Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 790: Dig a hole in Beihai (please ask for monthly votes)

This opportunity must not be missed, the time will never come again! Now is the best time for the expedition! Lin Su said: The dragon king of the two seas has just lost his life, and the two palaces are in chaos. It is difficult to form an effective resistance, and it is too late for foreign aid. If we don't expedition at this time, When will we wait? As for whether His Majesty Long Jun comes out of seclusion or not, it doesn’t matter at all!”

Long Ying interjected: Brother, I also think... Mr. Su's words are very reasonable. Didn't you just analyze that Beihai Dragon Palace might be the first to take action? Then you can't wait. You must take the lead before they can react. Take possession of the West Sea and South China Sea!

Long Shang pondered for a long time and nodded heavily: Okay, I will contact the Great Elder immediately. If the troops are divided into two groups, let the Great Elder lead three naval armies to conquer the West Sea, while my brother and I will lead three naval armies to conquer the South China Sea! The East China Sea! We’ll leave a navy to protect our headquarters, which is enough!”

Xihai's strength was not strong to begin with, but after this battle, its strength plummeted even further. The Great Elder brought three naval forces with him, which was enough to deal with it.

Nanhai, on the other hand, is much more powerful, and Long Shang plans to attack it himself.

Lin Su shook his head: I suggest you make an adjustment. Go to the West Sea! Let the Great Elder conquer the South China Sea, and I will go with him!


Because the South China Sea is very likely to collude with the demons, we need a super master who can determine the overall situation. However, there are no obvious variables in the West Sea. In addition, if you go to the West Sea, you can get in touch with a force in advance to form a pincer attack!

Long Shang's heart skipped a beat: The mermaid clan of the West Sea?

Exactly, this is the communication talisman given to me by the leader of the mermaid tribe. If you use this talisman to contact her, she will not doubt you! He held his hand together and handed a jade conch to Long Shang.

This jade snail was given to him by the mermaid clan leader.

At this moment, he gave it to Long Shang.

Long Shang took the conch horn with a complicated expression: Brother, do you also have a close friendship with the mermaid clan?

Yes, my friendship with the mermaid clan is no different from my friendship with Dragon Sea Dragon Palace. I also promised them that the mermaid clan will have a place in the West Sea!

Okay! Since my brother has promised, I, Long Shang, also promise that even if I dominate the four seas and the territory of the mermaid clan, I, the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, will not move an inch, and I will sincerely make friends with them and rule the four seas together!

These words come from the mouth of the Crown Prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and they are a promise worth a thousand pounds!

It also truly finalized the pattern of the Four Seas and the fate of the mermaid clan and the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Conquering the West Sea is not difficult with the strength of the East Sea Dragon Palace.

The difficult thing is how to deal with the mermaid clan when they conquer the Western Sea.

Therefore, Lin Su gave the mermaid clan an opportunity to join forces with the East China Sea Dragon Palace to defeat the West Sea Dragon Palace!

With this alliance, the mermaid clan became an ally of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The mermaid clan was completely relieved of the pressure from the West Sea Dragon Palace. It truly became the master on the vast West Sea.

The ring in Long Shang's hand flashed slightly, and the snail disappeared out of thin air.

Long Ying said: Brother, you cannot put this conch number into the Qiankun Ring. The Qiankun Ring blocks the energy of heaven and earth. If the leader of the mermaid tribe contacts this conch number, he will not be able to contact him!

Long Shang was shocked: My sister is right to remind me. I was so obsessed with my brother's great cause that I actually neglected it for a moment. I feel ashamed...

After a thought, the conch horn reappeared in his hand. He stuffed it into his belt and disappeared. Although the conch horn disappeared, Qi Machine Lin Su could still sense it.

His heart skipped a beat, Qiankun Ring...

He has heard his name for a long time, but has never seen his form...

There are many things to store items in this world, and the demon storage bag is the most commonly used, which is not unusual at all. Even the belt Sister Chen gave him that day has the function of storing items, but this storage bag has nothing to do with Qiankun The principle of quitting is completely different.

The storage principle of storage bags is based on magical materials, which are essentially magic weapons.

The storage principle of the Qiankun Ring is the law of space!

Therefore, the objects contained in the Qiankun Ring cannot be sensed by the outside world. No matter whether they are official seals or communication symbols, once they enter the Qiankun Ring, no signals from the outside world can be received. Correspondingly, no one outside can detect the things inside the Qiankun Ring.

