Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 774 On the eve of his ascension to the throne, clouds rolled in the wind

Feihe Sect!

Two human figures came through the air, and thousands of elders of the Feihe Sect burst through the air at the same time, shouting: Who dares to break through the Feihe Sect's mountain gate?


With a sword coming from the west, more than ten elders of Feihe Sect died!

The two figures in black clothes in the sky were like demons in the sky, and a cold voice covered the surrounding areas: The Feihe Sect participated in the national war between the two countries and killed our Great Blue Flying Dragon Legion. Didn't you think you would pay the price?

Thousands of elders of Feihe Sect were shocked...

The Revenge of the Great Cang Legion!

The person here is looking into the sky!


In the realm of peering into the sky, Feihe Sect was not afraid before, but today, the top leader has died on the Cangyu battlefield, and what is left is only half a step closer to heaven and earth. It is true that thousands of elders join forces, they There is no fear of the general peeping into the sky.

However, how can the sky-peeping realm in the dark night be ordinary?

With the sword, the whole world changes!


Hundreds of people were wiped out!

Looking at the elders falling in the air, the third elder's face was as pale as a sheet of paper: We are both from the same lineage of cultivation. Are you really mad at me, Feihe Sect?

These words were originally meant to be said on the verge of death, but unexpectedly, An Ye stopped: If you don't think that the whole sect will be wiped out, there is no way out. If you swear an oath of heaven and be loyal to Da Cang Jin Wang Li Qingquan, you can avoid death!

Dare I ask if there is a second way for Feihe Sect?

Thirty percent of the top elders of Feihe Sect were wiped out, and the remaining 70% all swore an oath of heaven. Next, this group of people became helpers of An Ye and Bi Xuanji and headed to the second training sect. The snowball rolled up bigger and bigger. The practice sects of the Great Jin Dynasty are like rolling mats...

Yanjing's officialdom also encountered great changes at the same time!

The King of Jin Li Qingquan was established in the state capital. Under the seal of the King of Jin, the official seals of all officials were eclipsed and could not exert half of their effectiveness.

King Jin waved his hand: Take it!

All high-level officials across the state are firmly controlled by the White Tiger Army.

Zhizhou Zengye still wanted to struggle: Your Majesty, you use such violent methods to deal with your colleagues in the officialdom. How can you convince your colleagues? How can you rule Xuntai?

Li Qingquan sneered: From today on, all officials in the state will be dismissed! Why did one of my colleagues say that? Besides, this city is not called Xuntai, its name is...Yanjing!

The officialdom was wiped out!

The official seals of all the officials were collected, thrown into a large furnace, burned into gold water, and then divided into new official seals. Li Qingquan's royal seal was illuminated, and the word Cang was written on these official seals. The brand became the official seal of Da Cang, and the White Tiger Legion took their positions, turning into officials of the state capital in the blink of an eye.

As for the original officials, announcements were made and the whole city reported them. Those with bad deeds would be killed without mercy. Those with no bad deeds would be expelled from Yanjing!

At the same time, the Qinglong Legion stepped into the countryside and announced the Agrarian Revolution!

All land will be confiscated!

Confiscated land shall be redivided!

Landless peasants, who account for more than 90% of this land, rent the land with 10% of the land rent. This national policy will never change!

As soon as the Jin King's order was announced, a shocking frenzy set off in this ancient land!

Countless farmers cried with joy and rushed to tell each other.

Countless landowners and gentry were furious. They gathered their servants and linked up with the monastery to fight against King Jin's law enforcement army. However, they could not stop this law enforcement army. In the blink of an eye, the leading landowner was divided into two parts, and the luxurious manor was beyond recognition. , the powerful men from the Jianghu who were invited at a high price knelt and trembled in front of the army, trying to hook up with the officials, but found that the officials they hooked up with were no longer officials, and they sadly crossed the ocean...

Lingdingyang, Li Xiaotian stared at the huge fleet of ships coming from the distance, with a determined expression on his face. The big ships were getting closer and closer, ten miles, one mile...

The flying dragon army on the shore watched with cold eyes, without any trace of panic.

The last ten feet!

Line up!


The military formation is taking shape!

The power of the Flying Dragon Legion in hundreds of battles makes Ling Ding Yang seem to have solidified!



Two kill words started a tragic battle!

The Feilong Legion used its absolute combat power, the advantage of waiting for work, and its incomparable determination to completely smash the Osumi Legion's landing operation. The Lingding Ocean, which had been silent for a long time, was stained red with blood.

