Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 800 The missing causal line

Master Abbot laughed loudly: I have seen countless people in the world who belittle themselves, but I have never seen a donor who spares no room. However, the donor still underestimated the power of the Buddha's nature to contaminate the heart.

What kind of power? Lin Su said.

The master abbot said: The power of Buddhism is reborn in silence. How many stubborn people in the world have changed their appearance after being immersed in Buddhism? How much less a peerless genius like the donor? Maybe at some point, the donor will suddenly realize the Buddha's way while talking and laughing. Nirvana, take your true fruit of Buddhahood!

I really hope that there will be such an opportunity suddenly, but unfortunately most opportunities in the world are just like a mirror.

The master abbot said: Why should the donor be humble? It is indeed very difficult for others to pick up the true fruit of Buddhism, but the donor can write down the Diamond Sutra. How can he be a person without wisdom? Picking the fruit of the Buddha should be a temporary change for you. ,in a moment……

A word to you and a word to me between the two of us are all profound.

However, Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu became more and more confused...

Although I don’t quite understand the Buddhist teachings and Zen techniques you are talking about, I can still hear them. What you are talking about has nothing to do with business. Have you forgotten about Ji Shang?

Why didn't you mention Ji Shang?

However, they cannot speak, because they are facing the sect master of Thousand Buddha Temple, the real leader on the spiritual path. Even if they transmit their spiritual consciousness, they may be captured by him, thus ruining his major event.

The two women's eyes met, a little helpless...

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at the top of the mountains: Is the time coming soon?

It's still a moment away! Master Abbot said, Is the donor anxious to meet his disciple?

That's natural. When a stone goes up to the sky, it must fall to the ground...

His voice suddenly paused...

Liu Tianyin raised her eyes and stared at the sky. She could not see anything, but a strange throbbing flowed out from the bottom of her heart. In her eyes of destiny, she saw a mystery of heaven, incomparable mystery, incomparable profundity...

The mystery of heaven arises from the underworld and disappears from underworld...

If she didn't have the Eye of Destiny, she wouldn't be able to see anything...

Lin Su's gaze retracted from the distant horizon and fell on Master Abbot's face again. Master Abbot's expression suddenly had a strange change...

However, no one can tell what this change is...

With a bang, someone broke through the air from the distant hall and flew straight to the main Buddha peak. The door of the quiet room was suddenly opened, and an old monk rushed in with a panic-stricken face. Suddenly he saw a guest in the venue, and his face quickly calmed down...

The old monk bowed to the abbot master...

There was no sound transmitted, but obviously there was information transmitted, because Master Abbot's face really changed!

The air seems completely frozen!

Master Abbot waved his hand gently: Go down!

Yes! The old monk slowly retreated.

The abbot's eyes slowly raised and fell on Lin Su's face. At this moment, the kind smile was no longer on his face, and his brows were even furrowed.

Lin Su smiled instead: Master Abbot, something happened?

Kong Wen slowly held up the tea cup: It's just a little thing, it doesn't matter!

Lin Su smiled and said: Master Fuyun died in the way of cause and effect, is it a trivial matter in the eyes of Master Abbot?

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu were shocked at the same time...

Master Fuyun died in the way of cause and effect?

How can it be?

He is proficient in the art of cause and effect!

When he uses the method of cause and effect, others die!

Besides, you, Lin Su, are not with Master Fuyun at all. You are discussing Buddhism with Master Fangzhang. How do you know what happened to Master Fuyun?

Master Abbot's eyes flashed: How does the donor know?

This junior has just captured a wisp of heavenly murderous intent, which originated from outside the sky and landed in Master Fuyun's chamber! Lin Su said.

He saw it with his own eyes!

Liu Tianyin also saw this mystery. She could see it because she had the Eye of Destiny, but what about him? have what? Liu Tianyin only knew the mysteries of Heaven and could not see the murderous intentions of Heaven, but he clearly saw the murderous intentions of Heaven and knew who he was killing. Was this really just his eyesight?

Liu Tianyin was already shocked.

Master Abbot was even more shocked: How did the donor know that this heavenly murderous intention was the killing of cause and effect?

Because this is the time of day! Lin Su's eyes fell on Master Abbot's eyes and he said slowly: Anyone who uses the method of cause and effect must choose the time of day.

