Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 799 Master Fuyun’s Karmic Killing

Outside the hall, Kong Lingzi's face, which had always been handsome and flawless, had black lines flowing horizontally and disappeared silently. He even forgot his usual Amitabha...

On the distant mountain peak, in front of the white jade plate, Saint Xiaoyao's brows became a knot, staring at the empty hall, staring at the deep ditch...

Saint, does the combat power of these two people exceed the Saint's prediction? the little fairy asked.

The Happy Saint nodded slowly: Leaving aside the fighting power, Fuyun Old Bald Donkey suddenly spoke up and stopped the war. Why?

Why else? He's afraid that this little bald donkey will be beaten to death! The little fairy curled her lips.

The Happy Saint stared at her: You call him little bald donkey? Didn't you always protect him before?

The little fairy scratched his head: Maybe I thought he had a good demeanor before and couldn't help but have a good impression of him, but today I feel that compared with Mr. Su, he is just an ordinary monk...

This is a typical three-dimensional view that follows the five senses...

The Happy Saint no longer pursued this matter. She looked into the distance, and a strange light slowly appeared in her eyes...

The maid Yiyi said that Master Fuyun urgently stopped the fighting because he was afraid that his disciple would be beaten to death. From the perspective of ordinary people, this is understandable.

However, the Happy Saint is not an ordinary person. She has a strange feeling. Just now, when Kong Lingzi was far from reaching the end of the river, he even had the potential to break the situation and fight back. This is a wonderful feeling. This is also the reason why the cultivation level has reached her level. Only people of this level can have intuition.

If this is the case, then why did Master Fuyun stop?

Is he the disciple who saved him from Qianfo Temple? Or save Lin Su?

Or... he doesn't want Kong Lingzi's unique skills to appear in the eyes of everyone?

Things in the world are changing, and people's hearts are unpredictable. On the path of spiritual practice, things are equally turbulent, both real and illusory...

In the main hall, dusk!

The light is dim, and a Buddha light suddenly shines on the fingertips of a Buddha statue, guiding the way forward.

Lin Su and the other three walked side by side, stepping into the Buddha's light.

Eighteen feet forward, a long corridor passed along the corridor and entered a side room. An old monk sat cross-legged in front of the coffee table with a lamp like a bean, quietly waiting for their arrival.

This old monk was exactly the same old monk Lin Su had seen in Lingyin Temple.

What impressed me most was that the pupils of this monk’s eyes were black and white.

At this moment, the black and white eyes are still eye-catching.

Master Fuyun! Lin Su bowed slightly.

Donor, please sit down! Fuyun raised his hand gently.

Lin Su and three others sat in front of the case. Master Fuyun held a pot and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

The three of them tapped their fingers on the coffee table in thanks.

I was indeed in retreat just now, and Master Nephew Kong Lingzi did not lie. Master Fuyun said.

Lin Su nodded: This matter is not important. What is important is that the master has been released from seclusion now!

Thank you for your understanding, donor! Master Fuyun said with a smile: The donor has traveled far and wide through thousands of rivers and mountains. What is the purpose of this trip?

I want to ask the master something!

Donor please! Master Fuyun held up his teacup and took a sip, looking relaxed.

Lin Sudao: Junior would like to ask, when the throne of Da Cang changed hands that day, a pair of black and white lotus flowers appeared across the sky and rescued Ji Shang, were you the one?


One word answer, simple and clean.

Lin Su said: Why?

Master Fuyun smiled: The donor said one thing, but this question is the second one. Should I answer it or not?

Is the master's understanding of one word too paranoid? A word is only a word. Words that only have effects but no causes are only half a word, not a word!

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu's hearts moved. There was an effect but no cause. Cause and effect?

What does he mean by his sudden reference to cause and effect?

But the two women were just suspicious and naturally didn't say anything.

Master Fuyun nodded: I have always known the benefactor's eloquence, so there is no need for the benefactor to work hard. Just because I fully approve it...I took action to rescue Ji Shang because I had a fate with him and could not bear to see him die. The Tao disappears.”

Is it just based on Buddhist compassion? Lin Su said.

Amitabha, that's right! Master Fuyun replied.

Lin Sudao: Master, do you know that there are many hidden dangers after Ji Shang's departure? Five billion people in the world are facing the disaster of overthrow. Buddhism, which claims to be compassionate, turns a blind eye to this?

Master Fuyun said: What are the hidden dangers?

