Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 751 A piece of ridiculous Southern affairs, but it helps Mei Lang to come through the snow

Commander! This is the demon wolf, the product of the combination of the demon beast and the green wolf. It is the war weapon of Yongshou Valley. It seems that Yongshou Valley has taken action again! Du Yuting said in a deep voice.

Du Yuting once followed Lin Su in his second expedition to the four towns in the north, and saw with his own eyes the abandoned beasts in the Beast Beast Valley. From that time on, he knew about the world-famous practice of beast hunting: the Beast Beast Valley, which had already cooperated deeply with Osumi's military. .

As expected, the vanguard of the Steppenwolf Regiment is the weapon of the Beast Valley: the Demonic Wolf Regiment.

Li Xiaotian raised his eyes: Dragon City Army, gods come to kill gods, Buddhas come to kill Buddhas!

The Blood Wolf King looked up to the sky and howled like a giant wolf...

With the roar, the pack of wolves rose up, and under the starlight, black shadows were scattered all over the mountains and fields, endless...

Behead! Li Xiaotian waved the big flag in his hand...

Countless military formations were activated at the same time, and there were no blind spots in the city at 360 degrees!

The first round goes as quickly as it comes!

Helan City had the advantage of being in a commanding position and having the opportunity to wait for work. It gathered a hundred thousand troops and defeated nine out of ten of the monster wolves that came at them in just one encounter...

The blood wolf king's flag waved violently!

A scholar-like person next to him suddenly rose into the sky, opened a folding fan in his hand, and looked extremely handsome under the starlight...

Commander of Dragon City Li Xiaotian, do you know that your emperor Ji Shang who is far away in the capital has been kicked out of the palace?

The sound of literature and art covers Helan City.

One sentence should be earth-shattering.

This is the plan of the two armies to confuse the enemy.

However, what is unexpected is that after such breaking news, there was no abnormality or turmoil in the whole city of Helan.

Li Xiaotian responded calmly: I know!

Haha... The scholar looked up to the sky and laughed: The way of a soldier is to be loyal to the king! Where is the way when the king is not here? Everyone in Longcheng, you are not literati, so you probably don't understand my words. I am speaking in layman's terms. Let me explain to you guys... Your emperor is gone, who are you still fighting for?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Steppenwolf group below laughed, and the laughter shook the heavens and the earth...

However, in Helan City, they still did not have the effect they wanted.

Li Xiaotian also smiled: Ji Shang was kicked out of the palace. I heard that Emperor Li Chi of Dayu also played a key role, right?

Exactly! The scholar said: My Majesty only used a piece of paper to easily smash your Majesty's ninety-five thrones!

His voice was infinitely proud!

Li Chi destroyed Ji Shang in one fell swoop. This will be a legend that will be sung for hundreds of years!

This legend has made the hero of Ohsumi, Li Chi, so famous!

Li Xiaotian looked up to the sky and laughed: Do you really think that your Majesty can win the game from afar? Haha... This is my brother Lin Su's clever plan! What he wants is your Majesty's help to win the victory. Ji Shang! Li Chi, the little boy, has lived up to his reputation as a hero, but he has become my brother’s pawn, and he still knows nothing about it. It’s ridiculous, ridiculous!”

Ha ha……

The whole city of Helan City laughed, and the laughter was extremely loud.

The military morale in Helan City was great.

On the contrary, the generals of the Steppenwolf regiment looked at each other...

Could it be that I really fell into a trap?

Otherwise, why was there no chaos in Helan City after hearing such explosive news?

What's more, Li Xiaotian also mentioned Lin Su.

Lin Su's name has already set off a storm in Osumi. His three thousand remnant troops took over four towns. The god of military art and his many tricks have long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of Osumi's military generals.

Upon hearing the name of this war god, even the world-famous Steppenwolf regiment's hearts beat faster.

In the second round, the two parties exchanged a few words. The morale of the Dragon City Legion was greatly increased, but the morale of the Osumi Steppenwolf Regiment was low. In the battle of morale, the Steppenwolf Regiment was defeated!

The blood wolf king raised the flag high in his hand: I will rush into Da Cang Capital now and ask Lin Su Xiao'er to find out! Kill!

With the sound of killing, the Steppenwolf regiment attacks on all fronts...

In the Jin Dynasty, there was a bright moon in Dacang Pass. The people who marched thousands of miles have not returned, but the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and they will not teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountains! Li Xiaotian let out a long chant, and a Great Wall fell into the void and landed in front of the Steppenwolf Regiment. Countless soldiers He hit the general and was smashed to pieces...

Broken! the Blood Wolf King roared, pointing the flag in his hand directly at the Great Wall, integrating the power of a hundred thousand troops with the final blow, defeating the Great Wall, but what greeted him was another Zhan Qingci...


As soon as The River is Red came out, a blood moon rose high above Helan City...

During the blood moon, the combat power of Da Cang's soldiers was doubled, while the combat power of the Steppenwolf regiment was cut in half.

This Wen Dao Zhan Qing Ci was aimed at Ohsumi, and it was extremely effective in suppressing the combat power of Ohsumi's army.