During the Zi period, Yin and Yang are separated and the ecliptic changes.

In the child's time, the laws of heaven evolve all things.

Therefore, the way of cause and effect must be chosen at the right time!

Today, Lin Su mentioned Zi Shi several times, but who would have thought that the Zi Shi in his eyes was not an opportunity for him to meet Kongya at all, but an opportunity for the law of cause and effect to be used!

He was sure that Master Fuyun would use the method of cause and effect at this time.

But why was it Fuyun himself who died?

Feng Wu is not a fool, but at this moment, she is completely stupid.

Not only was Liu Tianyin not a fool, it could even be said that she was the kind of person closest to the most mysterious rules of heaven, and she was also confused.

It was not that she had no sense of crisis. She even wanted to remind Lin Su. However, when Lin Su met Master Kongwen, the harmonious atmosphere diluted the crisis. She thought that the crisis would not come, and even if it came, it would definitely not be in the future. When Lin Su met Master Kongwen.

However, things changed.

Master Fuyun launched the law of cause and effect unscrupulously.

The mysterious way of heaven she just saw was the way of cause and effect.

However, the way of cause and effect caused Master Fuyun himself to suffer divine punishment!


She doesn't understand at all!

Abbot Kongwen seemed to be wearing a mask at this moment, staring at Lin Su and saying:

Master Fuyun's encounter with cause and effect was a clever trick from the benefactor?

It's not a strategy, it's just a choice! Lin Su said.

What choice?

I gave him a Taoist question, and different people have different solutions! Lin Su said: If his Buddha nature prevails in his heart, he will choose the righteous path; if his demonic nature prevails, he will choose the devil's path. Obviously, the demonic nature in his heart has gained the upper hand!

Liu Tianyin's heart was in chaos, and a crack opened, allowing her to vaguely see a glimmer of clarity...

When stepping out of Master Fuyun's quiet room.

She put herself in Master Fuyun's shoes and made plans. Facing the difficult problem Lin Su threw at him, Master Fuyun had only three solutions. One solution was the solution of an eminent monk, the other solution was the solution of a layman, and the third solution was the solution of a layman. It's the devil's solution.

She saw it.

Lin Su actually saw it.

This was originally Lin Su's question.

Waiting for Master Fuyun to make a choice.

Master Fuyun chose the one Liu Tianyin was most afraid of - activating the method of cause and effect to kill Lin Su.

However, as soon as he stepped forward, Master Fuyun himself disappeared...

Master Abbot's eyes were slightly closed, and his white eyebrows trembled slightly: Fuyun has evil thoughts in his heart, and wants to harm the donor, but he will be eaten by karma, right?

Exactly! Although he died because of me, I'm sorry, master, I won't bear the crime of murder!

Having evil thoughts in your heart, maliciously harming others, and being punished by God, you really deserve it. How can the benefactor bear the blame for this innocent crime? Master Abbot slowly opened his eyes: However, I really don't know why he suffered the backlash. ?”

Yes, Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu are also most concerned about the answer to this matter...

Lin Su raised his head: Is Master Abbot proficient in the art of cause and effect?

Kong Wen slowly shook his head: I only studied Buddhism and never dabbled in the path of cause and effect...

Lin Sudao: Although I have never been involved in the way of cause and effect, I still understand it. The essence of the way of cause and effect is to disturb the cause and effect, and kill people through the cause and effect line of heaven. Its power is unpredictable, but it is not There is an iron rule that runs through it, that is: Anyone who causes and causes himself will not be involved in this cause and effect...

What's the meaning?

As the practitioner of your law of cause and effect, you cannot be involved in cause and effect!

Because when you are controlling the cause and effect of heaven, you can only be a referee. You cannot be a referee and an athlete at the same time.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the rules of heaven be determined by your selfishness? How can heaven tolerate you?

It is precisely because of this heavy rule that not many people are willing to practice the law of cause and effect.

Even if you have successfully cultivated it, you will still have many worries when performing it. You must fully understand all the lines of cause and effect. None of them can be related to you. You can only be the referee watching the show on the bank, calm and clear, without any selfish thoughts. Tick ​​the causal thread in your hand.

However, if you really have nothing to do with cause and effect, do you still have a reason to manipulate cause and effect?

This is a paradox!