The demons have invaded, the people are hanging upside down, the lives are in ruins, and the bones are thousands of miles away!

Have the demons invaded? Master Fuyun asked.

Lin Su shook his head gently: Junior just said it, it's just a hidden danger!

It turns out that it was just the benefactor's concern, not the established cause and effect! Master Fuyun said: In Buddhism, there is no such thing as hidden dangers. If we talk about hidden dangers, how can anything in the world be without dangers? Can flowers wither and fail to bloom? People can suffer from death. Are you going to give birth?

Feng Wu slowly closed her eyes. She had to admit that if this debate was between her and Master Fuyun, she would have lost on this topic, because Master Fuyun's reasoning was correct...

He frankly admitted that he had rescued Ji Shang. He was a monk and he was compassionate.

You say that Ji Shang will bring disaster to the common people, please provide proof.

You have no evidence, you can only say it is a hidden danger.

And to eliminate hidden dangers, can we simply and crudely kill people based on our feelings?

Is there anything in the world that has no hidden dangers?

You can't be afraid that the flowers will wither, so why don't they just stop blooming?

People can't worry about dying and simply not being born!

Liu Tianyin said: Master has a high level of cultivation, so he should know the destiny. This little girl is born with the pupil of destiny. The disaster of the world is very close at hand, and Ji Shang is the culprit. I hope that the master will consider the common people in the world and inform Ji Shang that he is here at this moment. Where.

Master Fuyun smiled faintly: I know the rules of destiny and believe in 'the eye of destiny is the law'. However, this order can reach the Taoist gate of destiny, but cannot enter Buddhism. The female benefactor should not use Taoist decrees to order my Buddhist sect to obey orders!

This sentence is beautiful!

If Lin Su hadn't changed his stance recently, he would have almost cheered for Master Fuyun!

You, Liu Tianyin, are always talking about destiny, and you almost cut my head off in the early stage. What I was thinking was exactly what Fuyun said. Your pupil of destiny is the law is the rule of your destiny sect, and this rule can't do anything to me.

Liu Tianyin's face darkened: Master Fuyun, I don't dare to order the Buddhist sect to obey orders. I just hope that the Buddhist sect will not ignore all sentient beings in the world. We need to know that the establishment of the Buddhist sect is based on the thoughts of all sentient beings!

Master Fuyun clasped his hands together: Amitabha, Buddha is thought of by all sentient beings in Buddhism. However, Ji Shang is also a sentient being. Why doesn't the donor think of him?

There is only one person, Ji Shang, and there are five billion living beings. Can't we tell which one is lighter and which one is more important? Liu Tianyin was angry.

In the world, human rights are important, but Buddhism attaches great importance to Buddhist principles. Even though the lives of ants are small, their lives are also important. How can we take people's lives at will based on their numbers?

Liu Tianyin said coldly: Master, do you know that this ant under your protection is the culprit of countless deaths? His hands are stained with blood, and he is not worthy of protection at all!

Amitabha! Master Fuyun proclaimed the Buddha's name: Buddhism is vast. If you put down the butcher knife, you can still become a Buddha. If your hands are stained with blood, you can still be washed away by Buddhism. Ji Shang is no longer on the throne, and he is a person in trouble. The theory of hidden dangers is purely false. Why are you guys so hard on each other? Why don't you just leave.

This is the end!

Liu Tianyin raised his eyes. Although he was full of reluctance, there was nothing he could do.

Stepping into Thousand Buddhas Temple, it seemed like a great victory for their group. However, when this old bald donkey opened his mouth, he still blocked everything...

If I try to reason with a monk again in the future, I must be sick!

This was probably due to Liu Tianyin's inner depression at the moment.

Lin Su raised his head...

He raised his head, and Master Fuyun also raised his eyes to meet his...

Lin Sudao: Master Fuyun, it is said that you were born with a demonic fruit and established as a Buddha. This junior has been thinking about a question. Is your soul at the moment more demonic or Buddha-nature? Or is it you? There are always two souls in the spiritual platform.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu suddenly had a strange feeling in their hearts. Could it be that there was really a monster living in the brain of the person sitting facing them at this moment, who kept saying that Buddhism was compassionate?

Master Fuyun said: Everyone in the world has inner demons. The inner demons are worshiped. The demon nature is more, the good thoughts are abundant, and the Buddha nature is more. If you question Lao Monk's words, you can also use it to question the people of the world. Donor Lin has many of them. Yanye!

