Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 748 The King’s Last Reliance

Lin Su's methods have also been exhausted, and the long sword interprets the Dugu Nine Swords.

Literary interpretation and Qingci.

Occasionally, he would draw a few strange circles in the air, turning the laws of space into a master's graveyard.

With one person, he killed at least 30% of the enemy!

In addition, he also knew that several people had arrived!

A pair of golden scissors passed through the air, killing three masters! He was familiar with this pair of scissors. In a small garden outside Nanshan City, it was this pair of scissors that cut Su Rong's Dao Jinghua!

Yaogu from Nongshengsheng's family quietly came to Beijing, and she even took action at this critical moment!

She didn't show her signs because it was a big no-no for her to take action! The Holy Temple does not interfere with royal changes, and the Holy Family cannot!

Lu Youwei's mother Luo Tianyao took action. Her action was extremely secretive, but Lin Su still felt her presence. Luo Tianyao was even more taboo. She was once the daughter-in-law of the prime minister, and Lu Youwei was also the granddaughter of Lu Tiancong. , Lu Tiancong is a staunch royalist.

There was another person who surprised him the most, a masked person. Although he was masked, Lin Su still knew clearly that this person was the nun in green whom he met on the boat when he returned from Yaowang Mountain. He was also Lingyin. In the temple, the one Li Qingquan paid close attention to.

This female nun suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Lin Su thought she was also a Hidden Dragon Guard. However, she killed a Hidden Dragon Guard as soon as she took action. The way she killed was very strange. She put her hands together, palms like mountains, and everything in her palms. It turns into dust, and where the wind of the palm stirs, there is a faint sound of Buddha's voice.

With so many experts coming out to help out, Lin Su felt much more relaxed.

The expected inevitable casualties on our side were almost controlled to the extreme, and it took less than an hour to eliminate them all!

The last Hidden Dragon Guard fell.

Chen Geng and Zhang Ju looked at each other, as if they were in a different world.

Their team actually got rid of hundreds of Hidden Dragon Guards, and their own casualties were so small that they were almost negligible.

They would never dare to think about this record.

Lin Su, Li Qingquan, and Chen Wang made eye contact, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Lin Su raised his eyes and scanned the whole place. He did not find the nun in green, nor Yao Gu and Luo Tianyao. They immediately retreated.

His gaze moved forward.

Ahead is the Zhengde Hall!

The door to Zhengde Hall has been opened...

Lin Su slowly raised his head and walked up to the Zhengde Hall step by step...

The periphery has been cleared, now it's time to face the final outcome...

The Zhengde Hall was very quiet, and there seemed to be no one at all. However, when Lin Su stepped into the hall, he still saw people, and there were more than one!

His Majesty is sitting in the Zhengde Hall.

The tall dragon chair seems to stretch to the end of the sky.

Above the Golden Palace, there is a group of familiar ministers.

Gao Gelin, the Minister of Civil Affairs, He Jingjun, the Minister of Personnel, He Yunkai, the Minister of Household Affairs, Li Zegang, the Minister of Punishment, and Ouyang Dong, the academic master of the Hanlin Academy, are the second-rank officials, and there are a hundred third-rank officials.

Prime Minister Lu Tian is never here!

Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites, is not here!

Song Du, the Minister of War, is not here either!

In addition to these few people, almost all the officials of the third rank and above in the imperial court have arrived today.

What is inside the palace and what is outside the palace are clearly distinguished.

Lin Aiqing, you finally rebelled! His Majesty's voice was calm, just like his usual demeanor.

Yes! Lin Su said: Didn't you have this premonition a long time ago?

Yes! I have had a premonition for a long time, but unfortunately I still love talents more than take precautions, and in the end I am feeding a tiger into trouble! His Majesty sighed deeply.

Haha, Aicai! I dare to ask Mr. Ji... How do you express your love for Cai? My father is a general who fought against the demon army, and you conspired to harm him and called Aicai? Li Xiaotian is a handsome man who fought against foreign enemies. You conspired to frame him and called Aicai. ? When I, Qinglian, was discussing Taoism, six of my companions were ordered by you to kill me and call me Aicai in a foreign country? In the end, they raised a tiger and became a problem! Ask Ji Gong again, have you raised me? How can you raise me? Listen!”

After a long paragraph, the theory of loving talents and raising tigers is completely shattered.

His Majesty said: Did your resentment against me come from the fact that I brought your father to justice in accordance with the law of the country, or did you not grant you the title of Hanlin Academy? Because of your own selfish plans, you planned the great changes, tied up tens of millions of people for no reason, and endangered the safety of the country. Put it aside, Lin Su, have you gone too far?

