Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 754 Your Majesty ascends the throne, I congratulate you with three thousand territories

The two of them picked up their teacups and drank them all in one gulp.

Ji Guang put down the tea cup: Tomorrow I will receive a letter from King Jin. Will you go north with the army?

That's natural!

My coronation ceremony... you will not be in the capital.

I am in the north, congratulating Your Majesty with three thousand miles of territory!

His words were still bold and his expression was still calm, but there was an indescribable feeling between the two of them.

Ji Guang ascended the throne as emperor, and Lin Su traveled all the way. Ji Guang wished so much that he was by her side at this moment. However, the border war situation did not allow the brothers to get together at this special moment...

Ji Guang stood up slowly: Brother, do you know why I called you to meet at Zijin Pavilion today?

Lin Su's eyes flickered and he didn't answer...

Zijin Pavilion is a pavilion exclusively for the royal family, but having ministers enter it is the greatest favor. Is there any other interpretation?

Obviously there is...

Ji Guang said: Purple Gold Pavilion is the place where my father died. His soul is still here. I originally planned to worship my father's soul with you here after the enthronement ceremony. However, you will not be here on that day. Zhuxiang, let’s serve it today!”

Lin Su was shocked.

An Ye was also surprised.

Logically speaking, it is very rude to invite an outsider to offer incense to one's ancestors.

However, these words coming from the mouth of the would-be emperor were an unparalleled favor.

Your Highness! Lin Su stood up: I am not a descendant of the Ji family. This move...

It is true that you are not a descendant of the Ji family, but it was you who helped my father to be redressed and my ascension to the throne. My father has a spirit in heaven, and he will definitely want to see who gave the Ji family blood. Continue, you have been waiting for this incense stick for a long time! Ji Guang also stood up and clasped his hands together: Brother, please offer incense!

Ge Xin bowed deeply: Master Lin, please grant me your permission!

Lin Su took a deep breath: Okay!

A stick of incense is placed on the incense table, and the atmosphere in the Zijin Pavilion is solemn.

The two eyes looked at each other, with absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Three cups of fragrant tea, the world will be opened up.

The four of them parted, Ji Guangge bowed heartily and said goodbye, just like that day...

After leaving the palace, An Ye took a deep breath: Sir, we will enter the northern border tomorrow!


In the battle in the north, what was Mr. Xian doing? Is it to relieve His Majesty from the siege, for the great cause of the world, or for the promise he made to the girl in green that day?

Alas? Lin Su looked sideways: Isn't my little one jealous? Do you want me to give you a promise? In the future, I will build a big country and give it to the little one in your belly...

Stop teasing me. If you tease me again, I will really give you a baby...

Do you think this can scare me? I have a big business and my family is afraid of this? I can support you even if you give birth to a hundred sons...

The two of them bickered all the way back to the inn. As for the outcome of giving birth to a son, let’s not mention it for now. The process of giving birth to a son must have gone through several times...

Night falls.

On the distant Yangtze River.

A lonely boat looks extremely lonely under the starlight.

This is an ordinary boat that can only accommodate two or three people.

On the dark bow of the ship, a young man slowly raised his head and looked at the horizon quietly.

If Lin Su were here, he would be surprised, because he is the third prince Ji Yan.

In his mind, Ji Yan was already dead.

The cabin door curtain was gently lifted, and a young man in Tsing Yi put a pot of wine in front of him, and slowly poured two cups. The river water rippled gently, and the wine in the cup also rippled gently...

In the past, there was a moonlight on the palace tower, but now there are only a few people floating around... After reciting two lines of poetry, Ji Yan coughed violently and wouldn't stop for a long time.

Du Qing gently handed over a silk handkerchief: Your Highness, is he depressed?

Ji Yan slowly raised his head, his eyes bloodshot: In the past, when I was demoted to Ruzhou, you also asked me this question. Now that the old words are mentioned again, what result do you expect? I still had my father at that time! Today, I have no foundation, no career, no relatives, shouldn’t I feel depressed?”

On that day, Ji Yan was demoted in a fight with the prince.

He was also depressed.

Du Qing advised him that some things would eventually turn around.

He believed it, and things turned around. He should be recalled to the capital. The prince died, and he was only one step away from the throne of the East Palace.

But today, the situation is completely different. His father, who sits on the ninety-fifth throne, has stepped down. He does not know whether he is alive or dead. All his brothers and feet have been demoted to common people. What kind of opportunities can he have?

Du Qing said: His Majesty has stepped down. The person in the deep palace cannot give His Highness anything. However, His Highness still has resources. As long as he makes good use of them, even if he cannot be respected in the south, he can still become his own sect in the vast world. To control the world, it is not the king who is better than the king!

Ji Yan suddenly raised his head: What else do I have in my hand?

The secrets of the court officials are resources, and the secrets of Wujianmen are resources. As long as they don't want to die, they have to obey His Highness's instructions!

Ji Yan's heart suddenly beat like ashes...

He understood what Du Qing meant...

Over the years, he has known all the officials of his faction. Everyone has a lot of privacy in his hands. For these officials, these privacy are a trump card. If they don't want to lose their reputation, they must listen to it. his.

In addition, Infinite Door!

There are also a large number of secrets of people in Wujian Sect that he controls, and these people are even more invisible. As long as he gives the secrets of these people to the new emperor, these people will have no place in the world, so he can also control Wujian Door.

Wujianmen was worried about this, so the moment the curtain fell on the palace, they launched a plan to silence them.

However, Du Qing had a better plan and had already found a substitute for him.

When the substitute died, Ji Yan took the opportunity to escape. His escape gave Wujianmen a huge counterattack.

