Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 752: Fifty Years of Dreams and Souls

That night, the northern sky was filled with stars.

In the northwest corner of Xunyang City, the former capital of the Jin Dynasty, under Zhongshan Mountain, there is an abandoned garden named Liuyuan. The old willows are trembling gently in the night wind in May, accompanied by overgrown weeds under the willows.

A white-haired old man stood in the ruined garden, stroking the old willow tree with his hand. His hands were like a century-old tree, full of vicissitudes of time. He was the master of the Osumi Emperor who left the White Water Residence in Osumi Capital City.

Grandpa, is this the willow tree you planted in the past? asked the girl next to him.

Yes, when grandpa left home, he planted twenty-nine willow trees with his own hands, which means that grandpa was twenty-nine years old at that time. Now it has been fifty-three years. The country has been destroyed, the family has been broken, the people have died, and the willows have died. Old, I am also old, cough...

There was a sharp cough, and little bits of blood were sprinkled under the willow roots.

The girl held onto her grandfather's shaky and thin body. She was at a loss what to do and her face turned pale with anxiety: Grandpa...

Zong Chi slowly straightened up, and a smile slowly appeared on his face as pale as paper: After fifty years away from home, I am finally able to return to my hometown. The unimaginably distant dream of my motherland has finally taken shape. Grandpa is not Lost, grandpa is very happy, grandpa also wants to write a poem...

He stretched out his hand and found a precious pen in his hand.

He walked quickly and came to the Liuyuan Zhaobi.

The stars are like water, and the willow garden is like yesterday.

At this moment, he seemed to see his own figure in front of the screen wall again. From an ignorant child, to a high-spirited teenager, to a young man traveling far away from home, he slowly returned to his current twilight years...

He struggled to pick up the pen...

Fifty years after the dream, the old willow in my hometown stopped blowing cotton wool, and this body turned into the soil of Zhongshan...

Poof, he spurted a mouthful of blood on the screen wall and fell on his back!

On the screen wall, three poems were left.

This is his desperate poem.

This wanderer who had been away from home for fifty years finally returned home.

This old man, who had endured humiliation and heavy burdens for fifty years, ran out of oil and lamps on the night he returned home, and fell under the willow tree he planted with his own hands.

He never finished his poems.

The call of his granddaughter behind him was getting farther and farther away from him, and his eyes shot through the clouds to the distant south. Your Highness, I can only help you get to this point in the great cause of the restoration of the Jin Dynasty. I am on top of Zhongshan, watching you lead it. Thousands of troops and horses regained the rivers and mountains of their homeland...

Da Cang Capital is in unprecedented turmoil.

The change of throne has always been the biggest turmoil in the feudal dynasty.

When an emperor succeeds, he will always be filled with bones.

The people in the capital were extremely uneasy.

At this moment, Da Cang News appeared on the literary wall...

The signature of this news is no longer the Standing Order of Shenlong, but the official Wenyuan Pavilion. In this news, Wenyuan Pavilion made a comprehensive inventory of the past...

The old case in Jiangdong was not a rebellion by the prince, but a poisonous plot set up by the hypocrite Ji Shang...

The emperor in the Purple Gold Pavilion killed the emperor, which is a real history...

Five of the seven major families were wiped out. It was Ji Shang who killed and silenced...

The plague in Huainan Palace was also caused by Ji Shang's order from Yaowang Mountain...

It was Ji Shang's order that Qu Feiyan killed the four border commanders that day...

The L.A. League is a deal!

In order to secure his accession to the throne, the hypocrite Ji Shang disregarded the lives of 53 million people in the four northern towns for his own personal gain, and made deals with the enemy. As a result, the four northern towns were occupied by the enemy for six years.

After the four towns in the north were recaptured, the hypocrite Ji Shang still had his evil intentions and wanted to give the four towns back to Osumi, which led to the Helan tragedy.

