Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 762 Wenxin Pavilion returns to the battlefield

On the other side of Yelang Kingdom, the emperor also received the same news. The Lord of Yelang Kingdom was a young man, and he frowned: Are you sure that it was Steppenwolf's side that failed?

Your Majesty, this is absolutely true! The Flying Dragon Legion advanced three hundred miles north in one day and has already reached Yanmen Pass! And the Steppenwolf Regiment, which was rumored to be unstoppable, retreated into Yanmen Pass with its remaining defeated troops. This is still a beast of war. When Gu takes action, if Yushou Gu doesn't release millions of beasts, this powerful and unscrupulous army in the north might be wiped out in one battle by the Lin family!

What a Lin! It seems that my commander-in-chief of the Wumen may not be Lin's opponent. What do you think of me teaching Lin's rebellious son a lesson if I go on a personal expedition? His Majesty said with great interest.

The face of the Secretary of the Ministry of War turned pale: Your Majesty's power is all over the world. If you reach the Wumen, you will naturally be invincible, but... but... soldiers are dangerous in war. The sage said that soldiers are dangerous weapons, and the sage uses them as a last resort. , Yelang is not in a desperate situation right now.

These words of a saint convinced His Majesty, and Your Majesty nodded: Indeed, Yelang rules the world with a saint, and few people still listen to the words of a saint...

The Minister of War knelt back and wiped the sweat from his forehead, cursing inwardly, which bastard trained His Majesty to be so arrogant? You are trying to kill people. What if he, this idiot... Oh, no, his majesty really goes to Wumen Pass and fights the legendary God of War. Is it just this idiot... this majesty that you kill? You will also kill me, the Minister of War!

The same news naturally reached the hands of Osumi King Li Chi earlier.

The Minister of War entered the palace late at night and personally delivered this extremely shocking and depressing news to the great emperor Li Chi.

Ripples immediately appeared in Li Chi's bottomless eyes...

In just one battle, half of his most powerful legion was lost!

In just one day, the enemy's soldiers advanced three hundred miles!

According to this progress, wouldn't he really be able to occupy three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in old Shanxi in ten days?

Could it be that Da Cang, the newly appointed little emperor, was granted the title of King of Jin?

Will the iron-blooded lord Ohsumi become a joke for the ages?

Li Chi raised his hand: Pass the message!


All practicing sects in the old Jin Dynasty, including elders and above, will go to the battlefield!

The remnants of the Blood Wolf King will be merged into the Beiyuan Army! They will be led by Zhou Yangbo, the commander of the Beiyuan Army.

Ask the Elders of the Beast Valley to dispatch!

Take my handwritten letter and enter the Holy Family!

Seven imperial edicts in a row, issued one by one!

Li Chi slowly raised his hand: In the world of Dayu, there is no distinction between the secular world and the spiritual world, but those who kill Linsu will be named one-word king! Those who kill Li Qingquan will be named two-word king, and those who kill Li Xiaotian will be named marquis!

This is another imperial edict!

After all the imperial edicts were issued, Li Chi slowly lowered his head: You, the Minister of War, also drove directly to the front line of the old Jin Dynasty for me. If half an inch of Dayu's territory is lost, you don't have to come back!

The wild goose gate is closed.

The Blood Wolf King stepped into the commander-in-chief's mansion.

This commander-in-chief's residence does not belong to him, but to the Beiyuan Army. The commander-in-chief is named Zhou Yangbo, and he is the brother of Jin King Zhou Kuohai.

Zhou Yangbo looked at the Blood Wolf King striding forward with a smile on his face: What? The Steppenwolf regiment, which is famous all over the world and is known as the best in Osumi, actually suffered a huge defeat today?

The Blood Wolf King came to him and stared at him with a pair of blood-red eyes.

He said nothing, just stared at him.