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the ministers were moved.

Your Majesty's words are murderous and heart-wrenching. He decides on the Marquis of Nan in accordance with the laws of the country. If you have a grudge, you are breaking the law.

He has not given you the title of Hanlin Academy. If you have any resentment, it will be disrespectful.

He is attacking Lin Su's literary reputation!

He is instigating rebellion against the ministers and literary figures who follow Lin Su!

He pointed out that this palace change was based on Lin Su's selfish interests...

Lin Su smiled: Mr. Ji, you still underestimate me! In my eyes, the Imperial Academy is nothing, and the title of Imperial Academy is as indifferent to me. As for my father's hatred, although we are irreconcilable, do you know that Chen Did His Highness the King say something? He said that for the throne of Da Cang, the country comes first, the people come first, and the surname does not come first! If you, Ji Shang, usurp the throne and kill the king, it will really benefit the world. He is facing you, the enemy who killed his father. , you can still kneel down and worship your Majesty! He can do it, and I, Lin Su, can do it too! However, you Ji Shang cannot benefit the world. For your own safety! King Chen is turning against you today, not for personal vendetta, but for the sake of the world!

As soon as he said this, everyone behind him was moved.

Zhang Juzheng said: The country comes first, the people come first, and the surname does not come first! King Chen has the world in mind, and the old ministers respect him!

Chen Geng also took a step forward: King Chen's big heart is the right path for the royal family! I admire you so much!

Lin Su's words seemed to be an answer to His Majesty's question, but in fact, they were used to lay the foundation for King Chen's rule. King Chen's current foundation was too shallow, and it was difficult to protect the public by forcing him to the throne. But he took the opportunity to say that King Chen What he said that day made the world look at him. King Chen's ambition was immediately exchanged for the statements of two first-rank officials.

When they entered the palace, they immediately justified their righteousness: for the world!

His Majesty stood up slowly: I have worked hard for the great heaven and earth, and my success or failure will be judged by future generations! How can I tolerate some young people who want to cause trouble? Ministers!

Here! The hundreds of officials below stood straight.

What do you want to do? His Majesty asked.

I will protect my integrity with my body! Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be punished! Hundreds of court officials turned around at the same time, with official seals on their hands, and the golden light of the official seal covered the entire Zhengde Palace.

The rich golden light of the official seal carries the murderous intent of the emperor.

It also carries endless power.

The tens of thousands of people outside were all restrained.

No matter which dynasty or generation, there is a visceral sense of intimidation towards officials. What’s more, these people all hold high positions and have accumulated official prestige for half a lifetime. Along with the official seal, they also have their own dignity.

Zhang Juzheng and Chen Geng's expressions changed simultaneously.

Use official seal as the final protection of imperial power?



And it’s hard to break!

The power of the official seal is extremely powerful. The second-grade official seal can resist the Xiangtian Law and the Earth. The third-grade official seal can resist the Xiangtian Law and the Earth by half a step. If more than a hundred court officials take action at the same time, their combat power is no worse than the Yinlong Guard just now.

And there is an imperial seal behind this official seal!

The Imperial Seal is the core and ultimate weapon!

What's even more terrible is that it is difficult for them to deal with this situation. It is said that when the other party shows off his official seal, the most effective way to deal with it is to show off his official seal and use official seal to official seal.

However, the official seal is sealed by the imperial court, and whether it is sealed or sealed depends on your Majesty's decision.

As long as their first-grade official seal dares to be displayed, His Majesty will seal it immediately.

If you don't reveal the official seal and rely on your spiritual cultivation and literary cultivation to attack the official seal, regardless of the success rate, you will lose points just in terms of perception. It seems that their name is not legitimate, their words are not smooth, and the other party represents orthodoxy.

Lin Su laughed loudly: You are using your body to protect orthodoxy? Haha, how ridiculous! Do you know what orthodoxy is? Ji Shang usurped the throne and killed the king, how can orthodoxy be achieved?

How outrageous! Li Zegang, the Minister of Punishment, roared angrily: What evidence do you have? If you frame the king's throne as unfair without evidence, you should destroy the nine tribes!

Lin Su said coldly: You want evidence? It's easy! Come!

A loud shout!

With a shout, two whirlwinds suddenly came out of the harem and landed in the Zhengde Hall...

On the ground were three women.

The girl on the left is petite and exquisite, with an explosive figure. She is Zhou Mei.

The woman on the right is as pale as the moon, she is Bi Xuanji.