Therefore, this rule sounds desirable, but in fact it is useless after it is practiced - you cannot do things that are related to your interests, and you can do things that are beyond your control, but it will not be good for you if you do them. No good.

Anyone who applies cause and effect is not involved in cause and effect! I naturally know this ironclad rule. The abbot muttered: What the donor Master Fuyun himself involved in cause and effect today?

Yes! Lin Su replied.

Master Abbot said: I know this iron rule, the donor knows it, but Fuyun himself doesn't know it?


A huge question mark emerged in Liu Tianyin's heart.

They came out to find Ji Shang. Ji Shang was rescued by Master Fuyun yourself. You also know this iron law of cause and effect. You know that you are a person in the game and you cannot use the method of cause and effect at all. So, why do you insist on doing so? Want to cast? Why seek death?

Lin Sudao: He naturally knows this iron rule, and he must have dealt with his own cause and effect...

Master Abbot said: Can the iron law of cause and effect also be dealt with?

Lin Su smiled and said: Master Abbot, as the leader of the spiritual world, doesn't he know that there are two ways to deal with the punishment of heaven? One is the method of demonic deception, and the second is the method of Buddhism to mend the sky! Master Fuyun was pregnant with the magic fruit when he was young. After you achieve Buddhahood, you should be proficient in both methods!

Master Abbot's eyes were extremely focused: The demonic way uses the way to deceive the heavens and suppresses the way of heaven to survive. The Buddhist way uses good fortune to offset the punishment of heaven... However, Fuyun was punished by heaven in the end!

Yes, he has studied the path of cause and effect, and is also familiar with coping methods. In theory, he will not be punished by heaven, but he is still punished by heaven... Lin Su sighed: Then there is only one possibility!

Which possibility?

There is one line of cause and effect that he himself doesn't know about! He ignored this line of cause and effect, and he missed a part of cause and effect! Lin Su's answer was very mysterious.

Master Abbot raised his eyes: Which one is it again?

Master Fuyun has entered hell. Some of his unsolved secrets really correspond to the common saying in the world: Only ghosts know! Lin Su slowly stood up: Master Abbot, the time has passed, we should face it Sora’s choice!”

Amitabha! Donor please! Master Abbot stood up...

After stepping out of Jingxian Pavilion, Liu Tianyin looked at the sky. As soon as her eyes came into contact with the starlight, she seemed to have escaped into the deep space for an instant. Her eyes of destiny opened and she looked at the sky again.

When Lin Su stepped into the monastery, a voice came to his ears: I look at the destiny again, and there is no sign of disaster in the sky. The destiny has changed!

Lin Su smiled.

The mission is finally completed.

Master Fuyun protected Ji Shang and used Buddhism to block the destiny detection. Liu Tianyin could not find Ji Shang's location, and the hidden danger of the Da Cang soldiers' chain of disasters existed because of him.

But now, Master Fuyun has suffered karma, his destiny has changed, and the great disaster has been resolved.

It’s enough that the disaster has been resolved.

As for Ji Shang, it is true that for Master Fuyun, after leaving the throne, he is just a wandering passerby. No matter where he hides, it is no longer important.

There is a Bodhi tree in front, and a young monk is sitting under the tree with his eyes closed.

It is empty.

Lin Su stared at Soraya's little face, which looked at most three years old, and a question came to his mind...

Questions about Master Fuyun’s way of cause and effect...

Is that missing causal line really him?

Kong Ye is also the player in this cause and effect!

During the duel with the Hidden Dragon, Sora also joins the battle!

He saved King Chen from Yinlong!

Without his rescue, King Chen would have died at the hands of Yinlong, and there would be no chance of ascending the throne, and everything would change later.

Moreover, Sora also used his cultivation to save people! Who taught this cultivation? Master Fuyun is his master who taught him martial arts, so his cultivation was of course passed on to him by Master Fuyun!

Kong also used the cultivation skills taught by Master Fuyun to save King Chen. So, using him as the axis, the cause and effect of the whole incident is connected with Master Fuyun!

In this cause and effect, Kong is also a player.

Fuyun is also the person in the game.

If this point is ignored by Fuyun, then in this cause and effect, Kong is the chess piece that jumps out of the chessboard!

Could it be this?

Lin Su couldn't be sure. As he said, the user of the law of cause and effect had become a ghost. Only ghosts knew where the real variables were.