However, this battle is still dangerous.

The Steppenwolf Regiment is Osumi's top-ranked super legion. Each soldier's personal combat power is superior to that of the Flying Dragon Legion. In one-on-one combat, the Flying Dragon Legion will be completely defeated in an instant.

However, at the home court of Helan City.

With the help of war poems and words of war.

The Wasteland Legion couldn't take any advantage. It could even be said that they suffered a huge loss at the first encounter, losing tens of thousands of people immediately.

However, the bravery of this legion soon became apparent. Even though a bunch of people died in front, the people behind still rushed at them crazily, rushing forward and following each other. They seemed not to know what fear was and what pain was. They even became more and more crazy as they fought...

Soon, a more cruel battle began!

The time for Man Jiang Hong has passed, and it's time for close combat!

Li Xiaotian's art of war began to be applied, and the battlefield began to become unpredictable...

The Blood Wolf King roared loudly, further stimulating the fighting power of the Steppenwolves...

The valley is broken!

The city is in ruins!

Rivers of blood flowed on the ground!

The sky is filled with corpses like rain!

The floating clouds tore apart, and the green mountains turned into mountains of blood!

The vegetation turned to ashes, and the ashes were swept away in the river of blood!

For the first time in their lives, the Steppenwolf Group encountered a strong opponent!

The Flying Dragon Legion also encountered a powerful enemy for the first time in their lives!

The two iron-blooded armies never retreated, fighting from nightfall until early morning...

The gaps on three sides of Helan City were filled with the corpses of soldiers...

The Steppenwolf regiment's forwards are gone, their center is gone, and their rear-ends have suffered heavy casualties...

Finally, the blood wolf king standing in the distance suddenly waved the flag in his hand: retreat!

The remaining Steppenwolf regiment rolled back...

The big flag in Li Xiaotian's hand in Helan City was slowly placed on the top of the city. Clear grip marks were left on the fine iron flagpole, as well as blood flowing from the middle of the flagpole to the bottom.

Commander! You are injured! Du Yuting grabbed Li Xiaotian's hand.

A smile slowly appeared on Li Xiaotian's cold face: The Steppenwolf Group is truly worthy of its reputation! All soldiers, rest where you are!

Commander, do you want to report to His Majesty immediately and send some reinforcements? Our troops are much smaller than theirs. A deputy general said.

The other lieutenants also turned their attention to Li Xiaotian.

The Dragon City army only has 150,000 troops, and now 100,000 troops have been transferred to Helan City. After a fierce battle just now, 30% were killed or injured, leaving 70,000 troops.

The Steppenwolf regiment had just lost 100,000 casualties, but they still had 200,000 left!

The strength ratio was three to one, and the one with the numerical advantage was the Steppenwolf Regiment, which ranked first in Osumi. Even though the Dragon City army was brave and invincible, they still felt huge pressure.

Li Xiaotian slowly shook his head: Your Majesty has just ascended the throne, and the stability of the political situation is a top priority. If news about our military situation in the northwest reaches the capital, there is no guarantee that someone with ulterior motives will take advantage of the news and create trouble for your majesty out of thin air. Therefore, the military situation in the northwest must be the same. No report is allowed, Dragon City’s army will lock the northern border with one force, this is also the tone my brother set for me that day!”

Du Yuting looked to the southeast and let out a long breath: The commander-in-chief's words make sense! When the hypocritical emperor Ji Shang regicide usurped the throne in the past, the Huainan King Jiangdong raised troops. It was precisely because of Dayu's invasion that the government and the opposition were shaken, and the Huainan King's million-strong army was forced to stop in Jiangdong. Having achieved the great position of a hypocrite, your Majesty has now ascended the throne for the first time, and we cannot help him clean up the affairs of the government. Guarding the northern border with an army is also the greatest help to him!

The other lieutenants looked at each other in shock!

Don't worry too much! Li Xiaotian smiled softly: Although the Steppenwolf Regiment's strength is three times that of our army, our side is not without a chance of winning.

Du Yuting's eyes brightened: What are the chances of winning?

Li Xiaotian said: First, our army still has one trump card that has not yet been used!

The eyes of all the generals were brightened at the same time, trapping the enemy's formation!

Li Xiaotian glanced at the faces of the generals and added: Secondly, the Steppenwolf regiment lost the first battle, and suspicion should arise in the Osumi Palace. With these suspicions together, the Steppenwolf regiment may not dare to attack with the entire army. In that case, we will achieve it. Our strategic goal is to move into a protracted war!

His guess was accurate.

Steppenwolf has become suspicious.

Today's siege battle was far beyond their expectations. In their opinion, as long as the news that the opponent's emperor was ousted was revealed to the outside, the opponent's military morale would be dispersed.

Once the military morale is gone, what suspense can there be when facing Osumi's most powerful Steppenwolf regiment?

Naturally, under the city, people died, and the leader of the Steppenwolf marched straight in, sweeping across the entire land.

It's a pity that the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and the Dragon City Legion's military morale is unprecedentedly firm.

