Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 775 The new emperor ascends the throne, and there are changes in the Confucian Temple

Lin Su shook his head gently: Do officialdom, spiritual practice, and military mean everything? Have you ever thought about what role the attic outside White Deer Academy will play tomorrow?

Zhou Mei was suddenly startled: Confucian Temple?

Lin Su stretched out her hand, grabbed the handle of the teapot in front of her, and the tea flowed down gently: In the past, the Confucian Temple in Beijing was the support in my heart, because I knew that no matter what happened, this pavilion was my last safe haven. . Because it is very pure, it is the pure land of literature and art, but today, it is different!

Zhou Mei slowly turned her eyes to the north...

Duan Shiqi, the watchman of the Confucian Temple! He was born in the Holy Painting Family and is currently the elder of the Temple Painting Palace. This man is a narrow-minded person and he is also an arrogant person.

Zhou Mei's eyes showed thoughts: Tomorrow's enthronement ceremony, the last part of the ceremony, is the congratulatory message from the watchman of the Confucian Temple. This person may cause trouble!


Then... what should we do? Zhou Mei frowned deeply: The power of Anxiang will definitely not be able to enter the Confucian Temple... Maybe you can only go and talk to him tonight.

No need! Lin Su said: The multiple-choice question has been placed in front of him, it depends on how he chooses!

Zhou Mei was anxious: The enthronement ceremony is the most important event. What if he...

Don't worry, even if something unexpected happens, it will not affect His Majesty's accession to the throne!

But it affects the peaceful coexistence between His Majesty and the Confucian Temple. Once the Holy Power and the Imperial Power confront each other, the entire world will be in chaos and will fall apart!

Perhaps, but... is the sky the only one that has fallen apart? Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at the sky: I don't want such an extreme situation to happen, but if someone really has no bottom line, haha, I must As he wishes!

With a shout, a figure descended from the sky, bringing a surprise...

Zhou Zhang is back!

He came in through the main gate and went back to the house normally. As soon as he returned to the house, he learned that Mr. Lin had just returned from the north. This time, the old man rushed straight to the sky. He was impatient to walk a few more steps. As soon as he entered Tianya Pavilion grabbed Lin Su, his eyes were extremely hot...

As for his daughter, Little Witch Zhou, she became invisible for the first time. Then, she walked in from the outside with small steps. She actually opened Kazi Lauder's big eyes and asked Lin Su in surprise: When did you come back?

The old man never thought about the possibility that Zhou Mei might have had an affair with someone Lin in advance. He grabbed Lin Su's shoulders and shook her hard: The border of the northern country is so painful! It's worth drinking three hundred cups if you change it in one day! Mei'er, let me serve the wine and the food!

After all, I didn’t drink 300 drinks that night!

The key is that Zhou Zhang has to attend the enthronement ceremony tomorrow.

You can't have a hangover, right?

But he drank until he was 80% drunk, and he even cried in the end.

He weeps for hundreds of years of hardship in the north, he weeps for the deaths of fifty million people in the four northern towns, he weeps for the rise of the great blue, he weeps for today's glory...

After the old man lost his temper after drinking, Lin Su was sent to the guest room. Zhou Mei held down Lin Su's sheets and gave him a clear warning: If you dare to tell my father about his loss today, I will kill you!

Lin Su looked up from below, looking through the two peaks at the beautiful scenery on the other side of the peak and teased her: Then if I don't tell anyone, will you give me a reward?

Zhou Mei bit her lip: I, Zhou Mei, don't have any money or treasures, but I only have one person! What kind of reward can I give you? I really can't stand you. I want to get some benefits from everything...

There is something lingering in Lin Su's heart. This sentence is: Whatever you have, I probably only need something...

However, he didn't dare to say it...

He was worried that when he said this, the little witch would bravely close her eyes like last time, stand upright, and say: Come on!

What should he do?

To come or not to come?

If you don’t come, the long night will be damned, and the moon in the sky will cause trouble.

Come on, if the old woman in her family who is proficient in invisibility to the level of a monster jumps out and points at his nose to lecture him on etiquette, he, a master of literature and Taoism, will definitely be criticized to pieces in the field of Taoism. Then who can you talk to to reason? …

May 20th!

The great day of the blue sky!

The coronation ceremony of the new emperor is on this day!

Just after Yin Shi, hundreds of officials were in place and gathered outside the palace. They were still led by two people. Zhang Juzheng, the great scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, was on the right, and Prime Minister Lu Tian was on the left. The other officials were arranged in order, with solemn expressions.

