Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 801: One Buddha and one shadow for thousands of years, the person in the mirror turns three

Liu Tianyin let out a long breath: There is one more question! It may also be the last one!

Just ask!

I guess you actually have another purpose, to detect the roots of Thousand Buddhas Temple. So, do you have an answer? Liu Tianyin's voice was very soft and slow.

Lin Su slowly raised his head: You know? Sometimes I hate why I am so sensitive. If I were more confused, maybe there would be fewer things...

The two women didn't pay much attention to this otherworldly Versailles, but they paid special attention to the meaning of his words: You mean, Thousand Buddhas Temple is really... demonized?

A thousand-year-old temple, with millions of disciples, the top of the spiritual world... I dare not judge lightly whether they are demons, but this Abbot Kongwen... has a problem!

What kind of question?

Lin Sudao: Reread carefully what he said after meeting me and see what he discovered...

The two women closed their eyes at the same time...


They are both literary masters, and photographic memory is a basic skill. They reviewed the conversation between the two just now, how they said each sentence, how they answered, their expressions and demeanor...

Feng Wu's eyes suddenly opened: After hearing that Abbot Kong agreed to your son-in-law, he met Kongya and agreed that as long as Kongya is willing to go with you, Kongya can go with you! He obviously doesn't want to let Kongya go so well. As a seedling, why did you agree to it? Why do you have to set the time to meet after midnight?

Liu Tianyin added: I know how hard it is for a cultivating sect to let go of a good young talent. Now that Kongya has entered Thousand Buddhas Temple, theoretically he will try every possible means to keep Kongya around. It is absolutely impossible for him to let go of him so easily. If he lets go easily, that is Abnormal!... Is it because he knows that you won't survive until the end of your life, so he can be as generous as possible?

Lin Su nodded in admiration: So, if you walk around with me outside, you will step down from the ivory tower of Wen Dao... You have understood this issue very accurately!

It's not difficult to pinpoint this question at all. You and Kong Wen didn't say a few words in total. Since you pointed out that there is a mystery in this conversation, can we still find out? Who are we looking down on? Liu Tianyin said: But, There’s another question I don’t understand!”


You just said that Qianfo Temple is afraid of the power behind me and Pavilion Master Feng Shao, and theoretically does not dare to play murderous tricks in front of us, but why does he dare to use the law of cause and effect to kill you in front of us? He Aren’t you worried that we will spread this matter to the whole world?”

Yes, Feng Wu asked the same question.

Killing by the law of cause and effect has always been secretive.

The fewer people who know, the better. And if Lin Su is killed in front of them, how can it be kept secret? Once everyone in the world knows that Qianfo Temple used such a fearful method to kill the first grandmaster of Qinglian, will the turmoil be small?

No sect is willing to bear such a turmoil.

Lin Su smiled: The answer to this question lies in the words of Master Fangzhang. When I heard these words of Master Fangzhang, I knew that the law of cause and effect was coming!

Which sentence? the two women said in unison.

Kong Wen Dao: If the donor has the root of wisdom, he will definitely obtain the fruit of Buddhahood. Maybe at some point, the donor will have a great enlightenment, achieve Buddhahood and Nirvana while talking and laughing, and pick up the fruition of your Buddhahood!

The two women looked at each other. Is there a mystery behind this pure compliment?

For an expert at this level, words are not spoken casually, and every word may be full of mystery... For example, this sentence is a foreshadowing! What kind of foreshadowing? For the next time I use the art of cause and effect in my body, I will The road to death is foreshadowing...

Lin Su gently placed the teacup in her hand and unfolded it...

The law of cause and effect kills people, and there are no scars on the body, but the marks of the spiritual platform are all erased. From the outside, it looks exactly like Buddhist Nirvana!

If I, Lin Su, were subjected to this spell and sat down for an hour, what judgment would you make?

You can't judge, but Master Abbot can!

