Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 766 The real trump card of the Beast Valley: Blood Coffin

The earth-shattering collision did not happen at all!

The effect of the combined attack power surpassing Yuantian was not shown at all!

Tens of thousands of angry eagles turned into blood mist and bloomed in the western sky!

The great elder roared: Impossible!

He absolutely does not believe that the army of angry eagles that he has painstakingly cultivated for decades will disappear in a single encounter. The combined attack power of the angry eagles that he is so proud of will not even be able to cause ripples of the peerless killing formation. The peerless killing formation is Strong, but definitely not as strong as this...

There were two he didn't expect.

The first thing I didn't expect was that the ceiling of the peerless killing array originally included the Yuantian realm. The only time Lin Su almost missed was when he painted Wu Xinyue, the holy son of the Holy Family. Wu Xinyue held the holy treasure Snow Mountain Night Moon Picture to shake the peerless killing array, but the Snow Mountain Night Moon Picture was not from the source of heaven, it was a standard holy weapon! There is only one level between the third realm of Sheng and Yuantian, but the chasm at this level is far ten times larger than any other chasm! It was a mistake in itself for the great elder to use the realm of Yuantian as the ceiling.

There was a second one he didn't expect.

The second thing he didn't expect was that Lin Su's peerless killing formation this time was not the one in Helan City. The cultivation levels of the thirty-six formation eyes had all been upgraded by one level.

With this promotion, even if Wu Xinyue comes back from the dead and holds the Snow Mountain Night Moon Picture again, I am afraid that this sacred artifact will have to be kept.

At this moment, the giant snake in the deep valley became angry. It was a guardian and could basically be regarded as the supervisor of the angry eagle army. Its troops were all gone in sight, and the supervisor became angry.

It got angry and charged straight up, poof!

It turned into half a meat stick and was smashed down hard, and even a mountain was gone...

The entire Beast Beast Valley was in complete despair. They looked desperately at the golden light rising from the ground, and the golden light above pressing down. Those who could fly and jump were all squeezed into a long and narrow flat passage. Those who could not fly, those who reacted slowly, and those who were stubborn, all Annihilation...

Clan Leader! Which evil god did you offend? The Supreme Elder next to the clan leader could no longer remain calm, with veins popping on his face: I have only been in seclusion for more than ten years, and you have ended up like this. Do you really want to ruin the millennium-old foundation of the Beast Beast Valley?

Countless people looked at the clan leader, some with despair, some with hatred, some with fear, some with doubts...

The clan leader slowly raised his head: Lin Su, come up with some conditions! How can you be willing to give up?

The trump cards have been exhausted, and the person is under the roof. Even though he is as powerful as the clan leader, he still has to face humiliation...

A voice from the air came: This is the tragedy of your Beast Beast Valley. You can never understand the situation clearly. Do you think I want to negotiate terms for you? Wrong! Your Beast Beast Valley is not as valuable as you think. You are not qualified to negotiate with you. When I negotiate terms, there is only one thing I want from beginning to end, and that is to completely eliminate you, the rats in the gutter, and completely wipe out the Valley of the Beasts from this world! End your ridiculous millennium inheritance and let future generations remember, Anyone who dares to offend the might of our Great Cang Army will be punished!

A long paragraph, cold and heartless!

The General Beast Valley was completely thrown into the quagmire!

In everyone's despair, only the last fifty feet of Jiabing were left!

Thirty feet!

Twenty feet!

The Supreme Elder's face was covered with sweat, and he shouted loudly: Lin Su, this clan leader offended you and deserves death. I, together with all the elders, deposed him and raised his head in front of you. How can you be so noble? good?

Lin Su laughed loudly: Can everyone in the Beast Valley hear you? This is your inheritance! For your own selfishness, there are no rules or morals at all! So, I will wipe out all of you bastards, in line with the righteous way of heaven and earth. !”

The Supreme Elder was shocked all over. He showed his kindness, but what he got in exchange was not his life, but a stigma...

Ten feet!

There is only ten feet between the upper and lower golden lines!

As the golden threads intertwined, the clan leader slowly raised his head, with a ferocious look on his face: Lin Su, do you really want to be so decisive?

