Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 755: The Great Hall of All Beings

There's no time to wait, Prime Minister. The imperial court will begin at noon. Once... Nangong Pushe was so anxious that veins popped out on his forehead.

He didn't explain what he said, but everyone understood what he meant.

If today is the day when the appointment of a court official is announced, if you delay, the Golden Palace will directly remove you. Wouldn’t it be too late for everything?

Lu Tiancong held up the teacup: Today's court meeting should not be about the appointment or dismissal of court officials. The new emperor has not yet ascended the throne, so it is impossible for him to do such a decisive thing. Don't be too nervous or make people laugh.

He was so calm and relaxed there that Nangong Pushe was so anxious that he wanted to jump off the building...

However, objectively speaking, Lu Tiancong's analysis makes sense...

Changing court officials is not that easy. Behind every court official is a community of interests. Do you think the emperor can change him if he wants?

If you change one or two, you won't be able to make any big waves.

If too much is exchanged at one time, the emperor cannot take it lightly.

What's more, the new emperor has not yet ascended the throne. Today's announcement of large-scale adjustments is inconsistent with the law. The officials have sufficient reasons to oppose it. The new regime in Da Cang has not yet been formally born, and it will encounter a civil strife. The upcoming The enthronement ceremony will also be cast in a layer of variables.

The new emperor cannot do such a thing.

Lin Su was famous for his wisdom, so he would not be so reckless.

Therefore, Lu Tiancong concluded that today's court meeting would not involve a large-scale change of courtiers.

However, what could happen that would cause the new emperor to break the convention and hold a court meeting before ascending the throne?

Noon is almost here!

The officials are on the move!

Everyone is the best, even if his heart is on fire, it shows on his forehead that he is full of energy, in good health, and can serve the new emperor for fifty years.

The first batch of officials arrived. They were above the fifth rank and below the third rank. They were wearing red official robes. These official robes should have been starched and every one of them was spotless. Although this group of officials were the lower-level officials of the Great Court, overall they were relatively Being young, everyone brings out their best mental state, which is really a beautiful scenery outside Zhengde Hall.

Among them, there was one official who attracted the most attention. He was dressed in a fourth-grade court dress. He was elegant and elegant, with a face like a crown jewel and an unparalleled temperament.

He is Qiu Zixiu!

Qiu Zixiu looked calm and graceful at the moment, greeting everyone when he saw him, and seemed to be very satisfied. However, no one knew that he was full of fear in his heart.

He is the same year as Lin Su, and not just the same year. They have been in the same year since the joint examination. During the joint examination, Lin Su won the first place, and he won the first place. During the palace examination, Lin Su won the first place, although he failed. He has gone down halfway, but he is still a holy scholar.

Some people say that it was his misfortune that Qiu Zixiu met Lin Su. There is even a feeling that when there is beauty, why is there sue?

This statement makes Qiu Zixiu want to pluck clean the new hair that has just grown on her head every time.

However, this view changed later, and the fundamental reason was Lin Su's rapid progress.

With his rapid progress, others no longer felt ashamed of losing to Lin Su, but instead felt proud to compete with Lin Su on the same stage. Even if he failed, it was still an honor.

For example, at a gathering of literati, some literati introduced Qiu Zixiu like this: This is Lord Qiu Zixiu. Have you ever thought that Lord Qiu and the first master of Qinglian, Lin Su, were in the same year? , Mr. Qiu is a dimension, when Lin Su won the first prize, Mr. Qiu was a Holy Scholar...

This kind of introduction is definitely not a dig at Qiu Zixiu, it can even be said to be full of goodwill.

However, when Qiu Zixiu heard this kind of kindness, she still felt very angry!

There is only one life in the scientific examination, and he can't do it again, but he is sure to surpass Lin in the officialdom.

Lin was not familiar with the ways of officialdom at all. His official position was destined to linger in a low position, but he, holding the prince's thigh, flew up at a speed that anyone who was not blind could understand.