He will tell you: Lao Na has just said that Almsgiver Lin is endowed with wisdom and can reach Buddhist nirvana and pick up the fruit of Buddha at any time. Now it is indeed true. Alchemist Lin has achieved enlightenment, Nirvana, and is reborn to pick up the fruit of Buddha. ,congratulations……

As for the Buddha Fruit he is talking about, with a blink of an eye, he can show you a Buddha Fruit emerging from my corpse, and it is guaranteed to be big, bright, and extremely sacred! The image of Lin Su can also be born on it, waving goodbye to you!

Do you believe it?

Does it matter whether you believe it or not?

The rules of Buddhism are in his hands!

As for this matter spreading all over the world, do you think it will have a negative impact on them? wrong! The impact on them is definitely positive, why? They can tell the world that Buddhism is boundless and great. Even the first master of Qinglian did not hesitate to enter Nirvana and enter Buddhism. Maybe from now on, there will be countless heroes in literature and art, following in the footsteps of me, Lin Su, One after another stepped into Buddhism...

Both women were stunned!

Their backs were covered in cold sweat!

There are some things that they will never imagine unless told.

However, once it is revealed, it can make people’s hair stand on end!

Although what Lin Su just said did not happen, the direction of the entire link chain was exactly the same.

So, Kong Wen definitely has a big problem! Liu Tianyin said.

Yes! Lin Su said: Isn't your Tianming Dao sect known as 'The Eye of Life is the Purpose of the Law'? Otherwise, you will turn his life paper into a sword?

Liu Tianyin raised his eyes and stared at him for a long time: You have already used me once, and you plan to use me again. How about you wait a few days...

Lin Su patted his head and smiled naively: Ahem... I'm going to see how this cheap disciple of mine is doing in his studies. If this disciple of the top scholar doesn't study seriously, I'll beat him to death...

He put his hands behind his back, took a figure-footed step, and walked behind Kūya...

The two women were left looking at each other...

Pavilion Master Feng Shao, you were inexplicably taken advantage of today. Are you a little unwilling to accept it? Liu Tianyin said through a message.

Some people say that the world is like a board and people are like chess pieces. The only difference is that some chess pieces can be used, and some chess pieces are not even qualified to be used. In other words, we should be lucky to be qualified to be used. Feng Wu's voice echoed back.

Liu Tianyin shook his head gently: Are you free and easy by nature? Or are you extra tolerant when facing him?

No, I just know that what he does is what I want to see. Since we are already on the right path, why should we care who takes advantage of whom?

Are you so sure that what he does must be the right way? Does the right way have to be written by him?

Feng Wu shook her head gently: Miss Tianyin, I know that you are 'the eye of fate is like the decree of law' and you are used to standing on a high platform and observing the spring and autumn for thousands of years, but I still have to advise you, sometimes, lower your head, and occasionally Look at your feet!”

Look up to see the way of heaven, look down to see the way of the world... Liu Tianyin exhaled softly: What did you see?

Feng Wu said: I lived in Haining for a while, and I saw with my own eyes the heartfelt smiles on the faces of the people in Haining. By the way, I was actually used when I entered Haining, but I never complained. Mo Qing used me, and I even thanked her for using me once! Without that use, I would never have imagined that there is such a hot land as Haining in the world when I live on Yanqing Lake.

What you see is actually just a small part of Haining!

Yes! Look at a corner of Haining and know the autumn by looking at a leaf! Feng Wu said: The great changes in the political world of the Great Cang. What ordinary people see is just a change of imperial power. Do you know what I see? It's the entire Great Cang. , finally saw hope!”

Look at a corner of Haining and know the autumn by looking at a leaf! Liu Tianyin sighed softly: Does everyone who has seen Haining identify with him? I can't identify with him at the moment. Is it because I have never seen Haining? ?”

Now that you have this understanding, your trip to Haining is your unavoidable destiny! Feng Wu said: I look forward to your Haining trip, using your feet that will never touch the yellow soil, to set foot on the green mountains and green fields. , use your eyes of destiny, which have never stopped for the people, to observe their destiny!

Liu Tianyin smiled softly: It seems that Pavilion Master Feng Shao has really fallen.

What is a fall? If triggering the inner inspiration is a fall, I don't dislike this kind of fall!

Liu Tianyin said: So, if he still uses you, you will still choose... to be used?

Feng Wu was slightly startled: What's next?

Liu Tianyin didn't answer...

