Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 746: Sword of Nirvana, Counter Killing Formation

His voice rose from the void and covered an army of fifty thousand men.

The 50,000 forbidden troops felt their hearts tremble at the same time.

In the past, Lin Su led 3,000 Helan remnants to fight all the way from Longcheng to Helan City, killing more than 130,000 Osumi border troops. This has long become a myth among the military. Although the Forbidden Army is known as the Capital Iron Army, they also know that the Forbidden Army brothers How can you compare to the great army that fights with real swords and guns outside the Great Wall?

Osumi's more than 100,000 elite soldiers were beaten to pieces by Lin Su and his 3,000 remnants in the northern part of the Great Wall. Their 50,000 forbidden troops faced him head-on. Why did they suddenly feel a little unconfident?

Lin Su added: Forbidden Army, listen! If you go against me, you are destined to die. Those who put down their weapons now will have a life. After a while, there will be no chance of survival. I will count three times, 1...

The Imperial Guards looked at each other, and several of them made a move to put down their weapons, but feeling the terrifying atmosphere around them, they tightened their grip.

Duan Xingtian looked up to the sky and laughed: Lin Su, you have great military skills, but where are your soldiers today? You don't even have soldiers, and you dare to talk about getting rid of my 50,000 forbidden troops? Isn't it a joke?

The 50,000 Imperial Guards suddenly felt at ease...

What the Commander-in-Chief said is true. Lin Su is indeed the legendary God of War. However, the God of War must have soldiers to use them. If you don’t even have soldiers, how can you talk about the Art of War?

At this moment, Li Qingquan waved his hand: Qinglong, White Tiger, enter the queue!

The Green Dragon Army has arrived! With a shout, a large flag was waved from the surrounding people, with a long green dragon on it, fluttering in the wind!

The White Tiger Army has arrived! Another big flag appeared, with a white tiger looking up to the sky and roaring.

The two legions instantly gathered behind Lin Su, and outside the palace city, the people transformed into armies on the spot.

Duan Xingtian's face changed greatly: You dare to privately control the military flag and train the army privately, you are treason!

Two! Lin Su answered with one word, which was a number, two!

The second of three!

The Forbidden Army is in chaos!

Lin Su has an army in his hands!

No matter how big the army is, it will never be weaker than the three thousand Helan remnants he had in the past...

He led the remnants of Helan's army, which had suffered 3,000 casualties and was not able to deal with them quickly, and was able to wipe out 130,000 Dayu cavalry. What great things could the two legions accomplish now?

Duan Xingtian felt the shock and uneasiness coming from the military flag, and did not dare to wait any longer...

The flag in his hand was displayed: Kill!

As soon as he made his killing cry, Lin Su shouted out the third word: Three!

As soon as the three words came out, his art of war Li Dai Tao Jian was simultaneously issued...

The flag in Duan Xingtian's hand suddenly changed direction, and with a bang, corpses lay everywhere under the flag, all of which were his forbidden troops!

When Duan Xingtian's heart was pounding, his eyes fell and almost popped out...

The army outside the palace completely disappeared in an instant!

What art of war?

Pass through Chencang secretly!

Before the palace city was breached, Lin Su's Qinglong and White Tiger army formations had already entered the palace city out of thin air. Within a moment, the imperial army was completely in chaos!

The Forbidden Army is a regular army, so its military formation is powerful.

And how could the Qinglong and White Tiger armies be ordinary soldiers? They are all experienced practitioners!

The greatest strength of master practitioners is their personal combat power. Once they are allowed to enter the opponent's military battle, how can ordinary soldiers be their combined enemies?

Unless the soldiers form a formation!

Duan Xingtian immediately realized that the military confrontation was beyond recognition. He held a huge flag in his hand and stirred up the military flags all over the place, and was about to organize a battle formation. However, a sword flew in, and it was unparalleled. Wherever it went, a whole group of forbidden troops were killed. Blood mist.

This sword came from the northwest and cut straight towards Duan Xingtian.

The big flag in Duan Xingtian's hand turned into a shocking spear, and he pierced the sword light with one shot.