I can't help it, it's just my character! Lin Su replied lazily.

The clan leader said solemnly: If you force me to come here, you will force me to die together!

You jump up and hit me...

The clan leader roared angrily: If you destroy our Beast-Serving Valley, I will let the whole world die...and the whole clan will sacrifice!

The last four words are one sentence at a time...

Lin Su's heart suddenly jumped for no reason...

The clan leader stretched out his hand, and a black token in his palm suddenly glowed brightly. With a bang, a big explosion erupted from the narrow strip of light. Everyone, including the clan leader, was covered in blood mist. The token suddenly came alive at this moment. Holding the blood mist in the sky, he dived into an altar in front of him...

The altar shook violently and opened a crack...

As soon as the seam opened, Lin Su suddenly felt like he had been punched hard, and his heart suddenly tightened. The peerless killing array in front of him, and the perfectly functioning golden thread dimmed...

With a bang, the altar exploded to pieces, and a bloody coffin emerged from the void!

The peerless killing formation is in pieces!

The formation stones on thirty-five formation bases were shattered at the same time!

Thirty-five Dao Fruit and above formation members all spurted blood and fell into dust!

Not including Lin Su!

Lin Su is fixed in the void!

His cultivation and literary skills completely disappeared in an instant, and he could not move at all. He watched helplessly as the blood coffin flew towards him...

Lin Su's heart almost stopped beating. There was only one thought left in his mind at the moment: I'm going to die!

Blood coffin!

It’s not like he doesn’t know that there are strange things in the Beast Valley!

Didn't he say that he had heard that the Beast Beast Valley has a thousand years of profound history!

However, all he could think of were all kinds of strange poisonous insects, strange beasts, or secrets of secret techniques. He couldn't even think of a blood coffin in the Beast Beast Valley!

The blood coffin is their ultimate foundation!

What is a blood coffin?

The strange coffin made by the ancient Juetian tree has only one fundamental purpose, to block the way of heaven.

There is only one kind of person who needs to shield the way of heaven, and that is the saint from another world who enters this small world!

Therefore, there is a saint hidden in every blood coffin!

This is the ironclad rule!

The biggest trump card in the Beast Valley is the saint from another world. The Valley of Beasts is actually just a servant of this saint. Lin Su defeated the Valley of Beasts with a peerless killing formation, which was not enough to alarm the saint from another world. However, the leader of the clan moved The otherworldly saint was awakened by the sacrifice of his family and connected with some secret method. When he woke up, he pointed his finger at Lin Su, the culprit.

Lin Su understood all this in an instant, what a painful realization!

However, the wheel of fate has already turned, and even though he has extraordinary abilities, he cannot reverse it. Facing the saints from other worlds, no one in the nine heavens and ten earths can save him. Literature, martial arts, spiritual practice, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures. Not even the holy weapon can!

However, just when the blood coffin was only ten feet away from him and the vast and unparalleled Qi of the Holy Dao almost destroyed the meridians of Lin Su's body, a poem manuscript on his waist suddenly exploded out of thin air, and a butterfly flew up.

Ground-covering butterfly!

When it reaches adulthood, the earth-covering butterfly is as short and long as an ancient true dragon. Common objects cannot enter its discernment and cannot affect its sleep. However, this does not include the Holy Dao Qi machine driven by the blood coffin.

As soon as this energy came out, the butterfly felt the danger and reacted spontaneously. As soon as the energy on its body came out, the poem was shattered. The butterfly suddenly appeared in front of the blood coffin, flapped its wings, and hit the blood coffin in the middle.

The ground-covering butterfly retreated, and the blood coffin was positioned in the void...

A mad rush that does not belong to this world centered on them and swept thousands of miles...

The two peaks of the Beast Valley collapsed directly, and the sand and dust were swept into the void, making it a blur...

In the middle of them, a deep trench appeared out of thin air. It was bottomless. This blow seemed to split the world into two...

Lin Su was behind the Earth-covering Butterfly. Ninety-nine percent of the blood coffin's power was absorbed by the Earth-covering Butterfly. However, with only a trace of microwave, he was rolled out ten miles away and hit the cliff behind him with a loud bang.

