Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 802 Unexpected: There really is Lei Ruoxian

Lin Su smiled: Of course I am lucky to be born in Da Cang! However, the great Confucians in this country who express these views must also be lucky that they are great Confucians themselves.

what for?

Lin Sudao: They are great Confucians. They are well fed and clothed, so they are qualified to be condescending and instruct the people on how to live! What if they are members of the ordinary people? What if they face starvation? What if they What if their daughter will be sold to a brothel after tonight? What if the cold wind and cold rain are taking away the last vitality of their relatives? Will they still stand and talk without back pain?

Feng Wu slapped her forehead: From now on, I won't argue with you!

Just admit defeat.

Liu Tianyin smiled softly: Let's go into the city!

Lin Su stretched out his hand, took Kong Ye's hand, and held Piao Ran into the city...

At the gate of the city, Lin Su turned around and looked at the location of Foshan, stopping briefly...

Feng Wu noticed: What? I just read that poem, do you plan to write another one?

What are you thinking about? Lin Su said: Do you feel that someone is following you?

The two women were shocked at the same time...


Could it be someone from Thousand Buddhas Temple?

When they left Thousand Buddhas Temple, they were sitting on the Nine-note Cauldron. The Nine-note Cauldron was a sacred treasure that no one could trace.

Now that he came out of the Nine Sound Cauldron, he felt like someone was following him?

Could it be the bald people from Thousand Buddhas Temple?

Outside the city, there are vast mountains and green water, nothing suspicious...

Liu Tianyin's eyes flashed: It doesn't matter, even if the people from Qianfo Temple follow, they won't dare to cause trouble in the city, let's go!

Enter the city!

Their backs disappeared.

Behind the giant Buddha, a lotus blossoms silently...

Among the lotus flowers, Saint Xiaoyao and her maid stood side by side...

Saint, he turned back just now and seemed to have discovered us.

His six senses have always been extraordinary, so it's no surprise that he found us.

Saintess, why are we following him? Are we going to make him our enemy? Yiyi said.

On the path of spiritual practice, you can't be sure whether you are a friend or an enemy in a moment's notice...

Yiyi said: In my opinion, if possible, I think it would be better for the saint not to be his enemy.

Oh why?

Yiyi looked ahead from a distance, and her voice had a hint of emotion: He is the most charming man in the world that I have ever seen. He even played a song for you, the saint. What a wonderful encounter in the world? What will happen to your story in the future? It has been sung for thousands of years, and is even more beautiful than the swan song of the Holy Master and Yan Nantian in the past...

She said a lot, but there was no reply. Yiyi turned to one side and was startled. The saint bit her lip and stared at her coldly...

Holy girl, I really don't mean to blaspheme the Holy Lord. In the eyes of this slave, Yan Nantian and the Holy Lord are really pure and beautiful...

Remember it! You are just showing off a little evil in front of me! Saintess Xiaoyao said: After returning to Yaochi, if you still dare to talk as openly as before, my mother will definitely put you in cold storage. You can never come out of the ice cave in a hundred years...

Yiyi's face turned pale and she felt the chill of the Ice Cave...

Let's go, I want to see if my 'Happiness Mind Technique' can embody all aspects of freedom in front of him. The saint held hands together and lifted Yiyi. The two of them suddenly shrank a thousand times, turned into the size of a mosquito, and flew into the city. …

Lin Su and others entered the city and felt the wind of a country that Feng Wu said.

how to say?


The pedestrians on the street were a little less anxious than in Da Cang Capital.

The merchants on the street are less enthusiastic about doing business and more happy-go-lucky.

Opposite the Hanlin Academy, there was a restaurant named Suiyuanju. It was almost noon, so I slowly opened the restaurant door.

Lin Su and the others entered the restaurant and went up to the second floor. The waiter brought tea and Lin Su simply ordered the dishes casually. How could they just casually order? Just tell the guy directly that you can give me a portion of your store's signature dishes, so that I can make up seven or eight plates.

As a result, seven or eight dishes were served one after another.

Beef, mutton, chicken, fish, and wine are packed in the old altar, and the mud seal outside looks like a monk's head.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and slapped the monk's head to pieces. The smell of alcohol was overflowing. Although it was far less alcoholic than Baiyunbian, the alcohol level was not low.

