighth spring and autumn of Meiling and has long since disappeared.

He is no longer a young man who has to choose between a strong horse and a beautiful woman.

He must choose another path.

This road is extremely dangerous!

But this path is his inevitable choice!


Because my father has received no other answers!

Only this answer can make my father smile and feel at ease...

That night, the capital was as calm as yesterday.

However, this night, the undercurrent was extremely strong.

The whole city, and even the whole world, were disturbed by the news on the Wen Dao wall.

It involves the secrets of the late emperor, and it involves the integrity or injustice of His Majesty's current position.

Any mention of such a thing could lead to death.

Even thinking about it can lead to disaster.

Just like that, he suddenly appeared out of the air and tore bloodyly open on the most authoritative literary wall in the capital!

There is a shadow implanted in everyone's mind.

Is His Majesty really committing regicide and usurping the throne today?

Are the details here really true?

Ordinary people cannot know about the conspiracy in the deep palace, but ordinary people also know some things. For example, it is well known that five of the seven major families mentioned in the news were wiped out.

The Qu family's withdrawal from the court also caused heated discussions in the city.

It is well known to everyone that the Li family fled the world.

However, no one connected these things, and no one linked these things with the most taboo thing of regicide and usurping the throne.

And now, it’s hung up!

In an instant, a Category 12 typhoon blew up from the bottom of people’s hearts!

There is also the Tianji Dao Sect. The message left by the Tianji Dao Sect that day was posted all over the city and countless people heard it. The Tianji Dao Sect was uprooted and caused a huge wave, but very few people knew why.

Now that it is linked to this matter, all the secrets seem to be clear at a glance.

The whole city was cast under a huge shadow because of this news.

This is Da Cang, because of the king's affairs, the whole country is uneasy.

As for Osumi, it's a different scene.

Li Chi, the great emperor of the generation, stood up from his study and laughed loudly: In just two days, we will first depose the potential prince, and then disturb the hearts of the people. It seems that the people on the teacher's side have already begun to take action!

On the white water opposite him, Zong Chi smiled: That's natural. On the other side of Da Cang Capital, my many years of layout finally have some echoes.

Okay, okay! Li Chi said hello three times in a row, and his eyes were focused: Xiang Yiquan has set out with the Steppenwolf Regiment. When the army arrives at the Helan front line, he will launch his attack and give this former ally a fatal blow!

Your Majesty has great talents and great plans, and it is now time to expand the territory. I would like to congratulate you, Your Majesty! Zongchi stood up and bowed.

Everything depends on the teacher's plan. The teacher is weak and needs to rest. After the Great Cang merges, I still have to rely on the teacher's wonderful pen and grand plans.

The shadow in Li Chi's study disappeared.

Beside the White Water Spring, Zongchi looked at the sky for a long time. Suddenly, he had a violent cough. He bent over and coughed for a long time, and another plum blossom bloomed on the handkerchief.

His granddaughter Yinger supported him, her face full of worry.

Zong Chi slowly raised his head: What day is today?

It's the first day of junior high school tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the first day of junior high school, tomorrow is the first day of junior high school... Zongchi murmured: Ying'er, follow me south!

Grandpa, want to go south?

Yeah, fifty years of family and country, three thousand miles of rivers and mountains, grandpa wants to see...

Late at night on the same day, a wall of the Confucian Temple in Da Cang Capital suddenly lit up...

A long-bearded old man stepped out of the wall...

Chang Shiba, the watchman, was slightly startled and slowly opened his eyes...

Elder Chang, it's time for the rotation! The long-bearded old man said: From today on, I will be the watchman for Da Cang Capital.

Chang Shiba frowned: Is it time for the rotation? It should be seven months away, right?

There are some changes in the palace. When you return to the palace to return your order, you should be aware of it. This is to carry out the order! The white-bearded elder slowly raised his hand, and in his palm was a small order flag.

Chang Shiba stood up slowly and took the token: Elder Duan, I wonder which elder issued this token?

Is Elder Chang doubting the authenticity of this token? Elder Duan's face darkened slightly.

How dare you! Chang Shiba bowed: It's just a casual question, Elder Duan should not pay attention.

Elder Duan smiled lightly: You and I have been friends for many years, how can you care about this? Elder Chang set off to die immediately!

Chang Shiba walked slowly to the corridor of the Confucian Temple and took a look at the palace from a distance. His eyes passed over the top of the palace and circled around the west mountain. A book opened behind him. Chang Shiba stepped in and closed the book. A stream of light broke into the sky.

Chang Shiba, the official at the Confucian Temple in the capital, left Da Cang Capital.

Before leaving, no one saw his last look, his eyes were extremely cold!

In the deep palace, His Majesty looked away from the sky and held up the wine glass. His face was cold, but there was also a slight smile...

Above the Confucian Temple, the new watchman Duan Shiqi waved his hand lightly, and the gold paper on the Wen Dao wall flew up out of the air and turned into powder in the air. Countless people in the capital saw this scene and were astonished...

In the early morning, a rumor spread throughout the streets...

This rumor is extremely taboo...

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