Lin Sudao: This junior is not saying too much. I just want to tell the master a truth!

Master Fuyun smiled: Please!

The doubts in the minds of younger generations will also be doubted by all living beings.

Fuyun's eyes slowly narrowed into a slit: What if there are doubts?

Lin Sudao: It is easiest to guide the people's doubts! The younger generation only needs to do three things, and a big article will be completed naturally and naturally!

A big article? Fuyun smiled: Donor Lin is a literary genius, and if he wants to write an article, it will be a good thing! I would like to hear the details!

Lin Sudao: The first thing I have to do is post a copy of Da Cang News on the literary wall in the capital, describing in detail the fact that Master Fuyun rescued the hypocrite Ji Shang!

Master Fuyun still smiled: I admit this, it doesn't matter!

Lin Sudao: Of course you have to admit it, because I have recorded your admission today. You can't deny it even if you want to! In his hand was a bright official seal. After leaving Da Cang Kingdom, his royal seal could not be used. Wang Yin's combat power is quite good, but recording events is quite easy.

The smile on Master Fuyun's face froze slightly, then relaxed quickly: What's the second thing?

I will send people to spread a rumor around the hotel and teahouse, telling everyone in the world that Master Fuyun rescued Ji Shang just because Fuyun is originally a demon, and his Buddha skin is just a coat. He wants to join forces with Ji Shang and collude with the demons. The clan overthrows the entire world!

The smile on Master Fuyun's face disappeared in an instant: Donor Lin wants to spread rumors to confuse the public?

Yes! But... I won't make this rumor myself. I will arrange for a group of people to have reasons to believe it. Rumors are spread a thousand times, and even if they are false, they are also true.

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu's eyes widened at the same time. Oh my God, you are trying to do something evil...

There are thousands of people who spread rumors, but have you ever seen anyone reveal their malicious intention to spread rumors in front of the other party?

Master Fuyun said: The donor acted unscrupulously, isn't he afraid of retribution?

Don't be afraid! Lin Su said: If I reach the stage of retribution, I will shave my head and enter Lingyin Temple nearby. Isn't there an eternal saying in Buddhism? You can still become a Buddha by putting down the butcher's knife, not to mention I am a rumormonger?

Liu Tianyin gently raised his hand, held his forehead, and looked at Feng Wu through his fingers. Coincidentally, Feng Wu was also looking at her, with a sour expression on his face.

Master Fuyun sighed: Does this move by Donor Lin mean to ruin Lao Na's reputation in Da Cang?

Not just within Da Cang? Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, wouldn't I use the same trick over and over again? Anyway, I have plenty of money and people. By the way, my perfume, soap and porcelain market the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, and grab product quotas When you arrive, you will make money. How can they make money so cheaply? I will use this as a reward indicator. Which country has the worst reputation? Which country will I give more product quotas! I can almost foresee that under such a heavy reward , those people who started the rumor definitely have intrinsic motivation and are so motivated!”

Master Fuyun said: The donor's methods are both good and strange. They are indeed superb! It seems that I can only stay outside the world from now on and cannot take a step into the world.

Lin Su smiled: Master, do you underestimate my Lin Su's methods? If I plan to take action, can I still leave you an inch of pure land in Buddhism?

Master Fuyun also laughed: Can the benefactor's wonderful hand still enter Buddhism?

I can't speak of a master, but there is still a way! Lin Su said: Master must also know that I, Lin Su, am the author of the Diamond Sutra. In the name of the author of the Sutra, I make great aspirations for Buddhism. However, any Buddhist temple that houses Master Fuyun is not allowed to read the Diamond Sutra. Anyone who is forced to read it will be abandoned by Buddhism!

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu's eyes widened again, and they were both shocked...

Master Fuyun's expression changed...

The two girls are not from the Buddhist sect, so they don’t know how powerful the Buddhist scripture writers are...

Buddhist scripture writers have authority, just like literature and poetry, the original author enjoys various privileges.

The privilege of Buddhist scripture writers is that they can make a Buddhist wish not to allow a certain temple to study this scripture. Once they are forced to meditate on it, Buddhism will abandon it!

The most important sutra in Buddhism!

The foundation of Buddhism is sutra!

The Diamond Sutra, with its incomparable profound Buddhist principles, swept through Buddhist schools all over the world as soon as it came out. All Buddhist schools did not dare to neglect it and studied it immediately.