Feng Wu looked at the young monk in front of her: Hey, your disciple is a disciple of Buddhism. Isn't this table of meat not very friendly to him?

That's right, the little monk followed them and had no sense of presence, but his presence couldn't be ignored.

Lin Su looked at Kong Ye's little bald head: Kong Ye, do you have taboos?

Kongya licked his lips: The master who taught me the technique said it's taboo!

When he said this, his eyes never left the table, as if something was hitting the bottom line in his heart...

Master Chuan Gong said taboo... Lin Su said: Where is Master Chuan Jing? Does she have a different opinion?

The master who preached the scriptures said that as long as you have the Buddha in your heart, you don't need to avoid food in your mouth and stomach.

It's quite difficult for you to tie one to one! It's up to me, the preaching master, to break the balance! Lin Su said: My point of view is... after wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha's heart is sitting in his heart!

The two women touched their foreheads together and watched through their fingers as he led the young monk into the ditch...

The little monk's eyes were shining, and he had obviously stood at the edge of the deep ditch...

Lin Su added: Your three masters beat each other two to one. Now you can tell me... Do you still have taboos?

Kongya looked at the chicken and the shiny braised pork elbow on the table, and then licked his lips: Buji!

He killed a chicken by himself, two elbows, wiped his mouth with a monk's robe, then raised his head and smiled sheepishly, because the three people next to him were staring at him, looking a little weird.

Lin Su patted his little head: You are very free and easy. I can't guarantee whether Abbot Lingyin likes you or not, but I quite like you. Oh, by the way, Master Yiyao from Xixin Temple must also like you...


Birds of a feather flock together……

The waiter who brought the food to the door was all eyes wide open...

Lin Su waved him over and said, Man, how about I ask you something?

Your Majesty, please give me your orders! The clerk ran over.

Opposite is the Hanlin Academy. Are you familiar with the Hanlin Academy inside?

The guest officer has asked the right person. The small shop is located opposite the Hanlin Academy. Whenever the Hanlin entertains guests, it is usually hosted by small shops. Which hotel in the capital knows the most about the Hanlin today? It is undoubtedly a small shop...Who does the guest want to inquire about?

There is a Hanlin named Lei Ruoxian, who made his debut as a Holy Scholar three years ago. Do you know him?

Lei Hanlin? That's too familiar. Could it be that the young master is an old friend of Lei Hanlin?

Lin Su and the other three people's hearts jumped together, there was actually such a person!

They had just analyzed that it was absolutely impossible for Lei Ruoxian to be a real person who did evil things, but now, the waiter in the shop actually said that he was a real person!

Yes, I once met him in Da Cang. We talked about literature and painting, and we became my lifelong confidants...

The waiter smiled and said: This Lei Hanlin likes to travel all over the world. His painting of Taoism is also one of the best in Hanlin. It is said that in order to paint Taoism, he even went to the desert of Chi Country and the Xiongguan of Dashu...

It is said that in order to show his familiarity with high-level literary figures, this guy told all the information about Lei Ruoxian that he collected from nowhere...

Lin Su's heartbeat is getting faster and faster...

Holy shit!

How come from what you said, the Lei Ruoxian I met is clearly the same person?

Age, experience, personality, and cultural characteristics have not deviated in the slightest!

Could it be that this Lei Ruoxian was really the one he met in Da Cang?

No, it's impossible!

If Lei Ruoxian was really a member of the devil's path, he would definitely not act so carelessly.

Lin Su said: Is this person in the Hanlin Academy at the moment?

The waiter said: He should be there. The waiter vaguely saw him getting on duty just now. If he wasn't here at this time, he must have been there yesterday, because I saw him getting off duty yesterday.

Right now in the Hanlin Academy!

Lin Su waved his hand gently: Okay, let's get down!

The waiter went out.

Two pairs of eyes shot over at the same time: What's going on? Is this person really there?

This is the sound of wind dancing.

Liu Tianyin said: It doesn't make sense. If he is really a member of the devil's path, he will definitely not be so careless unless someone borrows his name.

Feng Wu nodded: Miss Tianyin is right, borrowing a name seems to be the only possibility. It is not difficult to find out that there is such a famous person in the Imperial Academy of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom. It is also possible to borrow a name casually to do bad things. However, , we have arrived at the entrance of the Hanlin Academy, as long as we meet the real Lei Ruoxian, Grandmaster Lin will naturally know whether the Lei Ruoxian of that day is the same Lei Ruoxian.

