Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 815 Three Languages ​​Governing the Country and Consolidating the Cang

Prime Minister...

Princess Yufeng's heart beat lightly...

Today, my brother met with him in the west building. While talking and laughing, the political situation in Da Cang has changed drastically. Now it is finally time to decide how the core figure, Prime Minister Lu Tiancong, will be placed.

Say it! Ji Guang faced this problem and kicked the ball to Lin Su's feet again.

Lin Su did not refuse: Lu Tian follows him. I have already said that he is not worthy of the position, and for the current plan, it is not suitable to beat him to death with a stick. Let's let him abdicate in favor of others, and let Chen Geng give him the green light. Allow him to enter Bailu Academy!

White Deer Academy!

Ji Guang thought about the name in his mind, and he had some unique thoughts. The Zhizhi Hall of White Deer Academy was once the hidden dragon's lair. Eight out of ten elders in it, and the remaining dozen people did not take sides in the royal battle. They survived, but they are still a source of instability. When these elders huddled in Zhizhi Hall, at a loss what to do, you suddenly brought Lu Tiancong into this group. What kind of peace of mind did you have?

Looking for an opportunity to kill them all?

With these thoughts passing through his mind, Ji Guang said: So, who will be the new prime minister?

Didn't His Majesty already have a suitable candidate? Lin Su asked with a smile.

There was something strange in Ji Guang's eyes: My most suitable candidate has always been you! You should come...

Don't come! Lin Su said: When you were at your lowest, you once said that there was one person in the court you could trust. What? Now, you don't dare to believe him?

How could it be? Zhou Zhang has always been one of the people I trust most. It's not that I don't trust him. It's just that the position of prime minister is related to the country's national economy and people's livelihood. I think he may not be able to do it.

Understand, it’s a question of ability, not attitude…

Lin Su smiled and said: I can give you a few suggestions about governing the country. As long as you follow these suggestions, governing the country will not be that difficult!

Ji Guang's eyes widened: My imperial master is finally willing to give suggestions? That's great. Lin Sanlang means whatever he says, I'm all ears for good advice on governing the world!

Lin Sudao: Don't have too high expectations. We are currently limited by various conditions. I am not a god. I cannot make your country perfect. But we must thank Ji Shang for making the world so chaotic. As long as a normal person sits on the throne, he can make the country look brand new. This is the advantage of a poor foundation. No matter how you do it, you won't be worse than him...

Ji Guang didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Da Cang was in such a mess that he thanked Ji Shang instead. He really didn't know if Ji Shang would be pissed to death if he heard this...

Forget it, listen to good advice!

To govern a country, twelve characters are the guideline. There will be no stability without farmers, no wealth without business, and no security without soldiers. Therefore, I only have three suggestions!

There is no stability without farmers, no wealth without business, no protection without soldiers! How wonderful! Ji Guang praised the case: Brother, please elaborate!

Lin Su stretched out his first finger and said: The first point is to use the efforts of the country to build farmland water conservancy. The magic tool of cement will be promoted nationwide. All new agricultural tools on Haining River Beach will also be promoted nationwide simultaneously.

Ji Guang smiled: Actually, I have already thought about this. People in the world are not convinced by cement. It is due to Ji Shang's petty thoughts and the malicious stigmatization of the officials. I live in Meiling, how can I I wonder how convenient this artifact is for farmland water conservancy and city construction? To be honest, I have sent 18 teams to explore the country. According to the current feedback, the materials required for cement production are already on dozens of hills. If we find it, we only need the masters from the brother cement factory to give guidance and it can be fully rolled out. When the people all over the world are truly freed from the annual floods, and when the farmland all over the world has water to pour, cement will benefit the whole people. Today, let’s look at those who held the ‘demon theory’ back then, what else can they say?”

When Lin Su was making cement that day, he suffered from monster theories that people still use to make excuses to this day.

Ji Guang felt the same way. He wanted to use the supreme power of the court to crush this rumor. Now he also has this power.

The promotion of cement has great benefits for the country and the people, and it also rectifies the problem for him. Therefore, he is very active in this matter.

Lin Sudao: Farmland water conservancy benefits the whole country and will be welcomed by the whole country. However, the second suggestion I made will touch the interests of those in power.

Ji Guang's heart skipped a beat: Brother, please tell me!