The maker of the Qiankun Ring must be proficient in the laws of space, and the laws of space are known as the king of laws. Tao Yao said that even in the big world of Immortal Realm, there are almost no inheritors of the laws of space and time, and of course there are none in this small world.

Therefore, the Qiankun Ring almost always comes from the ancient restricted area. Once it appears, it will be looted from all directions. Once it is snatched, it will immediately become a valuable treasure of the power. When the sect leader passes the throne, if the sect leader's tokens and the sect master's secret book can be packed with the Qiankun Ring , passing it on to the next sect leader is the most sensational and prestigious thing when a top sect passes the throne.

Over time, a well-established rule has been formed: whenever a throne is passed on, the one who passes the throne with the Qiankun Ring must be a top sect—ordinary sects do not have this background!

Long Shang has the Qiankun Ring in his hand!

What does it mean?

First, the Dragon Palace has a profound foundation.

Secondly, Lord Long has sent a clear signal. From now on, he will focus on retreat and practice. The political power of East China Sea Dragon Palace has actually been handed over to Long Shang.

There is another thing that makes Lin Su's heart surge. The Qiankun Ring is a product of the law of space. Can you try it yourself?

Long Shang didn't realize at all that Lin Su's thinking had gone astray. He raised his eyes and said, Brother, you just said there are two moves in chess. Conquering the two seas is only one move. There is another move. Where do you plan to land?

Lin Su withdrew his mental power from Long Shang's Qiankun Ring: The second move may surprise you...

Tell me!

Lin Sudao: Send an envoy to Beihai with a high profile, send them a batch of gifts, and tell them...

After some arrangements, Long Shang went from frowning to glowing face, and finally laughed out loud: Brother, is this digging a big hole for Beihai?

Lin Su smiled and said: Of course! Beihai participates in the East China Sea War, and you still want to reap the benefits of the fishermen? How can such a good thing be possible?

I'm going. Tomorrow, our three teams will set off at the same time, two to conquer the two seas, and one to deliver gifts, haha...

With a shout, Long Shang flew through the air...

Lin Su looked away from his back and saw Long Ying's blushing face, maybe not from shame, but from excitement...

Because she once again saw with her own eyes her husband's great plan to calm the world!

The next day!

Above the East China Sea, two teams set off at the same time. Long Shang led three thousand elders, plus two navy troops, on an expedition to the West Sea.

The great elder led three thousand elders, plus four naval forces, on an expedition to the South China Sea.

The waves rolled and the battle flags flew.

The children of the dragon clan are in high spirits.

A horn sounded, resounding throughout the East China Sea, and the golden battleship broke through the waves...

After the two warships set off, another palace dragon boat rose into the sky and shot towards the north...

In the Dragon Clan Harem, the Dragon Queen looked at the dragon boat quietly, with a slight smile on her face...

Mother, I don't understand. A maid next to her said, Why do you have to give gifts to Beihai?

Another maid said: Jier, you are not good enough now. The East China Sea is currently facing pressure from all four seas. The strength of the South China Sea and the West China Sea is greatly damaged and can be crushed forcefully. However, the strength of the Beihai Sea is not damaged at all. The only thing we can do now is comfort. Yes Right, concubine?

The smile on the dragon queen's lips slowly bloomed: You are just the heads of the dragon clan, not the human clan, so don't learn to analyze the current situation.

Ji'er said: My dear, you don't know that since Mr. Su's clever plan An Donghai, our young people in Donghai Dragon Palace have all changed. They said that this is the first time they know that the plan is so powerful, and countless young people have begun to learn the plan. Now, everyone is analyzing the current situation...

The Dragon Queen chuckled: Of course it is not wrong to analyze the current situation, but you must also understand the current situation first... Is Little Moon still honest in the Dragon Prison Valley?

She, my queen, how many times have you ever seen her honest? Jill smiled: She worked hard all day and night, her hands never stopped, and her mouth never stopped. But don't worry, your Majesty, both the queen and your majesty will It’s something she doesn’t dare to scold…”

Okay, let her out. If she didn't participate in this battle, she would be really stupid. Her scolding may escalate in the future...

So, the little witch Long Yue got out of trouble!

As soon as she got out of trouble, she heard that two armies were leaving the East China Sea at the same time to conduct expeditions to the South China Sea and the West China Sea. She jumped immediately and grabbed Jill: If you dare to tell my mother that I secretly left the palace, I won't be able to spare you when I come back!