Such a pair of eyes can send chills to one's bones. It's a pity that Zhou Yangbo, as the commander-in-chief of the Beiyuan Army, has never seen what kind of scene? He didn't take the intimidating look seriously at all, and added calmly: Wolf King, I have long said that on the battlefield, you are not just a man who fights recklessly. Your tactics are not worth it when faced with a real military master. Mention it! After this battle is defeated, you and I will join forces and hand over your Steppenwolf regiment to the command of this commander. I will let you see what the art of war is!

Bloody light burst out from the eyes of the Blood Wolf King: You can insult me ​​too? Are you looking for death?

Zhou Yangbo stood up and said: His Majesty's imperial edict has been issued! The Blood Wolf King accepts the edict!

Raising his hand, an imperial edict illuminates the night sky...

The Blood Wolf King stared at this imperial edict with a fierce look in his eyes: My wolf regiment is my private army and is not under the jurisdiction of the emperor. Li Chi, my son...

Resisting the edict is disrespectful! You are seeking death! Zhou Yangbo raised his hands, and the imperial edict turned into a golden curtain, wrapping the Blood Wolf King in it. The endless power of the imperial power firmly suppressed the Blood Wolf King.

The Blood Wolf King raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and with a bang, he broke through the imperial edict...

But the moment he escaped...

Suddenly I saw a pair of eyes.

These eyes are extremely clear, yet as vast as the ocean.

The light in the Blood Wolf King's eyes suddenly dissipated, replaced by confusion.

Behind Zhou Yangbo, an old man strolled out. This old man had a big head. It seemed that every step he took was difficult, but his eyes were the brightest stars in the sky.

He said softly: King Blood Wolf, tell your subordinates, everyone, only to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Beiyuan Army!

The Blood Wolf King turned around and conveyed the order.

Zhou Yangbo smiled: The extraordinary skills of Wenxin Pavilion are really eye-opening. With Master Du's tactics and the peerless combat power of the Steppenwolf Regiment, why should we be afraid of a little Lin Su?

Military Master Du smiled: In terms of military tactics alone, I may not be above him, but as long as he comes within ten feet of me, the Blood Wolf King will be his end.

Zhou Yangbo’s eyes lit up!

Control Lin Su!

As long as the old military advisor can control Lin Su, the world will suddenly become brighter...

Not only does the invasion of the Flying Dragon Legion become a joke, but he can also think more wildly. It is not impossible for the troops to point at Helan City, at Dragon City, and at Da Cang's capital.

Your Majesty said that if you kill Lin Su, you can be crowned a king. Can't he, Zhou Yangbo, be equal to his brother? Perhaps we can go one step further. I can invade Da Cang Capital and be on an equal footing with the Emperor of Osumi!

Yanmen Pass, under the rising sun, showed its majestic appearance to Lin Su for the first time.

This majestic pass was once the second line of defense for the Jin Kingdom against the Great Cang, and it was also the ultimate line of defense, because after this pass, there is no natural moat in the thousands of miles of plains.

Therefore, this magnificent pass has been given the definition of a life and death pass in the Jin Dynasty.

Some poets left poems as evidence: The north wind of thousands of miles passes through Yanmen, and half of the blue sky discusses life and death.

That was Yanmen Pass in the eyes of Jin poets.

One pass divides the two countries, and Cang and Jin discuss life and death.

Poets regard Da Cang as their enemy, just because they have had a deep-rooted thinking for generations. They are mortal enemies if they are bordered by land. The land is impassable. Da Yu, which is connected to Da Cang by Ling Ding Yang, is far away from Da Jin in life and death.

The officials of the Jin Dynasty bribed and accommodated Da Yu in every possible way, hoping that there would be someone behind him to increase the pressure on Da Cang. This was also based on this understanding.

However, things in the world are never defined by the poet's vision.

Da Cang did not cross the border and swallow up Jin, but Da Yu crossed the Lingding Ocean and swallowed up all the Jin Dynasty.

In the past, the grand strategy of uniting to fight against the Cang finally became seeking the skin of a tiger and luring a wolf into the house.