Lin Sudao: The second suggestion is to reform the tax system! The current tax system is the source of the people's hardship, and it is also the key to the emptiness of your treasury. It must be changed! And it must be thorough!

Da Cang's tax system is a bit... weird!

The operation method of the Ministry of Revenue of the Da Cang Dynasty is a bit Buddhist and a bit broad-line. Every year, it issues tax payment instructions to the states. As long as you hand over real money, your state will pass. As for where your taxes come from. , that is your state officials and eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers!

What are the consequences of this tax system?

The states go up and down.

The state issues targets to the government.

The government issues indicators to the county.

The county has no place to set quotas, so it randomly determines tax items, digs deep into the ground under the banner of imperial grain and national tax, and lists all kinds of tax items. What should the people do? Two words: hold on! Four words: People are in dire straits!

If the tax policy system is rough in general, there is another area where it is thin.

That is, the tax cuts are very detailed.

In order to reflect the respect for literature and morality, no tax is levied on the scholar himself, no tax on the three generations directly connected to the scholar, no tax on the entire family of a great Confucian...

In order to reflect the laws of the dynasty, the royal family does not impose taxes...

In order to reflect the emperor's great favor, the royal family can directly give people tax exemptions...

To reflect the importance attached to other Taoism, no tax is levied on the real estate of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples...

In order to demonstrate local governance, local officials can occasionally make an opening. A certain squire has blessed his home for many years and exempted him from taxes for one or two years...

This exemption and the other exemption, each exemption is supported by the holy and wise sayings, and it sounds grand when spoken out, but what should the country do? A large group of officials need to eat, drink and be served. The army needs funds to guard the border. Where does the money come from?

There are only those at the lowest level, ordinary people who have no literary names, no ancestral support, cannot get close to the royal family, and cannot get amnesty from officials.

The most ironic thing is that these people do not have the ability to pay taxes.

Ji Guang has been in Meiling for eight years. How could he not know this situation?

Among the refugees from all over the country under the Meiling Mountains, who is not forced to live in a foreign land like this?

Eight years of walking in Meiling gave him empathy for the people. However, he also knew that this tax system involved too many things, and every one of them could not be touched lightly. Lin Su pointed his finger at the superior status of the ruling class. The impact of the tax system will be disruptive.

Brother, in fact, my father also wanted to reform the tax system. However...some people even said that the real reason why my father was poisoned by Ji Shang in the past was because he touched this line. Ji Shang easily gained the support of a large number of court officials. , and even got the support of Wen Dao, so that it can be accomplished so easily...

This is a secret.

It was Zhou Zhang who told Ji Guang recently.

On that day, my father saw that the treasury was empty and wanted to change the tax system. At that time, he mentioned it in a small-scale meeting, but there was no follow-up. Even such a small mention was still seized by Ji Shang, who had ulterior motives, and told everyone The senior officials communicated with each other and communicated with the four pillars representing the culture of the capital.

Tell them that His Majesty now intends to cancel your tax exemption rights.

Regardless of whether they are court officials or literary men, they are all the privileged class!

They themselves are all vested interests in the tax-free policy, so they will naturally oppose it. When there are more people who oppose it, Ji Shang will gain the support of high-level officials, and the late emperor will lose the support of high-level officials...

As for revolution, it is easy to bring about revolution on others.

If it comes to oneself, everyone will worry about gains and losses.

The same truth through the ages!

Lin Su slowly held up the tea cup: Your Majesty, let's look at this west tower. It's a hundred feet high and can pick up stars with your hands. However, if the foundation is unstable, how can the upper floors of the tall building stand, no matter how beautiful it is?

Ji Guang nodded: The people are the basis, I understand, but brother, this matter is very difficult, you also need to have a pre-judgment.

Lin Sudao: Is it difficult? Compared with His Majesty's Mei Ling uprising and going straight into the palace, but how about it? Compared with the flying dragon army marching three thousand miles north? Compared with the founding king of the past who entered the Sword Gate with his own strength. , but so what if we forcefully create a clear sky?

Ji Guang's heart was boiling with enthusiasm: Brother, I understand! When I, Ji Guang, was in Meiling, I was thinking about accomplishing great things for the people all the time. No matter how difficult it is, I will do it! Tell me how to do it!