But why does Lin Su think so complicatedly?

Because of what the abbot of Lingyin Temple said: Kong Ye was arranged by Master Yi Yao!

Master Yi Yao, that is the person who is truly as close to a demon as a Buddha.

He was questioned for not abiding by the strict rules of Buddhism.

He was often questioned because of his love of money and wine.

Every one of his actions was deviant, but countless wonderful things happened because of his deviance.

He arranged for Kongye to enter Lingyin Temple, and he arranged for Kongye to worship under Master Fuyun. How could it be without reason?

Is the cause of that day just for the effect of today?

Thousands of thoughts flowed through his heart. Under the Bodhi tree, Soraya slowly opened his eyes...

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Lin Su...


Kong Ye immediately knelt down in front of Lin Su and hugged his calf: Master!

Lin Su touched his little head: Are you willing to go back to Da Cang with Master?



Kongwen, the abbot of Qianfo Temple, did not say a word during the whole process...

I can only watch Lin Su holding Kongya and jumping into the air...

A bunch of elders in Qianfo Temple all had complicated emotions in their eyes, but no one spoke...

The nine-sound cauldron turns into a boat, and four people ride in the boat together...

Sora sat on the bow of the boat with a book and read under the moonlight at night...

The book has Buddha's light, and his head also has Buddha's light.

This book, called the Diamond Sutra, is a sutra written by Lin Su himself.

Sutras written in the handwriting of the sutra writers have their own Buddhist teachings. When monks read them, they enter their minds and hearts.

Liu Tianyin gently put down the tea cup in his hand, and a ray of light isolated Kong Ye. The space they were in was absolutely quiet: Master Lin, can we talk about something now?

Feng Wu said: You can rest assured, no one can monitor the conversation in the Nine Sound Cauldron.

Lin Su held up the tea cup and smiled slightly: Ask a question!

Liu Tianyin said: When you entered Thousand Buddhas Temple this time, you made up your mind from the very beginning to let Fuyun be killed by the law of cause and effect, right?

Yes! Lin Su said: That's why I repeatedly teased the most sensitive nerves of Qianfo Temple, so I put a lot of pressure on him. I just want him to use the law of cause and effect to kill me immediately!

Feng Wu and Liu Tianyin looked at each other, feeling like they could see the sun through the clouds.

There was a strange feeling. They had actually discovered it. Even the happy saint peeping from the distant mountain top had discovered it. They discovered that Lin Su entered the Thousand Buddha Temple and was teasing the most sensitive nerves of the Thousand Buddha Temple every moment. Thousand Buddhas Temple is being irritated every moment.

Saint Xiaoyao thought that Lin Suda's idea was to use this method to arouse the anger of Kong Lingzi, the Buddha, so that he could fight to the death with him, and then find the shadow of the devil hidden in Kong Lingzi's cultivation (if there was one).

However, no one thought that Lin Su's eyes were not on Kong Lingzi at all. What he wanted was Master Fuyun to murder him!

In order to achieve this goal, Lin Su tried his best!

Discussing Buddhism with Kong Lingzi, always hovering around the wound of Qianfo Temple, rubbing salt at every turn.

When he met Master Fuyun, he was even more furious.

The hard measures he prescribed hit the nerve ends that Master Fuyun couldn't bear. Everyone thought he was exerting extreme pressure, but in fact, he was forcing Master Fuyun to kill him.

This kind of method, this kind of determination, both women were shocked and speechless...

I... The two women spoke at the same time, each said one word, then stopped...

Liu Tianyin said: You tell me first!

Feng Wu said: I have a question! You forced Master Fuyun to kill you, so why do you conclude that Master Fuyun can only use the law of cause and effect to kill you? Couldn't he kill you with his true cultivation? You need to know, here is Qian Buddhist temples, Thousand Buddhas Temple are known as the top of the spiritual path, all it takes is one elder to come forward, and you're done!

Lin Su smiled: Because of you!

Are we there? Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu's eyes widened at the same time...

Lin Sudao: Master Feng is from the Lesheng Holy Family, and Miss Tianyin is from the Tianming Dao Sect. Regardless of your own fighting strength, the forces behind you are of great importance. As long as Qianfo Temple has no pitfalls in its head, as long as They still want to be safe on the path of spiritual practice, so they don’t dare to kill us! If they can’t do it obviously, then naturally the only thing left is the invisible law of cause and effect.”