As long as Lin Su has this Buddhist ambition, no temple would dare to take him in, Master Fuyun.

Because this admission is equivalent to forcing this Buddhist temple down a level. Others can comprehend the Diamond Sutra, but it cannot! It’s not that the Diamond Sutra is so irreplaceable. The point is that Buddhism also values ​​reputation and status. If the sutras you can meditate are restricted, your status will obviously be lower. Who will come as a believer?

This is the terrible thing about Buddhist prohibition.

Faced with Master Fuyun's impeccable discussion of Buddhism, Lin Su did not discuss Buddhism with him, but made three moves.

The first move is right.

The second move is very evil.

The third move is very poisonous.

With these three moves, Master Fuyun cannot be tolerated in the world or in Buddhism. From now on, he can only be a lonely ghost. With his cultivation, he can live anywhere in the world. However, he is a practitioner and he must perfect the Dharma before he can move up to the next level. , once abandoned by all the temples in the world, a huge gap will open in his Dharma. Not to mention whether it will arouse his inner demons, his Dharma will not be able to achieve perfection...

Master Fuyun was silent!

Feng Wu saw hope! Master Fuyun is a master of Buddhism and argumentation. He insisted on protecting Ji Shang, and everyone was at their wits' end. However, Lin Su made three moves in a row, all of which were aimed at Master Fuyun's vital points. If you dare to protect him, you will be ruined and have no place to stay! Let's see if you, an old bald man, can still remain calm when you are in danger.

However, Liu Tianyin's heart was filled with worries...

Feng Wu saw hope, she saw crisis!

With Lin Su forcing him like this, Master Fuyun has only three solutions. One is to ignore his own gains and losses and insist on his own opinion. The other is to change his stance under heavy pressure and reveal Ji Shang's hiding place. The third is to kill Lin Su. !

Which one he chooses depends entirely on what kind of person he is!

If Fuyun was truly a Buddhist monk worthy of his name, he would choose first.

If Master Fuyun cannot achieve all four, he will choose second.

What if Master Fuyun’s Buddhist robe is really fake? What if he really has demonic nature in his heart? Then, he will choose third! Most people can only think about killing Lin Su, but he is the one who has the law of cause and effect! The law of cause and effect kills people without even knowing how they died. Lin Su, if you misread Master Fuyun, you are just kidding with your own life!

After a long time, Master Fuyun slowly raised his head: The donor is exerting hard pressure in the hope that I will surrender. But, does the donor know? There is also a good lesson in Buddhism. If I don't go to hell, who will? Amitabha!

Put your hands together and turn around!

Lin Su stood up suddenly and strode out!

Feng Wu and Liu Tianyin also stood up, and the three of them left the hall. This time, the confrontation with Master Fuyun was in vain. Master Fuyun chose the response plan as a high monk - ignore his own gains and losses and stick to his own opinion.

Lin Su walked out of the main hall, and it was already dark. His face was three points gloomier than the night. He stood up with one step, straight up into the sky, and the next moment, he landed on the Buddha Peak...

The author of the Diamond Sutra wishes to see Abbot Kongwen of Thousand Buddhas Temple!

His voice went straight to the depths of the Buddha's main peak.

The name he reported was the author of the Diamond Sutra!

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu's hearts moved. Of course they understood Lin Su's move.

Master Fuyun's side is in vain, and it is useless to waste money. To change this dead situation, the only way to change this dead situation is Abbot Kongwen of Qianfo Temple. As a Buddhist temple, the abbot is the master, and as a sect, he is also the master.

Going directly to the abbot is the only way to solve the problem.

Buddhist sutra writers are the type that the abbot must meet.

Buddha Peak, very smooth!

Master Kongwen, whom Lin Su had met once at the Yaochi Grand Meeting, went out to greet him personally.

Donor Su stepped on the prestigious list that day and shocked the Yaochi gathering. Lao Na was also present! Although I could see how amazing the benefactor was, I still couldn't imagine that the benefactor was so profound about Buddhism. He wrote the Diamond Sutra and blessed the world. Amitabha, very good!

Put your hands together and salute.

Master Abbot, you are polite! Lin Su bowed, and the two women behind him also bowed at the same time.

The abbot's hand gently guided him: The great Buddhist sage is here, please come to the Jingxian Pavilion of Qianfo Temple to serve tea.

Thank you Abbot!

The abbot was in front, and the three of them were behind, walking step by step along a bluestone path.