It can only be said that there is no fixed pattern in history.

This majestic pass, in the historical road, goes round and round like this...

Bi Xuanji stood next to Lin Su, pointing to Yanmen Pass in the distance: That's where we three brothers and sisters parted ways. There was an old tree back then. Now, the old tree is no longer there, but there is a new seedling... Autumn Wind Farewell At Yanmen Pass, the capital city enters the old year! How can we not let people lament how time flies?

Her voice was as light as a sigh.

Deep in the bones and in the heart.

Li Qingquan said: Sister, don't be sad. Ten years of exile started here, but today, we are finally back! Brother Lin, in today's battle, you will lead the three armies. Tell me how to fight!

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at the two big flags above: It's a bit strange.

What? Li Xiaotian was slightly startled. Maybe Lin Su was too good at controlling the situation. Many strange things in other people's eyes were expected to happen to him. But what were the strange things in his eyes?

Lin Sudao: Two military flags, and the main one is the Beiyuan Army! The Blood Wolf King comes from a rough background and is extremely tyrannical. His Steppenwolf Regiment calls itself the Osumi First Army. Any army integrated with him should be led by him. He I won’t be inferior to others.”

Li Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat, and after Lin Su reminded him, he also realized: Could it be because of yesterday's defeat that he realized that he can't compete with you in the art of war...

He can't compete with me, so can the Beiyuan Army do it? As far as I know, Zhou Yangbo doesn't have this ability! Unless there is an expert in the Beiyuan Army, and he is so good that even the Blood Wolf King will be convinced.

Li Xiaotian frowned...

This is where he is inferior to Lin Su...

He could see the problem, but he couldn't extend it further.

He can see details but cannot refine them.

But Lin Su can! Know the subtleties!

Through the sequence of the two military flags, he could see the deeper things behind them.

Lin Sudao: Today's battle is unusual! You two armies, stay still. I will lead the Azure Dragon Army to try it out!

Lin Su stood up and the Qinglong Legion moved out!

Behind him, it seemed that a hundred thousand troops were following him, with smoke and dust billowing. However, this was an illusion of military tactics, and only the Azure Dragon Legion was truly dispatched.

The Yanmen closed, Zhou Yangbo pressed his hand on the commander's seal, and looked at Lin Su nervously.

There were three people beside him. One was the old man from Wenxin Pavilion, Du Junshi.

The other person is a skinny practitioner. He looks like a ghost pulled out of hell. His eyes are green, his face is fleshless, but his eyebrows are very long. His fingernails are also green, and he has a Holding a flute made of unknown bones, this man is the elder of the Beast Beast Valley, known as Elder Mo. He is a ghost-like existence in the world, but he is also among the Steppenwolves.

The third man is the other extreme. He is as delicate as a prostitute. He is wearing a purple scribe's dress, which is colorful and perfumed. When such a man steps into the military camp, those soldiers who have not seen a woman in many years will be surprised. I almost ignored his gender. I saw him licking his lips a lot. This rabbit husband with his thin skin and tender flesh is really dressed up in a fancy way. An insider said, is this fancy? He still changed his clothes. You haven't seen the clothes he wore when he first entered the military camp. There were a few delicate plum blossoms on the snow-white clothes. That's called fancy. He was also worried about revealing his identity, so he added one on the outside. Ordinary scholar's clothes.

At this point, careful readers may have guessed it.

This man painted the Holy Family.

The home clothes of the Holy Family are plain with red plum.

Flamboyant and unique.

Lin Su personally took the lead! The man who painted the Holy Family smiled lightly: I don't know if this is caution or arrogance!

If you are cautious, test it yourself.

Arrogant people don’t care.

All are in line with the premise that the commander-in-chief of an army personally takes the lead.

Military Master Du smiled: Whether he is cautious or conceited, he will break Yanmen's wings today, because he will find that all the things he is proud of are worthless in front of the old man!

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