Lin Su nodded: Let's go!

The four of them passed through the restaurant and went down to the street. When they came out of the street, they saw the Hanlin Academy in front of them.

Hanlin academies all over the world are almost the same, antique and full of literary atmosphere.

Lin Su, the porter of Hanlin Academy, reported his real name: Lin Su! I come from the Da Cang Kingdom, and I have met Lei Ruoxian, a member of the Imperial Academy, and he considers me a close friend, so I came here to visit you.

He also devised a rhetoric, but it was never used.

The concierge politely led them in without asking too much and took them to Hanlin Garden. Then he hurriedly asked Lei Ruoxian to come out.

Even Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu, two followers dressed in women's clothing, and Kongya, a real monk, were all brought in at once.

The three of them thought something was wrong at first, but when they arrived at Hanlin Garden, they were relieved, because Hanlin Garden is actually an open place. Although they enter from the gate tower of Hanlin Academy, it does not belong to the internal space of Hanlin Academy. It is a river embankment that extends in all directions. On the river embankment, boats come and go, and on this side of the river embankment, there are many tourists.

This place is called the Hanlin Garden just because it is a place where the Hanlins can relax after their official duties. There are many Hanlins and it is convenient to come here, but not only the Hanlins can enter. Young ladies from wealthy merchants and wealthy families in the capital can also come. Not to mention Lin Su’s bringing A few women and monks come, even if they bring a dog, they can walk around the river a few times - similar to the small park next to the office building in modern society.

Hanlinyuan is both a tea house and a restaurant.

The first floor is a market place, where young men and women on outings usually have tea and rest.

The second floor is a place for literati, where they drink tea and write papers.

The third floor is reserved for Confucian scholars and court officials only, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Lin Su and the others strode up to the second floor and chose a table near the river. The maid served fragrant tea, which was the most famous Jinghu Maojian in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom. As the tea maid raised her orchid finger, hot water poured in. The silver tip of the ancient pot slowly stretches in the water. Above the Jingjiang River, a cool breeze blows, bringing the fragrance of tea.

Elegant and quite Zen-like.

Lin Su glanced at Jiang Xin through the maid's neatly combed hair, which still had some stray hair.

You can have a panoramic view of the Jingjiang River in the southeastern Buddhist country.

The waves of the Jingjiang River are as clear as a mirror, and the bottom is clear. On both sides of the Jingjiang River, red flowers and green willows are like a picture.

In the distant center of the river, there is a small island with a white stone base and green willow trees. There are pavilions and pavilions hidden there, and there is also the sound of silk and bamboo.

The place you are looking at is called 'Baixian Island'! Liu Tianyin raised his gaze: To say Baixian is probably an exaggeration, but there are also great sages from all over the world who are in their thirties or fifty. On that small island, there are everywhere They are all poems, if you are interested, you might as well leave one.

Lin Su smiled softly: There is no need to leave poems. It is possible to enjoy them, but I don't know if this holy island of literature and art allows me, a junior, to visit.

Before the two women could answer, a voice came from behind: Ignorant young man, you still want to visit Baixian Island?

Lin Su and the two girls turned around at the same time and saw a scribe, about thirty years old, wearing extremely ostentatious clothes. Others were wearing light-colored scribe's clothes, but he was silver!

The silver scholar's clothes set off his handsome face, making him stand out.

There were seven scribes at his table, and he stood out from the crowd.

Lin Su frowned slightly: I am not from my country, I don't know Baixian Island, and I have no intention of landing on the island. My brother is ridiculing me for no reason, but I would like to ask, what kind of great sage is qualified to visit Baixian Island? island?

The scholars at the table were slightly startled, and one of them said: You are not from your own country? But which country are you from?

Da Cang!

The silver-robed scribe smiled coldly: Master Da Cang comes to my Holy Land of Literature and Tao of the Three Kingdoms and makes a pilgrimage with reverence. Why do you need to say more?

Da Cang, one of the Four Kingdoms in China.

Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, one of the Three Kingdoms.

People from the Upper Three Kingdoms have a sense of superiority towards the Middle Four Kingdoms and the Lower Two Kingdoms.

