Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 750 Life has no roots, floating like dust on the road

Lin Su stepped into Master Abbot's Jingxian Pavilion for the second time.

On both sides of the door, there are still two poems he casually recited back then...

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the Zen room is deep with flowers and trees.

At this moment, the path is still quiet, and the flowers and trees in the Zen room are deeper than before.

Master Abbot sat cross-legged on the pavilion, his eyes shining brightly: Donor Lin, did you feel anything when you saw these two poems from back then?

Life has no roots. It floats like dust on the road, scattered and driven by the wind. This is a very real thing!

Life in the world is like a tree without roots, a flower without a stem, like dust blown by the wind on the road. Life is drifting with the wind. Life has gone through many hardships, but it is no longer what it was before.

In just four lines of poetry, time flies by.

On that day, Lin Su came to Jingxian Pavilion and met the abbot master. The prince also came, hoping to enter Jingxian Pavilion, but the abbot master did not agree with the prince. The prince forced himself into Jingxian Pavilion, and the abbot master established Xiu Ku. Shi Chan drove the prince out of Lingyin Temple.

At that time, the prince's power was overwhelming.

Lin Su is a humble Ping.

Today, the prince is already dead, and even the throne of his father, the Nine-Five Supreme, has been overturned.

The humble ping of the day, the pillar of the sky today, Lin Su, has become a generation of genius who can turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.

Life has no roots and floats like dust on the road! Master Abbot chanted in a long voice: What a poem, what a poem! Thank you, Donor Lin, for another beautiful verse!

With a gentle wave of his hand, these two lines of poetry appeared silently on the two pillars of Jingxian Pavilion, three inches deep, with an antique look.

Lin Su's eyes widened, holy shit!

You stole my copyright again...

When you come to Lingyin Temple, you can't speak casually. You will carve out any poem I say. You will use the songs I sang in the ancient Nanyang country as temple songs. I suspect that you are the sixth child of country H...

An Ye was standing by, not hiding his admiration for my husband. My husband is so awesome. No one in the world knows that the Jingxian Pavilion in Lingyin Temple cannot be entered without a generation of great sages. My husband can enter whenever he wants, and he chants it casually. The poems have become the couplets of Jingxian Pavilion. No matter which great sage enters Jingxian Pavilion in the future, he will be shrouded in the shadow of my husband...

Master Abbot got the good words and became very excited. He poured tea for Lin Su himself: Donor Lin just shocked the world. He was not in the Golden Palace to give advice, but he came to Lingyin Temple and uttered a poem. He had the air of a hermit and great sage. Could it be that Do you want to go into seclusion?

It has to be said that Master Abbot still has some background. From Lin Su's poem, we can sensitively capture the meaning of Lin Suzhi's absence in the court.

Lin Su took the tea cup and smiled faintly: Master Abbot has a keen eye for knowing people, Su Shen is impressed by it! But I don't know if Master Abbot knows all the eminent monks in your temple?

As soon as these words came out, An Ye's heart skipped a beat, here comes the topic!

Master Abbot smiled and said: Almsgiver Lin, only a smart person can see the world with a discerning eye. People in Lao Na's Buddhist sect can only see the mind with Buddha's eyes.

The eye of wisdom observes people and the eyes of Buddha observes the mind. Is there any difference?

Yes! The wise eye observes people and sees gains and losses; the Buddha's eye observes the heart and sees cause and effect! Master Abbot said: There is an eminent monk of Fuyun generation in our temple, whose Buddhist name is Fuyun. The place where he became a monk is not in this temple, but he is destined to our temple. Thirty He was given the title 'Fu' a year ago.

Although Lin Su did not explicitly mention the name Master Fuyun, the abbot told him the name directly.

This is also clever!

Lin Su frowned: Which temple did he become a monk in?

Thousand Buddha Temple in the Southeast Buddhist Country!

Thousand Buddha Temple!

Lin Su was shocked...

