Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 791 Conquest of the South China Sea

On that day, the dragon warships crossed the five thousand miles of sea. At night, there were huge islands in front of the sky. This island was called Hengtian Island. This island was the boundary island of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. There was a Dulong clan on the island, which had guarded the gateway to the South China Sea for thousands of years. as long as.

As soon as the East China Sea army arrived, the huge waves outside Hengtian Island seemed to rise hundreds of feet out of thin air, and countless warships formed an overwhelming force.

The leader of the Dulong clan on the island raised a dragon staff high in the hand. Although it was like a fixed star in the big waves, his legs were trembling and his clothes were soaked with sweat...

The army from the East China Sea is coming. There are millions of people. Are they going to attack our territory in the South China Sea? someone nearby shouted.

Your Majesty just died in the East China Sea, and they didn't waste a moment. They are in big trouble! Another elder said: The enemy is powerful. Do you want to ask for help from the Dragon Palace?

When the East China Sea Army set out to sea, my clan leader asked for help from the Dragon Palace, but the Dragon Palace is now in chaos, and no one is in charge... the clan leader said.

Clan leader, for the immediate plan, we must first negotiate with the enemy. If we fight head-on, our Dulong clan will definitely not be able to stop these millions of elite soldiers...

The senior leaders of the clan discussed intensively, but they completely misjudged the situation!

The great elder raised the flag high...


With a bang, the army surged like a tide, with the power of overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, coming to cover and kill!

Once the regular dragon navy is activated, the wind is like a knife, the waves are like a knife, and there is nothing else between heaven and earth, only a strong murderous intention and an unstoppable determination of all things.

The chief of the Dulong clan shouted: Donghai Dragon Palace, our clan is willing to negotiate with your palace. As long as your palace agrees to one condition, I, the Dulong clan...


A huge dragon claw descended from the clouds, and the top leaders of the Dulong clan were reduced to powder under the claw. The great elder transformed into a dragon and stretched across the Hengtian Island with unparalleled power.

This claw of his represents the attitude of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

In this expedition to the South China Sea, there is no negotiation, only killing!

What the East China Sea Dragon Palace wants is not a compromise from the South China Sea Dragon Palace, but that there should be no more South China Sea Dragon Palace in this million-mile sea!

On the dragon boat, Lin Su raised his eyes: Isn't the Great Elder Li Yuantian in the second realm?

Yes! He is a hundred years older than his father, and he broke into Yuan Tian a hundred years earlier than his father. However, his father is amazingly talented. It only took him a mere sixty years to go from the first to the second realm of Yuan Tian. He entered the second realm ahead of him.

From the first level of Yuantian to the second level, one Jiazi is still fast... Time is really worthless in the cultivation world! Lin Su sighed.

The so-called practice is to analyze the way of heaven. The way of heaven is eternal, and those who practice it have no time limit...

On Hengtian Island, a large flag rose through the sky, cheers shook the sky, interrupting Long Ying's emotion.

Hengtian Island was conquered!

In the three and a half sentences of dialogue between Lin Su and Long Ying, the conquest was completed!

The army crossed Hengtian Island, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The fallen leaves have not yet fallen to the ground, but the autumn wind is already far away...

In one night, they rushed three thousand miles and entered the hinterland of the South China Sea.

Clean up the fourteen tribes along the way.

Those small tribes and small races that followed the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea to invade the East China Sea met their catastrophe, and their fate was destroyed. This is the cruelty of survival in the millions of miles of sea. If you stand in the wrong team, you will pay the life of your entire clan.

In the afternoon, a long row of battleships appeared in front!

Nanhai Dragon Palace Navy, regular army!

Above the sky, there is a dense army of elders.

Half of the ten naval armies in the South China Sea have been destroyed in the expedition to the East China Sea, and only five remaining armies have arrived. The total should be 1.3 million! said the second elder.

Another rough elder said: In the sky behind the navy, there are about three thousand elders, which is half of the remaining elders in the South China Sea Dragon Palace! It seems that the beginning of this battle is the end, and the enemy is almost betting on a draw!

Long Ying's eyes flashed: The four elders have missed one, and there is also an army of elders under the battleship. It is initially estimated that there are two thousand people! This is not almost the entire army, this is the entire army!

