Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 741 The treasure of literature: Moyantai

It turns out that the words posted on the wall of Wen Dao are the great power of Wen Dao. No one knows where this piece of paper came from, but not including the watchman!

Da Gengren is in the Confucian Temple, and all the literary power in the capital is under his control.

Even if this press release suddenly appeared, he destroyed it immediately and locked the source of the release immediately.

Duan Shiqi, the watchman, was shocked by this lock.

Because he realized that yesterday's judgment was fundamentally wrong.

Chang Shiba is not a news publisher!

Because Chang Shiba has returned to the temple, the news is still being released!

So, who is this person?

On the Western Mountain, who else is always there?

(Lin Su has become a common thing in the temple. The inside of the temple, except for the highest level, is unknown unless you deliberately search for it)

Lin Su and Princess Yufeng’s faces were as gloomy as water!

Are you facing it head on?

I publish the news and you destroy the news, what's going on? Wen Daobi is your territory and cannot be invaded?

Then I will fight you to the end!

Lin Su holds a precious pen in hand!

This is just a treasure pen in the general sense!

The gold paper comes out, the gold paper in the conventional sense is the same as before!

However, the third item appeared in his palm!

This is a very small inkstone!

This inkstone seems ordinary, but once it is taken out, the whole room is suddenly filled with the mystery of the holy way, because this inkstone is a cultural treasure given by the temple!

When Lin Su fought against Bailu Academy, he wrote Lin's Calligraphy Theory. This theory is Qingwen, Qingwen, which is equivalent to Qingshi Qingci in terms of level. However, the real literary status is still in Qingshi Qingci. above the words.

This article was rewarded by the temple, which is the Ink Yantai.

Ink Yantai was a gift from the temple, but Lin Su had never used it because he did not need to use it. His precious pen originally contained the blood of spiritual beasts. The writing was naturally the treasure of the literary world, and there was no need for additional ink. .

However, today, he plans to try...

His hand lifted up very slowly!

His exquisite literary mind rises from the Wenshan Mountain, and wisps of divine inspiration come out of the pen. The tip of the pen touches Mo Yantai, and then writes a press release...

As soon as the manuscript was completed, it rose up from the sky, and a ray of literary holy light fell from the sky, falling on the literary wall like lightning and thunder...

Duan Shiqi, the watchman, suddenly darkened his face and brushed his hand lightly...


Not brushed off?

His face changed slightly, he took up a stroke with his hand, the pen was as big as a bucket, a ray of holy light flew out from the Confucian Temple, and wiped it hard!

There was a loud earthquake, the pen in the watchman's hand shattered, and the press release on the literary wall illuminated the whole city!

Duan Qi stared blankly at the remaining pen in his hand, his face full of disbelief...

Another piece of news appeared on the Wen Dao Wall, with a total of 400 words, once again setting off a frenzy in the audience!

The exact same scene as the previous day appeared again, with novelty, surprise, shock, doubt, fear, and anger happening at the same time in every corner...

There are also differences.

The difference is more anger.

Yesterday's press release focused on the emperor killing the emperor. To be honest, ordinary people did not feel much about this because the royal throne was still too far away from them.

But today is different.

Today involves the death of thirty thousand heroes!

The four northern towns are the pain points of the whole country. The warriors of the four northern towns who fight for the country are the heroes in the hearts of the people of the country.

What's more, around and within the capital, there are a large number of people from the four northern towns, millions of them. These people have left their homes and suffered the persecution of their homes. In all likelihood, their relatives died in the four northern towns. They looked northwest countless times, their clothes wet with tears.

There are also the families of 30,000 soldiers. They are the most angry. Their children fought for the country and died tragically on the battlefield. No matter who killed their husbands or their sons, they will fight tooth and nail!

In the early stage, they thought that the culprit had been brought to justice, and that Ding Jiye and Zhou Ze were all executed together, and they had no way to vent their anger. Now, suddenly, the news told them. Ding Jiye and Zhou Ze are nothing but scapegoats. The biggest culprit behind the four northern towns is His Majesty!

Their anger ignited at the same time...

Give me my husband's life!

Give me my son's life!

A shameless national thief, how can I be a king?

Enter the palace and kill this old thief...

There was chaos inside and outside the city...

The Jingzhao Yin Mansion panicked...

Prime Minister Lu Tiancong panicked...

In the Supervision Department, Duan Shangao was not only panicked, he was also scared! Today's press release contains a surprisingly large amount of information. There are several key figures, including Ding Jiye, Zhou Ze, His Majesty, and besides them, there are actually himself and Wang Jinyu.

Ding Jiye, Zhou Ze, and Wang Jinyu are all dead, so they are not afraid of this.

Your Majesty is the Supreme Being, so he won't be afraid.

What about him?

He got involved inexplicably and played a very disgraceful role.

From now on, no trace of his literary reputation will remain.

His official reputation will be a joke from now on!

He is a maverick character who spent his whole life working hard to create, but it was completely ruined by just two lines of words!

His eyes went dark...

Who is this?

Who can know this most secret privacy?

Who would be such a badass and do such an incredible thing?

He wanted to go see His Majesty immediately and find some comfort from His Majesty, but he also knew that His Majesty was definitely not as upset as he was at the moment...

Deep in the palace, His Majesty raised his head and felt the glare of the morning sun. He also felt like the world was spinning...

However, as his Majesty, his calmness is unparalleled...

With his hands together, the emperor's seal turned into a sword, pointing directly at the Confucian Temple. In the study, the figure of the watchman appeared: Elder Duan, what's going on?