Lin Su came back from there with eight-character steps...

The two women raised their eyes at the same time, staring at him...

Lin Su had a gentle smile on his face: You two, if nothing happens, how about we go to the capital of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom together?

Feng Wu's heart skipped a beat: Is there anything left unfinished?

No, it's just that after a long trip to the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, I suddenly remembered a literary genius I met in Da Cang. I wanted to pay him a visit.

Literary genius?


Visiting relatives and friends among literati?

This is a normal option. Is it considered a use?

Liu Tianyin's eyes flickered slightly: Is this literary genius...somewhat special?

Lin Su sat down and poured a cup of tea for the two beauties respectively. His brows were furrowed and he seemed to be quite troubled...

After passing the tea, he spoke: This matter is quite taboo. Since the two beauties are on the same road, I will tell you frankly that this literary genius once performed a trick on me on the Yangtze River. Extremely high-end demonic assassination methods! If he is really a member of the demon clan, or shoulders the mission of the demon clan, he will be a huge hidden danger to our entire human race...

The two of them have actually been vaccinated!

Liu Tianyin stopped mentioning it. She told herself that she must be on guard against anything Lin Su asked for or anything he set the pace for. Although the Tianming Dao Sect did not list him as the first elimination target, it did not list him as the number one target. It doesn't mean that the relationship between the two parties has fundamentally improved. Just because I don't kill him, it doesn't mean that he will run around with him. Therefore, I should oppose everything he wants to do.

As for Feng Wu, although she spoke harshly, she was alert after Liu Tianyin reminded her.

Just now, when Lin Su came over with ridiculous official steps and poured tea for them with such a handsome smile, he had already sent a very bad signal, and he wanted something more...

This feeling of being courteous for nothing, raping or stealing permeated their hearts, which meant that it was extremely difficult for someone Lin to abduct them to do anything. However, Lin Su's opening was extremely important. matter……

Literary genius!

Magical means!

The high-end assassination bureau is a huge hidden danger related to the entire human race...

In just a few words, the mentality of the two women changed at the same time...

What kind of assassination bureau? Liu Tianyin asked.

You, the Tianming Taoist sect, are good at killing. Have you ever heard of the demon clan's 'Moon Shadow Killing'? Lin Su said.

Moon Shadow's Killing? Liu Tianyin's whole body was shaken...

As Lin Su said, Tianming Dao Sect is good at killing...

The Ming Tong is the decree of the law, and what Liu Tianyin Ming Tong determines is the order to kill!

Regardless of your innocence or guilt, regardless of whether you have evidence of innocence, if Mingtong decides that you deserve to die, you will deserve to die - this is the characteristic of the Tianming Taoism rumored by the world. The person who holds the Tianming sword kills people, regardless of the reason. If he thinks you deserve to die, he will Kill you!

Death can't just be said with words, there must be a way to make people die!

Therefore, the killing methods of the Tianming Dao Sect are almost worldly...

However, there are still several killing methods that even the Tianming Taoist sect is extremely afraid of, including the killing of the demonic Taoist Moon Shadow!

What is Yueying's killing? Feng Wu didn't understand, she really didn't understand.

Liu Tianyin breathed a sigh of relief: The Moon Shadow Killing is a top-notch killing method implemented by the demon clan against the human race's geniuses on the desperate list. First, a demonic lead is implanted into the person's body. On a full moon night, Yue Mei borrows the moonlight. Thousands of miles across the sky and killing people, no one can stop him!

Unstoppable? Feng Wu's expression changed.

Ji Sheng, the founder of Da Cang in the past, was killed by Yueying! Ji Sheng's cultivation should be that of Yuantian, and he was also a literary genius!

Feng Wu opened his mouth half-opened and looked at Lin Su with a horrified expression. The faint light of the waning moon shone on his face, giving him a mysterious feeling. Today is the ninth day of July, and there is only one left left before the full moon. For six days, could it be said that when he went to the southeastern Buddhist country to look for this person, he was planning a life-saving situation with the devil's extreme assassination methods?

If so, what can I do?

This is not a question of whether I am willing to be used by him or not. I hope to be used as long as I can solve this eternal puzzle...