The fourth elder couldn't see clearly the legion of elders underwater, but Long Ying could see clearly because she had a magical pupil technique, which was the sea clan's strange pupil: the blue sea pupil that could see through blue waves and reach the bottom of the sea.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

The Dragon Palace of the East China Sea sent more than a million troops, destroying everything along the way and annihilating fifteen tribes in a row, and entered the hinterland of the South China Sea.

The South China Sea Dragon Palace knew that this was their battle to exterminate the clan, so they brought in all their available soldiers. The first stage with the East China Sea Dragon Palace was a decisive battle.

This is against the norm.

But, this is also logical.

No one army can stop the power of the East China Sea Army. If you attack piecemeal, you will only be eaten by the East China Sea Army. You might as well concentrate all your forces and engage in a life-and-death battle.

The Great Elder's white beard flew into the air: I am very happy to have accomplished all my achievements in one battle! Fourth Elder!

Here! The rough elder just stepped forward.

You lead three thousand elders and attack the top!


Sixth Princess!

Long Ying stepped forward: Here!

Your extraordinary talents are beyond the reach of the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace. You lead a thousand elders to stop the attack below!


Four great navy masters!

Here! The four generals stepped out.

Can the four naval armies of Dragon Palace in the East China Sea defeat the five major naval armies in the South China Sea?

The four generals stood up straight: Yes!

Okay! Three teams in the sky, under the water, and on the water surface will attack at the same time. Let's see how the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea compares to our East China Sea...

Suddenly a voice came: Great Elder, wait!

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Su at the same time.

Lin Su spoke!

Great Elder, adjust the rhythm of the attack! Lin Su said.

The great elder was slightly startled: How does the military advisor want to adjust?

Synchronized attacks in the sky and underwater. However, the navy on the water will not attack, but will form a formation and defend!

Several elders looked at each other, not understanding!

They are all top elders, and most of the top elders have led soldiers. Dragon wars are all like this. If there are enemies in the sky, fight them in the sky. There are enemies underwater, fight them underwater. Enemies on the water surface, fight them on the water surface. This is called Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus radishes, carrots versus vegetables...

Is there a problem with this arrangement?

Why should we leave one side of the battlefield to defend on three sides?

Lin Sudao: Whether it's in the sky or under the water, it's a battle at the level of heaven and earth. With these battles, ordinary soldiers in the battle circle become cannon fodder. Why should we let the Donghai Navy get involved in such a battle? Meat mixer? Let’s set the battle in the opponent’s army and disrupt his five major naval forces!”

Long Ying's eyes suddenly brightened: This is a great plan!

The Great Elder understood immediately that although he was a straight man of the Dragon Clan, he was by no means an idiot. He understood it completely as soon as he heard it.

Set the battle situation in the opponent's five major naval camps. In a battle of this level, the five major naval forces will suffer disaster. Even if they do not all become cannon fodder, the camp will be in chaos. Once the camp is in chaos, it will be a huge defeat! What's more, the people on one's own side can go on a killing spree, since they are surrounded by enemies, but the elders on the enemy's side don't dare to go on a killing spree because they are surrounded by their own people.

In this way, the battle damage caused by the two seemingly evenly matched armies was absolutely vastly different!

Why did I ignore such a simple thing?

Was it the deep-rooted fighting mentality that left too deep a mark on his brain?

Do you think about soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, elders against elders all the time?

Lin Su continued: This plan is really too simple. In order to prevent the other party from following this plan, I asked the Great Elder to use a blind method!

The great elder nodded slowly: Okay! Just follow what the military advisor said!

He raised his hand suddenly, and the blue wave between the two armies suddenly rose into the sky. This rise directly cut off the sight of both sides...

Bijun, the new Grand Elder of the South China Sea Dragon Palace in the opposing camp, saw this posture and interpreted the most common routine of dragon battles. He shouted: Five major naval forces are listening to the order. The opposing navy is about to come on the waves and prepare to attack!

The battle flags of the five major naval forces were raised, pointing straight ahead, and all naval members were ready...

The big wave is gone!

As soon as the big wave subsided, everyone was dumbfounded. Did the navy on the opposite side follow up?

Not a single battleship!

There was indeed an enemy coming, but it was not the navy, but the Elder Legion, and the sky was suddenly densely packed...

There was a loud bang, a big wave rose, and a warship flew high into the sky. However, a fierce battle broke out under the sea. As soon as the sky elder army caught up, the roar of dragons shook the sky and the earth, and big moves flew all over the sky. In just a moment, the five navy masters Total chaos...