In their minds, people from the Middle and Four Kingdoms should have the intention of making a pilgrimage to the holy land of literature and art in the Upper Three Kingdoms. There is nothing wrong with this in their minds, but it is a bit too much to say it outright.

Lin Su was waiting for a response when suddenly, his eyes froze...

On the Jingjiang River, an orchid boat came leisurely. On the orchid boat, a woman sat on the bow. She glanced this way, and Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

Ordinarily, it is impossible for him to meet acquaintances in a foreign country.

This girl was tall and elegant, with tall eyebrows and a handsome face. Judging from her appearance alone, she was different from all his acquaintances. However, Lin Su saw her eyes.

These eyes are as clear as water. These eyes are unparalleled in emptiness. These eyes are ethereal but still have a little agility. It seems that the light of wisdom penetrates into a deep pool in a silent place, infecting the tranquility of the deep pool with seven points of spirituality. .

These eyes are familiar to him!

The Saint of Yaochi!

Nearly a year after leaving Yaochi, he saw her again, not in Yaochi, not in Da Cang, but on the Jingjiang River in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom.

The breath blowing on Lan Zhou in the wind was vaguely the misty air that he had intuitively sensed outside the city just now. Outside the city, she followed him!

She followed him from Thousand Buddhas Temple!

What's the point of appearing in front of him again now?

Lin Su didn't intend to pretend, he asked directly, without moving his lips, a wisp of voice passed through ten feet of space silently and penetrated into the ears of the woman on the bow: Holy girl, are you okay?

Six words, gentle and tranquil.

The happy saint on the bow of the boat, who had been practicing for many years, felt a slight shock in her heart...

She really wanted to use the eyesight of a practicing master to test her Xiaoyaoxin Dharma. However, she was still a little frustrated when she was recognized by someone in person. Could it be that I haven't practiced the Xiaoyaoxinfa after all? Arrive home? Why is there such a thing as something as simple as hiding one's true identity?

However, she has always been open-minded about matters of spiritual practice. This is probably the greatest beauty of the Xiaoyao mind method. The so-called Xiaoyao, freedom and freedom, can transform all things according to one's will. The human state of mind can also tolerate all things, and the Tao realm is not stained by dust. .

Her voice came back softly: Do you recognize me?

We haven't seen each other for a long time, less than a year. The saint's grace is so transcendent that it is the most extraordinary thing in the world. Therefore, I recognize you not because of your disguise skills, but because of the beauty in your bones. One of a kind!

Saint Xiaoyao smiled softly: Such a wonderful sentence is unheard of on the spiritual path. Probably only Qinglian, the first grandmaster on the literary path, can come up with it easily, right?

Lin Su smiled: Have you investigated my origins clearly?

Not just me, everyone who has been defeated by you on the spiritual path probably understands this clearly.

I have no intention of hiding this matter for a long time. Now that it has been exposed, it will be exposed! Lin Su said: The saint is following you all the way today. What's the matter?

The Happy Saint sighed softly: You even know that I have followed you all the way. It seems that your cultivation has really changed over the past year... I want to ask you whether you have any experience in the duel with Kong Lingzi. The original intention of detecting the secret of Kong Lingzi’s cultivation?”


So, what are the results of the detection?

Kong Lingzi should not have been defeated!

These seven words would be shocking to others.

Even though Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu were by his side at that time, even if there were many disciples from Qianfo Temple, in everyone's eyes, Kong Lingzi was beaten to the point where he couldn't even lift his head, and the secret technique of the golden body was broken, and he was defeated. It was extremely tragic, but Lin Su said that Kong Lingzi should not have lost!

The happy saint's eyes suddenly became silent: What did you find?

At the last moment, there were two Buddha statues in his eyes, one standing Buddha pointing to the sky, and one sitting Buddha pointing to the ground. The two Buddhas appeared together, and their energy was terrifying. I had a premonition that I would be defeated! Lin Su said: Saint Girl Yu If you have a profound understanding of spiritual practice, you may know the origins of these two Buddhas!

Saint Xiaoyao frowned: Two Buddha statues, one pointing to the sky, one pointing to the ground... There is no such arrogant and domineering miracle in Buddhism. Are you sure what you see is a Buddha statue? Not a demonic shadow?

If I can only judge based on the presence or absence of hair, I am 100% sure that it is a Buddha statue, but you obviously also know that whether it is a Buddha or a demon does not depend on whether it has hair or not.