Instead, the Steppenwolf group was in chaos.

In the first wave of strong attacks, the Steppenwolf regiment lost three times as much as the opponent. It can be said to be a huge defeat!

The Blood Wolf King immediately passed the news to Ohsumi Military Department.

This man was a rough man. He relied on his military exploits and did not take Li Yi, the Minister of War, seriously. The commander lost his temper as soon as he heard the news: Mr. Li, what did you do? Didn't it mean that taking down Ji Shang would destroy the morale of the Dragon City army? In today's battle, the morale of the Dragon City army was not at all disturbed. They said that His Majesty's capture of Ji Shang was Lin Su's clever plan. Lin Su only used His Majesty as a chess piece to capture Ji Shang. The Dragon City army was not Ji Shang at all. The army is basically Lin Su's private army!

By capturing Ji Shang, the morale of this army has greatly increased!

You're not trying to dissuade him from the army, you're simply giving them big pills...

That's not what the original words said, but that's what it means when compiled.

Li Yi felt numb when he heard this.

He entered the palace overnight and reported to Li Chi. Li Chi froze in front of the study for three minutes.

what happened?

He won the opponent's emperor, but couldn't win Helan City?

He initiated the beginning and laid out the process, but in the end he deviated from the result?

Is this Lin Su's clever plan?

Lin Su...

Thinking of this name, Li Chi, the hero of the generation, suddenly felt a little uneasy...

Lin Su is a man of unparalleled intelligence and scheming. His father was killed by Ji Shang. After he entered Taoism, what he planned was indeed suspected of pointing to Ji Shang's throne. He can use His Majesty's hand to eliminate Ji Shang. . said the Minister of War.

Li Chi's eyelids twitched slightly and he said nothing...

Wei Chen failed to think of this and failed to remind His Majesty in time that day. Wei Chen is guilty! The Minister of War knelt down.

Li Chi slowly raised his hand: Summon... Zongchi!

Li Chi summoned four people that day!

Li Yi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, Wang Qunshui, the prime minister, Du Ruxin, a first-grade doctor, and the other one is the emperor's master Zongchi.

When the first three people were discussing whether to capture Ji Shang, they argued endlessly and there was no conclusion. However, once the Emperor Master Zongchi came out, the outcome was decided.

Therefore, Osumi's victory over Ji Shang this time has a lot to do with Zongchi's attitude.

Now, Li Chi felt uncertain again and urgently summoned Zongchi.

However, Zongchi was not present for this summons!

In the early morning of the first day of May, he left Baishuiju in Heishan and sailed south.

Going south! You didn't say farewell to me? Li Chi waved his hand: Go and have a look!

At Huangyinhua Bridge, Li Chi stepped in front of Baishui House, and the door was locked.

The emperor's seal turned into a sword, the lock fell, and Li Chi stepped into Baishui Residence. Baishui Residence was as shabby as before. There was something on the desk, a token pressing a piece of white paper.

Li Chi picked up the token and his expression changed drastically.

This order is neither gold nor wood, with a dragon shape on it...

The Hidden Dragon Order of the Great Jin Dynasty! He...he turned out to be the Hidden Dragon Order of the Great Jin Dynasty! Li Yi, the Minister of War, changed his face greatly.

Li Chi held up the piece of paper with his trembling hands and wrote a poem on it...

A heroic king may not be a talented man. Who will you work hard for? It's a ridiculous thing about the Southern Kingdom, but it helps Mei Lang to survive in the snow!

A heroic king is not necessarily a virtuous man. Li Chi worked hard, but in the end he was a ridiculous chess piece. He killed his son-emperor with his own hands and helped King Chen of Meiling succeed...

Old thief! Li Chi's hand shook, and the poem turned into dust. There was murderous intent in his eyes...

Phew! Li Yi knelt down: Your Majesty, calm down! Your Majesty, calm down! I will let the Steppenwolves attack again and swear to destroy the world! I will avenge this shame!

Li Chi's cold eyes slowly moved over and stared at him for a long time. Finally, he waved his hand lightly: The plan to send troops out of Yinshan was deliberately promoted by the old thief Zongchi. Since this old thief has rebelled, the soldiers There are many dangers out of the Yin Mountains, so I am ordering the Steppenwolves to be careful.

This directive is dispassionate.

Zongchi's ultimate plan to bring the troops out of Yinshan was promoted by Zongchi. Now that it has been proven that Zongchi is an enemy spy, can his plan still be used? Thinking about it with your toes, you know that any idea Zongchi comes up with will be a trap!

From the emperor's point of view, being able to think calmly under rage is really the quality of a hero.

Unfortunately, his order had another effect, which was to announce that Ohsumi had taken advantage of this opportunity to annex Da Cang and immediately turned it into a day lily!

Your Majesty has already told the Steppenwolves to be careful and not fall into the trap of Lin Su and the traitor Zongchi.

Then the Steppenwolf regiment will naturally attack conservatively.

This conservatism makes Helan City even more unable to break through.

The war turned into a protracted war.

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