Bijun is already confused...

When two armies meet, shouldn't the navy fight first and the elders fight second?

Why didn't the opponent's navy stay still, but the elders took action first?

A sword light in the sky seemed to suck up all the sunlight in the sky, and it descended from the sky with a force that defied the sky...

Bijun suddenly raised his head and saw the light of the sword. He shouted: Scale Reverse Sword!

With a swish sound, a nine-pointed shield rose through the air. This shield was also a sacred object of the Dragon Palace and belonged to the same level as the Linni Knife.

There was a loud earthquake on the ground, like the sky cracking open, and the two holy weapons collided head-on, evenly matched.

Everything between them turned into dust, including two battleships and more than a dozen elders.

It seemed that the two great elders were colliding head-on, with no winner or loser. However, Bijun almost vomited blood, because how terrifying was the collision of sacred weapons at this level? His navy suffered the aftermath, and tens of thousands of people disappeared from the world.

Lin Su flew through the air, and with a chirp, an elder was cut in half.

Attacked by three elders behind him, he suddenly disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind the besiegers the next moment. Phew!

Another elder died.

The eyes of the remaining two elders were red, and they roared in unison, blocking his surroundings with a shield and a broadsword.

However, just after the encirclement was encircled, Lin Su slashed horizontally with his sword and struck the shield. The shield flew out and cut a battleship below in two. When his long sword came out in the Heavenly Sword style, a sword fruit was attached, and two swords were attached. The elders who had reached the realm of heaven and earth turned into corpses and were buried in the sea.

Yes, his sword fruit at this moment has dropped back from three to one.

It seems like a huge step back in cultivation.

However, it is a huge qualitative improvement.

This sword fruit is the fusion of three sword fruits.

This sword fruit even has faint cracks. If the cracks are broken, it will represent an earth-shaking progress in his swordsmanship - breaking the fruit and entering the world of swords!

The brutal battle is the best cradle for swordsmanship. Lin Su's will to swordsmanship improved little by little in this cruel and fierce battle.

His Pingbu Qingyun has been integrated into his body. It is no longer a pure literary power, but a blend of blood. At this moment, in conjunction with his Zhoutian Nine Steps, it is unparalleled in speed and truly unpredictable.

His Rejuvenation Seedling has also been integrated with his body, and its effect is even more obvious in this fierce battle. That is, his true energy is almost not lost. Even if he continuously attacks with the strongest Heavenly Sword style, he still has plenty of true energy and seems to be able to fight continuously. To the end of the universe.

What's even more weird and bizarre is his sword heart!

Jian Xin began to grow. Although it did not grow very fast, Lin Su could still feel its growth.

His opponent was an elder who was at the peak of Xiangtianfadi. Even in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, he was ranked high. At this moment, he felt like he had seen a ghost.

At the beginning, Lin Su was definitely no match for him, but he was extremely slippery and he couldn't defeat him in one move. He planned to kill this hateful human within ten moves.

Ten moves go by quickly.

Lin Su became more and more slippery, and his attack power increased instead of decreasing!

Damn it! Do you need hundreds of tricks to deal with such a junior?

A hundred moves passed quickly, and Lin Su knocked him back a hundred feet with a sword!

The elder was completely angry. He let out a dragon roar and a huge dragon claw appeared between his eyebrows...

The soul comes out!

Double the combat power!

However, a mysterious door suddenly opened between Lin Su's eyebrows. As soon as the magic door came out, the huge dragon claw was directly sucked in. This top elder who had half-stepped through the source of heaven died inexplicably in the chaos.

Lin Su's magic door opened at this point. Once the magic door opened, he swept across the whole place as if cheating.

Among the elders of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, almost all of them who were lucky enough to see his demon sect were spared. If you don’t open the divine realm, your combat power cannot be blessed. You will not be able to cope with Lin Suzhi’s fierce attack.

When you open the Divine Realm, it's like stepping into the gate of hell. Lin Su's Demonic Gate of the Divine Realm is too overbearing and seems to absorb everything...

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique!

This is your Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique!

These were the miserable cries of at least ten elders. Unfortunately, in such a series of battles, not many people could pay attention to a certain person. The shocking scene of Lin Su on the battlefield and the terrifying speculation about his identity all followed these elders. The path of death disappears and becomes a mystery.