Such a king with no bottom line will cause all kinds of troubles to the world without any benefit. Based on this, Chen Wangji Guang led a group of literary and Taoist masters such as Wenyuan Pavilion, Bailu Academy and Lin Su in the capital to expose the true face of the hypocrite and drive him from power. , restore its orthodoxy.

King Chen will officially ascend to Dabao on the 20th of this month and assume the throne of emperor...

Without the previous series of history, the people of Da Cang Capital would be terrified, but a comprehensive interpretation of the previous series of events has completely changed...

The hypocrite Ji Shang aroused the anger of the whole city.

Chen Wang Jiguang, who was originally pure, won the hearts of the people all over the world.

The panic in the capital was swept away, replaced by a high-spirited spirit of restoring orthodoxy and clearing up the turmoil...

Lin Su slowly opened her eyes on the bed on the top floor of Drunken Guest House, and saw the noon sun, and also saw the dark night sitting in front of the window under the sun.

An Ye's eyes slowly moved over and smiled sweetly.

Lin Su sat up: Is it noon?

This is probably the longest sleep you've ever had in your life! An Ye smiled and said, Has the ultimate mission finally been completed and your whole body completely relaxed?

Lin Su smiled.

Who says it's not?

In any case, King Chen finally succeeded in ascending to the throne, and Ji Shang finally fell down from the ninth position in panic.

This grand plan he had planned for a long time did not deviate even slightly, and he successfully realized his original intention.

Really worth relaxing.

However, the ultimate mission mentioned by An Ye may not be the case.

How can Ji Shang and He De be worthy of the word ultimate?

In Lin Su's world, there are still too many things to do, and the opponents he has to face are too strong. How can a character like Ji Shang be called the ultimate?

Who are destined to be above Ji Shang?

Demons! He, Lin Su, was already on the Demon Clan's Death List. He and the Demon Clan were destined to fight to the death. He was still frightened by the Demon Clan's attack on him. He had broken through the Yueying Kill by chance. He didn't know who would win in the next round. ?

temple! Theoretically, the Temple should not be his enemy, but Lin Su knew that it was just a theory!

In the past, the soldier saint used the Weiyang pen in his hand to kill all the monsters and monsters in the world. He beat the sea people to dare not cross the border even half a step, and made great military exploits for the human race. Such an outstanding person, such a peerless saint, should he be the enemy of the temple? However, he was suppressed by the Temple to the point of not knowing whether he was alive or dead. His military palace was expelled from the Temple, and his family almost disappeared from the human world. What will happen to Lin Su if the Soldier Saint falls like this? No matter what others think, Lin Su has a firm understanding that his top-notch literary heart is the literary heart of a military strategist. The blood of his bones is the blood of a general. He is walking along the path of a military sage. He will encounter all the troubles that the Soldier Saint encounters!

In addition to these two top forces, he also has many opponents. He has basically been torn apart by the Tianling Sect on the spiritual path. He has to take a look at the Thousand Buddha Temple in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom after all...

An Ye brought him clothes, brought him breakfast (which can also be called Chinese food), drank and ate with him, made hot tea, and told him some things...

Although there was turmoil in the DPRK, it was generally calm. Those court officials are all very shrewd and can see the direction of the wind. King Chen Jiguang has obtained the imperial seal. There is only one enthronement ceremony left before he can officially become the emperor. Under the current situation, no one can change it. The court officials The only thing that can be done is to be loyal to the new emperor. No one dares to cause any trouble here. Including Prime Minister Lu Tiancong. Lu Tiancong entered the palace early today. According to what Ge Xin had just contacted her, Lu Tiancong was standing outside the palace gate and was better behaved than a dog...

Lin Su smiled. Lu Tian had never been better behaved than a dog, so all the officials on his line would be better behaved...

Yes, Not Bad!

The people in the capital are generally stable, and this is still the role of culture.

Wenyuan Pavilion posted news on the Wen Dao wall, changing the traditional practice of keeping the royal family's affairs secret. This time it came out in full. The people in the capital knew how unbearable Ji Shang was. Almost everyone was concerned about the new emperor's succession. Agree. It is worth mentioning that Bailu Academy also played a big role. Chen Geng released all the members of the elders, thousands of professors, and tens of thousands of Bailu students. These people entered the restaurant and summoned the state capitals. It plays a key role in the stability of the entire country...