How... do you want to act? Ji Yan stared at Du Qing with burning eyes.

Du Qing smiled and said: Your Highness, do you still remember the pavilion promised to your subordinates?

Buyi Pavilion?

Exactly! Du Qing said: Buyi Pavilion has been established. Your Highness and Qing, in the name of Buyi, will make waves in this huge river and lake!

Ji Yan stared at Du Qing for a long time: It is very easy but also extremely difficult to build a pavilion in the vast rivers and lakes. Mr. Du is by my side day and night, never leaving me for a moment. The establishment of this pavilion should have the help of experts... I don't know this pavilion. , does it have a source?

Du Qing smiled and smiled softly: This pavilion is called Buyi Pavilion in Da Cang. If it is in Chi Country, it should be called... Wenxin Pavilion!

The next day!

Capital City!

An urgent order came from the palace!

All court officials will go to court at noon!

When this order was conveyed, everyone's hearts beat wildly...

The new emperor has not yet officially ascended the throne, and theoretically there will be no dynasty. Once the dynasty is established, big things will happen.

What big thing will happen?

The biggest thing is the standard process for changing dynasties.

As the saying goes, once the emperor changes, the courtiers will naturally have to change.

Today's dynasty will definitely undergo a major blood change.

Who will attend?

Who will get off?

No one has a bottom line.

Even Lu Tiancong, the leader of the officials, was worried.

If Ji Shang was in office, he would not need to worry about his future, because he knew that even if all the officials were replaced, it would not be his fault.

He is a great contributor to His Majesty's succession to the throne.

He and His Majesty always follow closely.

He also had the glorious achievement of exterminating relatives for justice. This official achievement made his official name shine brightly.

However, he was really uneasy about the situation in front of him.

Because the new emperor is the opposite of the old emperor.

As the prime minister, he followed the old emperor closely and did too many things that the new emperor was not happy to see.

The new emperor came to power, how could he stay?

In the political arena, the most fearful thing is to bet on the wrong bet and with the wrong person. He, Lu Tian, ​​has always understood this. He has never missed a step in the political arena. But now, in his later years, he has made the wrong mistake. A mistake is a big mistake.

My own official path...

Prime Minister! Do you think today's great dynasty is really, as the outside world reports, appointment of court officials? Nangong Pushe poured a cup of tea for Lu Tiancong and brought it over respectfully.

Today, the trend in the Zuo Shi Pavilion has changed somewhat.

Although Lu Tiancong didn't seem to care, in fact, he was like a mirror in his heart. His colleagues in the cabinet had begun to draw a clear line with him. Nangong Pushe was an exception, because Nangong Pushe was mentioned by the prime minister. The land and the sky are naturally tied together. They both prosper and suffer. They are inseparable from each other, even if they are deliberately cut.

Prime Minister, haha... I don't even know that this Prime Minister will still not be Prime Minister after today! Lu Tiancong smiled calmly.

The lower officials are naturally well aware of the Prime Minister's indifference to fame and fortune, but the officialdom of the Great Cang cannot be separated from the power of the Prime Minister's determination... Based on the determination of the Prime Minister's officialdom and the existence of hundreds of millions of people in the Great Cang, the Prime Minister still needs Take action!

This is a high-sounding statement.

These words made Lu Tian feel upset.

You also persuade me to continue to serve as prime minister reluctantly for the sake of the world. Do you think I don’t want to? But can I decide whether to be prime minister or not?

Take action!

How to act?

Mobilize your subordinates and use the pressure from the court officials to ask Your Majesty to keep me?

If this method is effective in normal times, is it normal times now? His Majesty may have already begun to think of taking down all the old court officials. At this time, he launched this strategy of forcing the palace. His Majesty was even more disgusted. Maybe he would go on to have them dismissed from office and exiled!

Nangong Pushe said: I heard that Miss Youwei, the granddaughter of the prime minister, is Grandmaster Lin's confidante. Why not invite Grandmaster Lin to come over to discuss marriage...

This is straightforward.

Everyone in the world knows that His Majesty's ascension to the throne today is not only entirely dependent on Lin Su, but at least Lin Su also accounts for half of the great contribution.

As for who can make the final decision on His Majesty's side, it is undoubtedly Lin Su.

As long as Lin Su can establish connections, he can keep any position.

Lu Tian has always been the prime minister, at least he is still the prime minister at this moment. If he can lower his status and take the initiative to mention marriage with Lin Su, even if Lin Su doesn't help him, at least he won't kill him.

Then isn't it possible that he can keep his position as prime minister?

Once Lu Tiancong retains his position as prime minister, won't his officials on the vine have someone to rely on? Although Nangong Pushe's plan was based on himself, Lu Tiancong suddenly saw a glimmer of hope...

The old man in the prime minister's office once mentioned this matter.

Objectively speaking, Lu Tian hesitated.

From a grandfather's point of view, he agrees. Who doesn't want his grandson-in-law to be a genius who excels in all aspects?

But from the prime minister's point of view, he couldn't agree.

Because Lin Su was rebelling against His Majesty, Lu Tian was never worried that recruiting this wild horse would drag the Lu family into a ditch and prevent them from climbing out.

But now, the situation has changed drastically.

Lin Su is no longer a wild horse that rebels against His Majesty. He has transformed into a golden dragon beside His Majesty. Befriending him has hundreds of advantages and no disadvantages...

However, Lu Tiancong was still very confused when he really wanted to take this step...

Because he knew that Lin Su at this moment might not necessarily buy his fault...

No, it’s not necessarily, but definitely not!

With thousands of thoughts, Lu Tiancong slowly raised his head: This matter is not urgent, hold on for now!

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