Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 742 A peach blossom kills four murderers

Lingyin Temple is much more lively than before, because of a special event...

Three days later, there will be a Buddhist lecture in Lingyin Temple...

Buddhist lectures are very common and happen several times a year, but this lecture is unusual because it talks about the Diamond Sutra, the latest precious scripture in Buddhism.

This sutra came from the Jinguang Temple in Mount Wutai, but the eminent monks at the Jinguang Temple were very secretive about how the sutra came into being.

This sutra has been spread throughout the Buddhist world. It is famous all over the world because of its profound and unfathomable Buddhist principles, and has shocked countless secluded Buddhist monks.

As a result, there was a situation where thousands of monks came to the court.

Lingyin Temple, which had been quiet for hundreds of years, became lively.

Lin Su and Li Qingquan entered Lingyin Temple among the crowds of people, and after twists and turns, they reached the Zen room in the backyard.

The Zen room is very quiet.

The land of Buddhism was originally quiet.

The Zen room is very quiet.

A small courtyard with several camellia trees, bluestone as the board, and green wood as the door, this is the appearance of this Zen room.

Lin Su stepped forward slowly and knocked on the door gently.

The door opened, and a young man slowly turned around in front of the window. He was Chen Wang Jiguang...

On this day, three young people gathered in this small Zen room.

One is the former Emperor Da Cang...

One is the prince of Jin Dynasty...

One is the first master of Qinglian who is famous all over the world for his literary and artistic talents...

On this day, resources are being integrated, including all the power in King Chen's hands, all the power in Li Qingquan's hands, and Lin Su's own power...

On this day, various instructions were issued in an orderly manner, causing ripples in invisible places throughout the capital, and even in the unimaginably distant northern border, in the enemy's foreign country...

On the Lingding Ocean, there was a lonely boat with an old man and a young girl on board...

The moonlight has not risen yet, the stars are hanging low...

The old man looked south in the distance, with tears filling his old and dim eyes. He was the emperor of Osumi Kingdom, Zongchi. On the first day of May, he left Osumi and went south...

Far south, Haining City.

The stars are like water, the night is like tide, and the river is rushing.

Lin's house, the moon is shining brightly above the moon tower.

Sitting on the moon tower with the autumn water painting screen, my heart is quietly stirring.

My husband has been in Beijing for several days now. Although there is no breaking news, Qiushui Huaping still feels that there will be trouble in the capital.

This may be the understanding that every daughter-in-law of Lin Su has.

The calmer it seems, the bigger the waves are likely to be.

She did not go to Beijing with her husband because of her responsibilities. As long as her husband left home, the safety of the family depended on her to protect it.

She didn't know why she suddenly thought of the word home. Her home should be Qiushui Villa on the bank of Dongting Lake, and it shouldn't be Haining at all, but the home she recognized deep in her heart turned out to be Haining...

Maybe what the world says, it makes sense to obey your husband when you get married. Although I didn’t get married seriously, I was still his woman, and I already regarded my husband’s family as the head of the family in my heart...

At this moment, Qiushui Huaping suddenly felt something was wrong.

The moonlight faded in an instant.

The moonlight above the moon tower shrank to only a square inch.

Qiushui Huaping suddenly looked up and felt that the sky had changed. There were no stars and it was pitch black!

She didn't see the clouds either, she could only feel the suffocatingly thick sky, which she quickly suppressed!

The autumn water painting screen hands together, a painting suddenly unfolds...

Dongting spring water picture!

As soon as the Spring Water Painting came out, the entire Haining City was completely included. This was her painting world!

In the painting world, the stars were like water, and she finally saw clearly what was falling from the sky.

It's a mountain!

On top of the mountain, stood an old man!

Qiushui Huaping's face changed drastically: Literary world!

This mountain is not a real mountain, but a mountain transformed by the literary world!

This method of turning the void into a giant mountain is a method of the literary world to the letter!

The person who came is an expert in the literary world!

No matter how rare the literary world is in the world, Qiushui Huaping clearly knows that he has met one.

She is in the painting world, a painting world that has just broken through.

The world of painting is a partial one, and the standard is only the authentic literary path.

Definitely unable to deal with the literary world.

The old man on the mountain gave a long laugh: I've heard for a long time that the Lin family in Haining has a woman who paints the world to guard it, but it's a pity that you are only a side world. When you encounter this mountain, you are vulnerable to a single blow! Shatter!

With this loud shout compressed in the space of the painting, the boundary mountain suddenly enlarged ten times and pressed down.

Qiushui Huaping suddenly stood up, his delicate hands trembled, and four lines of words suddenly appeared in the northwest corner...

The east wind blows the waves in the old Dongting, and the boatman's hair turns white all night long. When he is drunk, he doesn't know that the sky is in the water. The boat is full of clear dreams that overwhelm the stars!

As soon as the ancient poem came out, the water in the lake seemed to suddenly have life, turning into a shocking giant fish, rising into the sky, and crashing into the boundary mountain with a bang.

The two of them collided, and Qiushui Huaping's hair flew high...

And the old man's world was torn apart, and his people were involved in the boundless galaxy...

This is impossible... The old man screamed in disbelief.

Although I am only painting the world, my world has eyes! The jade palm of Qiushui Painting Screen stretched out and slowly rotated, and the galaxy in her painting world suddenly turned over, chi!

The white-haired old man turned into blood mist.

A dignified literary master attacked the Lin family at night and died in the painting world of Qiushui Painting Screen. Just because of one thing, she had a good eye in the painting world! What are eyes? The green poetry handed down from generation to generation is the eye!