Lin Su held up the tea cup with a smile on his face: The whole world is seeking stability, and the only place where the impact is greater is the royal family, right?


All the children of Ji Shang were demoted to common people and were given three days to leave the capital to find their own place. His Majesty (Chen Wang Ji Guang) was quite kind and did not raid their homes. Except for the royal palace, princess palace and real estate, these royal children could not be taken away. , gold and silver can be taken away. It is said that Princess Yuping went to the Western Mountain in tears and paid homage to Princess Yufeng, but Princess Yufeng did not see her. Princess Yuping sadly got on the ship and her whereabouts were unknown.

Where is the Third Prince Ji Yan? Lin Su mentioned a key figure.

Third Prince Ji Yan!

This man was at odds with the former crown prince and was Ji Shang's most outstanding son. He was targeting the throne of the East Palace. Now that Ji Shang was pulled from the throne, his crown prince naturally became a daylily for the first time.

Ji Yan is dead! An Ye said four words.

Lin Su's eyes suddenly widened.

It's not death from the new emperor, but death at the hands of Wujianmen! An Ye sighed softly: You said before that the relationship between Wujianmen and Ji Yan was just for use. As Ji Yan was the quasi-prince, he was the He has value, but now that he has been demoted to a commoner and has lost his value, how can Wujianmen allow him to live anymore? In order to prevent him from revealing more secrets of Wujianmen, we killed him immediately!

The third prince's Prince Ping's Mansion was originally under An Xiang's surveillance, but the three masters An Ye, Zhou Mei, and Bi Xuanji blocked it, and even flies couldn't fly away.

However, after the battle to attack the imperial city started, the three masters all moved to the battlefield, and Prince Ping's Mansion lost control.

After learning that Ji Shang's situation was over, great changes occurred in Prince Ping's Mansion. Masters from the Wujian Sect killed Ji Yan and escaped from the capital. By the time the big event here came to an end, Prince Ping's Mansion had become empty and empty.

This is not a flaw in the strategy itself, it is just a trade-off.

The third prince was a man of great talent and strategy, and could definitely be regarded as a heroic figure of his generation. However, when the royal family competed with each other, he was held hostage all the way, and he was no longer pure himself.

His friendship with Wujianmen was a last resort, because if he didn't make friends with Wujianmen, he would not be able to block the edge of the former prince.

But once he got too close to Wujianmen, he would be in a dilemma.

He succeeded in ascending to power, and Wu Jian Sect controlled the world through him. He would be a king with no bottom line who could compete with his father.

He failed to ascend to power, and the Wujianmen killed him and silenced him.

His ending was already determined.

He is destined to be a victim in the struggle between the emperor and the emperor.

Lin Su and An Ye's eyes met, and they both read in each other's eyes that things are like chess...

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door...

An Ye held his hands together, opened the door, and outside the door a chamberlain in yellow bowed deeply: Mr. Lin, your majesty invites you to enter the Zijin Pavilion for a talk!

The Your Majesty he refers to is naturally the former King Chen.

Zijin Pavilion, a pavilion dedicated to emperors.

Under normal circumstances, it is only reserved for the emperor. Under special circumstances, favors can be extended to ministers.

Prime Minister Lu Tian never entered the Zijin Pavilion once, which was the greatest honor in his ruling career.

But now, Lin Su entered the Zijin Pavilion on the second day after the new emperor came to power.

When? Lin Su said.

Your Majesty, Mr. Lin can enter the Zijin Pavilion whenever he is free. If you don't have time, your Majesty can wait! The chamberlain's voice trembled. Of course he knew what kind of favor this was.

Your Majesty has been summoned, why can't you wait too long? Please lead the way, father-in-law!

The chamberlain said: Your Majesty, this girl can also accompany you!

ah? Dark night eyes widened

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