At three quarters of Yin hour, the golden bell rings, one, two, three...nine times!

Nine golden bells are played.

King Chen got on the chariot in his beautiful clothes and left the palace surrounded by hundreds of officials.

The streets were filled with cheering crowds dressed in festive costumes.

The chariot went all the way out of the city, and the Shenglong Platform was built in the east of the city. On the Shenglong Platform, people worshiped the sky. This was the first step for the emperor to succeed to the throne.

Lin Su was not among the crowd. He and Zhou Mei stood on the Western Mountain, with the entire team in his sight.

The sky was filled with floating clouds, calm and peaceful, but he still let go of all his consciousness and used his thousand-degree pupils to observe everyone's reactions...

Nothing unusual!

The heaven-sacrifice ceremony was successfully completed in a solemn and solemn atmosphere!

When King Chen came down from the Shenglong Platform, he looked at the Western Mountain, but what he was looking at was not the top of the mountain, but the mountainside. On the mountainside, Princess Yufeng was dressed in a princess costume, with tears in her eyes. Beside her were Lu Youwei and Xie Xiaoyan , both of them also had tears in their eyes.

King Chen’s second stop was to Minngling.

The Shenglong Platform offers sacrifices to heaven, and the Mingling Tomb offers sacrifices to ancestors.

King Chen knelt three times and bowed nine times in front of the imperial mausoleums of the past dynasties. Princess Yufeng on the Western Mountain also faced the imperial mausoleums and bowed deeply.

The long process finally ended two hours later, and King Chen led his officials back into the capital.

All the way north.

This is the last chapter of the enthronement ceremony: respect.

This is also different from the general feudal society.

Generally, in feudal society, there are only two necessary processes, worshiping heaven and worshiping ancestors.

But in this world, there is another one, which is Jingdao.

In the world, literature is respected, and respecting Taoism is to pay tribute to the Confucian Temple. The new emperor came to the Confucian Temple in person, and the watchman sent a congratulatory message, which represented the coexistence of imperial power and holy power, and represented that the holy power recognized the orthodoxy of imperial power. From then on, the two powers of the Great Cang Let's work together to protect the peace and prosperity of the country and the people, and advance the holy path together.

King Chen got off the chariot three miles away and walked to the Confucian Temple.

The jade table had been set up a long time ago. Zhang Juzheng personally offered the holy incense. King Chen lit it and placed it on the table.

The holy incense curls up and floats to the Confucian Temple.

King Chen straightened his clothes, took three steps, came outside the golden thread, and held the holy incense in both hands: Ji Guang, the widow, obeys the destiny of heaven, and ascends the throne of Da Cang Emperor from today on. Common people, please pay homage to the wise...

A bow!

Two bows!

Three bows!

In full view of everyone, three bows were completed.

However, something happened that surprised everyone.

The golden thread is still there, and the Confucian Temple is as quiet as night.

The watchman did not appear.

Zhang Juzheng's heart suddenly sank...

The standard procedure for the emperor to pay respect to the Confucian Temple is that after bowing three times, the golden circle guard is separated to form an arch, and the watchman in high crown and finery comes out to greet him and delivers congratulatory messages.

But today, there was no response from the clock watcher!

This is……

This is a big leak!

The watchman gave the new emperor a loud slap in the face in front of everyone in the world!

Holy power is nothing like imperial power!

Section seventeen! How dare you do this!

Zhang Juzheng was full of anger, but he couldn't get angry at this time. Once he had a dispute with the watchman, the scandal in Da Cang would skyrocket and no one could suppress it.

King Chen’s face also turned gloomy!

Of course he knew the relationship between Duan Qiyi and Ji Shang. In the battle to overthrow Ji Shang, Duan Qiyi had sided with Ji Shang, but when the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Army invaded the palace, Duan Qiyi did not take action. It gave him the illusion that the situation was decided and Duan Qiyi compromised.

Now it seems that this festival is still there.

At the critical moment of the enthronement ceremony, Duan Qilai's move was very deadly!

As Lin Su said, this move cannot change the ownership of the imperial power, because King Chen has already sacrificed to heaven and ancestors, and completed all the necessary procedures for ascending the throne. He is already the emperor of the great blue. It was torn apart in one day, and an extremely dangerous tearing seed was implanted in Da Cang Wendao.

The number of great scholars is an extremely important indicator of the strength of a country.

The temple has the power to decide the number of great scholars.

When the sacred power and the imperial power were in harmony, the two parties complemented each other, and the sacred power gave the imperial power great power and respect for literature and art within the jurisdiction of the imperial power.