It has been almost a year since last year's Yaochi Conference, but the Yaochi Conference still left a mark on his heart.

His strongest opponent at the Yaochi Conference came from Thousand Buddha Temple.

Xumizi of Thousand Buddhas Temple!

The former leader of Lingyun!

Today’s demonic lackey!

He once told the Saint of Yaochi that at least one of the major sect masters in the contemporary world who is the leader in spiritual practice has an affair with the demons. Why? Because after the Heaven-Swallowing Demon broke the seal, one demon transformed into nine clones. Nine sect leaders took action and all reported that they had killed one clone. Only Lin Su knew that one of the nine people told a lie!

Because Lin Su killed a clone with his own hands!

The remaining clones do not have Kujo at all, only Hachijo! Hachijo's clone, you reported that Kujo was killed? It can only be a demon spies trying to deceive others!

Which sect does this demon spy come from?

Nobody knows.

Lin Su had no way of finding out, but he had a big suspicion in his mind. He suspected Thousand Buddha Temple.


Xumizi belongs to the Thousand Buddhas Temple, and was packaged and made into the first Lingyun. The one who contributed the most was the Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Moreover, after Xumi Zi was exposed, it was Kong Wen, the abbot of Thousand Buddha Temple, who killed him with his own hands. The killing was clean and neat, which has its own problems. Was it to kill someone and silence him?

To sum it up, Thousand Buddha Temple is very suspicious.

However, due to his status, Lin Su was not qualified to conduct an in-depth investigation of Qianfo Temple.

And now, another suspect comes from Qianfo Temple.

This person is very likely to rescue Ji Shang!

Thousands of thoughts flowed through his mind, and Lin Su slowly raised his head: Master Abbot, Master Fuyun, have you ever paid attention to the pupils?

Double black and white pupils, black is the result of past sins, white is the fruit of Buddhahood in this life, past and present lives are intertwined, his path is unpredictable! Master Abbot added four words: Amitabha!

Lin Su took a breath: Master, does he know what his cultivation level is?

The matter of cultivation is exactly what I am worried about. I originally wanted him to finish listening to the Diamond Sutra and improve his Buddhist cultivation in order to suppress the evil consequences. However, contrary to expectations, he left the temple early...

The cultivation he mentioned and Lin Suwen's cultivation were actually two different concepts.

What Lin Su focused on was his combat effectiveness.

The old monk is talking about the Buddhist and Taoist state of mind.

Perhaps in Buddhism, there is no concept of combat power. Buddhism does not talk about fighting, but talks about the Buddhist state...

However, he also made his purpose clear...

He knew that Master Fuyun was a combination of Buddha and demon. He hoped that Master Fuyun could improve his Buddhist realm through this lecture on the Diamond Sutra and suppress the evil consequences of previous lives. However, an accident occurred and Master Fuyun activated it in advance. Don’t listen to the sermons…

Standing in the position of Master Abbot, he couldn't make a mistake.

He even had good intentions.

However, the accident happened after all...

Does Master Abbot know that he also took Kong Ye away? Lin Su asked the second question.

The abbot smiled slightly: Donor Lin, are you worried that Kongya will be harmed by him?


It doesn't matter! Since Master Yiyao put Kongya under his sect, he has his own motives! Master Fangzhang said: And Kongye's Buddhist path is so ethereal and transparent that no one can change his Buddhist path!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: Is it Master Yi Yao's original intention that Kong Ye joins his disciples?


For some reason, Lin Su's heart suddenly became calm.

Master Yi Yao has an unreliable name and unreliable behavior. He is relatively reliable in asking for money. However, I really don’t know why. Lin Su felt at ease inexplicably when he heard that this was Master Yi Yao’s original intention.

This feeling is very unreliable, but there is such a kind of person in the world who can make people feel at ease when they least should...

Lingyin Temple is surrounded by calm clouds and gentle breeze.

The court hall of Da Cang Capital was turbulent.

The capital city was in turmoil.

And in the northern border town, outside Helan City, the situation is even more tumultuous...

