Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 753 Please grant the title of King of Jin

In the palace, the sun is blazing.

In the deep palace, purple air is rising.

The mess that broke into the palace yesterday has been cleared up.

The new Imperial Guard is already in place.

Although the palace is somewhat dilapidated, it is being repaired intensively. I believe that when the new emperor officially ascends the throne, everything will be perfect and better than before.

Zijin Pavilion is located between the middle palace and the harem.

Chen Wang Ji Guang stands in the pavilion, from which he can overlook the capital.

Seeing everything in front of him, he still felt a bit like he was in a dream.

The desperate counterattack actually succeeded.

He is already the Ninth Five Supreme Being!

All of this is Lin Su’s fault!

It can even be said that his throne was given to him by Lin Su. If Lin Su did not give it to him, he would take it for himself. The person standing in the Zijin Pavilion looking down at the capital at this moment would not be Ji Guang, but Lin Su.

Your Majesty, they are here! Ge Xin's voice came from beside him.

Ji Guang was wearing casual clothes at the moment.

The same goes for Ge Xin.

Lin Su stepped into the Zijin Pavilion, and Ji Guang stood up: Brother! Brothers and sisters, please sit down!

Lin Su smiled softly: Should I pay my respects to Your Majesty and the Queen first?

Stop coming! Ji Guang stopped quickly: I'm just pretending to be casual to see you today because I'm worried about what you'll do with me.

The laws of the imperial dynasty...

I have not officially ascended the throne at this moment!

Lin Su looked at Ji Guang's anxious eyes and smiled.

Ji Guang also laughed, and their laughter spread, shaking the Zijin Pavilion.

Lin Su sat down, sitting opposite Ji Guang, and Ge Xin personally served tea, just like that day in Yichuan Lake...

Brother, the border battle you expected has already begun. Osumi, Chiguo, Yelang are all taking action, and even the demon army of Blood Rain Pass is making action.

With one sentence, Lin Su and An Ye were shocked at the same time: What's the result?

Li Xiaotian's side is the most dangerous. The Steppenwolf regiment came out in full force and fought fiercely all night. The Flying Dragon Legion lost 30% of the battle, but it also killed the enemy's 100,000 troops. At present, the first round of attacks has stopped, and the Steppenwolf regiment has retreated hundreds of miles away. .”

Lin Su let out a long breath: The most dangerous thing is the first wave. Just survive the first wave!

Ji Guangdao: The three kingdoms of Osumi, Chiguo, and Yelang took this opportunity to attack Da Cang, and they came for the gap between the change of the throne. If our army loses its morale, they will take advantage of the opportunity, and they will go all out, but As long as our troops remain calm, they will retreat! The current attacks on the Chi Kingdom in the south and the Yelang Kingdom at Wumen Pass in the southwest are all tentative, and the focus is still on the northern border!

The change of king in any country has a huge impact.

If soldiers lose their morale, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The enemy country will not fail to take advantage of this.

At present, Da Cang is surrounded by enemies from all sides, and they are all taking advantage of this gap.

Although there are four sides, the key point is the north.

Because the northern border is the real attack.

The other three sides are all temptations.

Once the northern border is broken through, the probing attacks from the other three sides will immediately turn into real attacks. In this way, Da Cang will be in the greatest crisis.

You summoned me to the palace today, but you want me to solve the crisis in the north? Lin Su held up the tea cup.

Ji Guang's eyes widened: Brother, are you willing to take action?

When he first came to Dabao, he was faced with the siege of the Three Kingdoms. Any breakthrough at any point would be a fatal danger to his new imperial power, because these would trigger a chain reaction.

Among them, in the north, they faced the Steppenwolf Regiment, the most powerful enemy of Osumi. Da Cang had nearly a hundred armies. His expression changed when he heard about the Steppenwolf Regiment. What was even more terrible was that Ji Guang did not know the details of these troops at all. Once they reached the northern border and stabbed Li Xiaotian in the back, it would be completely over.