Half of the thousands of warships were sunk, and the remaining half retreated ten miles away. The commander on board turned blue...

Three thousand miles into the Jin Kingdom, the four fronts of officialdom, civilians, spiritual practice, and border military roads were launched simultaneously. On this ancient and brand-new territory, thousands of years of changes were demonstrated.

And Lin Su, the initiator of all this, left the northern border and returned to the capital.

Flying through the void, thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Ahead was the site of the Yanmenguan ruins. Lin Su's consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he softly called: Xiaodie, are you awake? Come and see your masterpiece!

This was the first time he took the initiative to summon a ground-covering butterfly.

And the summoning was a little wild.

He initially called the Ground-covering Butterfly, which was comparable to the ancient true dragon, the Butterfly Immortal, but today, he calls it Xiaodie.

This is not bullying it for being small, this is bullying it and hurting it.

The ground-covering butterfly seemed to sense something, its rotating wings paused in the air, and then...

Floating down, lying on his Wenshan Mountain, motionless!

Depend on! Are you lying down again?

Lin Su felt carefully that the ground-covering butterfly's injury seemed to be healed. At least, its wings were normal. However, it fell asleep like a dead butterfly.

Summoning failed!

What on earth is this Hanyue?

If the Holy Injury of Earth-covering Butterfly can be cured, can Lin Su's own Holy Injury be cured?

Lin Su tried to introduce the light of the cold moon into his meridians, but he couldn't do it!

The cold moon is very stubborn, its light only shines on Wenshan...

Lin Su seemed to be full of disdain for his spiritual practice, and Lin Su was speechless...

So, he took his injuries and set off on his way home!

As usual, this trip to the north should have a summary...

As for Lin Su, he led one hundred thousand flying dragons and six thousand green dragons and white tigers into the northern border, and the harvest was earth-shattering...

Osumi's number one Steppenwolf group is gone.

The Valley of Beasts, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is gone.

The Beiyuan Army that suppressed the Three Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers of the Great Jin Dynasty is gone.

Jin Wang Zhou Kuohai is gone.

Osumi's warehouse of fish and rice: The three thousand miles of fertile land in Jin Dynasty are gone in Osumi's territory!

How big will this storm be?

The news of the great victory in the north had already spread out when King Jin entered the King's Mansion yesterday. As soon as the news spread, there was an uproar!

First of all, it’s Da Cang!

King Chen stood up, patting the table, and laughed extremely loudly, but after laughing, the laughter stopped suddenly. King Chen came to the incense table, holding an incense stick in both hands: Father, can you hear? You have been thinking about it in your heart. The necessary peace in the northern border has now been achieved. Not only have the four northern towns been defended, but the defense line has been pushed all the way to Lingding Ocean. With the favorable location of Lingding Ocean and the heroic and invincible flying dragon army, the northern border has been secured! The battle report is my son’s first answer to my father!”

His laughter was loud, but his whispers were low and sad.

Shanjun, the chief eunuch serving outside Zhengde Hall, was filled with emotion. He had been in the palace for seventeen years and had served three generations of kings.

The first generation of the late emperor was very upright, and the palace at that time made the young and kind king very high-spirited.

The second generation of the late emperor was very evil. The good king did not dare to look into the eyes of this late emperor. He always felt that the late emperor would kill him at any time and the late emperor did not like him. Therefore, his status plummeted and he was reduced to a palace official. There is a strange person who has class but is bullied by a eunuch who has no class.

This generation of emperors is young and bears the shadow of the first emperor.

But there are differences.

The difference lies in his temperament. The first emperor was preoccupied every day. It seemed that the country and the country were not a blessing to him, but a heavy pressure. He rarely smiled and even less laughed.

But the current Emperor is laughing so wildly today.

He had never heard this kind of laughter from the two previous emperors!

This laughter made his heart surge.

The land in the north was a heavy burden on the heart of the first emperor.

This is also the hidden secret of the second emperor.

And this emperor is completely different!

The North is the source of his laughter, and the North is the great achievement he reported to his father!

A new era begins with this laughter!

This may be the sentiment of the old eunuch.

In the Chi Kingdom, His Majesty the Emperor's face changed dramatically when faced with this battle report, and he remained motionless for a long time...

After a long time, he raised his hand with difficulty: The battle of Qingpanjiang... is over! As long as the Lin family does not die, the troops on the border will be suspended!

As long as the Lin family is not dead, the troops at the border will be suspended!

