Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 743 Defiled Emperor’s Seal

His Majesty stared at the black light on the imperial seal and was shocked. At this moment, he truly understood Lin Su's evil plan.

Lin Su's two news articles posted on the wall are far from as simple as creating public opinion.

What he was targeting was His Majesty's imperial seal.

The imperial seal is the highest-level official seal, with infinite power and invincible in the capital.

Even the masters of the Yuantian Realm are no match for the Emperor's Seal in the capital city.

Even though Lin Su is superb in literature, incredible in swordsmanship, and unexpected in wisdom, it is still impossible for him to truly pose a fatal threat to His Majesty. Why? Just because of the power of the imperial seal.

However, the imperial seal also has weaknesses, and its weakness is the weakness of the official seal.

The official seal can be covered in dust, and so can the imperial seal!

As long as the people have doubts about the emperor, as long as the wave of people's rebellion is large enough, the emperor's seal will be covered with dust.

In the old days of Xizhou, Lin Su amplified the effect of public opinion, dusting off the official seals of all officials in Xizhou's officialdom, and then planned the mermaid clan to come ashore and kill Xizhou's officialdom.

This is an important part of Lin Su's officialdom game.

Now, it’s upgraded!

He drew on the successful experience of the last time and pointed the finger at the Nine-Five Supreme Being. The two pieces of news were also very particular. The first piece of news questioned whether His Majesty was in the right position, and the second piece of news pointed out that His Majesty was a traitor to the country and a thirty-thousand brave warrior. The real culprit behind the death in battle.

Such rumors are most likely to tarnish the emperor's seal.

The imperial seal is covered in dust, and His Majesty is truly frightened.

The face of Deloitte next to him also changed: The real purpose of this thief is to defile His Majesty's imperial seal!

His Majesty gasped and did not answer.

Deloitte added: The fact that this thief defiled His Majesty's seal at this time shows that this thief intends to seize power by force, and the actual launch should be within a few days!

Your Majesty suddenly raised his head...

This is another misunderstanding!

Lin Su went to Yaowang Mountain a few days ago and said something that many people were confused about...

Your Majesty is a shrewd man and deciphered a bunch of clues from his words...

He captured key locations and time nodes such as the imperial mausoleum and next year's Spring Festival, and did a series of work accordingly. However, judging from the current situation, he may have gone astray!

The fact that Lin Thief defiled his Imperial Seal at this time shows that the time point for his real action will never be next year's Spring Festival - if it is next year's Spring Festival, there will still be more than half a year from now, enough for His Majesty to complete the defiled Imperial Seal. After cleaning, the dirty emperor's seal will lose its meaning this time.

There is only one possibility for this dirty emperor's seal to be meaningful...

The time point for him to launch is within these few days!

Only in this way will your Majesty have no chance to cleanse the imperial seal!

As soon as this interpretation came out, His Majesty's face became as dark as water...

In the match between him and Lin Su, he lost another round without knowing it!

Because he had made careful arrangements in the early stage, a large number of masters were sent to the capital. The power of the Hidden Dragon Guard was relatively empty, and a considerable number of them were guarding the imperial mausoleum. If Lin Su planned to attack him directly, he would be the one in front of him. When His Majesty was at his weakest...

Deloitte is also shrewd: Your Majesty, the power in the palace is currently weak. Do you want to transfer a group of Hidden Dragon Guards from the imperial mausoleum to the palace to protect you?

Do you want to transfer the Hidden Dragon Guards over there at the Imperial Tomb?

Deloitte once again posed a problem for His Majesty...

If the Hidden Dragon Guards were not transferred, who knows if Lin Su would directly organize a large number of masters to attack the palace? This person has a close relationship with the Jianmen. This person is the leader of Lingyun. It is not surprising that he is associated with many forces on the spiritual path. This person is also involved with the demon clan and the mermaid clan. Therefore, he has the ability to summon a large number of spiritual masters to attack the palace at night. He had the ability to taint the emperor's seal first, and then take hard measures. This was something Lin had a precedent for.

Therefore, when the power of the imperial seal weakens, the palace needs to increase its strength. This is a must!

However, there is another problem that is also tricky!

If the Dragon Guards are hidden, the imperial tomb will be empty. What if Lin Su really wants to dig up the imperial tomb? As long as he digs out the remains of the late emperor, it will become an ironclad case that he committed regicide and usurped the throne. The imperial seal will not be as simple as being defiled, but may be completely destroyed.