Lin Su smiled softly: Miss Tianyin really understands!

Liu Tianyin said: I understand the killing of Yueying, but I think you missed the best solution.

What's your best solution?

Buddhism! Liu Tianyin said: Perhaps we should return to Qianfo Temple and use the power of Buddhism in Qianfo Temple to stop Yueying's murder six days later!

Lin Su smiled: It has been exactly three months since I took this magic lead, and three full moon nights have passed!

The two women's eyes lit up at the same time: How do you solve this Yueying murder?

Lin Sudao: I, Yueying, killed me because of the guidance of the devil. Since I know the existence of the devil, I peeled off the devil from my body in advance, and the murder of Yueying would not fall on me. Only this thousand-year scourge of mine can be eliminated. He is still alive and kicking to this day...

Feng Wu's heart was pounding...

He spoke in a relaxed and comfortable manner, and did not forget to put down a few words about himself...

However, does she not know the danger involved?

In the past, Ji Sheng, a generation of heroes, could not escape Yueying's murder, but he actually escaped without any trouble...

Who in the world can imagine?

Liu Tianyin slowly raised his head: Three months ago you were wearing a magic weapon. It was supposed that you should have died on the night of April 15th. You did not die, but an elder of Zhizhi Hall from Bailu Academy in the capital died inexplicably in your jurisdiction... …Mr. Lin, has the eternal mystery of Li Qinghan’s inexplicable murder been solved today?”

Lin Su's eyes bulged and he stared at Liu Tianyin!

Holy shit! You little girl is in the capital, and you have a lot of things to pay attention to...

Liu Tianyin stared into his eyes and said: The death of Li Qinghan sounded the death knell of Du Yuanfeng, and also became the prelude to the destruction of Zhizhi Hall of White Deer Academy. Many people have speculated how Li Qinghan was killed, and even my Tianming Taoist sect. Countless possibilities were speculated, but the real cause of death was still missed... A great scourge, known as the great scourge, passed the demon on his head to Li Qinghan and asked the demon Yueying to kill him!

Lin Su glared at her: Are you going to use this kind of speculation to accuse me of murder?

Liu Tianyin said: If you accuse me, what will you do?

Let's put aside the question of what to do for now. You have to be sure first. Who are you going to accuse of this taken-for-granted guess?

Liu Tianyin was speechless and couldn't answer...

Complain to the dynasty? The current emperor is his brother! Moreover, the entire situation was designed to promote King Chen's accession to the throne. If the emperor knew that Lin Su had experienced such dangerous things because of his accession to the throne, he would only shed tears of gratitude! Do you expect the emperor to punish him for this? How can it be?

Complain to White Deer Academy? White Deer Academy has long since changed its tune. Any elders who are somehow related to the Hidden Dragon will either be killed in the Golden Palace Guard Battle, be exiled thousands of miles away, or swear allegiance to the new emperor! Killing a few hidden dragons in the early stage is not a sin at all, but a merit!

But what if a complaint is made to the temple?

There is a reason!

Li Qinghan is a high-level scholar who has registered with the temple. He used shameless means to assassinate him, but the temple can still intervene (this is different from the Golden Palace War. The Golden Palace War is not an assassination, but based on stance. Direct attack and defense, the temple will not interfere with such attack and defense).

However, Liu Tianyin suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart...

If someone Lin raised this question today, would he be confirming the foundation of Tianming Taoism?

As long as Liu Tianyin dares to complain to the temple, the Tianming Dao Sect will be exposed in the eyes of this evildoer - confirming that the Tianming Dao Sect is the secret executive agency of the temple!

Otherwise, how can the Tianming Dao Sect be able to communicate with the temple? And then accuse the temple of something?

After figuring this out, Liu Tianyin felt a layer of sweat on his back. Oh my god, talking to him is really dangerous. If you want to trick him, he will trick you back, and you won't be able to get any useful information out of him. He may have successfully tricked you in a blink of an eye!

Thousands of words flowed through my heart, and I turned hard...

Liu Tianyin said: If this person is really related to the devil, then I think you will not be able to find him even if you go to the capital of the southeastern Buddhist kingdom. The devil is hidden in the world, how can his identity be exposed? The name and origin he reported originally, It’s absolutely fake!”