Lin Sudao: It is actually simple to do it. We have tentatively decided on two major types of taxes, local tax and commercial tax. Local tax is levied based on the area, and commercial tax is levied based on the transaction amount. Two-line management of revenue and expenditure is implemented. The taxes collected are divided into two categories. Every cent will go into the national treasury! The salary expenses of government officials at all levels will be allocated according to the standards by the Ministry of Household Affairs. All kinds of privileges will be cancelled! All the various tax items formulated by state governments at all levels will be cancelled! The tax system is clean and transparent, and you can know it. The ministers must know it, and the people can know it, and no changes are allowed midway.”

Ji Guang's heart was pounding: All kinds of privileges? Can they all be cancelled?

Yes! Let's start with me! Lin Su said: I am both a Yizi King and a literary scholar. My products are taxed according to the rate. Anyone else who wants to talk about literature or official seal will Welcome to compete with me, Lin Su!

Okay! Another great undertaking for a long time has begun! Ji Guang said: Brothers should have another national policy, let's talk about it together!

Lin Sudao: The third article is soldiers! There are ninety-seven armies in the country, and each state has a state army. The total number adds up to more than 20 million soldiers. Your Majesty feels that an army of more than 20 million is important for protecting the country. How big a role has Jing An Min played?”

Ji Guangdao: The four major frontier armies have truly played a role in protecting the country and the people, especially Li Xiaotian's Feilong Legion, which has made great contributions to the expansion of territory and territory.

However, Li Xiaotian's flying dragon army only has a mere 100,000 people!

you mean……

It's not about the number of soldiers, it's about the quality! One hundred thousand elite soldiers can defeat the enemy's million-strong army. The army of the great blue is more than 20 million. The number is scary, but how many are really useful? How many can be sent to the battlefield at the critical moment? How many? So my third national policy is to streamline our troops and streamline our administration...

Better troops and simpler administration...

There are six major military regions reserved across the country, and the Northern Flying Dragon Corps is led by Li Xiaotian.

The Southern Cangshan Army was led by the Southern King.

The Southeast Blood Rain Legion does not avoid suspicion when it comes to internal promotions, and Lin Zheng is the commander-in-chief.

Du Cangqiong is the commander of the Great Fog Army in the west.

The Central Plains Legion, why is it so powerful?

The imperial guard in the capital was led by Zhou Yuyu.

The six armies adopt the principle of survival of the fittest and select the best seeds from the remaining armies to form the true professional soldiers of the world. The total number is controlled at around three million.

The remaining 90% of the servicemen will be given adequate resettlement allowances, transferred to their jobs, and returned home to enrich their places...

The three national policies are all shocking.

Ji Guang is a rare enlightened king in the past and present. He is also a king who has stayed in Meiling for eight years and has stepped on the black soil. However, he was still shocked by Lin Su's three strategies and was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head: The first policy is to determine the people's livelihood, the second policy is to determine tax regulations, and the third policy is to streamline the military and streamline administration. All the words of the country's scholars are also aimed at the root of the disease. If this policy is truly implemented, the face of the world will be completely new. Brothers, starting from tomorrow, you and I will join hands to create this great era! But there will be wind and rain, and there will be no retreat!

But there are winds and rains, and there is no retreat! Lin Su held hands together, lightly touched the teacup in his hand with Ji Guang, and exchanged tea for wine to conspire in this situation.

Ge Xin looked at her husband with a light shining in her eyes.

Her lifelong mission is to help King Chen. Now that King Chen has ascended the throne, her mission seems to have been overfulfilled, but now she knows that there is a more difficult battle waiting for her.

It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to rule it!

Now it’s time to rule the world!

Princess Yufeng looked at Lin Su, with a hint of excitement and obsession in her eyes.

If she had understood the three strategies he just made in the past, she would not understand them now, because she has become a business person, and she will also be able to settle accounts...

She knew that the current land tax in Da Cang was only 30% at most, and the vast majority of the rest were exempted from tax reasonably and legally under the cover of various privileges.

If the privileges are cancelled, even if the local tax is reduced to one-third of the original amount, the total amount collected will still be higher than the original total.

Commercial tax, originally had this title, and in the process of implementation in various places, there is no highest, only higher. Every time a merchant goes to a city, he has to increase the tax, and the increase or decrease depends on the mood of the local officials. In that case , seemingly collecting a large amount of tax revenue from businessmen, but this tax revenue did not go into the national treasury and was divided up by bureaucrats at all levels.