Jill was shaken dizzy by her, and also shook away what she originally wanted to say. She originally wanted to tell Little Moon that the Dragon Queen allows you to go to the battlefield and mess around, and there is no need for you to hide and run.

Since you insist on shaking me, I won’t say anything and let you go to the South China Sea to receive the most severe beating with the mentality of being punished...

Beihai Dragon Palace!

Xue Qianxun and the other three are back!

After traveling thousands of miles, it only took them three hours!

When they left, they thought that this battle would definitely bring peace to the East China Sea. However, things went against their expectations and hundreds of millions of troops were wiped out. Only the three people from Beihai returned safely.

Within the Beihai Dragon Palace, forces from all sides have gathered...

The Giant Clan, the Winged Man Clan, the Fire Clan, and the Siren Clan...

Everyone gathered here has some suspicions in their hearts, but as allies, they can't say it out loud.

What they are thinking in their hearts is one thing!

In this expedition, all the clansmen in the South China Sea and the West China Sea are pressing forward, but you are the only one who sent out only three people in the North Sea. Did you know anything in advance? Otherwise, why is it so abnormal?

Beihai Dragon Lord is still in seclusion at the moment and cannot come out to see each other.

Bai Jiang, the great elder of Beihai Dragon Palace, led more than ten top elders to accompany the guests. They already felt the strange atmosphere.

Why is this a bit of a show of provocation?

However, since they didn't say it outright, he couldn't say it first, so he just stayed in a stalemate and speculated...

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the air: The East China Sea Dragon Palace's special envoy has come to pay a visit to the Beihai allies on the order of our king!

From the East China Sea Dragon Palace?

Visiting allies?

Everyone present was heart-beating...

The Baijiang River in the North Sea rises up into the sky. Facing the dragon boat in the East China Sea that appears out of thin air, a cold light bursts out in its eyes: What do you mean?

Among the dragon boats opposite, a person stepped out of the dragon boat and gave a respectful salute: This battle in the East China Sea, everything is as you and I expected. The East China Sea Dragon Palace abides by the covenant, and the three thousand secret treasures of the ancient Dragon Palace are presented here!

As soon as the voice fell, a long row of dragon clan elders stepped behind him at the same time, each holding a storage bag in their hands, and respectfully delivered it to Bai Jiang...

Bai Jiang's expression changed.

The secret collection of the ancient Dragon Palace, three thousand pieces!

This is something anyone would be tempted by, but these secrets are so hot right now!

What does keeping a covenant mean?

What does it mean to have what you and I want?

There are a bunch of visitors from all ethnic groups down there, what will they think?

The people below exploded immediately...

The giant leader suddenly stood up, and several Beihai Dragon Palace disciples around him turned into blood mist. The giant leader roared: I will tell you why hundreds of millions of troops are ambushed repeatedly. It turns out that you, a master from the North Sea, is causing trouble in the dark. !”

The leader of the Siren's eyes were filled with green light, and he said gloomily: On that day, there were only three people from Beihai in the alliance. I complained about Beihai's lack of contribution. Today, it seems that Beihai is still the master! As long as these three people have enough status. High, the information we have is high enough and can be transmitted to the East China Sea in time, so why do we need a large number of people?

Beihai Dragon Lord... The leader of the Winged Human Race soared into the sky and turned into a shocking giant Looking down at the North Sea Dragon Palace, his voice directly penetrated the thousands of miles of ice: You have to come out and give a message to all the allies. The first rat and the two Duan, is it shameful?

Suddenly, the representatives of all the forces were angry.

Everything they couldn't figure out at first was figured out.

Why did Beihai only send three people?

Three people are insignificant to the war, but as long as their status is high enough, they can convey the most secretive information and lead hundreds of millions of troops astray.

Beihai Dragon Palace is not their ally, but a traitor!

Since ancient times, traitors are the most hateful!

Even more hateful than killing their enemies directly!

The two armies faced each other, and victory or defeat depended on their ability. If they lost, they could only blame themselves for their lack of academic skills. However, the betrayal of their own allies could really make them hate...

Suddenly, all the forces turned against each other!

Suddenly, hatred surged!

Great Elder Bai Jiang was completely unable to resist, because he couldn't explain it at all. Of course he knew the big plan between Xue Qianxun and His Majesty that day, but he couldn't make it public because this big plan itself was a betrayal of the rest of the allies - to consume How can we reveal our plans in front of our allies that have the South China Sea and the West China Sea as our fundamental goals?