Yes, when the demons enter the world, their identity is their lifeline, and they will definitely not be leaked easily. However, since we have already arrived in the Southeast Buddhist Country, let's go there. Anyway, we have to find a place to rest for the night. I heard that in the Southeast Buddhist Country, Wen Feng Luxurious, the capital of the Buddhist kingdom, its literary and artistic talents are unparalleled in the world...

The two women looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes...

The capital of Buddhism is full of literary talents!

And what about him?

He is also a person of literary talent!

What kind of waves will such a person stir up when he enters a place of literary talent?

If a famous poem was born because of this line, it would not be in vain for them to experience the ups and downs of their emotions.

The Nine-Sound Cauldron slid across the sky under the waning moon, and at dawn it arrived at Mirror City, the capital of the southeastern Buddhist kingdom.

Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, one of the Three Kingdoms.

Its capital is as prosperous as the capitals of ancient southwest countries, but it also has a special feature that is unmatched by other countries, and that is that Buddhist elements permeate every aspect of the capital.

There is a mountain in the southeast of the capital, which looks like a giant Buddha. It faces away from the capital and faces millions of miles of mountains and rivers outside the city.

There is a poem carved at the foot of the mountain, with a hidden glow:

Standing in the world of mortals in troubled times, I bow my head to the southeast and look at all living beings. I see one Buddha and one shadow for thousands of years, and the person in the mirror turns three times.

This poem comes from both literature and Buddhism. To be precise, it was written by Du Huiguang, a great scholar in the Hanlin Academy, thousands of years ago. This man was born in literature and was obsessed with Buddhism. After encountering a great setback in his family, he felt a lot. After writing this poem, he turned around and entered Buddhism and became a generation of Confucian monks in Buddhism.

Lin and Su and the others descended from the Nine Sound Cauldron and stood on the five-mile slope outside the city. When they looked up, they saw the giant Buddha in the mist and morning light, as well as the colorful poem under the giant Buddha.

The little monk Kong also took his little hand out of Lin Su's hand, put it together and bowed to the giant Buddha...

This place is quite good. Liu Tianyin said, When I chose Tianyinfang, this was my first choice.

Tianyinfang is similar to a chain store and can be found in nine countries and thirteen states.

There are destiny sword holders in every Tianyinfang, and Liu Tianyin is just one of them.

This was originally a secret, but now, at least in front of Lin Su and Feng Wu, this secret is not a secret, and she can say it calmly.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Why didn't you choose this place?

I was harmed by you! Liu Tianyin rolled her eyes at him.

Damn! I didn't even know you at that time, how could I harm you?

Okay, okay, I admit that I was harmed by The Legend of White Snake! I heard that The Legend of White Snake came out in Da Cang Jingcheng, and performed the wonderful music of the world. My curiosity exceeded the pursuit of leisure and comfort, so I went Da Cang!

Feng Wu smiled: I said you two should not talk about who harmed whom, it's so ambiguous... Having said that, the Southeast Buddhist Country is really attractive to people in the arts. High-level intellectuals in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States When they grow old, about half of the lay people choose to become hermits in the southeastern Buddhist kingdom.

Oh? Why?

Because the folk customs here are relatively simple.

Why are the folk customs simple?

Because of the blending of Buddhism and secularism, the brilliance of Buddhist thought and literature shines here, slowly forming the mainstream thought of this country.

Its mainstream thought is basically the meaning of this poem.

What does that mean?

In this life, there is actually nothing you can't think of. What should be yours will always be yours. If you can't get it for a while, you will always run into it three times in life. Don't force things that are not yours. You must force yourself to do so, and you will be able to see a beautiful woman in a mirror, something you can only hope for but cannot get.

Therefore, leisure and comfort are the most important thing, and it is inappropriate to have to change one's destiny against the will of heaven to keep up with the slow pace.

After explaining this, Feng Wu raised his eyelids slightly: You have to be lucky that you were born in Da Cang. If you were here, the bone in the back of your head would probably have been smoothed away by your parents when you were young.

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