Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 764 The Valley of Extinct Beasts (1)

Lin Su took over the poem.

He gave away countless poetry manuscripts to almost every woman who was close to him.

However, it was the first time that he accepted other people's poetry manuscripts.

But this time, he took it.

Because what he received was not a poem, but a strange object that was comparable to the ancient dragon: the ground-covering butterfly.

This Earth-Covering Butterfly was acquired by chance, but Li Xiaotian couldn't use it at all. And as he said, he had it with him, and the fortune and misfortune were unpredictable. The Earth-Covering Butterfly just liked the artistic conception in this poem, but that didn't mean it was used. Li Xiaotian subdued it. In fact, Li Xiaotian couldn't subdue it at all.

Then, it cannot stay with Li Xiaotian, otherwise, once this thing becomes willful and the flying dragon army is flapped across the Lingding Ocean by its wings, do you think it is really a joke?

Brother Lin, the first battle ended inexplicably like this. What's next? Will the army sweep across? Li Xiaotian said.

As soon as these words came out, several generals around him were all excited.

When an army of 100,000 flying dragons left the northern border, they faced only two mortal enemies on the battlefield. One was the Steppenwolf Regiment ranked first in Osumi, and the other was the Northern Plains Army led by Zhou Yangbo.

In the early battle, the Steppenwolf regiment was killed in half.

Great loss of strength.

Today, I activated the Earth-covering Butterfly. With one wing of this terrifying dragon-like butterfly, I pushed Yanmen Pass a hundred miles away. The more than 300,000 troops that were behind the gate were almost wiped out. It can be said that their two major opponents were almost gone. They marched north. The strategic plan of Jin Land suddenly became close at hand, which made all the flying dragon army excited.

Should we take advantage of the victory and pursue it?

Everyone stared at Lin Su with burning eyes.

Lin Sudao: Next, let's do one thing first!

What's the matter?

The Valley of the Destroyed Beasts!

As soon as these five words came out, the whole audience was shocked...

Everyone in the Beast Valley knows its horror.

Li Qingquan knew how terrifying it was. Because his father was highly wary of it, all the kings of the Jin Dynasty were deeply afraid of the Beast Valley. Otherwise, the army would have suppressed it long ago, and the Beast Valley would not have been allowed to exist. This land has existed for thousands of years.

Bi Xuanji knew its horror because of a royal secret: a long time ago, the royal princess of the Jin Dynasty was sent to the Valley of the Beasts. After only one month, she went crazy. Although the royal princess was separated from her by more than ten generations, she The hearts of the two royal princesses were still connected, and she sighed deeply for this distant princess.

The fear of the flying dragon army stems from past battles.

Not to mention the far ones.

Just for the past two days, yesterday outside Helan City, a wave of millions of beasts emerged, covering a large area of ​​darkness, and the Flying Dragon Legion killed and injured 3,000 people.

Today is even more dangerous. When the blood cicada appears, even Lin Su, who is a master of military skills, changes his color.

Who wouldn’t be frightened by such a magical power?

Today, Lin Su directly said five words: The Valley of Extinct Beasts!

When these five words come out, it means that the next battle will be a decisive battle level.

If the Flying Dragon Legion wins, it will take control of the northwest, and the Beast Beast Valley, which has been feared for thousands of years, will be destroyed. If the Flying Dragon Legion loses, this northern expedition will be in vain! No matter which one it is, it's all subversive...

Li Qingquan said: Brother, the foundation of Beast Beast Valley is profound and unparalleled. It is never as simple as it seems on the surface...

I know! But what? Lin Su said: There is no compromise when it comes to the frontline of a hundred thousand soldiers. God will kill the god if he blocks it, and Buddha will kill the Buddha if he blocks it!

God blocks and kills God!

Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

This is the attitude of a hundred thousand troops!

Li Qingquan took a deep breath: Brother, you are right! When we step into the northern border, we will advance without retreating! The Beast Valley is different from other places. Murderous intentions are everywhere, and the methods of killing are unheard of. The Flying Dragon Legion is not suitable for such a battle. Let us, the Blue Dragon Legion and the White Tiger Legion, shoulder this important task and destroy its thousand-year heritage with six thousand heroes!