At this moment, three figures appeared from the sky, it was Xue Qianxun and the other three.

The Great Elder was relieved at once: The three of them have returned. Let them inform you of the details. Please believe that Beihai Dragon Palace has definitely not betrayed its allies. Today's situation is the plan of East China Sea Dragon Palace...

However, he didn't realize that the return of these three people was a stimulus to everyone!

The elder of the South China Sea Dragon Palace stood up suddenly: In a great battle, hundreds of millions of people died in the East China Sea. Three people left the palace in the North Sea, and three people returned unscathed! Elder Bai, you are not willing to cost any money to perform this opera. Do you pay?!”

There was a bang, a step through the air, a dragon's roar resounded throughout the world, and he left with anger.

The next moment, the three alien races including Xihai and Giant stood up side by side and penetrated the sky.

Bai Jiang was anxious: Elders, and...

The last elder of the Kraken clan slowly raised its tentacles: In this naval battle, our clan suffered heavy losses, and the blood debt must be paid with blood. Elder Bai, haha, take care of yourself!

With a roar, it broke into pieces and turned into a strange torrent and left the palace.

Bai Jiang raised his gaze and stared straight into the sky.

These sharp eyes are extremely cold, because today's rebellion between the allies was all caused by Donghai's sudden visit. If you kill them, can you prove your innocence?

However, the elder Donghai Changmei raised his hand gently, and the gift fell from the sky. He laughed loudly: Farewell!

Behind him, a strange portal opened in the air, and the white jade dragon boat disappeared into it. The portal closed and disappeared!

Ancient Longmen Ferry? Gu Yu's face changed slightly as he just returned.

He is a member of the dragon clan, so he naturally knows what the portal means just now.

This is the secret treasure of the ancient dragon clan, called Longmen Crossing. It is a top-level magic weapon for traveling through the void. Once used, it can travel thousands of miles of void for only an instant and cannot be intercepted.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace has begun to decipher the various treasures of the ancient Dragon Palace.

It seems that the process of uniting allies in the North Sea to fight against the East China Sea needs to be accelerated.

However, as soon as he landed in the Dragon Palace, his expression changed...

Xue Qianxun's face became darker...

Because the East China Sea Dragon Palace has just appeared and sent the ancient Dragon Palace secrets to the Beihai Dragon Palace...

This gift was so high-profile, and it happened to be seen by other allies...

This is a divorce plan!

Everyone in Beihai Dragon Palace who knows the inside story knows that this is a divorce plan, but will anyone believe it if they tell it?

Eighty-seven tribes besieged Donghai. Every force came out almost in full force and invested heavy troops. Beihai was an exception, with only three people.

Each of the eighty-seven clans suffered heavy losses, with Beihai being another exception. The three of them were unscathed.

From the perspective of Beihai Dragon Palace, this is the great achievement of Beihai's wisest man. However, from the perspective of others, can we not suspect that you are colluding with Donghai?

Now Donghai directly pointed it out and sent someone to the door to deliver the secret treasure of the ancient Dragon Palace!

It is almost irrefutable that Beihai and Donghai colluded to eradicate the remaining eighty-six tribes.

What a vicious plan. Is this another plan of that human Lin Su? Gu Yu let out a long sigh.

Xue Qianxun slowly raised his head: This plan seems simple, but in fact it is exquisite. It corresponds to the current situation and is exactly his handiwork! What a Lin Su, he is indeed worthy of being called the human race's think tank!

Black lines ran across the face of the great elder: I want to see how much money they spent for this plan!

With a wave of his hand, twenty or thirty storage bags were opened at the same time. Inside were various ancient stone tablets, secret books, and chips. The first induction of Qi was mysterious and made the hearts of the elders of Beihai Dragon Palace jump. Could it be said that they still Did you really spend so much money? Did you really send the ancient secret treasure?

But upon closer inspection, everyone was dumbfounded. Under these qi machines, there was nothing, and all the gifts were nothing more than some remaining bricks and rubble inside and outside the walls of the Thirty-Six Secret Palaces.

Elder Bai Jiang's face was filled with dark clouds and he almost vomited blood!

Damn it, you have torn apart the alliance between Beihai Dragon Palace and the major forces, and you are not willing to pay even the slightest cost?

An elder's eyes suddenly brightened: The gifts from Donghai are pure waste. I have recorded this scene in full. If it is presented to those allies, they will definitely believe that Beihai was framed...

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the elders next to him all lit up.