However, he saw through the rules of officialdom, but failed to see the general trend.

The old emperor stepped down and the new emperor succeeded.

This new emperor was supported by Lin Su.

How else can Qiu Zixiu compare?

He tried his best to support the prince, while Lin Su directly supported the new emperor, and almost single-handedly drove the old emperor off the throne!

Now Lin Su has already stepped outside the rules of officialdom.

He almost makes the rules of officialdom!

Lin Su controls the rules of officialdom, how will he define Qiu Zixiu?

This is how anxious Qiu Zixiu is at this moment...

Although he was a holy scholar, the imperial court had to look at the face of the Buddha as well as the monks, so he had to give him a job. However, Qiu Zixiu interpreted a rule from Lin Su, that is: the rules are never monolithic!

At this moment, Qiu Zixiu caught a new person coming in from the corner of his eye.

This person fell into his sight because this person was special.

Others were wearing official uniforms, but this person was wearing civilian clothes.

Most of the others were in their seventies or eighties, but this person, like him, was very young, elegant and suave.

Yes, not only Qiu Zixiu felt this way, but also Li Qingquan himself. He had long discovered that he was a special case, not like a participant or a guard.

But there was no way. He was secretly notified by the palace servant to attend today's meeting.

This is His Majesty's decree.

What Li Qingquan interpreted from this oral edict was Zhenchang!

Today's meeting was unusual. He had to prevent these ministers from causing trouble. His Majesty asked him to come to control the situation. Therefore, he made arrangements with the two armies of Qinglong and White Tiger early to put on guard uniforms and guard the palace gate. Outside, if there is any abnormal movement, take action to suppress it.

However, he never imagined that he would be the only topic at the meeting today...

And this issue is related to his ultimate dream...

Not long after the high-ranking officials below the third rank arrived, the high-ranking officials above the third rank arrived one after another.

When Deng Hongbo arrived, a bunch of senior officials gathered around him. Among them, the fastest one was Li Daxian, the Secretary of the Jiaofang. Li Daxian walked up to Deng Hongbo in a few steps with a smile on his face: Master Deng, what was delivered to my house yesterday? Is the skin purifying cream still useful?”

Deng Hongbo looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: It turns out that the medicinal materials delivered to the house yesterday were sent by Mr. Li. I have to thank Mr. Li a lot.

Li Daxian smiled and said: My lord, you have suffered a lot in the heavenly prison in the past few days. I also hope that your lord will recover as soon as possible and help our emperor regain his authority, so he sent his men to travel three hundred miles to Huainan to obtain this elixir. I don't know. After adults take it, it may have some effects.

Deng Hongbo said: I'm sorry, Mr. Li. I didn't know that this medicine came from Mr. Li. I thought it was some insidious trick in the world. I had already thrown the medicine into the firewood and burned it completely. I suffered from Mr. Li. I am so ashamed and ashamed...

Li Daxian's fat face looks like a pig's liver...

Deng Hongbo's eyes suddenly lit up. He passed by him and met another person who came in from the outside. This person had a long beard and was wearing a third-grade court dress. He was the censor Zhou Zhang.

Master Zhou! Deng Hongbo bowed.

Has Mr. Deng recovered from his illness? Zhou Zhang smiled.

Deng Hongbo laughed: I received the gift of wonderful medicine from Lord Zhou. If I don't recover, wouldn't I be ashamed of Lord Zhou's kindness?

What magic medicine? You can buy it on the street for three cents a bag. If you are interested, just give me three taels of silver.

As soon as the two of them started talking, everyone else's expressions changed.

Zhou Zhang and Deng Hongbo rarely spoke in the third-rank circles in the past, because as soon as they opened their mouths, they would surely fall into the cynicism of the other third-rank officials.