Based on the comprehensive conclusion, the palace needs to strengthen its guard force.

The imperial mausoleum also needs to strengthen its strength.

The ninety-seven armies, especially those of Dragon City, Blood Rain Pass, and Nanwang, also need to strengthen their strength.

In this way, His Majesty realized for the first time that the strength in his hands was not enough.

Lin Su's words that day clearly warned Yao Wangshan, but the effect of secretly revealing a few points was really revealed.

That is, His Majesty cannot fathom his true strategic intentions at all, his forces are completely dispersed, and he does not dare to give up at any point...

At this moment, the holy light appeared in the sky, and an old man with a white beard came out of the void, with a high crown and clean clothes, like a Nine Heavens Immortal...

Your Majesty! His Majesty bowed, and Deloitte knelt down directly.

Duan Shiqi, the watchman of the Confucian Temple, said calmly: The temple does not care about the changes of secular dynasties, but it is also the responsibility of the temple to maintain the stability of the secular government and maintain the continuity of the great blue world. However, there are demons and monsters who dare to risk the disapproval of the world. If we invade within three hundred miles of the Confucian Temple, how can the Temple stand idly by?”

His Majesty was overjoyed when he heard this and bowed deeply: Thank you, Your Majesty!

What the watchman said was very orthodox.

No matter where you get it, you can't stand in line.

But, it depends on how you understand it.

The temple does not care about the changes in imperial power, but it has the responsibility to maintain the continuity of the culture. As for how to maintain it, the right to explain is in his hands.

Demons and monsters invade within three hundred miles of the Confucian Temple. The temple has the responsibility of exterminating demons and defending the law, but what are demons and monsters? No conclusion! Of course they are monsters and demons, but they can also be cultivators with evil intentions, and they can also be people in the literati with evil intentions!

And three hundred miles! This geographical concept is even more interesting when used here. The entire capital is centered on the Confucian Temple and extends for three hundred miles in all directions, which is enough to completely encompass the entire capital!

With a word from the watchman, His Majesty was reassured.

That night, the people in the capital cried, laughed, and had small-scale riots. However, to the overall situation of the world, it was just a storm in a teapot...

That night, Zongchi in the Lingding Ocean crossed the Lingding Ocean and finally set foot on his homeland after fifty years of absence...

That night, Xiang Yiquan, a master of literary circles in Osumi, followed Osumi's most powerful army, the Steppenwolf Regiment, and entered Yanmen Pass and set foot on the land of Da Cang...

That night, the sound of chanting in Lingyin Temple was like night rain, with stars dotted until dawn...

Lin Su fell asleep to the sound of chanting...

Stepping into the dawn of the next day on a simple bed...

The breeze blew, and his eyes slowly opened, and a Buddhist song came from the distant morning breeze: There are flowers in spring, snow in winter, cool breeze in summer, and moon in autumn. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world...

The singing voice is soothing and soft, as if it is a brush gently brushing away the dust on the memorial platform, making the memorial platform feel empty...

This song was first created in the ancient country of Nanyang. After it was introduced to Lingyin Temple, it immediately became the temple song of Lingyin Temple because of its infinite Zen meaning.

Ordinary people only know that this song is extremely wonderful.

Literary masters understand the ethereal and wonderful lyrics.

A great scholar from the capital wrote a poem about this song: Although my temples are fading in my prime, my unknown thoughts enter the Mian Terrace, the grass is shimmering in the autumn light, and I feel relieved as soon as the Zen music sounds.

The Zen sound he refers to is this song. From then on, Lingyin's song can be relieved and became the consensus of the capital, which gave Lingyin Temple a wave of popularity. It needs to be known that people in the capital where they live, All of them are people who are full of worries. For them, the word relief may represent a lifelong pursuit...

Lin Su stepped over the bluestone threshold and saw Li Qingquan...

Li Qingquan sat quietly on the courtyard wall, staring at a certain place...

Sensing Lin Su's arrival, Li Qingquan turned around and said, Have you noticed? There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Lingyin Temple.

That's natural. Eminent monks from all walks of life from the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States have gathered together, and all of them are extraordinary. Who did you focus on?

Li Qingquan is a man of cultivation. His cultivation is at the extreme level of Daoguo, which is one level higher than Bi Xuanji. He is also a man of vision. Otherwise, he would not have been the master of Suzaku Hall for many years.

