Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 747: Killing the Hidden Dragon Guard

Once the formation protecting the capital was broken, the inner palace of the imperial city was in sight.

At this moment, the sky was stormy and there were many ghosts in the palace.

As if without any sound, hundreds of people appeared.

There are more than thirty people upstairs, wearing scholar's clothes, holding books, gold pens, rulers, or chessboards. Even though they are in the sky or in the corridor, they still show their true colors as scholars.

There were more than sixty people downstairs, their faces covered with yellow scarves. They stood motionless as soon as they came out. The condensed vitality of heaven and earth seemed to be the essence.

Although the total number of people was only a hundred, which was completely incomparable to the thousands of troops and tens of thousands of students who broke into the inner palace, each of these people was like a mountain, like a hundred giant peaks suddenly lying in front of everyone.

Zhang Juzheng's expression suddenly changed: Hidden Dragon Guard!

As soon as the words Yinlongwei came into everyone's ears, everyone was shocked at the same time.

They entered the imperial city, faced off against the imperial army, and broke through the formation protecting the capital. The journey went smoothly, almost to the point of ecstasy, but these three words suddenly brought them into reality.

Let them understand that the king of a country should not be underestimated.

The Thousand Years of History of the Da Cang Dynasty is by no means ordinary.

There is such a team. Ordinary people don't know their existence at all, and they don't appear in front of others. But when the emperor's life is threatened, they will appear. As long as they appear, the world will change in the blink of an eye.

Because they are the Hidden Dragon Guards whose lifelong mission is to protect the emperor.

They cover various fields of literature, martial arts, and spiritual practice. Each of them is a legend.

Now, there are hundreds of Hidden Dragon Guards coming out to control the great blue wind and clouds!

The door of Zhengde Hall opened slowly, and an old man stepped out. The first step was like a normal person. The second step was ten feet away. The third step was a hundred feet away. The fourth step was five hundred feet away. The fifth step was like a normal person. His body is thousands of feet long, looking down at the hundreds of thousands of enemies below.

This person is the current person in charge of Yinlongwei, the eunuch chief Deloitte.

Zhang Juzheng stared at the eunuch general manager above him, whom he had never seen in person before, and said in a deep voice: General manager, Ji Shang is gone, do you still want to protect him?

Deqin said: The state has national laws, and families have family rules. The Yinlong Guard's duty for thousands of years is to protect the king and kill the madmen who dare to break into the palace. Zhang Juzheng, you think you are on the right path of literature, but today you dare to violate the prohibition with your literature, you are also This is the way to death!

It's ridiculous! Zhang Juzheng looked up to the sky and roared: In the past, when Ji Shang killed the emperor and usurped the throne, what was your Hidden Dragon Guard's duty to protect the emperor? Ji Shang went against the grain, killing the prince, harming loyal ministers, and betraying the country. You Hidden Dragon Guard protected the justice of the royal family. What is your duty? What the Hidden Dragon Guard is guarding is the royal family’s orthodoxy, and what it is guarding is the country and the country. It is not national traitors like Ji Shang that you are guarding. Today you are acting in a perverse way, and you have betrayed the fundamental purpose of the Hidden Dragon Guard!”

His words were righteous and solemn, and everyone in the capital was moved.

However, Deloitte's face darkened: The duty of the Hidden Dragon Guard is to only be loyal to the king and not get involved in anything else!

Zhang Juzheng was furious: ...

Before the words were spoken, Lin Su stepped out and said, Grand Bachelor, this man is just a lowly eunuch. If you talk to him, wouldn't you be degrading yourself?

These words flew through the air, thousands of feet into the sky, and black lines immediately flowed across Deloitte's face. Lin Su, the traitor, spoke so viciously?

Lin Su slowly raised his gaze: Thousands of years have passed, and the world is long. No organization will exist forever. Since the Hidden Dragon Guard is destroying itself, then it will be... him!

The word 成 is exported!

Lin Su draws his sword!