The imperial power ensures that there will be an endless supply of successors to the Holy Way.

However, once the imperial power and the holy power are torn apart, it will be a different situation.

Regardless of the number of great scholars in this country or the power of the saints, they will all be stuck!

This card has endless consequences!

Students are limited in their path forward, lack confidence, and must have noise and thoughts.

In the most extreme cases, those literary geniuses will try their best to immigrate to other countries, and the strength of their own country will slowly wither. There are many such examples. Almost all the dozens of countries that have been destroyed in the past three thousand years have this problem to a greater or lesser extent. situation.

How could a king not understand this! Even Ji Shang understood that Lin Su violated his bottom line again and again, and he did not dare to kill Lin Su easily. The key reason was here, because of the Wen Dao Aoki Order, he did not dare to break through! Is it just this ignorant token that I dare not break through? of course not! What he didn't dare to offend was always the legal taboos behind the Wen Dao Aoki Order, and the terrible chain reaction of being torn apart from the temple!

How did the new emperor Ji Guang do it?

Of course he didn't want to be separated from the temple.

With the dignity of an emperor, he disembarked from the chariot three miles away, walked to the Confucian Temple, burned holy incense, and bowed three times. He had clearly conveyed his respect for Taoism, but he was not a bird. What could he do?

Time seems frozen.

Space seems to freeze.

The official group is also completely solidified.

Chen Wangjiguang was filled with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

As the king of a country, he can issue imperial decrees in the face of any matter, but when it comes to the Confucian Temple, he has to hold back any anger.

Zhang Juzheng stepped forward: The ceremony of respecting the Tao has been completed. Your Majesty, please board the dragon chariot and return to the palace!

These words spread throughout the audience, and some people were confused. Is this the end? The watchman hasn't come out to give a congratulatory message yet...

However, most people did not understand the specific details of the regulations. Since the Grand Master said that the ceremony was over, it should be over, since His Majesty had already paid his respects to the aisle.

This is a step that cannot be lowered.

Zhang Juzheng came hard!

He is a bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, and he also represents the Holy Power to a certain extent!

He came out and forced himself down the steps, and the matter was settled.

King Chen abandoned the chariot and officially boarded the dragon chariot, which symbolized imperial power. He completed his enthronement ceremony and returned to the palace.

Sitting on the dragon chair, congratulations from the ministers below seemed to be as expected, but the knot in his heart still did not pass after all...

During the enthronement ceremony, he was as uncomfortable as if he had swallowed a blowfly...

At this moment, a voice suddenly penetrated into his ears, and Ji Guang's eyes suddenly opened up...

With his hands together, the imperial seal rose into the sky, and under the golden light, the front of the Confucian Temple was reflected...

The courtiers who filled the hall saw a person at the same time, walking towards the Confucian Temple...

This person is dressed as a scholar!

This man is young, handsome and charming!

This person has a faint smile on half of his face!

He is clearly Lin Su!

Lin Su! Chen Geng called softly: When will he return to Beijing?

He was asking about Zhang Juzheng, because in his impression, Zhang Juzheng should know about Lin Su's itinerary. Even if Zhang Juzheng didn't know about it, his granddaughter must know about it - this was a bit unreasonable.

However, Zhang Juzheng's eyes were no smaller than his: He's actually back! A long journey home...

Lu Tiancong frowned, which seemed to be his conditioned reflex when he saw Lin Su. Ever since Lin Su's official tragedy in Xizhou, he seemed to have this expression every time he saw Lin Su.

The ministers below stared at this figure, no matter what their expressions were, their hearts were like spring water in May and June. What does it mean? There was a big wave...

Of course, there were still people in front of the Confucian Temple.

The vast majority are literati.

The so-called literati are those who have extensive knowledge and knowledge, and the so-called literati are a group of people who have a relatively thorough understanding of the rules.

If there are tens of thousands of people in the city who know that there is something wrong with today's enthronement ceremony, without exception, they are all literati.

The group of literati present today are already deeply uneasy as they whisper among each other and spread the word.

In the confrontation between holy power and imperial power, the people who were most hurt were the literati.

What will be their future?

Will they become victims of the conflict between holy power and imperial power?

Just when they were feeling uneasy, they suddenly saw a person walking towards the Confucian Temple...

What does this person want to do?

Are you loyal to the Confucian Temple?

Is it useful?

The person came, stepped out, and passed through the Wen Dao blockade!

Everyone's expressions changed, including Ji Guang who was on top of the Golden Palace, the ministers, and the thousands of students in front of the Confucian Temple.