Fortunately, Lin Su's cultivation level had recovered at this moment, and he stabilized his figure with a burst of true energy all over his body.

As soon as his thousand-degree pupils opened, he saw the scene in front of him clearly, and his heart jumped greatly.

The blood coffin was full of blood and seemed to have grown a bit.

As for the ground-covering butterfly, its originally sky-covering body shrunk to the size of a blood coffin, and its body was covered with misty moonlight.

The ground-covering butterfly flapped its wings again, both wings vibrating together, and the boundless frenzy rolled towards the blood coffin.

The blood coffin shook with blood, and the frenzy rolled back. The ground-covering butterfly rolled seven or eight times in the air, plunged headlong into the ground, and was about to escape...

Are you losing this fight?

If you lose the fight, you run away?

what should I do?

Lin Su was so anxious that he shouted: Die Immortal, you are the earth-covering butterfly. You are as famous as the ancient true dragon. You have to fight. You cannot lose the dignity and bloodiness of the ancient strange butterfly...

The ground-covering butterfly had already burrowed into the soil. It was not known whether it was a strategy to burrow into the ground, or whether it was inspired by Lin Su's words and rushed towards the blood coffin again.

The battle heated up instantly!

All the buildings in the Beast Valley were instantly flattened, and the surrounding peaks turned to the ground one after another. The sky was like purgatory, and the air was like a mad knife. Lin Su's clothes were torn to pieces, and his butt was exposed, but he was still there dancing like a ground-covering butterfly. Encouragement...

Die Xian, if you win, I will play you a piece of music, ten pieces, a hundred songs are enough!

Die Fairy, you are a holy object. You are the most powerful magical species in the world. Your ancestors even bowed their heads to real dragons. There is no reason why you can't defeat this broken coffin...

While shouting, the ground-covering butterfly bumped headlong into the blood coffin, as if it had been given blood. The blood coffin fell back thousands of feet.

Lin Su was amused: Just tell me, you can win...

His voice suddenly stopped. Why was the ground-covering butterfly spinning in circles in the air? Staggering like a drunk?

My day!

You won't be knocked unconscious, right?

No, I still count on you for my life...

The blood coffin flew across the sky again, and the ground-covering butterfly rolled in confusion. In an instant, it was beaten very badly. Lin Su's sense of crisis really came...

Lin Su stretched out his hand, Xiaoyao Flute was in his hand!

When the music starts, the passion is flying!

This song is different from the smoothness of Folk Songs Are Like Spring River Waters.

It is different from the gentle low return of Night on the Prairie.

It is a passionate song, it is a battle song!

It can ignite the fighting spirit in people's hearts in an instant!

The ground-covering butterfly stopped turning, its wings were like knives, and the two knives joined together and slashed on the blood coffin!

It's a pity that this blow that combines all the strength and fighting spirit of the whole body can only push the blood coffin thousands of feet without damaging the blood coffin!

In this way, no matter how strong the fighting spirit was, it was exhausted.

Even if Lin Su's music is like a war drum, he can't carry it.

It’s not that it doesn’t want to smash the blood coffin, but what can it do if it can’t smash it?

The dignity of the ancient strange butterfly is very important, but after all, it is not an ancestor. It is still young. In the long life of the ground-covering butterfly, which almost lives as long as the world, it is actually still a child.

I really want to listen to his ten hundred songs, but my life seems to be more important.

These thoughts went around in the uncomplicated mind of the butterfly, and it came to a more appropriate conclusion: slip away!

At this moment, Lin Su's voice came up again: Die Xian, there is a way for you to win! To break the coffin, you only need to break one point! You will win!

Can you really win?

Believe me! Just break the coffin and pierce a hole! Lin Su's voice was extremely firm: After this is done, you can listen to as many of my songs as you want! I will also write you the best poem. If you like the waning moon , the first waning moon!

The ground-covering butterfly suddenly bounced up, its wings were like knives, and struck the blood coffin again. This blow still hit the place where it was hit before, and a crack formed...

There seemed to be a roar coming from the coffin!

Depressing and low!

The Earth-covering Butterfly became even more excited, merging all its strength and hitting the same place again!

With a click, the cracks widened!

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