Saint Xiaoyao nodded slowly: With or without hair, one cannot tell whether he is a Buddha or a demon, but Master Fuyun urgently stopped his performance of this technique, which shows that this technique should not be revealed to others easily!


Saint Xiaoyao said: Leave this matter to me. I will investigate it after I return to Yaochi! There is something I need to tell you!

you say……

“Be careful with your Da Cang’s ‘Buyi Pavilion’!”

Buyi Pavilion?

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: I have never heard of this name... Why do I have to be careful about this pavilion?

Because several people moved across the border and went to Da Cang. The final meeting place was Buyi Pavilion.

Which people?

There are several people from the Tianling Sect, including Ji Wen; there are several people from the Sword Trial Valley, including the swordsman; in addition, it is said that Wenxin Pavilion and Yanyu Tower are involved! Saint Xiaoyao said: Although I am not sure about them They must be going after you, but their plot must be unparalleled, because there is nothing that Yanyulou interferes with that is not small!

Yanyu Tower!

Entering the spiritual path, the spiritual path is in turmoil. Li Yunhe, Lin Su's former cheap master, created his own Little Zhoutian Fortune Technique and single-handedly defeated the Eighty Immortals Sect for 28 years. Because of the opening of Yanyu Tower, he became a super master The ancestor Liu Ruyan was ruined. There was also a Holy Son in Yaochi back then, but because of the killing in Yanyu Tower, the Holy Son died and disappeared. From then on, there was no Holy Son in Yaochi, and anyone who saw Yanyu Tower would be killed without mercy.

Entering the court, you can easily destroy a country. For example, the ancient Southwest Kingdom, because of Yanyulou's sinister plan, the current emperor Chu Yunfei escaped into Buddhism for thirteen years, and the Ancient Southwest Kingdom was completely changed beyond recognition.

Lin Su also recently learned that Yanyu Tower is closely connected with the Demonic Way. Ji Sheng, the founding king of Da Cang, died under the shadow of the Demonic Way. The person who carried out the execution was also from Yanyu Tower. He left the palace and entered the Sword Gate that day, and his queen saw him off. A civet cat, this civet cat is the magic guide, and the queen is from Yanyulou.

The Yanyu Tower has existed for thousands of years, and its shadow can be seen everywhere in the world, but no one knows its true location.

There is also a Wenxin Pavilion!

Although Wenxin Pavilion failed several times under his hands, it did not mean that it was unbearable. That was when he met Lin Su. If it were someone else, it would be someone else's turn to cry and he would not be able to cry.

You need to know that at the southern border that day, even the Southern Prince Qi Dong was placed on the chessboard by Du Jin of Wenxin Pavilion. If it weren't for Lin Su, Qi Dong would definitely not be Du Jin's opponent.

Du Jin was just a low-ranking disciple of Wenxin Pavilion.

The strength of Wenxin Pavilion has never been defined by these disciples.

In addition to these two mysterious forces, there are also Ji Wen and Swordsman.

Regardless of the cultivation level of these two people, the key is that they represent the two super powers behind them, Tianling Sect and Sword Trial Valley.

The swordsman is the holy son of Sword Trial Valley, and was promoted after the Yaochi meeting.

Ji Wen has also been promoted. He turns out to be one of the Seven Sons of Tianling. What is the Seventh Son? After the Holy Son Ruan Bin, the candidate Holy Son under the Holy Son, was killed by Lin Su, the Tianling Sect did nothing to promote Ji Wen to the Holy Son. Whether this was a show of goodwill to His Majesty Da Cang, it was a conflict between the two parties. Regardless of the deal, he is already the Holy Son of Heavenly Spirit anyway.

In the blink of an eye, forces from all directions gathered in Da Cang Buyi Pavilion.

The resulting turmoil cannot be underestimated.

The saint saved my life in Yaochi that day, and now she has come all the way to send me such important information. Lin Su, how can I thank you?

Lin Su's words, expressed sincerely, were accurately delivered to the ears of the Happy Saint through the ten feet of void.

The Happy Saint smiled: I heard that the first master of Qinglian is a master of poetry and music. I heard your song Xiaoyao Bamboo under the Moonlight on Yaochi Yuedao before, and I was shocked! Now, the little girl is very eager to be able to I need a beautiful poem from you, so why don’t you just write it!”

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