However, Bai Jiang scolded him: What's the use of what you recorded? People will still suspect you of being a fraud! Instead, you will end up with a name that you want to cover up...

All the light in everyone's eyes went out...

Yes, no matter how true your records are, they are not enough to win people's trust. How deep is the Beihai Dragon Palace? It's not difficult to fake anything, people will just say you're trying to hide something!

As long as you can't explain the first few doubts clearly, you won't be able to win people's trust at all.

What are the doubts?

Why do you only have three people leaving the palace in Beihai?

Why can't others come back, but all three of you can?

To explain this, we must involve the Beihai Dragon Palace's grand strategy that aims at all over the world, and this grand strategy itself is the use of the Eighty-Six Tribes. If you dare to say it, it will anger them...

Things have reached a dead end!

Lin Su destroyed the Beihai Alliance with just a bunch of scraps!

From this time on, he had a formidable enemy of the younger generation, Xue Qianxun!

Xue Qianxun felt Lin Su's plan in the early stage of the East China Sea battle. However, she did not admit that it was a setback because she placed herself in the second echelon position. She was not leading this battle. She could see Using Lin Su's plan, she was able to bring the three people back to Beihai safely. She was able to turn disadvantages into advantages and really launch the curtain of Beihai. Who dares to say that her tricks are inferior to others?

However, as soon as she returned to Beihai, she felt frustrated.

Because Lin Su planned to alienate her, he included all her variables and turned them into chips on Lin Su's formation.

Even if she escapes from the chaos in the East China Sea with a clever plan and returns safely, it will become his bargaining chip!

This kind of wisdom that plots people's plans, calculates people's calculations, uses light skills, and cleverly transforms wisdom makes Xue Qianxun feel frustrated, but it also makes her feel soaring.

You Lin Su, I admit that you are a wise man!

However, you can’t see me, Xue Qianxun!

Next, I'll let you see me! ! !

At this moment, Lin Su was standing on the dragon battleship, with familiar passion flowing across his eyes. What passion?

Don't think wrongly, even though Long Ying is by his side and the two big rabbits give him enough traction, they are still not the source of his passion at the moment.

His passion is Dragon Navy!

This is the army!

Everyone is filled with such energy, everyone is a martial artist or above, and everyone is filled with the murderous intent of a hundred battlefields. When exposed to the outside world, everyone is a battlefield killing god!

The Dragon Clan is different from the Human Clan.

The human race values ​​culture over martial arts.

There is no such thing as Wen in the Dragon Clan. In their world, there is only Wu!

Take the coming-of-age ceremony for every dragon child, it is enough to explain everything. The coming-of-age ceremony for the dragon child is to personally kill a sea monster or sea monster that is above the fourth realm.

Above the fourth realm, Daoshan level!

If you can't kill someone, you are not considered an authentic member of the Dragon Clan! You cannot join the glorious navy. You are not worthy of becoming a formal disciple of each hall. You can only be a handyman!

The word handyman is particularly humble in the dictionary of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, among the dragon navy masters, the lowest level is Daoshan.

A little higher is Daohua, and the lowest captain is Daoguo. At the level of captain, one basically has to be Xiangtianfadi, and the commanders of all armies are all high-level Xiangtianfadi, or even half-step Yuantian. !

In other words, the four armies of navy in front of him totaled nearly one million people, including hundreds of Xiangtianfadi, tens of thousands of Dao fruits, hundreds of thousands of Dao flowers, and the bottom one was also Dao Mountain.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

For such a large army, the great elder is the commander, and he is the military advisor!

Who is Linsu?

The super war god who dared to sweep across the northwest with three thousand remnant soldiers, now has millions of troops under his command, and masters are truly as high as the clouds. Why do I feel that the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea is shaking violently in the wind and rain?

Some people may say, you are such a jerk! Your art of war cannot be applied here!

It really cannot be applied!

In the Palace of the Broken Dragon, although Lin Su's various elements of the literary world were integrated with his true body, and the Rejuvenating Miao, Thousand Degrees of Eyes, and Pingbu Qingyun were all transformed into parts of his true body, the mighty power of the literary world was not among them. If he wanted to completely It is the privilege of a saint to break away from the shackles of the temple and turn himself into a mobile base station that can independently communicate with the way of heaven. He can communicate with the rules of the way of heaven through literary means anytime and anywhere!

Lin Su couldn't do it right now.

Fortunately, he doesn’t have to do that either!

The fighting style of dragon warriors does not rely on the art of war. They prefer to push all the way...

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