Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 744 A divine assist from Osumi

Lin Su raised his hand, holding the gold paper, and a smoky inkstone appeared at the same time. His top-notch literary mind was activated, and he wrote the third piece of news through the tip of his pen:

Yesterday's news mentioned that Helan City was lost. The real culprit behind the scenes was His Majesty Ji Shang. Everyone may have questions. As the king of a country, why are you so persistent in sending away the four towns in the north of Da Cang? The fundamental reason is that the loss of Luo City that day Alliance, the Luocheng Alliance was not a compromise formed by the enemy's pressure, but a dirty deal! His Majesty killed the king to seize the throne, the political situation was unstable, and the Huainan King's million-strong army was arrayed on the side of the Nu River, ready to destroy it at any time. Ji Shang asked King Ohsumi asked for help and invited King Ohsumi to send troops to invade, which threatened the destruction of Da Cang. Hundreds of great scholars took advantage of this crisis and threatened the Huainan King. Based on the survival of Da Cang, King Huainan ordered his army to pass through Jiangdong and gave the throne to Ji Shang. In order to repay the kindness of Dayu's invasion, Ji Shang promised Dayu the land of four towns in the north. This control was in the hands of King Dayu. He did not dare to disobey, so there were all kinds of unbelievable things about 'the king betraying the country'...

Once the news is complete, it turns into the light of literature and goes straight up the wall of literature!

Wen Daobi shook slightly and announced it to the whole city for the third time!

Duan Shiqi, the watchman, tried to stop him as usual, but to no avail!

The eyes of all the people in the city were gathered together. This gathering was shocking!

A roar came from Lingyun Pavilion, the largest restaurant in the capital: The Luo City Alliance is a deal! Borrowing troops to invade, repaying a favor! It's ridiculous and ridiculous!

The people next to him raised their arms and shouted: Such a king, what a disgrace to the world!

Enter the Golden Palace and dethrone Lord Hun!

Why are you so stupid? You are a national thief! Kill the national thief and avenge the fifty million elders in the four towns!

Countless people rushed out of the restaurant...

Almost everyone on the street was angry...

At the soap factory outside the city, hundreds of thousands of refugees from the four northern towns were all angry, turning into a wave and heading straight towards the capital...

Their anger is real anger. Their homes are in the four towns in the north, and most of their parents and relatives died under Ohsumi's cavalry. This is a deep-seated hatred. They used to bear this blood feud on Ohsumi, but now , Wen Daobi told them that the battle that caused their homeland to fall was not an invasion by Ohsumi, but an invasion invited by the monarch.

The real enemy is sitting in the golden palace now!

Pull him down, kill him, and cut him into pieces!

This is the anger that hundreds of thousands of people are exploding at this moment!

This is just folk...

The group of court officials was divided into two, and countless warring officials were angry at the same time. This news solved their confusion for many years. This news made them furious...

Even the Zhaoshi Pavilion, which had always stood in the forest of the Chao Pavilion, invisible in the fierce wind and rain, was already in chaos at this moment. Several old people raised their arms and shouted: I have been afraid of war for many years. It turns out that the root is here. How can the heaven deserve it? , something so evil happened...

Presumptuous! A majestic shout rang out: It's just a rumor with ulterior motives, how can you behave yourself if you just mess up your position?

Exactly! Another minister shouted: This thief is clearly colluding with the enemy country to slander our emperor and cause chaos in the country. He is trying to take advantage of the chaos to attack our country! How can you, as the pillars of the court, be so indifferent to the truth and the false? ?”

The two people who stood up were the two second-rank officials of the Zuoshi Pavilion. One was Nangong Pushe and the other was Zheng Xiongpushe.

Their words carry weight.

A more important person walked out from above with a slight cough, but it was Prime Minister Lu Tiancong.

Lu Tian gently waved his hand: The things mentioned in today's news are purely malicious frame-ups! I have ordered all officials in the world to arrest anyone who dares to follow these vicious rumors and slander His Majesty's holy name. Bring him to justice and face charges of treason!

The Zhongshu Order was issued like lightning, and the officialdom of Da Cang gradually calmed down...

This is the difference between officialdom and the private sector!

Folk sentiment, as soon as they saw this news, countless people picked up their hoes and rushed to the edge of the city...

Officialdom is rational. A piece of news is not ironclad evidence. Dissenting voices should be suppressed as soon as possible. As long as the first voice is suppressed, there will be no second voice. This is related to the essence of officials. Human essence is good at Watching the wind direction, they know that it is not easy to be the first bird...

A shocking change in the officialdom that has already begun is about to be suppressed like this...

At least Prime Minister Lu Tiancong is confident, because he has been an official for most of his life. He knows the nature of officialdom. He also knows that the power on his side and on His Majesty's side is far greater than that of the main war faction, no matter who it is. It is absolutely impossible to overturn the officialdom of Da Cang with just a few pieces of news.

As long as the officialdom is settled, the people will not be able to make big troubles!

How can a few mud-legged people burn through the city wall with their great anger?

Can a few rotten scholars in the capital storm into the palace again?


However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Suddenly another piece of paper was posted on the Wen Dao wall...

This piece of paper, like the previous news on the Wen Dao wall, was immediately brought to the attention of everyone...

Lu Tian dropped his gaze and was shocked...

The words are written by His Majesty Emperor Li Chi of Dayu: Your Majesty respectfully invites your Majesty to send troops to Da Cang to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies from Da Cang and help my brother ascend to Dabao. I will never forget my brother's great kindness. The four towns in the north will take this letter as a basis and return forever. Dayu. Brother: Lord Da Cang, Ji Shang! The first day of the fifth lunar month in the first year of Yuanjia.

It was also stamped with the imperial seal.