A poem that has been handed down from generation to generation, praising the scenery of lakes and mountains, is just beautiful to the bone in the outside world, but in her unique painting world, it is equivalent to a war poem!

Although this legendary literary figure was killed in one fell swoop, Qiushui Huaping's literary spirit was also wiped out.

At this moment, a sword flew towards me!

This sword directly split her painting world in half. When Qiu Shui Huaping was shocked, she saw four figures, each of them as tall as a mountain...

Qiushui Huaping's heart sank to the bottom...

The people who came were far from being from the literary world, there were at least five people!

These five people have a way of literature and a way of practice. The way of literature is the world of literature, and the way of practice is like heaven, law and earth!

If she is in her prime, she will not be afraid of a person who is like heaven and earth. This is because people at this level of cultivation are at most on par with, or even weaker than, masters in the literary world. She can kill even the literary world, so naturally she is not afraid. Like heaven and earth.

But now, she is not in her prime. She has just devoted all her strength to fight against the literary world. Although she has killed the masters of the literary world, her literary energy has been exhausted and she is at the end of her strength!

Facing these four masters, she is no match...

It is impossible to achieve your wish to kill another enemy...

She knew this, and the four Xiangtianfadi masters who attacked from the air obviously knew this too...

One of them had just broken through her painting boundary with a sword, and he had already detected that she was at the end of her strength and was determined not to be able to withstand the second wave of attacks. Then, the Lin family would be destroyed tonight...

A sword light fell, slashing towards the Lin family...

A palm rose and fell towards the Lin family...

In fact, it only takes one of these to make the Lin family completely doomed...

It was originally that simple for a master of heaven and earth to destroy an ordinary family!

However, at the moment when the sword light was about to fall, in the west courtyard of the Lin family, the petals of a delicate peach blossom floated up. The petals were like catkins, but as soon as it rose into the sky, the sword light and giant palm disappeared in an instant.

On the side of the South Lake, there was a man in black, looking at the sky in horror. He seemed to have completely lost the instinct to move. A flower petal fluttered in the air and landed on his forehead. As soon as it stuck to his forehead, his head disappeared. , and then, the whole body disappeared, including the long sword in his hand.

This weirdness happened in four places at the same time.

On the side of Nanhu Lake, on the river, on the top of Nanshan Mountain, in the sky...

The four masters are hiding in various places. At most, ordinary people can only see their Dharma bodies, but cannot find their true bodies at all.

However, this peach blossom petal, like a fairy in the sky, found them accurately. In a flash, they died at the same time. Not to mention that the soul could not escape at all, even their physical bodies and their weapons disappeared. Without a trace.

The breeze blows, and the petals fly, flying over the wall of Lin's courtyard and falling under the peach tree.

Under this tree, the ground is already full of residual red.

On the flower trees, there are still dozens of last remaining flowers...

A peach blossom? Deep in the palace, His Majesty's face was gloomy with disbelief as he stared at the eunuch chief Deloitte in front of him.

Deloitte's face was also filled with surprise and uncertainty: The old slave used the magic weapon as an eye and wore it on the five masters to monitor at any time. The seven elders died in the painting world of Qiushui Painting Screen, and the remaining four people did die from a flower. Peach blossom.”

This... what kind of technique is this? Yuantian?

Unknown! Everything in front of us is unknown! Deliqin said: It is possible that the Lin family hides masters from Yuantian, or it may be an incredible killing array. Please give me some time, and I will definitely find out...

Time! How can I give you time? His Majesty roared: Haining's murder has not been successful, so we can't transfer this traitor away. Tomorrow... who knows what kind of news will be posted on the wall tomorrow?

Your Majesty, this plan will not work, the only option is to force him to summon him! Deloitte wiped the sweat from his forehead: Your Majesty, why don't you just summon the Lin thief into the palace and order... Commander Duan to kill him?

His Majesty stood up slowly, his face extremely troubled...

Summon this thief into the palace and order the commander to kill him?

If the commander-in-chief could kill him, wouldn’t he have killed him earlier? Still waiting until today?

He had already made an arrangement with the commander-in-chief, but the commander-in-chief said frankly that in terms of combat power alone, this thief and the commander-in-chief were really on par with each other, and it was difficult to win with blind assassination.

Deloitte knew this, but still put forward this suggestion. In fact, it refers to another method, but it is difficult to say clearly. Deloitte means that His Majesty will remove it with the imperial seal.

Has it really come to this?

Do you have to use the imperial seal to kill a temple regular?

This kind of thing is really too taboo...

The Emperor's Seal kills people and cannot be concealed from others. Once the Emperor's Seal is used, it means that His Majesty himself will die personally and all the troubles will be borne by him. What's more, the person killed is Changxing of the Temple. This move is actually a conflict between the Imperial Power and the Saint. Quan's head-on confrontation...

Your Majesty, since this thief has come this far and is facing Your Majesty with his sword, Your Majesty should make a decision immediately. As for some future troubles, it will not be too late to eliminate them slowly...

His Majesty slowly raised his eyes and looked at the sky...

What Deloitte says makes sense!

Using the imperial seal to kill people is the worst move for an emperor.

Of course there will be endless troubles.

But what can we do if we don’t do this?

The existence of this traitor is seriously damaging His Majesty's prestige every day, and is threatening his throne every day. He cannot bear it unless he is removed.

Except for him, even if it causes an uproar, it can be slowly eliminated.

After all, he is still His Majesty.

After all, his foundation in the temple is much deeper than that of Thief Lin!

His imperial seal was slowly raised, and suddenly, His Majesty was shocked...

There is a layer of black light above his imperial seal...

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