Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 761 The First Battle of the Wolf Killing Group

Li Qingquan nodded: The Steppenwolf Regiment is said to be invincible alone, so he used undisputed individual massacres to tell the entire Flying Dragon Legion that the Steppenwolf Regiment is not that powerful!


This was Lin Su's intention. He had a hundred ways to easily kill the 20,000 vanguard troops, but he chose to completely abandon the art of war and use the primitive fighting method to kill 20,000 people.

The fundamental purpose is to completely break the myth that the Steppenwolf regiment is invincible alone!

Establish an invincible military spirit in front of the entire army!

This battle went as quickly as it came.

As soon as the battle started, the Steppenwolf regiment was completely defeated. Within a quarter of an hour, half of them were dead!

In another half-quarter of an hour, the Steppenwolf regiment, which never admits defeat on the battlefield, will have to admit defeat and break out!

The process of breaking through is also the process of hunting!

Every moment, hundreds of people died. The last group of people ran ten miles away. A sword light flashed across the sky, and more than ten people died at the same time.

Of the 20,000 forward troops, no one has been missed so far, and they have all been eliminated.

The mountain wind is howling, and the war flag is hunting!

Lin Su's white clothes were not stained with blood, and he stood in the void. Below him, the Azure Dragon Legion that had just experienced the baptism of the battlefield gathered together. In a big battle, the Azure Dragon Legion was almost unscathed.

Li Qingquan looked at the scene of white clothes flying in the distance and murmured: The wine is in the pot with blue blood and yellow sand, and thousands of troops avoid white robes from now on. Is this the scene you are referring to?

Bi Xuanji smiled softly: Thousands of armies avoid Baipao, not because of his invincible bravery, but because of his unpredictable and ever-changing tactics. Brother, please take a good look at how he uses his tactics!

What kind of military strategy will it be? Li Qingquan's face turned red.

This little girl doesn't know. I only know that once his tactics are launched, his moves will definitely exceed the enemy's expectations. They will be linked together and make it difficult for people to guard against...Here he comes!

As soon as her voice fell, Lin Su waved her hand gently, and the Azure Dragon Legion in front of them suddenly changed in everyone's eyes and turned into the Steppenwolf Legion!

If everyone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have thought that this army would be the Azure Dragon Legion.

Li Xiaotian's eyes brightened: Cross the sea! This is to break into the Chinese army!

He is the only one who understands Lin Su's art of war, because he has also learned it. This art of war is to hide from the sky and cross the sea. Li Xiaotian has also understood it thoroughly, and he can use it. However, the method he uses to hide the sky and the sea is far from as magical as Lin Su's. Not only did Su's clothes and demeanor change, the military flag was also the same as that of Osumi's Steppenwolf Regiment.

Lin Su's voice came to my ears: Come, chase me!

Li Xiaotian's heart was beating wildly. He understood Lin Su's intention...

Li Xiaotian shouted: Kill all the Steppenwolves, kill them!

Kill the general in the area where Lin Su is.

Li Qingquan also killed him.

Lin Su, on the other hand, led his men to flee quickly...

The flying eagle high in the sky witnessed this escape with its own eyes and quickly reported back...

The Blood Wolf King jumped up and said, The 20,000 vanguard troops were beaten down to only 3,000 in just a moment? Hurry up and fight back!

The order was given, and the 100,000 Chinese troops in front raised their flags, and the battle formation was opened. They saw the Steppenwolf regiment running in front, and the flying dragon army chasing after them...

The Steppenwolf regiment was spared, and a hundred thousand troops surrounded them, forming an indestructible line of defense to block the surrounding flying dragon army. The war was about to break out.

No one noticed that the three thousand people who fled back to the Chinese army quickly merged, interspersed, and were in their respective positions in an instant, arriving at the position of the flag-bearer of the Chinese army's one hundred thousand soldiers.

The Blood Wolf King stands high on the cliff, with a huge flag in his hand pointing straight into the sky...

Li Xiaotian, if you dare to take the initiative to attack, you will be killed on the spot today! The big flag was raised, accompanied by an earth-shattering battle order: The whole army attacks, kill!