The flag went up in smoke!

A woman in black was already ten feet away in front of him. Her eyes were like thousands of swords passing through her eyes, and they were moving uncertainly. It was the dark night!

Duan Xingtian suddenly encountered a strong enemy, raised his sword in his hand, and a sword light shot through the sky like lightning from the sky...

Thousands of swords in the dark night merged into one, and with this combination, the sky and the earth were like lightning waves...


The two figures collided and flew into the sky, disappearing from the battlefield and straight into the sky.

The two sky-gazing masters left the field, and the imperial army was immediately leaderless. They were penetrated by the Qinglong and White Tiger armies. The army was unable to form an army and formation, and the battle situation instantly became one-sided.

Without the guards of the Forbidden Army, the gate of the palace was useless. When Zhang Juzheng said broken, he turned into a literary frenzy. The palace gate was reduced to ashes, and a large group of people broke through the door and entered directly into the inner city.

After crossing the inner city, Zhang Juzheng took one step into the air and his eyes fell on the Confucian Temple.

The figure of the watchman at the Confucian Temple just disappeared from the corridor.

He, after all, did not participate.

Because he doesn't dare!

The people are boiling, the culture is tilted, and as the spokesperson of the temple, he has no choice at all!

With just one wrong move, the Confucian Temple in the capital may become the public's punching bag. If the public's anger overturns the Confucian Temple, the temple will be exposed to the biggest scandal in thousands of years. This kind of scandal is enough to destroy him for ten years. Seven, even destroyed the temple and palace behind him.

The Qinglong and White Tiger armies had already gained the upper hand. The more the Forbidden Army fought, the more frightened they became. I don't know whether it was Lin Su's previous words that had an effect, or whether the Forbidden Army's own soft-footed shrimp nature was acting up. Anyway, they knelt down to accept surrender.

After the first batch of surrenderers were saved, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The second batch, the third batch...

At most one stick of incense, more than 20,000 of the 50,000 forbidden troops were wiped out. The remaining 30,000 forbidden troops knelt on the spot and were captured by the two legions of Qinglong and White Tiger with less than 4,000 troops!

Miyagi has been cleared!

Lin Su and King Chen walked side by side and arrived at the inner palace!

Behind them, there is a mighty literary and Taoist team, as well as the two armies of Qinglong and White Tiger. Everyone is high-spirited, and a century-old change is just around the corner.

Suddenly, there was a soft buzzing sound, golden light circulated in the air, and countless grids fell from the sky, carrying a chilling murderous intent...

Two figures fighting fiercely in the sky shook at the same time...

The formation to protect the capital! Duan Xingtian roared, with joy in his voice...

He fought fiercely with An Ye, completely unable to take care of his imperial army. He watched helplessly as his imperial army was being killed in pieces. His heart felt as painful as it was. At this moment, His Majesty finally activated the formation to protect the capital. .

Once the formation is complete, let's see what happens to you bunch of rebellious officials and traitors.

An Ye stared at the golden grid falling from the sky, and felt the terrifying murderous intention of the Beijing-protecting formation.

Her eyes suddenly turned cold, and the sword in the air was put into her eyes...

Duan Xingtian seized this rare opportunity, and the long sword in his hand erupted with a cold light. A sword followed Fei Lujian, and he saw that An Ye was about to be split in half by him.

Suddenly, An Ye opened his eyes, and the sword in his eyes changed its appearance...


As soon as these two words came out, the palace and city seemed not to exist, the heaven and earth seemed not to exist, there was only a long sword, ancient and desolate...

With endless meaning of death, with eternal murderous intention...

The sword is like the autumn wind, rising from the northwest...

The sword passes, the autumn wind passes...

The sword falls and everything withers away...

Duan Xingtian's long sword suddenly seemed to have gone through millions of years, its brilliance was gone, its magic was gone...

What is this... Duan Xingtian roared wildly, his voice sounding like an old ape's cry in the autumn wind...

The autumn wind swept through the sky, and Duan Xingtian was like a leaf in the wind. With a chirp, it turned into blood mist, and the blood mist also disappeared invisible in the autumn wind...