This is the warning for Chiguo to face the battle in the north!

Lin Su was simply too terrifying on the battlefield. With him around, the Emperor of the Red Kingdom really did not dare to cross the Qingpan River, not to mention that the Cangshan Legion on the opposite side of the Qingpan River was unparalleled in combat power, even with the help of Wenxin Pavilion , so what if we defeat the Cangshan Army? Lin Su's revenge will surely come!

Can Wenxin Pavilion stop Lin Su's methods?

Is there no military advisor from Wenxin Pavilion in the northern region?

In the northern border, he can sweep across three thousand miles with a hundred thousand troops, kill a million people, and crush the senior elders of Wenxin Pavilion into dogs. If he is stimulated, let him cross the Qingpan River, mark a piece of territory, and seal it. Wouldn't a Qingpan King be a loser?

Yelang Kingdom is different. The young king is very high-spirited: One hundred thousand troops actually occupied three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in the old Jin Dynasty in half a month. It seems that it is easy to attack the city and seize territory. One hundred thousand troops can occupy three thousand miles. Let me calculate Calculate, how many of the 300,000 troops I have at Wumen Pass can account for? Oh my god, I don’t know if I don’t know, but if I calculate it, I’ll be shocked, it’s nine thousand miles away! ! ! According to my will, the army will march eastward and occupy the nine thousand miles of mountains and rivers in the vast sky...

The Minister of War and the Prime Minister below looked at each other, perhaps thinking the same thing in their hearts: So stupid... Oh, no, is the childlike emperor really chosen by us? Does this count as digging a hole for ourselves?

No matter what, we had to hold His Majesty down first, so the two great scholars worked hard to instill a lot of ideas into this brainless... young emperor who was as pure as a child. Holy Cloud, war is dangerous in war! Your Majesty is extremely brave, and naturally no one can care about him. However, Your Majesty has many things to do every day, so he cannot go to the battlefield in person. The border commanders are not as brave as Your Majesty. They are also mortals and made of flesh and blood. At present, the Great Cang is so powerful and sharp. This It is better to stay away from the enemy for the time being and let people from other countries try their luck. When the Great Blue Sky fights with others and everyone falls to the ground, His Majesty will gently stretch out his hand at that time and pluck thousands of miles of mountains and rivers from the Great Blue Sky. Isn’t it an eternal legend?

After some flattery, some earnest words, some temptation, and some pressure from the holy words, it was possible to prevent Yelang's soldiers from coming out of Wumen Pass and messing with his grandma...

After it was done, the two officials looked at each other, looked up at the sky, and wiped their sweat at the same time.

This night, the Lin family in Haining had a unique atmosphere.

The flowers have withered, the sky is hot, the moon is at the top of the sky, and the two moons shine together above the moon tower.

The green man is sitting on the attic, looking at the sky thousands of miles away.

Qiushui Huaping sat across from her and remained silent for a long time.

Because she didn't know how to comfort Lu Yi, whose heart was beating like the river in May.

Ever since he learned that his brother had been granted the title of King of Jin and that his army was heading to the north, Green Yi Cha did not think about food and looked at the north day and night...

Sister Chen comforted her, sister, don't worry, your husband will go with the army and he will definitely be able to bring the Jin Dynasty back.

Cui Ying comforted her, Sister in green, my husband can even replace the Da Cang Emperor. A mere Jin land and a mere Jin king are nothing. Why not be destroyed in his hands? Oh, the King Jin I'm talking about is the original one, not your brother...

It’s not that Luyi doesn’t know the magic of Xianggong.

However, she still cares and is confused.

Fifteen years ago, she was just an eight-year-old child who separated from her brother and sister at Yanmen Pass. She knew that her brother's lifelong wish was to lead thousands of troops back to her homeland. She knew that her sister's lifelong wish was to enter a spiritual sect. , returned to his hometown as an immortal.

No one asked her what she wanted.

Her brother and sister were on their way back to the country without her.

Because she is still young.

The brothers and sisters only hope that she can live her life as an ordinary person in Da Cang.

If she hadn't met him, perhaps living her life as an ordinary person would have been the greatest blessing in her fate.

But, she met him!

After meeting him, her life opened up in a different way!

My brother and sister can have her with them on their journey to national restoration!

Although she has no cultivation level, and although she cannot lead thousands of troops, she is still a member of the Jin Dynasty. She can also follow her brother and sister and watch them embark on their motherland!

The army has already traveled far!