The word quan is exported...

A sword light rose into the sky...

The word he is exported...

With a chi sound, Deloitte's thousand-foot-high body was split into two halves!

This is his answer!

You are a lowly eunuch, you are not worthy of talking to me at all. You are showing off your power in front of me, and I will teach you how to behave with one sword! No, be a ghost!

Just one sword!

Del Qin, the eunuch chief who had just taken over as the leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard and did not even recognize the members of the Hidden Dragon Guard, died!

This sword also started a truly fierce battle...

More than thirty literati in the sky were shocked at the same time, and the holy light flew all over the sky...

Chen Geng stepped through the air, stretched out his hand, and eight large pillars fell from the sky, locking three of them firmly...

Zhang Juzheng stretched out his right hand, and a chessboard flew out from his palm. More than a hundred chess pieces drew a graceful arc and hit a big open book with a bang...

Zhang Haoran raised his hand, and the gold paper broke through the air, The River is Red! He immediately resorted to Wen Dao and Qing Ci, using his lifelong Wen Dao to evolve into a silver moon...

Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, and Qiu Mochi did not have any literary skills, but the blood moon evolved from Man Jiang Hong jointly performed by the three of them was as big as a giant mountain, and its power dominated the world...

Zhou Zhang raised his pen to write, and the huge word kill carried the anger he had suppressed for many years...

Deng Hongbo and a group of court officials behind him had their official seals flying across the sky. The official seal was still their most powerful weapon, and they used it without even thinking...

All the great scholars in Wenyuan Pavilion also have their own unique skills.

The elders of White Deer Academy are certainly not inferior.

Suddenly, Da Cang Wen Dao held a top-level performance for the first time in this world.

However, the power of the Hidden Dragon Guard was also immediately apparent.

The paper said, they are not inferior to anyone!

It can even be said that their literary lethality is even more amazing!

With Chen Geng's ability, it seemed that three people in one circle had the upper hand, but the three of them used Wenjie at the same time, and Chen Geng was knocked down from the air in the blink of an eye...

They are also in the literary world!

Moreover, the literary world in Yinlongwei emphasized killing, how could Chen Geng be the enemy?

In Lin Su's team, Chen Geng has the highest literary rank. He can't defeat him. Who else can defeat him?

This is still second!

Deng Hongbo's team was even more unexpected. Their official seal was full of momentum at first, but halfway through the attack, the official seal suddenly became invalid. As soon as the official seal failed, the official team was instantly in crisis. A Hidden Dragon Guard suddenly exploded with a hundred-foot body and slapped his palm. To the official team, Deng Hongbo's beard was flying and he was once again facing a crisis.

Deng Qiushan was so anxious that he ran in front of his father. The long sword in his hand was pointed at the giant palm. He was not a literati yet. He could not use the supreme attack method of literati. He could only use a sword. His sword was just a scribe's sword. , the decorative kind, how can it withstand the attacks of those who are like heaven and earth?

At this moment, a figure came through the sky, chi!

Like the master of heaven and earth, split it into two halves, Lin Su!

Lin Sukong turned back: Don't use the official seal! Ji Shang can control the official seal!

A word of reminder spread throughout the audience, and many officials woke up from a dream, with a layer of cold sweat breaking out on their backs...

They were governed by conventional thinking and used the most powerful official seal without thinking. However, they ignored one thing. The official seal was something controlled by the dynasty. Ji Shang could seal their official seal at any time. During the fierce battle, the official seal suddenly became invalid. , that would really kill people...

After Lin Su finished speaking, he disappeared through the air.

He is in a hurry!

Because he has a great responsibility!

Among the Hidden Dragon Guards in the field, no one was his opponent, but few others had the strength to block the Hidden Dragon Guards' attack.

He can kill the Hidden Dragon Guard all over the field, but the Hidden Dragon Guard can also kill everyone on his side.

He is like the most agile firefighter. At the most critical moment, he rescues his teammates and hunts down the Hidden Dragon Guard, but he still loses sight of one thing and the other...