As soon as his voice fell, the weapons in the hands of the Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion pointed directly at the sky, and roared, shaking the heaven and the earth!

Li Qingquan is right. To deal with such a practicing sect, the Flying Dragon Legion is actually not suitable, because the method of killing by the Beast Sect is completely different from that of the military formation. It uses all kinds of beasts, including insects, to kill people. A sharp weapon, for example, when the Blood Cicada was besieging, the Flying Dragon Army could not stop them at all. Having more people was not an advantage, and the inability to look after each other was a disadvantage.

Only cultivators with extremely high personal combat abilities can take advantage of such complex scenarios.

However, Lin Su shook his head: There is no need for six thousand legions! I only need thirty-six people!

Thirty-six people? This amount...

Li Xiaotian's eyes brightened: Is it the peerless killing array?

Yes! I will use this peerless killing formation to see how deep the Beast Beast Valley is!

I am Daoguo! Count me in! One person in the White Tiger Army stepped forward.

I am Qiukong. I have heard about Grandmaster Lin's formation for a long time. I can just spy on people and Taoist flowers. I think I can do it too! another person said.

Suddenly, more than 400 people signed up...

Facing the more than 400 people who were eager to try in front of him, Lin Su felt somewhat emotional. He thought of the Haining pirate siege in the past. At that time, he hoped that there would be thirty-six Dao flowers for him to drive, but he could hardly find any of them. , the only option is to borrow troops from the demon clan.

But now, there are four to five hundred people above Daohua under his banner!

It’s just ten killing arrays!

The Peerless Killing Formation, a city-destroying weapon, is no longer a big project that is not suitable for individuals to play, but a project that can be played at any time. Well, let the people of Dayu see how this kind of large formation can be pushed all the way!

The Peerless Killing Formation, Dao Flower and Peeping People are the starting point. However, the higher the level of cultivation, the greater the power it exerts. The Valley of Beasts has a thousand years of foundation. I don't underestimate it! Lin Su said: Dao Fruit and Peeping People Empty, exit!

The thirty-six people selected were all Daoguo and Qiukong.

Bi Xuanji is in it.

Dark night is in it.

Li Qingquan actually took off his royal uniform and stood up. His cultivation level was also Dao Fruit, and it was three points deeper than Bi Xuanji.

Set off!

Thirty-six figures crossed the sky and shot to the northwest.

Yongshou Valley, at the foot of Hengduan Mountain.

The valley is only a hundred miles long, and its width is only thirty miles. Compared with the thousands of miles of fertile wilderness outside the valley, this place is just a tiny place. However, this world has been endowed with different characteristics, which has discouraged the imperial powers of the past dynasties and other practicing sects. , was frightened upon hearing the news.

Because the skills of the Beast Valley are truly incredible.

Ordinary beasts were transformed into ferocious beasts by their manipulation.

Ordinary bugs circle around in the valley, and when they come out they are strange bugs from the world.

The ferocious beasts reproduce ten times and a hundred times faster than the human race, and within a few years there are thousands of troops.

Insects reproduce ten and a hundred times faster than ferocious beasts. A female insect can give birth to millions of offspring overnight.

These, under the blessing of the secret skills of the Beast Valley, are all soldiers!

And they are soldiers with special combat power!

Who wouldn’t be afraid of a place like this?

Therefore, I lived a very comfortable life in Yongshou Valley, and it was very quiet in the valley...

The meeting hall was extremely lively...

The clan leader convened the elders to discuss matters, which originated from an imperial edict issued by Emperor Li Chi of Dayu...

Li Chi's imperial edict clearly stipulates that all major sects, including elders and above, must go out to fight!

Among them, the Valley of the Beasts was also highlighted, requiring the Valley of the Beasts to send out a group of elders to help Osumi fight against Lin Su's army.

There are two key points in the discussion in Yushiugu. One is whether there is any need for Yushigu to listen to Li Chi. Secondly, what conditions must be offered to Li Chi's son to go out to fight.