Only the Southern King's powerful Cangshan army, Ji Guang, could rest assured in terms of combat strength and loyalty. However, the Southern King's army was dealing with the invasion from the Red Kingdom and could not go north across thousands of miles.

Lin Sudao: I need to ask you for an official position!

As soon as these words came out, the three people in Zijin Pavilion were shocked.

An Ye is a little excited. The sisters have analyzed it. If Mr. Chen helps King Chen succeed, what official position will King Chen give him? The results of the analysis are extremely wild, reaching the top.

Now it seems that all the wild analysis of that day will be unveiled today, because Lin Su took the initiative to mention it.

Ge Xin's eyes were very bright at this moment.

Ji Guang laughed loudly: Your official position is the easiest to handle! Tell me, what kind of official position do you want?

Lin Su smiled as the three people stared at each other: What are you thinking about? I asked for an official position for myself. Do I still want this old face? I am not the one who wants to get the official position!

Ji Guang was surprised: Who will take the responsibility?

Li Qingquan!

Ji Guang frowned slightly, Li Qingquan?

Li Qingquan was one of the three people in the Zen room at that time and fully participated in the great cause of restoration.

Li Qingquan was also the actual executor of Ohsumi's God Assist. As the sole heir of the Jin Dynasty, he activated the Hidden Dragon Order and asked Zongchi to coordinate in Ohsumi's capital. Only then did Emperor Ohsumi launch a fatal blow against Ji Shang. ! The effect of this blow can almost determine the outcome!

Entering the palace yesterday, Li Qingquan's Green Dragon and White Tiger legions also played a key role.

In summary, this restoration was successful. In addition to Lin Su, the core figure, Li Qingquan was also one of the secondary core figures.

When he ascended to the throne, he had to repay Li Qingquan both emotionally and rationally.

But how to repay it?

Now Lin Su's answer is here, give him an official title!

Good job! Ji Guang nodded directly: What official position do you want to give him?

Prince Jin!

Prince Jin...where is his jurisdiction? When Ji Guang asked this question, his heart was pounding, and he was thinking wildly for a moment...

Li Qingquan is the prince of Jin Dynasty.

His ultimate mission is to restore the Jin Dynasty.

The Jin Dynasty has long been destroyed, and the territory of the Jin Dynasty has been occupied by Da Yu. Theoretically, he cannot return to the country. Lin Su also promised him that he would only help him get revenge and not help him restore the country. But now, Lin Su asks the Jin Dynasty on behalf of Li Qingquan A king's title cannot be without jurisdiction. If Lin Su proposes to give the four northern towns to Li Qingquan, will Ji Guang respond or should he not?

His throne was basically given by Lin Su and also attributed to Li Qingquan's great achievements.

He could not refuse these two requests under any circumstances.

However, once the four northern towns are given to Li Qingquan, what is the essential difference between him and Ji Shang who just stepped down?

Isn’t it also a traitor?

Lin Su stared into his eyes and said slowly: North of Yinshan Mountain, south of Lingdingyang!

What? Ji Guang bounced up suddenly...

An Ye and Ge Xin looked at each other, both shocked...

Because the territory Lin Su mentioned was not the land of Great Cang at all!

To the north of Yinshan Mountain and to the south of Lingdingyang is the former Great Jin Kingdom, which is now all under the control of Osumi!

As Emperor Da Cang, Ji Guang granted Li Qingquan the title of King of Jin, but the enfeoffed territory was the territory of Dayu!

This is the biggest insult to Osumi!

This is also the prelude to the war between the two countries!


Even though Ji Guang was already the king of a country, he was still stunned by his unparalleled heroic feat. For a long time, Ji Guang slowly lowered his head: You once said that you would not help him recover his country, but in this way, The country is still restored!

The three thousand miles of land of the former Jin Dynasty were all turned into Li Qingquan's fiefdom. It was not a restoration of the country, but also a restoration of the country!

