Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 765 The Valley of Extinct Beasts (2)

The two elders at the back correspond to this current situation, and their suggestions are the ones that can be put on the table and discussed with Li Chi...

Li Chi wants to annex Da Cang, which is much more difficult than annexing the four kingdoms of Chu, Han, Lu, and Jin in the past. Chu State is only a thousand miles away, Lu State is only two thousand miles away, and South Korea claims to be the dominant country in the north, but in fact it is only three thousand miles away. , the land of Jin is three thousand miles, and how big is Da Cang? A land of thousands of miles!

It is larger than the four countries combined!

Its population is ten times greater than the four countries combined!

Although Daocang has always been cowardly, the population is too large. Osumi can easily swallow the four countries, but it is definitely not that easy to swallow Daocang in one go.

Li Chi needs the help of the Beast Beast Valley, and apart from the Beast Beast Valley, it is difficult for Li Chi to find a more suitable helper. There is no sect in the world that can produce hundreds of millions of soldiers at any time, and the Beast Beast Valley, It is a magical sect that can produce hundreds of millions of soldiers at any time.

In this case, Yushiugu can reach a consensus with Li Chi.

The Valley of the Beasts helped Li Chi unify the world.

And the Beast Valley has acquired the thirteen states of Jiangnan. That side serves as a branch, and this side serves as the headquarters. The headquarters continuously cultivates various kinds of strange objects, and the branches continue to branch out, and at the same time, it sends the headquarters to the headquarters. Various specialties, such as silk, such as beauties, such as delicacies, such as...

It’s so hot just thinking about it!

At this moment, a strange vibration suddenly came...

With the vibration, a magical energy came down from the sky and came from all around...

An elder in the corner suddenly raised his head...

This elder is the third elder. He studies formations intensively and doesn't like to speak. Therefore, he said nothing during the whole process and just closed his eyes and thought. But at this moment, his eyes suddenly opened.

As soon as his eyes opened, his figure flashed, and when he reached the periphery, the clan leader's eyes fell on him, and he was slightly shocked, because the third elder looked up at the sky, and his body was trembling...

The clan leader's eyes suddenly moved up, and he shot to the sky through the window. The sky changed color at some point. Just now, the sky was blue and white, but now, golden threads were intertwined and filled with strange golden threads.

Peerless Killing Formation! The words Third Elder came through the window. These four words roared and hissed...

In silence, all the elders, including the clan leader, went out immediately...

The golden thread has covered the highest mountain peak. On top of the mountain, a group of flying birds flew in fright, hit the golden thread, and disintegrated silently, turning into blood mist.

A giant ape looked up to the sky and roared. The roar shook the heaven and the earth, but the roar stopped suddenly because the golden thread had reached the top of its head. Its head turned into blood mist out of thin air, and its huge body slowly fell from the cliff. Down……

Is it really a peerless killing array? The clan leader's expression changed drastically.

The Peerless Killing Formation is truly known to everyone in every major sect in Dayu.


Because this formation injured almost half of the sects in Dayu, either deeply or superficially.

On that day, Lin Su's 3,000 remnant troops gathered in the four towns, and in the final battle, he used a peerless killing formation to destroy Helan City's 100,000-strong army.

Among these hundreds of thousands of troops, there are not just soldiers, there are literary masters, masters on the spiritual path, and even second-rate masters sent by various major sects.

Whether it is a powerful military force that is famous all over the world, or a world-famous literary world, whether it is a master who is famous for a moment, or a hero who is just starting to become famous, they all suffer under the peerless killing array.

This battle cast the shadow of Osumi's frontier army.

This battle pushed the reputation of the Peerless Killing Formation far deeper into the depths of Osumi...

The Beast Valley is only a thousand miles away from this battlefield, so it's natural to feel that.

What's more, Yongshou Valley itself is one of the sects that has been deeply hurt.

Its three thousand abandoned beasts were wiped out in one fell swoop. Abandoned beasts are not so easy to cultivate. Three thousand abandoned beasts were wiped out. The great elder’s face was so hard that he did not recover for three whole months...

Now, the peerless killing formation suddenly appeared in the sky above the Beast Beast Valley.

The clan leader, who was sitting firmly in the valley and had never lost his composure, was a little frightened at the moment, but he still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that the third elder was wrong.

The peerless killing formation was Lin Su's top priority, and no one else in the world could deploy it.

At this moment, Lin Su should be tortured to the point of death under the magic of the Steppenwolf Group and the Beast Beasts. How could he have time to set up the formation in the Beast Beast Valley? What reason did he have to do this?

The third elder was also a little unsure. After all, he had not seen the Peerless Killing Formation with his own eyes. He only made a preliminary conclusion based on the bizarre energy of this formation. At this moment, facing the clan leader's doubts, he stepped forward and said: I'll know it once I try it!

With a swish sound, he rose into the sky, a bronze formation plate in his palm shining brightly, facing the golden net falling from the sky.


The three elders, together with the formation disk, turned into blood mist!

To put it simply and lightly, the legendary formation master who had been studying formations for nearly a hundred years in the Beast Valley was dead!

The face of the clan leader changed completely. The third elder tried the formation and died without leaving the test results.

The result has actually come out, this is the peerless killing array!

Otherwise, how could we easily kill the third elder?

The clan leader looked up to the sky and roared: Who carried out such a killing method against the Beast Beast Valley?