But now, they speak in public, relaxed and comfortable, while others are trembling with fear. Among these people, they include Tianlao Zhengqing, the Minister of Punishment, Jiaofang Si Zhengqing...

Because they were all the main persons responsible for the earlier Deng Hongbo case.

Deng Hongbo burned the medicine given by Li Daxian, and there he thanked Zhou Zhang three coins for buying the medicine, which fully demonstrated that this Deng Dapao had a clear distinction between love and hate. Is this a sign of settling accounts in the future? …

It's the second grade's turn.

He Jingjun, the Minister of Personnel, Gao Gelin, the Minister of Civil Affairs, Li Zegang, the Minister of Punishments, He Yunkai, the Minister of Husbandry, Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites, Song Du, the Minister of War...

The four people in front had bloodshot eyes, which fully showed their inner suffering.

The two people behind them looked relatively calm, but they were definitely not really calm.

The first-class official appears!

Ouyang Dong, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy (after Chen Geng took over the White Deer Academy, Ouyang Dong became the new bachelor of the Hanlin Academy), Su Changhe, a bachelor of the Gongyuan Academy, Chen Geng, the dean of the White Deer Academy, and Zhang Juzheng, a bachelor of Wenyuange.

The latter two came side by side. Ouyang Dong and Su Changhe bowed on both sides, as if they planned to talk to them. However, these two adults seemed to be deeply attracted to each other, whispering to each other along the way, and completely ignored these two people. human existence.

Ouyang Dong and Su Changhe looked at each other, and they both saw great uneasiness in each other's eyes.

At this moment, an old figure came in from outside. As soon as he came in, everyone was reassured that he was Lu Tiancong.

The new emperor ascended the throne, and the old ministers were frightened.

And Prime Minister Lu Tiancong is their backbone.

The ministers had not yet made up their minds whether they should talk to the prime minister at this time. Lu Tiancong had already passed by them and arrived in front of Zhang Juzheng and Chen Geng.

Master Zhang, Master Chen! Lu Tiancong's voice was as calm and soothing as before.

Lord Lu! The two bachelors also returned the greeting at the same time.

Your Majesty, these two adults have done a great job in bringing order out of chaos. I feel deeply ashamed and very lucky. Lu Tian followed.

What do you mean by Mr. Lu's words? Zhang Juzheng said.

Lu Tiancong pointed at the Zhengde Palace in front of him and said: Two adults, please look at this big change. The capital is not in chaos, the palace is not damaged, and the people are at peace. This shows that King Chen's victory in the world is what the people want and what everyone hopes for. , this is where I am gratified and fortunate. But I could not see clearly the face of the hypocrite before, and felt deeply ashamed and ashamed.

Chen Geng and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other, and Chen Geng smiled faintly: That's true!

As soon as these three words came out, Lu Tian felt a chill in his heart.

He talked for a long time, and the standard response should be comfort. If Chen Geng and Zhang Juzheng had a little common sense in officialdom, they would have responded like this: Who can see clearly the face of a hypocrite? The prime minister acts according to the king's orders, and it is natural for him to do so. Why should he be ashamed of it?

In this way, Lu Tiancong would find a reason to stand in the court again.

However, these two adults lost the common sense of officials at this moment and answered directly: That's right!

Fortunately, there were still two first-rank officials. Ouyang Dong stepped forward and said, The hypocrite is doing this rebellious act. It is a top secret. The prime minister is in charge of everything. How can he know everything? Holy words, those who don't know are not guilty.

Su Changhe responded: What the Grand Master Yangdong said is exactly what he said. The responsibility on the Prime Minister's shoulders is only to uphold the righteousness of the Cang, to help the people of the world, and to act under the emperor's orders. How can he violate the laws of the Cang and spy on the private affairs of the superiors? Why? Do you need to blame yourself?”

The two of them each defended themselves in the name of appeasing the prime minister.

In just a moment, the embarrassment was eliminated, and it was truly a first-class method.

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