Because everyone knows the sacredness of the Confucian Temple blockade!

The Confucian Temple blockade cannot be touched without the permission of the watchman!

Anyone who dares to offend will be killed without mercy, no matter whether you are a monster or a demon, a god or a human, a king or a minister!

Even the ninth princess of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, who acted unscrupulously, dared not approach the blockade of the Confucian Temple at the provincial level for 800 steps, let alone the top blockade of the Confucian Temple in Da Cang?

However, Lin Su stepped in directly!

Everyone thought they could see the scene of Wen Dao Shengguang killing him with blood and flesh flying everywhere, but it didn't happen!

Lin Su walked forward step by step without any hurry and entered the Confucian Temple...

Everyone was dumbfounded...

Who is this person?

Why can he enter the Wen Dao blockade without permission?

Lin Su! He is Lin Su, the first master of Qinglian! someone exclaimed.

Can a Grandmaster of Wen Dao cross the line? No, it seems that the senior elders of White Deer Academy cannot cross the line. No, there are many Grand Masters of Wen Dao in the world, and I have never heard of anyone who can cross the line, even Bachelor Zhang Will not work……

What everyone doesn't understand can actually be explained in one sentence.

Lin Su's ability to cross the line does not rely on his status as a master, but on another title: Changxing of the Temple!

Although there are many masters in the world, how many of them are regular practitioners in the temple?

Regular members of the temple who are regular members of the temple have a status equivalent to that of a temple elder!

Lin Su strolled past the first floor.

Stepping lightly up to the second floor.

Slowly climbed up to the third floor.

On the third floor, Duan Shiqi slowly raised his head and stared at him coldly...

Lin Su came step by step: Is this Elder Duan?

The smile was still on his face.

A smile slowly appeared on Duan Shiqi's face: Lin Changxing entered our Confucian Temple without permission today, but he doesn't know what he is doing?

Lin Su walked in front of him and sat down: Did you know that Elder Duan made two mistakes in just one sentence?

The smile on Duan Shiqi's face disappeared: Two mistakes?

The first mistake was that I entered the Confucian Temple not without permission, but without your permission! Lin Su said.

Duan Shiqi's face darkened.

This sentence is rude, but it is also true.

Lin Su had a standing order and was allowed to enter the Confucian Temple. This kind of permission was allowed by the iron rules of the temple and did not require Duan Qi's permission at all.

The second mistake is that you said that the Confucian Temple belongs to you! Lin Su said: Please clarify one thing. The Confucian Temple belongs to the temple, not to you, Duan Yunhe!

This is another irrefutable mantra!

The temple does not belong to individuals!

There seemed to be nothing wrong with Duan Shiqi's casual words, but when Lin Su zoomed in, the flaws were immediately apparent.

Duan Shiqi said: In the secular world, it is said that Lin Su's words are more powerful than the sword in his hand. Today, it seems that I have learned the lesson. What is Lin Changxing doing in this trip? Isn't it time to show his trump card?

Putting aside unnecessary disputes and facing the topic directly, this is probably just a short sentence without speculation.

Lin Su said calmly: I entered the Confucian Temple just to tell you something!


I respect Chang Shiqi, the former watcher, but I don't like you, Duan Shiqi!

Duan Shiqi's chest boiled with anger and he smiled coldly: So?

So I want to change the watchman for Da Cang Capital!

Ha ha……

Duan Shiqi looked up to the sky and laughed...

The laughter is full of contempt...

Lin Su didn't smile and looked at him quietly.

Duan Shiqi's laughter finally stopped: Lin Changxing stirs up troubles in the world. He is so good at it that he succeeds in every battle. Is it a little bloated? Does it give you the illusion that you can even control the temple?

I can't control the temple, but I can replace you! Lin Su responded lightly.

How to change it? Duan Shiqi couldn't help but laugh again: Do you offer incense to the senior officials of the temple?

No, I'll give them some sweat!

Sweating? Duan Shiqi didn't understand. Not only did he not understand this statement, but probably all the literati of this era would not understand it, because it was a very vulgar saying.

Maybe you really don't understand Shanghan, but you will understand if you change the words! Shanghan means: let a layer of sweat form on their backs!

Duan Shiqi's face sank: What do you want to do?

Lin Su raised her hand gently, the gold paper fell, the precious pen touched a little on the ink smoke table, and wrote a line of words...

