Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 740 The second news

Rumor has it that the piece of paper posted on the wall of the Confucian Temple yesterday was done by the watchman of the Confucian Temple. This thief colluded with the demons and had betrayed the temple and brought trouble to the world. The temple learned of this and had him executed. Chang Xingxing took him back to the temple to hold him accountable, and replaced him with a new Confucian Temple watchman. Cleaned the literary wall of the capital as soon as possible...

The listeners were all stunned and their hearts were filled with excitement.

The watchman of the Confucian Temple is a person placed in the secular world by the temple. If the temple was a dynasty, this old man would be the censor of the dynasty and the imperial envoy!

Who in the world dares to criticize someone who beats the clock?

Criticizing him is more disobedient than criticizing the current emperor!

But today, a rumor tore the splendid coat of the watchman to pieces. He has betrayed the human race. He is a demon spy. He intends to tarnish the reputation of His Majesty the Emperor in order to disturb the world and pave the way for the demons to occupy it. !

What he said was all bullshit!

Don't you believe it? Look at the Wen Dao Wall!

As soon as the new clerk took office, he tore off the piece of paper posted by the previous clerk. You can see from this...

As soon as this rumor came out, it spread all over the city...

Those who heard it were dubious...

Although what was said in the news yesterday was surprising and convincing.

However, today's rumors are also convincing.

Because the piece of paper on the literary wall is really gone.

First of all, and secondly, the watchman appeared in public on the second floor of the Confucian Temple in high-gown and clean clothes. It was indeed a different person. He was not the original watchman Chang Shiba, but a strange old man!

All the links are perfect!

The matter involves high-level officials in the temple, which is sensitive and taboo.

The people were in a state of confusion, filled with questions and afraid to discuss...

The officials were confused. They were all human beings, and they didn’t even know how to ask...

Zhang Haoran learned the news immediately. He picked up the communication talisman to contact Lin Su, but after picking it up for a long time, he put it down. Lin Su was in the capital, so he would naturally learn the news as soon as possible. There was no need to inform him. , if you want to discuss countermeasures with him, you must first have suggestions in this regard, but he is completely confused and can't make any suggestions. In this case, contacting him has no real meaning...

He was like this, and so were the others. Even the old men Zhang Juzheng, Chen Geng, and Zhou Zhang couldn't think of any way to counterattack except for the chills on their backs.

Because the temple has taken sides!

Even Chang Shiba, who was on the watch, has become a victim of this decisive battle!

Not to mention them?

In this case, whoever stands up will die!

The capital has been reduced to a state of chaos.

Xishan is still peaceful and peaceful.

A few frogs croaked and a few birds chirped. Lin Su woke up from the Xishan Villa and opened the window. The mountain breeze was blowing. The lake water was rippling outside the window. Two mandarin ducks started chasing and playing in the pond early in the morning.

The two maids threw fish feed into the pond. Under the blue waves, countless red fish rolled and fought for each other. The mandarin ducks also swam over and grabbed a few fish, then returned to their partner and fed them to her. The two birds had their mouths facing each other. The mouth is feeding there, the little wings are fluttering, and a little beauty by the lake is looking at these, her face is a little red for some reason...

She is Xie Xiaoyan.

Xie Xiaoyan went to Lingyin Temple yesterday and came back very late. The maids in the villa had a tacit understanding and did not tell her that Mr. Lin was also staying at the Xishan villa...

Therefore, she didn't know that Lin Su was looking at her from the guest room not far behind her.

The door behind Lin Su rang softly. Lin Su slowly turned around with a smile and saw the shadow. The shadow was holding a tray. On the tray were four plates of small dishes and a porridge pot. The aroma was fragrant...

Master Lin, please have breakfast! Youying placed the tray on the small table in the room.

Lin Su smiled: If you are asked to deliver breakfast in person, how dare you do it?

Youying smiled softly: Please!

There was something she didn't say...

I personally deliver breakfast to you. You say you don’t dare to take it seriously. Yes, most people do not dare to take it seriously. However, there is another thing that most people dare not take seriously. Most people dare not even think about it. This thing is: today’s breakfast is personally made by Her Royal Highness the Princess. From the selection of materials to the ingredients used, from the heat to the aroma of the porridge, it was all made by her!

This was the princess's wish. The princess also told her not to tell him, so she didn't tell him, just to see if he could taste it.

Lin Su is not a god, he cannot taste the taste of a princess, but he can taste the familiar taste.

The breakfast at Xishan Villa is beginning to be in line with the Lin family’s breakfast. There are no delicacies, only home-cooked side dishes, which are refreshing and pleasant, crispy and delicious...

After breakfast, Youying put away the tray and said, Her Royal Highness is waiting for you, in the west wing!

The west wing is right next door.

Stepping through the door, the room has a pleasant fragrance. Princess Yufeng is sitting under the window. The tea has been poured. She raises her eyes, with a slight tenderness in her eyes. Yesterday's wine, yesterday's sorrow, yesterday's pain, yesterday's lingering, It seems that everything has been left behind last night. Today, she is still the peaceful and intellectual person she was familiar with in the past...

Something happened last night, and it was a big thing! Princess Yufeng said softly.


Something happened to the watchman...

Princess Yufeng recounted the rumors that had just spread in the city...

Xishan is not in the city, and the hustle and bustle in the city cannot affect Xishan. Many times, she will find out about some breaking news later, but obviously this matter is not included.

Because someone deliberately spread this matter, fearing that it would not spread widely, once it spread, everyone who heard it would be shocked. Therefore, Princess Yufeng already knew about this matter in the early morning, but she still waited for Lin Su to wake up naturally, and ate her After making breakfast with my own hands, I put this news in front of Lin Su...

The tea cup in Lin Su's hand had been brought to her lips and remained still for a while.