The people he follows are no different.

Li Qingquan said...

He focused on two people. One was a young female nun in blue. Although this girl was young, her cultivation was extremely special. From the perspective of her cultivation itself, she should be comparable to him. However, her Taoist realm was unparalleled. At that time, her bones could actually recite sutras. Can you believe it?

Bone chanting?

Lin Su was stunned...

Following Li Qingquan's hand, Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. The nun Li Qingquan was paying attention to was the nun who came to Beijing with them on the same boat that day. She was not meditating at the moment, so naturally he couldn't hear her. She chanted sutras with her bones while meditating, but he believed in Li Qingquan. Li Qingquan said that if her bones could recite sutras, she would definitely be able to recite sutras...

What does this mean?

Li Qingquan said: This is a kind of Buddhist magical power that has been lost for a long time. It is called the 'Zen Sound Magic Skill'. When you practice it to a high level, one sound can control the world! What's even more frightening is that the way of practicing this magical power completely breaks out of the practice framework. , Sometimes it takes a hundred years of hard work to stay in place, sometimes it takes one step for a thousand years or even further...

The magical power of Buddhism is really difficult to measure! Lin Su sighed: The old monk you just saw also fell into your eyes?

Lin Su looked at the direction where Li Qingquan was looking just now. There was an old monk there. He was ordinary. At least Lin Su didn't think there was anything special about him.

Li Qingquan said: Yes! This old monk doesn't have anything special at the moment. It's because he has his eyes closed. His eyes are very strange.

What kind of strangeness?

Exceptionally bright.

Extremely bright?

Most people in Buddhism have bright eyes. Some people explain that this is the Lingtai Qingming, and their eyes are bright.

Lin Su also agreed. The master abbot of Lingyin Temple was like this. His face was withered and wrinkled, and the chrysanthemums were old and skinny when they bloomed, but his eyes were clear and translucent...

At this moment, the old monk who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes met Lin Su...

In just a short moment, Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

The old monk closed his eyes.

Li Qingquan's voice penetrated into his ears: Did you see it? It's so bright, and I feel like he can see through my thoughts at a glance.

Lin Su's voice penetrated into Li Qingquan's ears: Don't look at him!

Do you feel this way too? The feeling of being seen through by someone at a glance?

Lin Su shook his head gently: I didn't see this, but I saw another point... This person's pupils are two lotus flowers, one black and one white!

A normal person's pupils are just pupils, not lotus flowers.

And his eyes are lotus flowers, and they are of different colors, one black and one white, the black is mysterious and deep, and the white is as pure as jade.

Black and white double lotus? Li Qingquan pondered: What kind of technique is it?

This is not a skill, it is a natural miraculous eye. It is mostly born in the reincarnation of Buddhist monks. The black color is the result of the sins of the previous life. The white color is the result of the good results of the previous life. Therefore, each has its own magical function. The black pupil It can kill people, but its white eyes can save people!

Li Qingquan was stunned: How come you know everything? Where did you learn it all?

Lin Su smiled: I came from a very strange place. There was a man there, a scholar. This scholar ate the stool of the undead beast king three hundred years ago. I don't know whether he was exhausted or idle. He traveled all over the world in three hundred years. A lot of strange information was collected from all corners of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, and I sorted it out from his twenty-three study rooms...

Li Qingquan shook his head gently: You can still eat enough after eating the beast king's poop... Can anyone describe the literary seniors like you...

At this moment, his communication talisman shook slightly...

Li Qingquan took out the communication talisman with a line of words written on it...

Xiang Yiquan has entered the capital!

Lin Su and Li Qingquan were shocked at the same time...

We just passed Yanmen Pass last night and have arrived in the capital today. The speed is really terrifying! Li Qingquan said.

He is a member of the literary world, and he has gone deep into the enemy's country, aiming directly at the Ninth Five Supreme Beings. Without any advantage in speed, wouldn't he be looking for death? Maybe he also has a holy treasure that can reach thousands of miles, and he plans to achieve success at any time. Retreat. Lin Su said.

So, we can't take him down after all? Li Qingquan said.

He is not our target, there is no need to worry about this matter! Lin Su jumped up from the courtyard wall.

He and Li Qingquan entered the Zen room side by side. King Chen glanced back, saw their expressions, and became excited: Is it time?

The long-awaited Divine Assistance Technique has arrived in Beijing! Lin Su said: Now, it's the decisive battle!

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