This battle lasted seven hours for Lin Su!

For seven whole hours, the five great navy masters of the South China Sea Dragon Palace were beaten to a pulp!

They can't participate in the battle in the sky, and they can't participate in the battle in the water. As dragon navy masters, they also have military formations and can attack together like the masters of heaven and earth. The problem is that they can't tell who is who. Who is the enemy, who is one of our own, finally formed a military formation and planned to fight, but the direction the military formation aims at depends entirely on luck. If you are lucky, you will knock down a certain elder from the East China Sea. If you are not lucky, you will knock down an elder from your own side. When luck was at its worst, several giant shadows rolled across the sky, and the battleships below were reduced to ashes...

In this way, the five major naval forces seemed to be participating in the war, but in fact they were just cannon fodder. The warships were reduced one by one. After seven hours, there were only two out of ten.

Finally, more than ten warships escaped from the horrific cross-level battlefield and rushed towards the Donghai Navy with full of anger. This was the battle they deserved.

However, the four major naval forces of the Dragon Clan, who were waiting for work, were attacked by hundreds of warships, and more than a dozen warships were wiped out in the blink of an eye...

The sun sets!

The setting sun is like blood!

The water surface of the South China Sea seemed to have risen several feet. The sea surface was full of blood, with floating battle flags and fragments of battleships.

The fighting in the air has become sparse, but more brutal.

Dragon corpses were everywhere in the water.

The nine-pointed shield in Nanhai Bijun's hand collided head-on with the great elder's scale-reverse sword again. The light of the holy weapon swept across the hundreds of miles of sea. Bijun's gloomy eyes were full of bloodshot eyes: Wufa, you East China Sea kill me Nanhai Millions As a member of the same clan, criminals are destined to die a good death!

The Great Elder of Donghai raised the Anti-Scale Sword high in his hand: Bijun, do you know what the Anti-Scale Sword is? If you dare to rebel against the ancestors of the dragon clan, you will become a dead soul under the sword! Annihilate them all!

The sword comes out like a punishment from heaven...

Bijun's stern roar spread throughout the audience: Back off!

The remaining thousands of elders of the South China Sea Dragon Palace withdrew from the battlefield. The East China Sea Dragon Palace pursued them for three thousand miles until they reached the South China Sea Dragon Palace. As for the five major naval forces of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, their entire army was wiped out following this retreat order.

Lin Su stood in front of the South China Sea Dragon Palace and looked at the more than two thousand scarred elders behind him, feeling quite sad in his heart...

In this battle, although he drew on the story of Tian Ji's Horse Racing, changed the battlefield shape, and used the elder army to go out first, breaking the rules, and avoiding the naval losses to the maximum extent, but in a battle of this level, casualties are still inevitable, Donghai Half of the five thousand elders of Dragon Palace who went to sea this time were lost in the battle!

However, as he said during the Northern Expedition, one battle is the result of a thousand battles.

The journey of the East China Sea Dragon Palace to pacify the four seas will inevitably be accompanied by sacrifices.

In this battle, the East China Sea Dragon Palace sacrificed the lives of more than two thousand elders, but in one fell swoop, the South China Sea Dragon Palace's base was shattered to pieces.

At present, the solemn Nanhai Dragon Palace is only 10% of its strength in its heyday!

Their ten major naval forces across the South China Sea were all gone, and only a little over a thousand of their tens of thousands of elders were left!

Silently, a figure emerged from the water. It was Long Ying. Long Ying came to Lin Su and held his hand tightly: Mr., are you not injured?

No, How about you?

Don't worry, I have the power to heal injuries with water, so it won't be a problem anymore. Long Ying said.

You're still hurt...

If we can pacify the South China Sea in one fell swoop, even if we die, it won't matter. I'm just worried about your husband...

Ah! Suddenly a voice came from the side, full of disbelief...

Lin Su and Long Ying lowered their heads at the same time, looking at a rubber ball on the water in surprise, no, a meat ball...

The flesh ball stretched out and turned into Dragon Moon. Dragon Moon's eyes were huge and he was extremely surprised: Sister, you called him husband... You can't even think of denying it! I've recorded it, and I'll show this image to my queen mother. You and him The evidence of shameless fornication is irrefutable. If you want this image, it is not non-negotiable, a hundred bottles of perfume!