Princess Yufeng caught this with the corner of her eye, and she felt sad in her heart...

She knew that this matter was huge, it could even be said that it was too big for anyone to bear...

The temple elders took action and changed the watchman. What does this mean? This shows that in the game between him and His Majesty, the Holy Temple has already made a choice!

The temple chose to side with His Majesty!

What he faces is not only the most powerful Ninth Five Supreme Beings, but he also faces an even more terrifying temple!

This news was truly a disaster for him!

He took the blame for me! Lin Su took a sip of tea, his tone still calm.

Yes, he took the blame for yesterday's news, and he also suffered a huge price. Maybe at this moment, he is being judged in the temple... You... how will you go next? Princess Yufeng's voice trembled slightly.

Lin Su slowly raised his head with a smile on his face...

As soon as Princess Yufeng saw the smile on his face, for some reason, all her worries disappeared instantly...

Did you expect what happened yesterday?

Lin Sudao: What happened yesterday was not as I expected. For example, Chang Shiba, the watchman, I didn't expect that he would take the blame. I didn't expect that the temple's response would be so fast. The watchman was changed overnight... However, since this is the plan, all kinds of accidents are expected by me. Since they want to interfere in this game, it’s okay, I will play a game with them!

The temple took action based on Lin Su's prediction.

The watchman Chang Shiba once said, don’t force the Holy Temple to choose between you and His Majesty. This has fully demonstrated that the Holy Temple has the possibility of intervening in the change of Emperor Da Cang.

As his understanding of the Seventeenth Palace of the Temple deepened, he became more convinced that when things reached a fever pitch, it was inevitable for the Temple to intervene.

Therefore, he has left a place for the temple on his chessboard.

Princess Yufeng's delicate body trembled slightly, and she grabbed his sleeve with her hands: You...are you plotting against the temple?

No! Don't be nervous! There are seventeen palaces in the temple. Some of the scum in the seventeen palaces cannot represent the temple at all! And they also have weaknesses...

Princess Yufeng was so anxious that she grabbed his sleeve. Only then did she realize that something was wrong. She slowly took it back and calmed down her frantic thoughts: What are their weaknesses?

Their weakness is...the rules of the Holy Path! Lin Su said: The Holy Temple cannot directly intervene in the change of dynasty.

But... but... now it has been confirmed that they will still intervene... Even if they do not intervene directly, it is enough to subvert everything... Princess Yufeng was in a state of confusion...

As long as there is a weakness, there will be a flaw!

Princess Yufeng slowly raised her head: What do you want to do?

The first step is to rescue Chang Shiba. I prove with practical actions that yesterday's news has nothing to do with him! Because he has returned to the temple and is undergoing trial, Da Cang news is still being released! Lin Su raised his hands. , the gold paper came out, and the second news was written...

Da Cang News On the fourth day of July in the eighth year of Yuanjia, Da Cang Helan City was lost, 30,000 elite soldiers died in Helan City, and the four northern towns were occupied by Da Yu again. Lin Su, Zhang Haoran, Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, Qiu Mochi five Jinshi went to the northwest and led Helan's remnant army of 3,000 people. After four days of bloody battles, they recaptured four northern towns and rescued Li Xiaotian. They learned that the culprit behind the loss of Helan City was actually Zhou Ze, the commander of Longcheng. This thief colluded with Da Yu and leaked Helan's story. Lan Jun's situation closed Helan's military flag. Lin Su interrogated Zhou Ze with the law of literary and moral cleansing. Zhou Ze confessed that he was ordered by Ding Jiye, then Minister of War. This matter aroused public outrage, and his majesty put Ding Jiye in the sky prison. On the night of his birthday, Ding Jiye drunkenly confided his hidden secrets to Jin Yu, the third-rank emperor of the Ministry of Justice. He said, I, Ding Jiye, have no virtue or ability. I have no roots and no foundation. How can I dare to do such a big thing? How can I be charged with treason and collaborating with the enemy? Carrying it alone? I just received your Majesty's secret order! The person who really wanted to deliver the four northern towns to Dayu was your Majesty! Ding Jiye came out of the prison and was cleansed by Lin Su Wendao. His Majesty saw that the situation was not good and was worried Ding Jiye implicated himself and ordered Duan Xingtian, the commander of the imperial army, to kill Ding Jiye on the spot with lightning speed. This is the mystery of that day's prison! On the eighteenth day of the winter last year, Wang Jinyu entered the Supervision Department and asked Duan, the second-rank supervisor, for advice. Shan Gao told Duan Shangao what Ding Jiye said in prison. He knew that Duan Shangao, who was rumored to be fair and strict, was actually a loyal dog raised by his majesty. As soon as this top-secret word reached Duan Shangao's ears, he reported it to Duan Shangao in the blink of an eye. Your Majesty, in just one hour, Your Majesty issued an order to arrest Wang Jinyu. That night, Wang Jinyu died inexplicably in the sky prison. This was also the aftermath of the Helan Massacre.

News turned into golden light and soared into the sky...

The next moment, the literary walls of the capital suddenly shook, and another news post was about to come up.

The whole city was suddenly shocked, and all their eyes turned to the Wen Dao wall...

Since the first news was posted yesterday, Wen Dao Bi has become the focus of everyone's attention, from Confucian temples and deep palaces to ordinary people.

This morning, everyone felt the pull of Wen Dao Wall again, and everyone was shocked...

However, no one could see what was posted on the Wen Dao wall, because as soon as this press release was posted, it was suddenly shattered to pieces...

In the Xishan Villa, Lin Su stood up and looked at the Confucian Temple from a distance.

Above the Confucian Temple, on the second floor platform, an old man with a high hat and clean clothes looks through the early morning mist to the Western Mountain!

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