The sound rolled out and reached into the sky.

Everyone in the Beast Valley has gone out. The peaceful valley is now filled with people. The total number is hundreds of thousands, including the Supreme Elder-level figures who have lived in seclusion on various mountain peaks. These people have not appeared for many years. At this moment, they are all Now, when they saw the strange scene in the sky, they all became pale.

Above the nine heavens, a clear voice came: Da Cang Lin Su!

Da Cang Lin Su!

Just four words, like a thunderbolt falling from the sky.

Lin Su's arrival showed that this was indeed the peerless killing formation.

A Supreme Elder stepped down, came to the clan leader, and bowed: Clan Leader, what is going on? Who is Lin Su? Why did he become enmity with Ben Gu?

The clan leader's face was twisted. How could he have time to explain at this moment?

Another Supreme Elder was no longer so patient: Ignorant boy, how dare you set up a formation in the Beast Valley? I will tear apart your inferior formations and take off your head before we start talking!

With a bang, his body suddenly turned into a three-hundred-foot-long body and shot straight into the sky!

The white-haired old man, like a god at this moment, stretched out his arms and inserted them into the golden net...


The old man's head was gone, and half of his body was fixed in the valley, shrinking, falling to the ground, mute...

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the corpse...

If there is a saying in this world called You can't be handsome for more than three seconds, it probably applies here appropriately...

With a bang, the whole valley exploded, and countless people ran wildly and shouted wildly...

The disciples were quite confident just now, because their deep-rooted thinking has been there for many years, that is, anyone who comes to the Beast Valley to run wild is seeking death, and the elders can easily teach him how to behave.

But now, the reclusive Supreme Elder, a ceiling-level figure who has reached the realm of heaven and earth, has still become a scumbag. The ultimate killing power of this formation has been transformed into a slave beast through the death of the elder at the first time. Valley's doomsday crisis!

Not only people jumped, but also things jumped on the ground...

Golden snakes, black toads, silver strange insects...

Almost at the same time, they emerged from the ground, going up to the sky, up the trees...

Just because of one point, the golden light emerged from the underground, and the terrifying side of the peerless killing array truly emerged. The golden net in the sky pressed down, and the golden net on the ground rose. However, all living things were robbed of their vitality, regardless of humans, demons, demons, beasts, or insects. …

The clan leader's face was distorted, with black lines flowing across his face. He knew what this golden light coming out of the ground meant.

It means that everything under the ground has been wiped out!

Generally, there is nothing extraordinary underground in sects, but Yongshou Valley is different. Its underground library of strange insects is where Yongshou Valley has thousands of years of history. The hard work of generations has cultivated countless strange insects that subvert the imagination of the world. , every kind of birth can make the world frightened, but just like this golden light rising from the ground, erasing all these killing weapons, I am afraid that less than 10% of them can escape from the ground!

This method of killing is truly unheard of and absolutely outrageous!

The peerless killing formation is extremely terrifying! The great elder said: Clan leader, you have to use extraordinary means!

The clan leader suddenly raised his head: Any means can be used!

He actually didn't think of any good way, but at this moment, no matter what method, he had to use it.

The great elder raised his hand, and a whistle appeared in his palm. As soon as the whistle sounded, a big earthquake suddenly came from the deepest valley. With a bang, a cave exploded, and a huge black snake stretched out from the valley. This Behind the black snake, countless silver shadows came out with it. These silver shadows are eagles!

With a wingspan of two meters away, tens of thousands of silver eagles came out of the cave, and a whirlwind shook the earth. The trees and grass in the valley instantly disappeared, and thousands of green wolves in the woods flew out far away... …

Demon Eye Angry Eagle! The face of the Supreme Elder next to the clan leader changed slightly: He has actually cultivated a large army. What does Xurou want to do?

Xulang is the name of the great elder. Few people remember it, but the supreme elder calls him by his first name.

The great elder had a whistle in his mouth, but he had no time to explain such a complicated matter to these indifferent elders. The whistle became louder, and the angry eagle army soared into the sky and crashed into the golden net above.

Each of the angry eagles is a master of spying on people.

If it appears on the battlefield, one can cause serious damage to the enemy, making it the most effective battlefield assassin for attacking the opponent's flag bearer.

But its biggest function is not here, its biggest function is combined attack!

The angry eagle is a magical species in the world. There is a way of combining force that humans cannot understand. The combined power of ten thousand angry eagles will definitely surpass Yuantian! Once used on the battlefield, even the capital's protective formation cannot stop its power.

This army of angry eagles is the real trump card of the Beast Beast Valley.

It is also the trump card that Emperor Li Chi of Osumi is deeply afraid of.

The trump card would normally be deeply hidden, but at this moment, the Beast Valley was facing heavy casualties every moment in front of the Peerless Killing Formation. The Great Elder did not dare to wait any longer. He wanted to use this trump card to tear the Peerless Killing Formation into pieces.

Moreover, he was sure of it.

Because the angry eagles work together to surpass Yuantian!

In this world, Yuantian is the ceiling. The power beyond Yuantian is absolute power. In front of absolute power, there are no plots, tricks and dilemmas!

This is the mindset of the spiritual world.

Under the gaze of everyone in the Beast Valley, the angry eagle turned into a sword that opened the sky and crashed into the peerless killing formation...


A beautiful blood flower bloomed in the northwest sky, so big that it was boundless...

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