Every day gets further away from her!

She couldn't hear any news from them, and even with all her eyesight, she couldn't see the beacon smoke in the north!

She could only wait quietly in the distant Haining, suffering endlessly...

It's been half a month! It's time for them to cross Yanmen, right? Luyi said softly.

Qiushui Huaping couldn't answer her question, so he could only open his arms and hug her gently: I don't know if they have ever passed Yanmen, but I know it's time for you to sleep. Otherwise, you can sleep in my painting world. Go to sleep, there are Dongting spring water, Dongting spring moon, and the poems handed down from generation to generation written by Xianggong himself...

For the first time in her life, there was a flaw in her words...

She said my husband, not your husband.

For someone as sensitive as Lu Yi, he actually failed to catch her vulnerability tonight: Okay!

As soon as the autumn water painting screen opened, a small boat came out leisurely. Green Yi stepped onto the boat, slowly sat down, and slowly fell into sleep...

Qiushui Huaping looked at Sister Chen below and nodded gently...

May 19th, night!

Lin Su walked into Da Cang Capital at night.

After traveling thousands of miles, we arrived in a day and a half.

There was no wind or waves on the way, and when we stepped into the capital, the sky was full of waves.

Lin Su felt the excitement in the capital, and the news about the victory of the Northern Territory had gone viral throughout the city...

Lao Zhang, have you heard about it? Our army has reached Lingdingyang. The former Jin Kingdom is now the land of Da Cang!

Haha, who hasn’t heard this? The slaves of Ohsumi are vulnerable to my flying dragon army!

Be famous and proud, it’s finally my turn to be proud and proud!

Isn't it? This is the new emperor’s new atmosphere! Tomorrow's enthronement ceremony, His Majesty can report this great news to all the previous emperors!

Hey, don't talk about the past emperors, this does not include Ji Shang...

Who includes Ji Shang? This bastard wants to give the four northern towns to Ohsumi. He is simply a dog of Ohsumi. How can He De be the king of my great land?

All kinds of discussions, accompanied by boundless enthusiasm, penetrated into Lin Su's ears.

Lin Su finally showed a smile on his face.

The victory over the Northern Territory can be regarded as a gift to King Chen for his enthronement. This gift is of extraordinary weight.

The border troubles in the north have been resolved, and the four northern towns have truly become homes where refugees in the north can return!

The defense line moved three thousand miles away, and the power of Da Cang moved the world.

With the Lingding Ocean as the boundary, there is no need to worry about the northern border of Da Cang.

Is there anything more inspiring in the world than this? Is there any better gift than this?

With this battle, Chen Wang Ji Guang was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the pseudo-emperor Ji Shang's reputation fell to the nine levels of hell...

Based on this kind of public opinion, anyone who wants to hinder tomorrow's enthronement will be criticized by the people. In theory, no one dares to use their brains. However, Lin Su still wants to accurately grasp first-hand information.

Where did the first-hand information come from?

He had countless choices, but he chose the most secretive one.

The night wind picked up and Lin Su disappeared from the street.

Before he went to the Western Mountain, before entering the palace, before entering Green Willow Villa, before entering the restaurant to listen to news from all directions, he entered the Zhou residence!

Zhou Zhang has not returned home yet. Tomorrow will be the enthronement ceremony. Zhou Zhang is one of the busiest people. King Chen has unreserved trust in him and calls him over for big and small matters. Therefore, Mr. Zhou, who has never been busy in half his life, , busy as a dog, of course, extremely busy, even his second wife, Zhou Mei's mother, felt the old man's youthfulness last night...

The housekeeper of the Zhou family welcomed him in and sent him to Tianya Pavilion. Just as he was about to send a message to the old man, Lin Su stopped him: Don't disturb the old man, I'll just wait for him in the pavilion alone!

The maid brought fragrant tea and exited Tianya Pavilion. A gust of fragrant wind blew by, and a smile appeared on Lin Su's face: Chief of Dark Fragrance, doesn't it feel good to be a leader?

This sentence is relaxed and casual.

However, this sentence answered the questions of countless people, including the questions of the 6,000 members of the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion.

Everyone's question is that Jin kings Li Qingquan and Bi Xuanji left Da Cang Capital at the same time and entered Jin. So, who will take over their former home: Anxiang?

Li Qingquan and Bi Xuanji kept this secret.

No one knows.

The knowledgeable people in the capital would never know that the new leader of Anxiang is just a woman in her teens, her name is Zhou Mei!