I have taken measures and failed to erase this news! The watchman's demeanor was no longer as calm as when he first arrived.

How is it possible that it can't be erased? Who did it? His Majesty was shocked.

Lin Su!

Lin Su? His Majesty's heart was beating wildly: You mean, he has won the favor of a certain big shot in the temple? A big shot in the temple took action on his behalf?

He is not favored by the big shots in the temple, he is...a big shot!


I have just checked that Lin Su wrote Essential Art for Elevating the People at the beginning of this year and regarded it as a treasure book of the temple. According to the iron rules of the temple, he was directly granted the title of permanent executive of the temple! His rank of standing order is not above my rank. Down!

His Majesty's heart was pounding wildly. This was something completely beyond his prediction.

No one in the entire world knew that Lin Su was already a regular member of the temple!


Even if he has the same status as you and his rank is lower than yours, you can still suppress him!

Yes, the position is the same, but there is a gap in the writing level, you still crush him!

However, Duan Shiqi shook his head slowly: He wrote this news with the ink of Wenbao Yantai. This ink Yantai is not trivial. It is a temple cultural treasure. The words written with this ink cannot be written by me. erase!

That makes it completely clear!

Everything has been sorted out!

Lin Su has started a war!

Yesterday’s news was written by him, and so is today’s news!

Even Chen Geng's previous recommendation order for the temple was written by him.

All this has been straightened out...

The watchman said solemnly: The news is engraved on the wall of Wen Dao. Its destructive power is truly unparalleled. Your Majesty must find a way to transfer him immediately. Otherwise, if he writes one article every day like this, the whole world will be destroyed. Your Majesty will be unable to control the situation!

Yes! I will transfer him back to Haining now! His Majesty waved his hand and ended the communication.

The next moment, the eunuch chief Deloitte appeared in front of him.

Haining's operation begins!

Seven-word command, a killing order!

If you kill me in the capital, I will kill you in Haining!

Let me see if you still have the heart to stay in the capital and write news when your whole family is being killed...

Lin Su left the Xishan Villa and strolled up the stairs in this early summer. In front of him was a place where flowers and literature fell.

Today's Hua Luo Liu Wen is even more lively than in the past. A large group of students gathered together, showing off their literary style...

In a few days, it will be the Jinke Provincial Examination.

In a few months, the test will be held this year.

This time next year, the palace examination will take place.

From now on, it is officially the year of scientific examinations, and students have begun to compete in all aspects, competing in the examination room, competing outside the field, competing for grades, competing for literary titles...

The students were meditating hard on the white jade stage. Outside the stage, family members and servants were watching enthusiastically. There were also several green sedan chairs with a faint fragrance coming from inside. These were the rich ladies of the capital. They came to this place during the most suitable season for outings. In Xishan, they can take a close look at the flowers and flowing literature, and appreciate the charm of literature and art from a close distance. When they meet a suitable young man, they will not hesitate to throw out their flower handkerchiefs to seal a marriage.

Reciting poems and forming romantic relationships in Xishan seems to have become a literary trend, and this is probably also a trend brought about by someone Lin...

Lin Su walked around from the side to avoid the place where Hua Luo Liu Wen was located. Behind the tree in front, a young man looked at him with a smile.

This man was dressed in scholar's clothes and held a folding fan in his hand. The folding fan gently slid down from his face, revealing a handsome face. It was Li Qingquan.

Li Qingquan is completely different from his previous appearance.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Are you the image of the sick young man in the past?

No! Not at all! Li Qingquan said: In the past, Mei Wudong should be lying on the couch, while I am walking between heaven and earth.

Yes, this is the difference. Mei Wudong, the sick son of the capital, is just a deformed freak in that specific era and in a specific organization.

Today, Li Qingquan fully showed his style.

How is the situation over there? Lin Su asked.

He was asking about Anxiang's actions.

Li Qingquan made a report...

Operation Hidden Fragrance lasted only one day and two nights, and achieved fruitful results.

Nine out of ten Wujian Gates in the capital were killed by thousands of people.

The remaining people are all masters, huddled in Prince Ping's Mansion, unable to be eliminated for the time being.

You summoned me here today, but you want to arrange an operation to enter Prince Ping's Mansion? Li Qingquan ended his report with a question.

He was summoned by Lin Su.

As soon as he received Lin Su's call, an answer emerged in his mind, which must be to arrange a decisive operation against the Wujian Sect. The last group of Wujian Sect huddled in Prince Ping's Mansion. If he wanted to completely destroy them, they could only break through. Entering the palace, and the situation of breaking into the palace was serious, they did not dare to move until Lin Su spoke.

Now, it's time to speak.

However, Lin Su shook his head: It is not appropriate to make any big moves at the moment. Prince Ping's Mansion is mainly for surveillance and cannot be attacked forcefully!

Li Qingquan's eyes flashed: Because you are currently targeting the person above, and you don't want other emergencies to dilute the heat of this matter.

Yes, this is the special nature of the public opinion war! Lin Su said: The hot spots of the same event must be maintained, and new hot spots cannot emerge midway.

If Prince Ping's Mansion is breached, it will obviously be shocking news, and it will undoubtedly dilute the impact of the news on His Majesty himself.

Li Qingquan obviously understands this:

Then let me come over...

I asked you to come here to meet someone! Lin Su said.

Meet someone? who?

Follow me! Lin Su strode forward towards Lingyin Temple.

Li Qingquan had the answer in his heart. He knew who he was going to see this time...

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