The dark night fell from the void and landed next to Lin Su, his chest rising and falling sharply.

With just one strike, her true energy was gone, and she couldn't make another move in a short period of time.

Lin Su's hand fell on her shoulder and held it gently.

The sky was already as bright as a firefly, and all kinds of forces had been activated, aiming at the formation protecting the capital.

Zhang Juzheng shouted loudly, and with his lifelong literary power, he turned into a silver sword and slashed straight at the formation protecting the capital, to no avail.

Chen Geng joined forces with the elders of White Deer Academy, and based on his literary world, they put up a layer of protection above everyone. However, once the great formation fell, the literary world was broken. Even a hundred great scholars could not stop the power of the great formation.

Zhang Haoran, Huo Qi and others have also launched their battle poems, and the poems of guardianship have been released, but they still cannot stop the formation to protect the capital.

Not only was this formation extremely powerful, but it also fell at an incredibly fast speed. Every expert tried it again, but still could not stop the formation from falling.

Duan Shiqi, the watchman, appeared in the corridor again, and the haze on his face mysteriously disappeared.

The Beijing-protecting formation is what really solves the problem.

The protective power of this formation is astonishing. As long as the formation is completed, thousands of troops and horses will stare at it.

Therefore, it is called the Beijing Protecting Formation.

However, if you think it is really just a protective power, you are underestimating the foundation of the Millennium Dynasty. Its lethality is the truly terrifying thing. As long as you enter the formation, you can be the Demon King, Demon Lord, The masters of Yuantian Wonderland cultivation and the top masters of literature and art were all mixed into a blood mist.

Even if you are a quasi-sage, entering this formation will be a disaster!

Therefore, the formation to protect the capital is the real trump card of a dynasty!

It is the core foundation of a dynasty for thousands of years!

With its existence, no matter whether they are literary, spiritual, or monsters or demons, everyone who enters the imperial city will be in awe, and only then can the dynasty's political power be guaranteed.

His Majesty did not immediately activate the formation to protect the capital and isolate this group of people from the palace. Instead, he allowed them to break through the palace and approach the gate of the inner palace before suddenly launching the formation to envelop them in the formation. .

This is His Majesty’s decision!

His Majesty's purpose has never been to isolate these people. What he wants is to take this opportunity to kill all opponents!

Therefore, he gave up the isolation ability of the formation, gave up the order of 50,000 forbidden troops, reduced the encirclement to the minimum, and exerted the strongest killing ability of the formation.

As soon as the formation fell, a hundred Green Dragon and White Tiger warriors rose into the sky, trying to break through the void. The result was obvious, they became the first batch of victims.

Precisely because of their exploration, the people behind were not so blind and launched attacks from a distance. However, even people from the literary world were unable to break through...

Everyone started to panic...

Brother Lin, are you starting to fight back? Zhang Haoran stepped in front of Lin Su.

Go! Blast it! As soon as Lin Su said these four words, Zhang Haoran, Qiu Mochi, Huo Qi, and Li Yangxin stepped out at the same time, occupying four positions...

Another thirty-two people came out at the same time, occupying another thirty-two positions.

Reverse killing formation, broken! Zhang Haoran shouted, and at the same time, the formation stone in his palm flashed, connecting thirty-six points...

With a bang, two golden lights were generated from the formation at the same time, one upward and one downward. This was Lin Su's peerless killing formation. Originally, there was no grass growing inside the killing formation. But now, Lin Su has made changes in advance, and the large formation The sharp edge points outward and immediately becomes the most powerful weapon to break through the enemy's formation. This is an incredible flexibility of the peerless killing formation...

Soon, the revised version of the Peerless Killing Formation collided with the Protecting Capital Formation, and the sizzling sound was like steel melting...

There was a soft click, and the tallest bell tower of the Imperial City cracked...

There are more and more cracks...

No! Deliqin, the chief eunuch who was guarding the bell tower, shouted...

With a bang, the bell tower exploded, an formation altar above the bell tower was torn apart, and the formation protecting the capital was broken...

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