There is a faint fragrance in nine halls, and two halls are washed away, far away from Da Cang Capital.

The remaining seven halls were taken over by Zhou Mei.

The method is the same as before, no one knows how to do it.

Therefore, An Xiang in the capital also didn’t know who their Xiang Fei was, not even King Chen knew.

King Chen did not know from the beginning that Lin Su was the real boss of Anxiang. In his understanding, the leader of Anxiang had always been Li Qingquan. Now Li Qingquan is far away from the capital and has cut off the connection with Anxiang. Based on his feelings for Li Qingquan, Trust, and don't even ask who the new leader of this secret fragrance is.

Zhou Mei's figure emerged from the void. She bit her mouth tightly and tried hard to pretend to be annoyed. However, her eyes still betrayed her. There were clearly dancing little flames in her eyes...

I've always been thinking about how you abducted me. Now after a long and unbearable half-month experience, I finally understand that you abducted me to be your 'Fragrant Concubine'... …”

Hey, why do you mean I kidnap you as my concubine? Your words will cause a lot of trouble... Lin Su quickly interrupted.

Zhou Mei was dissatisfied: Who did I offend?

First of all, your words are treasonous and have offended His Majesty the new emperor! I am not the emperor. Even if I put you on the bed, you can't be a concubine! Secondly, you have offended your old man. The point is still your mother. You said something like this If they heard the ambiguous words, wouldn’t they think it was wrong?”

Zhou Mei raised her head and sighed silently: Everything you said is very upright, but from what I heard, why did it sound like seduction... I have a sense of crisis, and I think you are trying to make some new moves on the way to abduct me... …”

Lin Su was speechless and swallowed: Can we let go of the intrigues? I have traveled thousands of miles back from the northern border. You should know what I care about most.

Zhou Mei nodded: Are you concerned about whether someone will sabotage the enthronement ceremony tomorrow?


Zhou Mei said: Three pieces of news, let's tell them all! The first piece of news is that Yaowang Mountain has announced that it is closed!

Lin Su's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yaowang Mountain is closed at this time!

What does it mean? It means they are afraid!


According to Lin Su's original warning, it was carried out!

Since this warning has been carried out, they will not cause trouble. They are worried that Lin Su and the new emperor will settle accounts with them.

At the same time, it also reflects another piece of information, that is, there is a high probability that no one will cause trouble on the spiritual path. If they plan to cause trouble on the spiritual path, facing the imperial power and facing Lin Su, they must unite, and Yaowang Mountain is obviously the place where they should unite. As for that force, Yaowang Mountain will definitely not close the mountain to cheer them up or to stabilize people's hearts.

The second news is that the border troops of Chiguo and Yelang set up camp and retreated hundreds of miles in one day!


Another piece of good news, the military encirclement of the Three Kingdoms has been resolved.

The third piece of news is that Lu Tian sent someone to Lingyin Temple to pick up Lu Youwei and Mrs. Tianyao back home. Mrs. Tianyao refused on the grounds of practicing Zen.

If you are an ordinary person, you will not understand why this news appears in Zhou Mei's sight, because this news is an out-and-out small piece of news, and it cannot be compared with the closure of the mountains of the major sects and the changes in the military affairs of the Three Kingdoms. , However, Lin Su understood. He knew that this news was important.



What does Lu Tian show his kindness to Lu Youwei from this moment on? This shows that Lu Tian has never had any intention of resisting. He only hopes that Lu Youwei can help the Prime Minister's Mansion to avoid disaster.

Whose calamity to block?

Naturally, it was the calamity from Lin Su!

Extended further…

Lu Tian no longer wanted to resist, what about the court officials? The biggest backbone of those loyal slave lackeys who used to be very close to Ji Shang, and those court officials who used to catch Lin Suchao and frame him to death was Lu Tiancong.

Lu Tiancong surrendered, what kind of waves could they create?

Therefore, this news is not an ordinary thing for a grandfather to take his granddaughter back to his home, but a signal for the court officials to lie down collectively and let you slaughter them!

In other words, the court officials will not cause trouble tomorrow.

Zhou Mei slowly raised her eyes: Neither the court officials, the cultivators, nor the neighboring countries will cause waves. Tomorrow's enthronement ceremony will be completed smoothly. The eternal great cause you created will come to an end tomorrow. At this moment , are your hearts surging? If you don’t sing a song, reciting a poem won’t be enough to smooth it over?”

Depend on!

You really have never forgotten your original intention...

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