The sound of killing fell!


Thousands of flag-bearers died almost simultaneously.

The Chinese army's military formation collapsed before it could even be formed.

The Blood Wolf King's heart skipped a beat, and with a sharp glance, he discovered the clue. Why did his army suddenly have Da Cang's military flag?

I C!

art of war!

The Steppenwolf regiment that just escaped was not the Steppenwolf regiment at all, but the Great Cang Army disguised as a military force!

The Da Cang Army inserted into the Chinese Army and killed almost all the flag-bearers in the Chinese Army in the blink of an eye!

The Chinese army's flag-bearer is missing, and the Chinese army's military formation will be difficult to achieve!

At this moment, hundreds of military formations of the Flying Dragon Legion were formed at the same time, and ten military formations of the White Tiger Legion were formed. The outer defense line was broken at a touch, and the Steppenwolf Regiment was flying with blood and flesh...

The Blood Wolf King roared: Rear Army!

My subordinates are here! An unusually tall general responded from a distant mountain peak.

Form up, assist! The Chinese army has lost its military formation and turned into infantry in front of the tanks. They are only destined to be slaughtered, but they have no ability to fight back. They are in danger.

The Blood Wolf King must make a decisive decision and press forward with his rear troops in order to withstand the formation of the Flying Dragon Legion.

The rear army attacked on all fronts, with one hundred thousand rear troops moving at full strength, and the mountains roared.

At this moment, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Lin Su's mouth, and a line of words flashed across his writing...

Create Something Out of Nothing from Thirty-Six Strategies!

With a bang, a large number of flying dragon legions suddenly appeared in front of the rear army. As soon as the two armies caught up, the sound of killing was loud.

The Blood Wolf King dropped his gaze and stared at the area. The flag in his hand shook, and the waves filled the battlefield like water. This military flag was custom-made. It has the royal treasure Dharma Eye on it. The light of the Dharma Eye can break the art of war. Illusion, it was precisely with this discernment that he repeatedly broke through Li Xiaotian's military traps.

When the envoy came out at this moment, he found that the area was still the art of war!

The one fighting the rear army was not the Great Blue Flying Dragon Army at all, but another rear army. The two rear armies were fighting each other.

The Blood Wolf King was so angry that he quickly ordered: Stop the rear army! This is a military trap...

His instructions covered the whole field, and the hearts of the fighting rear troops jumped...

However, at this moment, another identical voice sounded from the mountain on the left: The rear army listens to the order, this is not the art of war, let go and kill! Anyone who dares to retreat in front of the battle will be shot without mercy!

The rear army looked up and was completely dumbfounded. There was a Blood Wolf King on the mountain on the right, and there was also a Blood Wolf King on the mountain on the left. The two Blood Wolf Kings were exactly the same, and even their flags were exactly the same.

How is this going?

The Blood Wolf King fixed his gaze on the mountain on the left. He raised his flag and saw clearly through his Dharma Eyes, a man dressed in white as snow!

Lin Su!

The Blood Wolf King roared, his voice full of anger...

The flag in Lin Su's hand was pointed directly at the Blood Wolf King, and he also yelled: Traitor Lin Su, you are so brave, you dare to pretend to be the king!

The whole battlefield was in chaos, and I didn't know who to listen to.

The Blood Wolf King was so anxious that he pointed his flag towards Lin Su's area with murderous intent.

On top of Lin Suwen Mountain, a line of words reappeared, killing someone with a borrowed knife!


This sweeping banner was originally aimed at the area where Lin Su was, but the landing point was inexplicably deviated. It took a blow with the blood wolf king's entire body, and even wiped out one of his own guards.

Lin Su, do you dare to kill my king's guards? Lin Su roared angrily: Soldiers, kill the dog thief Lin Su first!

Lin Su's banner pointed directly at the Blood Wolf King.

The rear army officers and soldiers can now distinguish between true and false!

Because the Blood Wolf King just killed a guard on his side, then he is obviously fake!