The Blood Wolf King, the commander of the Steppenwolf Regiment, the strongest legion in Osumi, stands on the top of the mountain, where the wind and clouds are flying, and the flag points directly to the sky.

His feet were covered in blood.

The Steppenwolf Group was born in the far west. Everyone fights out of the rain of guns and knives. Everyone has at least ten lives in their hands. The weak dies and the strong survive. This motto is in their world. Performed vividly.

If nothing else, just talking about the rules for the promotion of officers at all levels in this army is enough to explain.

The promotion of an officer does not depend on seniority or backing, but only on military merit. If you kill more people than others and make greater military exploits than others, you will rise to the top. Once you rise to the top, you can kill your subordinates at will. The property owned by your subordinates will Woman, you can invade as you please.

As a result, everyone has a sense of crisis.

Everyone has a strong sense of urgency to fight bloody battles and make meritorious deeds.

Human nature becomes very weak here, and animal nature is fully demonstrated here, so they are the Steppenwolf group.

Such an army makes babies on Osumi's side afraid to cry at night.

For Da Cang, his expression changed even more after hearing this.

This time, the strongest army in Dayu went to the Helan front line with only one purpose, to invade Da Cang, carve up Da Cang's world, and carve up Da Cang's women.

Thinking of the delicate women born in the elegant land of Da Cang, all these beasts felt like they were in a state of shock, and they were eager to start a war immediately.

The Blood Wolf King took control of his men.

Because he is a commander who has fought hundreds of battlefields, he is proficient in military affairs and the art of war. His growth history is a legend in Osumi. He knows when it is time to march.

That was when Emperor Da Cang was pulled down.

In the feudal dynasty, any army has a distinct royal brand. To put it bluntly, they serve the dynasty. What does it mean if the emperor is pulled down?

It means that this army has no master! No soul!

The army has no owner, and he doesn't even know who he is fighting for. Without the soul of the army, it has lost its direction, and its morale will be scattered!

Once the morale of the army is dispersed, no matter how large the army is, it is just a zombie and vulnerable. The Blood Wolf King has seen this situation too many times.

So, he was waiting for this exciting news.

As long as Da Cang Capital can complete the feat of dismounting the emperor.

When the Steppenwolf regiment is dispatched, it will surely sweep across thousands of miles. Wherever it goes, the terrain will be overwhelming...

The military flag buzzed, and the news came!

The news came from Xiang Yiquan, a literary master sent by Dasumi to perform a mission in Da Cang Capital.

The message to Yiquan was simple: Mission accomplished, Da Cang Ji Shang abdicates!

The Blood Wolf King suddenly stood upright. His body seemed to have grown three feet taller in an instant. A long roar shook the mountain forest and covered hundreds of miles away: The Emperor of the Great Cang has dismounted, and the dragons of the Great Cang are leaderless, a pile of scattered sand! The steppenwolf group is sweeping the world. !”




The three hundred thousand troops below roared in unison, the silent night sky was awakened by the howls of wolves, and the mountains and rivers in the north were completely awakened...

Kill! The blood wolf king waved the big flag in his hand, like rolling up the endless night, and the soldiers pointed at Helan City!


The mountains and rivers shook, and the army came out of the river and rushed towards Helan City like a tide.

At the top of Helan City, behind Li Xiaotian were a hundred thousand iron troops. He stood in the dark night, staring coldly at the Steppenwolf regiment that was getting closer and closer.

The wolf group has appeared!

Wolves go first!

This is a group of ferocious wolves that is different from ordinary wolves!

They were as big as an ox, at least three times larger than an ordinary blue wolf. Their sharp claws were made of steel. When they landed on the bluestone, the bluestone fell into pieces. Their eyes were strangely green, and seemed to carry a strange power that was alluring. Hundreds of thousands of ferocious wolves crossed the ravines and jumped over the mountains and forests. The wind howled and the fields were cold, immediately putting huge pressure on Helan City.

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