And among them was a lady in palace attire.

This noble lady had already lost her beauty. When she saw His Majesty, she felt as if she had grasped a life-saving straw. She shouted: Your Majesty, these two thieves are so bold that they broke into the harem and disobeyed my concubines. They should be punished...

All the ministers were shocked...

Concubine Su!

Oh my god, Concubine Su Guifei, a first-class concubine with a stunning reputation in the harem, was unexpectedly forced into the harem by two women from all walks of life and took her out...

His Majesty's expression suddenly changed...

An Ye's eyes lit up, and he asked why he didn't see Zhou Mei and Bi Xuanji in the battle with the Yinlong Guard just now. It turned out that they were sent into the harem by Lin Su to do this important thing.

Lin Su's eyes flashed with silver light: Concubine Su, how did the late emperor die? Tell me one by one!

Concubine Su's screams stopped suddenly, her eyes were dull...

She fell into the literary world for the first time...

His Majesty was so anxious that he raised his hand, and a dragon roar suddenly sounded. The golden dragon was in the sky, grabbing Lin Su with one claw...

Huang Yin takes action for the first time...

Chen Geng waved his hand, and eight large pillars fell from the sky, blocking Lin Su...

With a bang, the boundary was broken!

The chessboard flew out of Zhang Juzheng's hand and turned into a second barrier.

With a bang, the chessboard broke!

Together with Lin Su, Out of the Barrier!

A silver Great Wall suddenly appeared.

With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the roof of the Zhengde Hall was overturned...

Lin Sulian took eight steps back and took Concubine Su eight steps back...

The power of the Imperial Seal was beyond what human beings could resist. The Imperial Seal, which was now completely stained and had only 10% power at most, still defeated the three strongest defenses of Lin Su's camp.

At this time, Concubine Su opened her mouth to answer Lin Su Wendao's heart-clearing question:

Your Majesty asked me to give the late Emperor Wujin Pills, and the late Emperor died of the poison of Wujin Pills...

Lin Su sent these words out of Zhengde Hall together with his hands, and to the ears of everyone in the city...

The golden dragon baring its teeth and claws in the air suddenly stopped...

The whole city was quiet...

The people outside the hall were silent...

Suddenly, an earth-shattering cry rang out: Regicide to usurp the throne, there is irrefutable proof!

The day before yesterday, the first news was posted on Wen Dao Wall, and a seed of doubt was planted in the hearts of the people in the city. They suspected that Your Majesty had killed the king and usurped the throne, but there was no ironclad evidence. Today, Concubine Su admitted it in public, and the answer was sent directly to the whole country. In the ears of the people in the city, the murder of the king and usurpation of the throne has been proved to be irrefutable and irrefutable!

Lin Su waved his hand and Concubine Su fell to the ground. He stepped forward and pointed angrily at Your Majesty: Ji Shang! It is illegal to kill a king and usurp the throne! It is unkind to kill a brother and a nephew! It is unkind to kill heroes indiscriminately. Righteousness! It is unfilial to sell the thousand-year inheritance of our ancestors to seek peace!...

Seven sentences in a row, each sentence is like a nail!

With each word, the golden light of the imperial seal dims a little!

After saying seven sentences, he had already walked in front of the Imperial Seal Golden Dragon...

You gained the world by killing the king and usurping the throne. Your accession to the throne was illegal in the first place. Your throne has no legitimacy at all. Da Cang Emperor Seal, how can you, an unkind, unjust, unwise, unfilial and lawless person, be worthy of being in charge? You Ji Shang ...not...worthy!

The last two words, word for word, are earth-shattering!

The whole palace was shocked!

The whole city was shocked!

The golden dragon with the imperial seal trembled violently, turned into a stream of light and retracted into the imperial seal! The imperial seal was born based on the law, and it has the power to overpower the heaven and earth because of the support of all the people. At this moment, Ji Shang regicide and usurped the throne is irrefutable proof. The law has been lost, and the people are scolding it, which directly reduces its imperial power to the freezing point.

Ji Shang could no longer control the imperial seal in his hand.

Ji Shang was shocked: Traitor Lin Su...

The imperial seal forcibly inspired it, and a golden light turned into a sharp sword, and was pointed at Lin Su. Unfortunately, this golden light was as faint as a firefly compared to when it was at its peak!

Lin Su raised his hand and drew his sword!


A sword hit the imperial seal, and the imperial seal flew away...

Lin Su's sword light turned, Heavenly Sword Style!

Kill Ji Shang with one sword!

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