Lin Su shook his head: There is a big difference...

He elaborated...

First of all, the legal principles are different! Neither he nor Ji Guang had promised Li Qingquan that day to help him get revenge! But how to help? Ji Guang's chest was beating loudly. He wanted troops for troops, people for people, money for money, food for food... This was his statement at that time. The emperor's words must be fulfilled! But it’s not so easy to cash in! If you use all the important weapons of the country for someone's personal vendetta, what will the court officials say? How would the literati in the world write poems to ridicule you? Legally speaking, you are untenable no matter what.

But Lin Su's change made sense.

Ji Guang sent out the Da Cang Army not to avenge someone, but to expand territory!

The goal is to occupy the three thousand miles of land south of Lingdingyang!

The reason is also very good. This land was not owned by Osumi in the first place. Osumi took it by force and became the enemy in the north of Da Cang. Now Da Cang's army is treating others in their own way and marching northward. Three thousand miles away, what's wrong?

This statement is not only fair, but also very infuriating. Who in the world would object to it?

Secondly, it is also the real achievement of Li Qingquan. Li Qingquan's dream of restoring the country was originally an impossible wish. How easy is it to restore the country? It's not just about conquering it, it also has to be governed. Without the endorsement of Da Cang's political system, even if Li Qingquan really led thousands of troops to conquer this territory, he still wouldn't be able to govern it. Moreover, he defended Dayu in the north and defended in the south. Da Cang, a small country is sandwiched between two big countries. Even if this generation can live quietly in peace, sooner or later it will still be cannon fodder in the future.

It's not that Li Qingquan didn't understand this, that's why he mentioned revenge to Lin Su and never mentioned restoration of the country.

In the end, this method is the most beneficial to Da Cang.

After all, Da Cang and Da Yu are two major rivals, and the border dispute will never be peaceful.

Helan City is a natural chasm, and many people regard it as a natural chasm.

However, Lin Su knew clearly that Helan City was not a natural moat at all.

There is a place that is truly suitable for becoming a natural chasm.

Where is it? It’s Lingdingyang!

If Da Cang's defense line advances three thousand miles north to the Lingding Ocean, and Ohsumi wants to cross the Ling Ding Ocean and attack Da Cang from the south, the level of difficulty will not be the same as conquering the four northern towns.

Why? Because the most powerful force in Osumi is the cavalry, not the navy, the defense line is set at Lingdingyang. The first thing Osumi encounters is the bottleneck. In the past, the Jin Dynasty held Lingdingyang with a cowardly army. Osumi attacked for three years but failed to capture it. Being able to break through from within the Jin State, instigate the Jin court officials, and throw the Jin Dynasty into chaos, and then tear open this line of defense and capture the Jin State, which shows how difficult this natural chasm is.

If Lin Su and Li Qingquan secured the northern border in one fell swoop, pulled the defense line back to Lingding Ocean, and asked Li Xiaotian to guard the edge of Lingding Ocean, do you see what kind of impregnable force it would be?

The serious trouble in the north will be solved!

There is no need to worry about the Northern Territory of the Great Cang, and great achievements can be achieved for generations to come!

After saying these words, Ji Guang's blood boiled: Okay, I will first take over the power of the emperor tomorrow and make him the King of Jin!

He is not currently an emperor in the true sense. He is still twenty days away from becoming a real emperor. In theory, he is not qualified to be crowned king.

However, the battle in the north waited for no one, and he needed to take action immediately.

Fortunately, among the ancestral laws, there is a right to take the first shot, which means that before the emperor ascends the throne, he can use the power first for special circumstances.

Ge Xin poured two cups of tea with his own hands and handed them to Lin Su and Ji Guang respectfully: Master Lin has a famous saying: 'Three cups of wine for thousands of miles of mortal world, and a pot of tea for great achievements.' Ge Xin dedicates this to His Majesty and Master Lin. Qianqiu Great Deeds Tea, I wish you great achievements, starting today!

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