Regarding the first point, there is actually nothing to discuss.

Yongshou Valley has already participated in the war. This is not because of Li Chi's orders, but because Yongshou Valley itself needs to participate in the war.

Why must we go to war?

nonsense! Without participating in the war, how could the secret skills of the Beast Beast Valley become famous all over the world? How can you have a place in the grand chess game of this world without participating in the war? People have never even heard of your name, and they have not seen your earth-shattering methods, so you cannot earn their awe. Over time, your sect will decline.

This is the key reason why the sect participated in the war, whether there is an imperial edict or not.

Of course, participating in the war also requires a price. Sometimes it will cost the lives of the participants, and sometimes it will cause fire and burn one's body. But you don't need to consider this in the battle with Da Cang. Da Cang is a soft persimmon on the battlefield. If you can defend Helan City, you will be called If you are out of ghosts, can you still cross the border and attack the Valley of the Beasts?

Who wouldn’t do something that has no risks but benefits?

Therefore, Yongshou Valley has been participating in the war, whether there is an imperial edict or not, even if conditions are created.

But now, there is an imperial edict.

What does the imperial edict require the elders to dispatch? Increase the assistance.

Well, I have lived in the Valley of the Beasts for so many years. Countless masters have been so idle that they are almost sick. Almost everyone is looking forward to leaving the valley to fight. Since you, Li Chi, have issued an imperial edict, I will take the opportunity to make conditions for you.

What are the conditions?

All kinds of things happen all of a sudden...

Some people say that with Li Chi, all the three thousand miles of land of the old Jin Dynasty will be given to the Beast Valley, and we will help him guard the south gate. There are currently hundreds of thousands of people at the Osumi border. It costs money to raise this army. It is perfect for us to serve in Beast Valley to guard this territory. We cover the border with poisonous insects all over the mountains and fields. It will be difficult for the enemy to take a step forward. The most important thing is that there is no need at all. Li Chi spends money, do you think Li Chi is willing or not?

Some people say that the bitter cold in the north is actually not conducive to the survival and development of WoYuShou Valley. We should still turn our attention to the south. It is said that the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River are snow-free and frost-free, which is most suitable for the cultivation of insects. WoYuShou Valley To help Li Chi seize the world, thirteen states in the south of the Yangtze River were sent to our valley. I wonder if Li Chi is willing to do so?

Some people also laughed and said, reluctant to give up? How can we tolerate whether he is willing to part with it or not? The vast territory of Da Cang is three times larger than the current Dayu. Do you really think Li Chi can swallow it all with the power of one country? Without the help of My Valley's magical laws, he would not be able to swallow the great blue sky at all. So what if My Valley helps him gain possession of the north of the Yangtze River and occupy the south of the Yangtze River? When the time comes, this valley will serve as the headquarters, hidden in the north, and the south will serve as the branch, spreading its branches and leaves...

The clan leader and the great elder looked at each other, quite pleased.

It seems that although the elders of the Beast Beast Valley have stayed in the valley for a long time, they all have high IQs, and their suggestions are really not unreasonable...

The one whose target is the Three Thousand Miles of Old Jin Dynasty is the Seventeenth Elder.

Is his suggestion a good one? Objectively speaking, it makes sense! If Li Chi was a conservative king, this suggestion would hit his heart at once.

The biggest problem for the border army is spending money.

Hundreds of thousands of troops guard the border, with food, clothing, and military pay. Everything costs money. Ohsumi's treasury is not rich. If he can save this huge sum of money, he will obviously be happy. But once the Beast Valley is used to guard the gate, the situation is completely different. The Valley is blocked by poisonous insects and wild beasts, and the opponent cannot get past it. It still achieves the effect of guarding the gate, and it does not cost any money.

The advice is first-rate.

But the problem is that this suggestion is aimed at the conservative monarch. Li Chi is not this type. He is not the conservative monarch. He is a heroic monarch. His goal has never been to defend his own three-acre land. His goal is Annex the Great Cang.

Then the suggestion of the Seventeenth Elder will not work!

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