The two women looked at each other, and both saw two large, gray letters in black letters in each other's eyes:


They were taken advantage of by Lin Su!

They were quite ashamed just now. This time when they entered Qianfo Temple, Lin Su did everything by herself. They took care of themselves and felt ashamed that they only watched the show and did not do any work.

But now the shame is gone, and the anger is rising...

Because the dog man in front of them told them directly that I have been using you. Your existence is a deterrent, so that Qianfo Temple does not dare to lift the table...

Lin Sudao: I admit that I have taken advantage of your thoughts. I know it is a bit hurtful to say it, but when looking at problems, you must be good at seeing the essence through the phenomenon. I could have used rhetoric to cover up this use, and I could even say It's very fancy, very touching, and full of emotional provocation, but I just tell the truth and show my honesty and responsibility. Isn't this different to another level for you? Besides, there are hypocrites everywhere in this world, like me There are not many such true villains, I think you can try to cherish them...

The two women slapped themselves on the forehead at the same time...

Liu Tianyin slowly moved his palm away: You have already considered yourself a villain. Pavilion Master Feng Shao is probably speechless. Let me ask the second question... How do you determine that Master Fuyun will suffer backlash once he uses the law of cause and effect?

Feng Wu's mind suddenly returned to the right path.

Yes, why do you think so?

Actually... it's actually a bet! Lin Su said: If you two know something about my history, you should know that I have an adventurous gene in my bones. My bet runs through the entire scientific examination, and my literary skills Above, a bunch of people were talking about gambling and getting lewd in front of me.

The words only go so far.

However, Lin Su had a more complicated interpretation of the word bet in his heart, but it was impossible for him to let the two women know these interpretations.

Today’s thing is indeed a gamble!

Why do you have to gamble?

Because of three points, firstly, Lin Su had no choice at all!

Master Fuyun rescued Ji Shang, and at the same time blocked the destiny with Buddhism. It is actually very difficult to convince Master Fuyun to change his stance. You can't convince him at all with the Buddhist rhetoric, so there is only one way left to change the situation, and that is to Dead Master Fuyun.

Master Fuyun's cultivation level is much higher than that of Lin Su and the other three. Being in the mysterious Longtan Tiger's Den of Thousand Buddha Temple eliminates the possibility of using force. How to kill him? The only way is to use the trick and use Master Fuyun's method of cause and effect to counterattack!

Secondly, once Master Fuyun uses the Law of Cause and Effect, can he really counter it? Lin Su is really betting on this! He bet that there must be loopholes in Master Fuyun's causal line, because Master Yiyao arranged a Kong Ye for him. It was both the arrangement of Master Yiyao and the acquiescence of the abbot of Lingyin Temple. He couldn't see through this mystery for a while. But he was 100% sure that Kongya was definitely not a loser!

The third one is the most amazing!

The world only knows that Lin Su likes to gamble, but few people know that he is not a gambler. His gambling is based on one basis: he will win! Who wouldn’t bet on a sure-win bet?

The bet with the literati is because he is a synthesis of tens of thousands of literary wizards in another world. He has always stood on the shoulders of giants, and he is countless giants...

Where are the chips in the gamble with Master Fuyun's mysterious law of cause and effect?

His destiny in this world is nothing! All the rules based on fate are invalid for him!

The laws of cause and effect and the rules of heaven are based on fate. Billions of living beings in the vast world are all recorded in the fate pattern, but he is a person without records.

What do you use to control this gangster?

And why can Tianming see him? Destiny is not based on destiny, Destiny is based on the general trend of heaven and earth...

To use modern terminology as a metaphor, Fate is playing with ID card recognition, while Destiny is playing with face recognition...

He didn't register an ID card, so he is a gangster! You can see him, but you can't find him!

This is Lin Su's insurance!

He was indeed betting on the whole situation...

He bet on the choice of Qianfo Temple, he bet on the choice of Master Fuyun, and he also bet on the pre-arrangements of the two Buddhist monks, Master Yiyao and the abbot of Lingyin Temple...

However, no matter how they choose, no matter how the result is interpreted, he, Lin Su, is destined to jump out of the chessboard.

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