Prime Minister Lu Tian stiffened from head to toe, staring at the piece of paper that appeared on the Wen Dao wall, his mind went blank. This was the letter written by the former emperor himself, and it was stamped with the Great Cang Emperor's seal...

With a bang, the entire Zuoshi Pavilion exploded...

Master Prime Minister, is this what you call malicious framing? someone shouted.

Can this imperial seal be fake? Another person shouted.

Your Majesty... No! This is a letter of invitation to send troops written by the national thief Ji Shang himself. It is stamped with the Da Cang Emperor's seal, and this imperial seal is vaguely consistent with the imperial seal in the palace. The news that Ji Shang is traitorous to the country is irrefutable. Rushan! Prime Minister, what else can you say?

Suddenly, countless questions poured in, and Prime Minister Lu Tian was covered in cold sweat from his back...

Your Majesty's autographed letter should only exist in Dayu and never appear in Da Cang!

It shouldn’t be made public to the world!

But today it happened to be posted on the Daocang Wen Dao Wall!

This piece of paper is as light as a feather, but this piece of paper is also as heavy as Mount Tai. This piece of paper will easily pull the Ninth Five Supreme Being from the throne. When things have reached this point, there is no room for maneuver...


Why did things come to this point?

Is this also Lin's plan?

Why did Emperor Li Chi of Osumi, a talented and strategic monarch, become his chess piece, landing on his chessboard at this critical juncture and becoming his greatest help?

In the deep palace, His Majesty Ji Shang stared at this piece of paper that suddenly appeared, and his expression finally changed!

How many storms has he experienced in these eight years and more?

He did not change his color even though he killed the king and usurped the throne.

King Huainan's millions of troops were arrayed in Jiangdong, but he did not change his color.

The temple competed with him, but he did not change his color.

The court officials were torn apart, performing the ultimate change in officialdom, but he never changed his color.

But today, his color changed.

Because this flimsy piece of paper is too heavy for him to bear!

He was forced to send this letter that day because of the situation. After sending it, he actually regretted it. However, there was no turning back, so he could only bite the bullet and move forward step by step.

Because of the shackles of this piece of paper, he lost the character of a heroic king, and he was at the mercy of Li Chi.

The shame of the four northern towns, the criticism of the Luo City Alliance, and the subsequent fuss against the Dragon City defender were all because of this piece of paper.

In order to preserve the throne, he did the best that an emperor could do, but this piece of paper - this noose, still fell on his head...

The light of the holy path appeared in front of him, and the watchman Duan Shiqi appeared with his back bowed: Your Majesty, the person from Dayu is Xiang Yiquan in the literary world. He used the power of the holy treasure to imprint this letter on the literary world. On the road wall, I cannot intercept...

His Majesty slowly raised his head: This matter has been revealed. There is no point in regretting it. Great changes are about to occur in the capital. Dear envoy, will you keep your promise?

What he asked was, does what you said yesterday still count?

Will you still use the power of the Confucian Temple and the power of the Holy Temple to turn this situation around?

Duan Shiqi, the watchman, said slowly: The power of the temple cannot be revealed in front of Lin Thief, because I and he belong to Changxing and cannot give orders to him. The power of the Confucian Temple can control all things in the world. However, I am afraid that Lin If the thief moves the capital's literary system, if the entire capital's literary system follows his lead, I will definitely not be able to fight against the orthodoxy of the capital's literary system on my own.

The temple is a regular place with a transcendent status, and it has a natural binding force on secular literati. Although it cannot be said to be a leader, it is a convention that literati obey the orders of the temple.

However, there is a variable now, Lin Su is also Chang Xing! If he, the watchman, orders Wen Dao with standing orders, he will definitely use his own standing orders as a hedge. Lin Su's standing orders are unnumbered standing orders, which are more transcendent than his standing order No. 17. You let What should the literati do?

The power of standing orders had no effect on Lin Su.

That leaves only the authority of the watchman. The watchman controls the Confucian Temple in the capital. The power of the Confucian Temple is unparalleled. In theory, as long as the watchman is determined to calm the situation, no one can cause trouble.

However, there is also a peculiarity.

The Confucian Temple is an institution of the Holy Temple in the human world and is the spokesperson of the Holy Temple in the human world.

It must not disregard the attitude of literary and moral orthodoxy.

If the four major cultural peaks in the capital are activated at the same time, the watchman must not become their opponent. Once he becomes the opponent, it means that the temple has completely lost control of Da Cang Wen Dao.

This kind of sin is unbearable not only for the watchman, but also for the high-level officials of the temple.

His Majesty slowly raised his gaze: I know your envoy's concerns well. Now it depends on whether the two and a half pillars of Hanlin Academy, Gongyuan and Zhizhi Hall can block one and a half pillars of the other party.

The situation has changed drastically at this moment, and the four pillars of the capital's literary tradition have become the key to whether the watchman can intervene.

Lin Su already controls Wenyuan Pavilion and half of White Deer Academy.

On his side, he also controls the Hanlin Academy, the Gongyuan Academy, and half of the White Deer Academy (although Zhizhitang was completely demoralized by Chen Geng's iron fist, it still has its weight).

At first glance, his chances of winning seemed pretty good, but he obviously overlooked something...

With a bang, the gate of the capital city burst through!

Hundreds of thousands of northern refugees broke through the city gate. Yesterday, they attacked and failed, but today, they succeeded. Just because of one thing, the defenders of the city were also angry. The soldiers started internal strife. The stubborn general was The deputy general beside him was beheaded on the spot, and 100,000 refugees entered the city.

A wave of 100,000 people surrounded Hanlin Academy and Gongyuan in a matter of seconds.

People on various streets crowded in crazily, and in the blink of an eye there were 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, million...

This is the first element that Your Majesty ignores, the people!

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