Lin Su came up with a commercial tax system and abolished road tolls and ride-hailing fees in various places. Commercial taxation will be transparent. Businessmen will spend less, and the national treasury tax revenue can be increased several times. More importantly, in this way, the vitality of business will be stimulated. Business people feel confident and can clearly determine their income and expenditure, and their business will normalize.

These two taxes increase revenue.

There is another way to save expenditure, that is, to streamline the military and streamline administration. How much military expenditure can be saved by reducing the number of soldiers by 90% at once?

Moreover, 90% of the soldiers have to make a living when they return to their local areas. The local labor force has increased significantly, adding fresh blood to the following national water conservancy projects...

She knows all this!

However, she also understood that to play such a big game, both the emperor and he would have to bear tremendous pressure.

Royal pressure.

pressure from ministers.

The pressure of a family that enjoys various privileges.

There is even pressure from above the literary level.

She can almost predict that in the near future, countless scholars will stand up in Da Cang Literary Dao, accuse the imperial brother and Lin Su of disrespecting Literary Dao, and cancel the privileges of literati...

The crime of disrespecting literature and ethics can be light or serious. The light one will damage the reputation, and the serious one can alarm the temple!

The storm has risen and the storm is coming!

Xishan Villa was once a pure land in his capital city, and it will be so in the future!

I will keep a back garden for you in this pure land!

Ji Guang stood up: I am determined for a while today. We will discuss the overall situation tomorrow. Today, I have something for you!


Your palace is ready, with buildings, pavilions, servants and servants. Lin Sanlang's situation of having no house in the capital has become history. Ji Guang said with a smile: Let the commander-in-chief take you there!

Lin Su would not refuse this gift.

Because this is a royal charter, but to be granted a kingship, a palace must be given. He has been granted the title of king for more than two months. He refused the fiefdom, but there is no need to refuse the palace. Although Ji Guang's treasury is empty, However, there were quite a lot of royal properties, especially after Ji Shang's children were demoted to commoners and all their palaces and properties were transferred to the royal family, Ji Guang still had plenty of resources at hand.

These resources are only a drop in the bucket when it comes to people's livelihood, but they are more than enough to reward a few meritorious officials.

He could imagine Ji Guang's grandeur, but his Prince Wen's Mansion still exceeded his expectations.

This royal palace is unparalleled in size. It is located on the bank of Liuxiang River and covers an area of ​​dozens of acres.

On the huge plaque, there are two different handwritings. The three characters Prince Wen's Mansion cover half of the city with the light of Wen Dao. Each character is the handwriting of Zhang Juzheng.

The imperial seal was stamped below, and the light of the imperial seal filled several streets.

This is the special feature of King Wen, the pinnacle of literary and officialdom.

Lin Su came with the Grand Commander-in-Chief of the Forbidden Palace, and was greeted at the gate of the palace by the Chief Steward Shan Jun. His demeanor was almost the same as that of the Emperor himself.

As soon as Lin Su arrived, the chief steward Shan Jun came to see him with great courtesy and took Lin Su into the palace.

Stepping into the palace, it is magnificent.

The huge front yard is flat and solid, with a concierge and guards.

There were a hundred people kneeling in the front yard to welcome the team, led by the palace's butler. This butler's name was Lin Ruoshui. He had a very elegant name and was fair and fair. Lin Su asked him casually: Your surname is also Lin. ?”

The steward knelt down and replied: My servant used to be named Wang. Since he is the steward of the palace, he naturally takes his surname after the prince.

Look, even the last name has been changed!

There are dozens of houses in the middle courtyard, a nine-curved corridor, and each one is exquisite.

What surprised Lin Su the most was the backyard.

In the backyard, exotic flowers and plants are blooming together, like a sea of ​​flowers. Every flower, every stone, and every tower embodies the ultimate beauty. It is just like the peachland of the Holy Family, and it is even more powerful. In Taoyuan, the beauty in Taoyuan is a kind of artificial beauty, but the beauty of the pavilions and the blooming flowers is natural beauty.

Lin Su stroked a peony flower with his hand: Most of the flowers in this garden are out-of-season flowers. Who has such a skill to capture the changes of the four seasons?

The flowers in the garden include roses, peonies, winter jasmine, and even more than a dozen two-color plum blossoms. These flowers should bloom in different seasons of the year, but in his garden, they bloomed at the same time today.