Countless people rushed towards the Blood Wolf King. The Blood Wolf King's nose was crooked with anger, but he was completely unable to turn around...

A bloody battle that made people laugh and cry.

The two blood wolf kings issued different orders, and the rear army was already in chaos anyway. The soldiers around the blood wolf king were confused, and even they did not dare to approach the blood wolf king.

As for the Chinese army, without any assistance from the rear army, they were retreating steadily in front of the Feilong Legion's battle formation. Soon, they could no longer control themselves.

A scribe in green beside the Blood Wolf King let out a long sigh: Commander! Retreat! This is not how war is fought...


The Blood Wolf King gave the order and the entire army retreated.


Li Qingquan and Li Xiaotian gave orders at the same time to hunt him down!

Suddenly, there was a strange whistle, and the sky was covered with clouds. Countless huge figures appeared from the clouds, accompanied by the fierce sound of wind and the smell of fishy smell. At the same time, on the back mountain, densely packed ferocious beasts surged like a tide. Come, the sky and the earth are instantly filled with a sea of ​​ferocious beasts...

Beast Master! An Ye pierced the sky with her sword, and a large area of ​​sky in the northwest corner became empty, but her expression also changed.

Lin Su's face suddenly sank, and he raised his hands together!

In the Jin Dynasty, there was a bright moon at Dacang Pass, and the people who marched thousands of miles have not yet returned...

A Great Steel Wall appeared in front, and with a bang, countless ferocious beasts hit the Great Wall, and the Great Wall shook the earth and the mountains...

Li Xiaotian pointed the flag straight into the sky: Military formation, air defense!


The sky is filled with blood rain!

This fierce battle took three hours!

This fierce battle was more dangerous than their fight with the Steppenwolves!

As the sun sets, the brutal battle finally ends.

All armies come to report...

The Flying Dragon Legion lost more than 3,000 people...

Although the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion are all experts, hundreds of people were seriously injured and more than a hundred people died...

Most of the casualties came from the beast tide.

The beast tide is not suitable for military tactics and can only be carried by force, so the battle damage is relatively serious.

Lin Su's face turned livid: Yu Beast Valley, I'm going to defeat him!

Bi Xuanji suddenly grabbed his shoulder: Don't be impulsive. We can encounter enemies on the battlefield and kill them, but we must not do anything to annihilate our family. The Valley of the Beasts has a thousand years of history. We must not be annihilated until we have to. .”

Lin Su took a long breath: Set up camp tonight and do our best to treat the wounded!

The order was issued to enter rest.

Although Lin Su is a little dissatisfied, it does not mean that today's results are not brilliant...

In fact, they achieved a complete victory in this battle, and the victory was unimaginable...

They defeated the world-famous Steppenwolf Group head-on.

Half of the 300,000 Steppenwolf regiment were killed in this battle.

What else do you want?

In the imperial palace of the Red Kingdom, the emperor's study room, the emperor held up a piece of paper with a few lines of words on it: On the seventh day of the fifth lunar month, the Da Cang Flying Dragon Legion troops left Helan City and fought a decisive battle with the Osumi Steppen Wolf Regiment in the Broken Soul Valley. The Steppen Wolf Regiment was defeated in the first battle. In the north, 150,000 were lost in battle. The Flying Dragon Legion is led by Lin Su!

The emperor's hand trembled slightly: In just one battle, more than half of the Steppenwolf regiment was lost?

Yes! Your Majesty! The leader of the secret agent lying below said: Our people have seen with their own eyes that Lin Su's tactics are ten times and a hundred times better than Qi Dong, the deputy commander of the Cangshan Army. On the battlefield, there is no change in reality or reality. Even though the Blood Wolf King has experienced hundreds of battles, and even though the Steppenwolf Regiment is the top team among the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, they are simply vulnerable to a single blow under his command!

The emperor's face was full of confusion and he was speechless for a moment.

Your Majesty, over there at Qingpan River...

Delay! the emperor said, Let's wait and see how the Cangyu battle progresses before making any decision.

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