The Qinglong Army launched, and as soon as the military flag came out, it pointed directly at the literary master in the air, tearing the man into pieces.

The White Tiger Army launched, and its military flag pointed directly at the two masters.

The two masters showed their Dharma bodies together, and with a bang, one of them died, and the other flew backwards for a hundred feet, but the White Tiger flag also shattered into pieces...

A black shadow changed in a thousand ways, and a sword penetrated the air, already in front of Zhou Zhang.

The newly written word in Zhou Zhang's hand has not yet taken shape, and it seems that it will never take shape.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew behind him, and the attacking black shadow turned into a butterfly. Where the blood mist was floating, a beautiful middle-aged woman appeared in front of Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang opened his mouth and smiled: Madam!

His second wife, the enchantress who was frightened by the news in the world, appeared!

An assassination master is targeting King Chen!

King Chen had no cultivation and looked like he could be easily assassinated. However, just as he arrived in front of King Chen, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared. With a wave of her hand, the Hidden Dragon Guard's head flew up.

Gexin appears.

Just as Ge Xin appeared, three more people attacked together. All of them were in the Peeping Heaven Realm. Ge Xin took the move and killed one, but there was a problem when killing the second one. She felt a chill in her heart. , an extremely petite beauty, Youying, suddenly appeared in front of the third assassin!

The killing of the shadow is invisible and invisible!

Today, she is not with Princess Yufeng, she is here to protect King Chen!

Two waves of attacks, four people were killed!

However, these attacks also awakened other members of the Hidden Dragon Guard. Someone shouted: The Hidden Dragon Guard listens to the order and kill King Chen Ji Guang immediately!

They have really straightened out their attack route. Lin Su and the others broke into the palace under the banner of restoring orthodoxy. Now their goal is clear. They want to help King Chen regain his throne!

Then, the first duty of the Hidden Dragon Guard is to kill King Chen!

As long as King Chen dies, they will lose the foundation of their righteousness!

I don’t know which leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard issued this order. Once it was issued, King Chen’s surroundings became a dragon pit and a dragon lair. Everyone gave up their opponents and besieged King Chen...

Ge Xin blocked three by himself...

The shadow blocked three...

Lin Su killed the attacker just now with one sword, and when he came back quickly, he was entangled by two masters...

An Ye's sword pierced through the air with unparalleled power and killed one person. However, her heart felt cold. She could not enter the realm of annihilation. She had already used it once just now and could not be annihilated twice in a short time...

A man broke out of the tight siege and was only ten feet away from King Chen. Together with his long sword, he stirred up the cold wind in the north of the Great Wall...

At this critical moment, a Buddha's call sounded: Amitabha!

This Buddha's name was so immature, but with a bang, the attacker's long sword broke inch by inch...

In front of King Chen was a little monk, about three years old.

Lin Su killed the two blockers with one sword, then stepped in front of him, his eyes lit up: Kong Ye!

Yes, this cute little kid who is loved by everyone and has flowers blooming is surprisingly Kong Ye from Lingyin Temple.

Master! Kong Ye beamed and knelt down, trying to hold Lin Su's feet.

Lin Su couldn't even laugh or cry: Do you still have time to kowtow? Take the order from my master and protect King Chen!

Kong Ye kowtowed: By Master's order!

This kowtow, rebound, boom!

An assassination master who had just reached King Chen's head was knocked straight into the sky and disintegrated in the air...

In the fierce battle scene, if there is such a momentary pause, it is probably at this time. A little cute baby about three years old. In theory, the little cute baby is worried that it will roll off the bed, but it happens to appear on the fierce battlefield. , and killed two hidden dragon guards who were rampant in the world in the blink of an eye.

His fighting method is the most bizarre, he doesn't use a knife, a sword or even his hands and feet, he is just a ball!

If someone hits him, he will shock you to death!

If he bumps into someone else, he will still shock you to death!

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