Da Cang News, in the game between Da Cang and the four northern towns of Da Yu, Hua Sheng Holy Family lost the neutral position of the Holy Family and helped Da Yu to kill thousands of our Da Cang border army warriors; this time Da Cang's Northern Expedition, Hua Sheng The Shengsheng family is still working for the tiger, which makes me Da Cang warrior a new soul. Duan Yunhe, the official of Da Cang Jingcheng Confucian Temple, is the eleventh generation descendant of the Painting Saint family. After taking charge of Da Cang Confucian Temple, he ignored the fake emperor Ji Shang to usurp the throne. , the fact that he betrayed his country and sought peace helped the false emperor to absolve himself of his guilt; today the new emperor ascends the throne, Duan Yunhe violates the etiquette of the holy way, insults the national dignity of the country, and despises the imperial power...

After writing this, Duan Shiqi's face changed drastically: Bold!

His hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the gold paper under Lin Su's palm.

Lin Su didn't raise his head or move his hands. A miniature Great Wall suddenly appeared on the back of his hand.


Duan Yunhe palmed away the Chinese community.

The gold paper under Lin Su turned into light and flew towards the literary wall of the capital...

The Wen Dao wall shook violently...

The long-lost Da Cang News reappears in the world...

Everyone in the entire capital saw the news immediately...

Time and space seemed to stand still for a moment, but a moment later, it exploded!

The person who painted the Holy Family actually came to be my watchman?

People from the enemy country live at the highest pinnacle of our culture? How unreasonable!

The Holy Family of the Painting Saint, their hands are stained with the blood of my great warriors, they are my mortal enemies!

What qualifications do descendants of the Holy Family, whose hands are stained with the blood of Da Cang's soldiers, have the right to live in our Da Cang Confucian Temple?

Brothers, let's go to Beijing, overturn the Confucian Temple, and skin and cramp the thief who painted the Holy Family...

Thousands of people gathered outside the city instantly!

In the city, tens of thousands of people gathered in an instant!

In the palace, the face of Ji Guang, who had just succeeded to the throne, changed drastically...

The faces of thousands of courtiers below became even more fierce...

Lin Su pointed his finger at the watchman. This was because he was angry at the enthronement ceremony. His mood was understandable, but was this turmoil too big?

The court officials were also literati, and the end of the literati was the temple. The status of the watchman in the Confucian Temple in the hearts of the literati surpassed that of the emperor, and Lin Su directly confronted him head-on, and was so decisive that he opened the game with a piece of paper Da Cang News was posted on the cultural wall of the capital, and all the old records of the watchmen were stripped off!

Duan Shiqi's eyes became extremely cold, and his voice became even colder: Inciting the people to besiege the Confucian Temple, Lin Su, don't you think this is too childish?

Child's play? Lin Su slowly raised a wine bottle in his hand and brought it to his mouth.

My duty as a watchman is determined by the official documents of the temple!


Although I was born in the Painting Holy Family, after entering the temple, I am no longer a member of the Holy Family, and what I do has nothing to do with the Holy Family! His words made it clear that the Painting Holy Family intervened in both parties. The national military, that is an irrefutable fact, but it is just a painting of the Holy Family and has nothing to do with Duan Yunhe, I am the elder of the temple!

That's right... you might as well explain it to the people! Lin Su said leisurely after taking a sip of wine.

Duan Shiqi's heart sank.

Explain to the people?

Can the public believe it?

If he was facing a literary scholar, he could explain it, and the scholar would definitely be convinced, because the scholar was sensible and knew that the Holy Temple was superior to the Holy Family. The evil done by the Holy Family could not be borne by the Holy Temple. They knew even better. The Confucian Temple is sacred and inviolable. Only with a huge hole in his head would he go against Duan Shiqi.

However, the group of people currently being incited are not great Confucians, they are not even literary.

These people are just a bunch of idiots. Most of their homes are in the four towns in the north. Their wives, children, and parents are gone. They are the most malicious group of people towards Osumi. They have a deep hatred for the painting saint family who helped Osumi. As long as you, Duan Shiqi, can't wash away the brand of the Painting Saint and Holy Family on your body, you will be their mortal enemy! As long as you, Duan Shiqi, can't wash away the fact that you are having an affair with the fake emperor Ji Shang, you will also be their mortal enemy!

Duan Shiqi could not wash away the mark of the Painting Saint and Holy Family on him.

He couldn't clear up his connection with the fake emperor Ji Shang.

In the past, even if they knew that he, the watchman, was their mortal enemy, these idiots would not dare to do anything.

But today, a piece of Da Cang News, stamped with the official seal of the temple, suddenly amplified their courage a hundred times!

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