The housekeeper smiled: There are two theories. One is that the prince returns to the palace today, and hundreds of flowers bloom in honor of the master. The second theory is that there is a wonderful person who can rejuvenate. Please look at it, your prince, it is this girl!

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at a beautiful woman under the plum tree in the depths of the garden. The beautiful woman also happened to raise her head at this moment, and a pair of beautiful eyes touched Lin Su. The girl bowed gracefully, like the side of the plum tree, and then Another flower bloomed. This flower was as tender as a narcissus, but three points more charming than a narcissus. It was as gorgeous as a peach blossom, but seven points more subtle than a peach blossom.

A wave of waves surged through Lin Su's heart, like a spring breeze passing over a long lake, and he asked casually: This girl is not an ordinary servant. Where does she come from?

The housekeeper smiled and said: Your Majesty has a keen eye. This girl's name is Qi Yanran. She is the number one in Huayu Pavilion in the capital. She comes from Baihua Valley. She has wonderful gardens and is famous as a master of the capital. No one else can invite her. Does your Majesty know why this girl is willing to do so? Become a gardener and live in the palace?

Lin Su touched his chin and smiled softly: Don't tell me, it's because I am very handsome.

The housekeeper smiled: It's because her family is the Qi family! She is the legitimate daughter of the Qi family in Lizhou.

Lin Su was slightly startled: Lizhou Qijia? Is it the Qijia who slipped through the net under the knife of the former puppet emperor?

In the old Jiangdong case, seven people were present at the second-level mourning hall. Because the chamberlain talked about the death of the late emperor, which violated Ji Shang's taboo, five families were wiped out, and only two families were saved.

One is the composer Qu Wendong.

The second is the Qi family from Lizhou.

Qu Wendong's way to save his life is to pretend to be confused. When he can no longer pretend, he will resign.

The Qi family was even more thorough. They resigned from all official positions immediately and retreated far away to the west coast of Lizhou. Not only did they not set foot in the officialdom, they did not even set foot in Wufeng City.

In this way, the two families were saved.

However, the butcher's knife of the pseudo-emperor Ji Shang just did not fall and was not taken away. Both the Qu family and the Qi family could feel the murderous intent of the butcher's knife.

But now, with Lin Su's attack, Ji Shang fell directly from the ninth position. The truth of Jiangdong's old case was revealed to the world and was no longer a taboo.

The long-lost blue sky finally appeared above the Qu family and Qi family.

Therefore, Qi Yanran, the legitimate daughter of the Qi family, left Huayuxuan and volunteered to become the gardener of Lin Su's house, using her skills to repay Lin Su's kindness.

This is all the inside story the butler told him.

Lin Su nodded lightly: Okay, since we have this relationship, it is naturally reliable. Where is my residence? Take me there to have a look.

His bedroom is naturally in the main house in the backyard, with a long corridor in front, a small lake, and a river of spring water behind it: Liuxiang River.

Unparalleled elegance.

He sat down on the platform outside the bedroom. Two beautiful maids came in and served fragrant tea. The beauty of these maids was also extraordinary, and they had obviously received court etiquette. In fact, they were the best maids in the palace. Ge Xin personally selected it for him.

When the two top maids brought the refreshments, their hearts were quite agitated.

They finally saw the legendary prince with their own eyes.

He was even more handsome than they expected.

As soon as they got close to him, their hearts jumped...

Because they thought of the sisters' blessings when they left the palace...

The sisters said that this legendary prince is different from anyone else. He likes women. He doesn't care about the woman's original identity, even if she is a lost countryman, even if she is a homeless refugee, as long as he likes her, he can reach the sky in one step.

Serving him is more important than serving His Majesty...

Your Majesty is a stickler for laws and will not attack palace maids in general, but he doesn't talk about this and will attack if he likes it...

So today they wore low-cut clothes, put on perfume, and faced him with their best side...

However, Lin Su's performance was a bit beyond their expectations. He took a sip of tea and gently waved his hand: Everyone, get out!

Everyone quits.

The room is quiet!

A smile slowly appeared on Lin Su's face: Let's take a look. Is my bedroom elegant?

A voice sounded in the room: Quoting your own words to answer... The bedroom is for sleeping! It's not for looking at. Your focus has never been on whether the style is elegant. Anyway, the bad things you do have nothing to do with elegance. …”

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