The night wind blows and the tired birds return to the forest.

Under the starlight, the mountains are silent.

A quiet house stands on the top of a mountain. The inside of the house is also very simple. A lamp is placed on the seated Buddha, several racks are placed in the quiet room, a monk stands bowed, and a pot of tea smells faintly.

The abbot sat with his back to the mountains, holding the pot with a smile and pouring a cup for Lin Su. The two girls, at this moment, consciously retreated behind them. In front of the abbot Kong Wen, their reputation, status, and power behind them were all as indifferent as the spring breeze. There is only one title worthy of respect, and that is: Buddhist sutra writer.

The donor exposed Xumizi's true face that day and avoided the catastrophe of the righteous path. Qianfo Temple was ashamed, but also deeply grateful to the donor. Without the donor's wisdom, Qianfo Temple would have been taken advantage of by traitors, and the disaster would be unimaginable! Abbot Kongwen held a cup to thank him.

Lin Su also held up the tea cup and returned the favor: Master Abbot personally eliminated this demon disciple. He did not shy away from hiding anything and was so magnanimous that even the younger generation deeply respects him!

Kong Wen said: The donor knew that he was a traitor and benefited the Thousand Buddhas Temple. He wrote sutras and benefited Buddhism all over the world. He is an honored guest in Buddhism. However, if you ask for anything, Buddhism will not refuse it. I don't know what the donor wants?

The two women's hearts moved. Sure enough, there was a turn for the better.

Master Abbot mentioned it proactively, which is great.

Lin Sudao: This junior wants to see Master Abbot, just for one person!


Master Fuyun brought a young monk back to Qianfo Temple from Da Cang. This young monk called me his master. I want to take him back to Da Cang. I hope the master will allow it.

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu were shocked at the same time.

You are a Tiji Shang...

What little monk are you talking about?

Which little monk is it again?

Master Abbot said with a smile: Is this young monk named 'Kong Ye'?


The abbot said: Kong Ye was born with the fruit of Buddha. He was born close to Buddha and stayed in Buddhism. This is the right principle. I wonder why the donor had to bring him into the world of mortals?

Lin Sudao: I didn't intend to bring him into the world of mortals, I just brought him back to Dacan Buddhist Temple.

The sea of ​​​​Buddha has no boundaries, and there are many practitioners. Master Abbot said: There is no difference between practicing in Qianfo Temple and practicing in Dacan Buddhist Temple. Why does the donor insist on bringing it back?

Lin Su seemed to be smiling but not smiling: Master Abbot just said that I am of benefit to your temple, and I am also of benefit to Buddhism, but if you ask for anything, you will not be denied. As soon as I ask, it is a harmless thing, let Master Abbot do it. Are you not allowed?

Abbot Kong heard that he smiled calmly: The donor is overly worried. I don't mean to disapprove. However, Kong Ye has excellent bones. If he can practice in Qianfo Temple, he will definitely become a Buddha. The donor is Kong Ye's teacher. , really don’t think about it?”

Lin Sudao: The abbot's kind intention is just for Kong Ye's future. I don't dare to force it... How about this? You let Kong Ye come out and let him decide with his words. If you are willing to follow me back, you won't stop me. If you want to come back with me, I won’t ask for anything.”

Opportunities are determined by themselves! How good! Master Abbot said: Kong Ye is still in retreat at this moment. He will not be able to come out until midnight. There are still three quarters left. Please drink some tea and wait for the benefactor.

Good! Lin Su held up the teacup and took a sip: Good tea!

Abbot Kongwen smiled and said: The donor recognized the evil spirit, donated the long sword, and obtained the Buddhist scriptures. He really has Buddha roots. I wonder if the donor intends to enter my Buddhist door?

As soon as these words came out, the two women looked at each other.

Thousand Buddha Temple is really good at finding opportunities. You are reluctant to let go of the promising Buddhist disciple Kongya, and now you have actually set your sights on him and want to abduct him too!

You don't want to ask how many wives he has...

Lin Su said with a smile: Master Abbot's kind intention, but I am a layman. Although the mortal world is short-lived, the drunkenness is still in the mortal world. People like me cannot enter Buddhism.

Can't get in? Kong Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

No entry!

What's the explanation?

Lin Sudao: This junior possesses the essence of a shit stirrer. When you enter the human world, there will be no wind and three feet of waves. If you enter Buddhism, I am afraid that your Buddhism will be completely changed beyond recognition.

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