Long Yue Yue held up a shell in his hand, confidently trying to rip off the money.

Suddenly, there was a big earthquake!

It happened at the gate of Dragon Palace!

Lin Su and Long Ying separated in a flash, staring at the gate of the Dragon Palace. Long Yue, at some point, also rolled over, and his eyes were firmly locked on the gate of the Dragon Palace. There, more than ten balls of blood mist floated up at the same time...

Dragon Palace Palace Protection Formation! The Great Elder said solemnly: Back off!

With a shout, more than two thousand elders retreated at the same time. Lin Su and Sister Long Ying also retreated thousands of feet away under the roll of the elder's sleeves. A strange scene appeared in front of them, with blood-colored light shining and countless little dragons appearing. It also revealed incomparable majesty and murderous intent.

Xiaolong slowly disappeared, but the murderous intent was still there.

Under Lin Su's thousand-degree eyes, the ten miles between him and the Dragon Palace were covered with formation patterns.

This formation pattern is extremely high-end. Just now, more than a dozen elders from the East China Sea Dragon Palace touched this formation pattern and turned into blood mist in an instant, which has verified its high-end quality.

Lin Su has a thousand-degree pupil and can see formation patterns clearly. He is not afraid of high-end formations. As long as there are flaws in the formations, he can find flaws in the formations, even if they are remnants of ancient times and are extremely high-end heaven and earth formations. He has entered several of them.

However, this formation is different from the ancient remnant formation, it is very complete.

Lin Su is not afraid of high-end, but of completeness.

A complete formation has no flaws in itself. Even if all the formation patterns appear and you can see them clearly, you still can't break them.

This is the Ancient Dragon Palace's 'Coiling Dragon Ancient Formation'! The Great Elder's face turned livid: The loot that Nanhai Dragon Palace took when they defected from the ancestral court is now being used against the Dragon Clan's authentic sect. It's really unreasonable!

It's the Panlong Ancient Formation that's in trouble! The fourth elder said, Elder Changbeard has said that this formation is a complete formation and he can't break it.

This formation also needs formation crystals for support, right? A white-browed elder said: For the formation that protects the whole palace, the consumption of formation crystals must be huge. Let's strengthen the attack and accelerate its consumption until we can get the formation. The crystal pillar’s ​​energy is exhausted…”

This method of the Eighteenth Elder is unworkable. The foundation of the South China Sea Dragon Palace is almost the same as mine in the East China Sea. They grabbed the most formation crystal pillars that day. If this method is implemented, I am afraid that they may not be able to use them up in a hundred years...

The eldest elder raised his hand, interrupting the discussion among the elders, and turned his gaze to Lin Su: Master Su, you are the master of the formation. Is there any way to break this formation?

With a swish sound, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Su.

In the field of formations, Lin Su Hall has magical powers, but few people know that in everyone's perception, Donghai Dragon Palace plays formations to perfection, and it is of course the combined efforts of the formation palaces.

The only people who knew that Lin Su could turn his hands and turn his hands into rain were a dozen people from the Array Palace, the Great Elder, Long Ying and others.

People in Zhen Palace still need to save their face and will not tell anyone about it.

The great elder did not dare to tell anyone for the sake of confidentiality.

Where is Longying? She is also a little cautious in her heart. She is worried that her husband's reputation is too great and will be targeted by other forces, so she does not say anything about it.

Lin Su himself, of course, wouldn't say it.

So, not many people know about it.

But today, facing the ancient and flawless Coiling Dragon Formation that even the long-bearded elders scratched their heads, the great elder handed the problem into Lin Su's hands.

Lin Su's eyes slowly withdrew from the Panlong Ancient Formation: To break the formation, you need to destroy the opponent's formation base. The base of this formation is eight feet underground in the moon-shaped palace. The Great Elder might as well choose a hundred top elders to open a formation before me. When there is a gap, enter quickly and destroy the formation base at lightning speed!

The great elder's heart was beating wildly...

I feel ashamed inside...

He didn't see where the formation base was at all. Lin Su locked the palace directly. He couldn't see the mystery inside the palace. Lin Su locked the palace eight feet below.

What is even more incredible is what Lin Su said: When I open a gap, you enter quickly.


This ancient and inexhaustible formation that even Elder Changbeard couldn't break, could Lin Su break it with just a raise of his hand?

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