Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 816 Baihua Fairy has a different background

Lin Su slowly turned around. Behind him was Zhou Mei, the little witch.

Have you been living a happy life recently? Lin Su said with a smile.

Xiaoyao? If you are used to mixing up all kinds of nonsense and gathering all kinds of information as Xiaoyao, I'm probably the most happy person in the world. Zhou Mei said.

Some things vary from person to person. For example, work such as intelligence gathering is definitely difficult for ordinary people to do, and it is not considered free. However, in the eyes of the beautiful and lovely Little Witch Zhou, it may be really free, because you are so amazing, you What others can achieve in one day will not be able to grasp it even if they work hard for a lifetime...

Little Witch Zhou was coaxed by him, and she immediately felt like she was being recharged quickly, and the power surged upwards...

However, there was still a sour expression on her face: Stop, don't praise me, and don't praise me so falsely, I think you are trying to make me famous again... Okay, I will report the results first. !”

Lin Su smiled: Come, sit down and talk!

A cup of tea was handed to Zhou Mei, who accepted it: The first big news, the third prince may not be dead!

The smile on Lin Su's face stiffened...

Zhou Mei said: Actually, I had an intuition very early on that a person like the Third Prince would not die silently, so his body was tested and found to be a stand-in!

The golden cicada escapes from its shell! Lin Su exhaled softly: Where is that Du Qing?

Du Qing is just a counselor, just a nobody! Zhou Mei said: Why do you care so much about him?

Lin Sudao: Because he is a very strange person...

What's the blame?

When Lin Su met Du Qing for the first time at the Xishan meeting, he said this: I have heard for a long time that there is a person beside His Highness the Third Prince. Although he is a commoner, he is extremely intelligent and literary. If he takes a step forward, he can enter the court. If he takes a step back, he can Could it be that the hermit is Your Excellency?

Although this comment is polite, it is also objective.

Because Du Qing is indeed extremely intelligent. He can stay with the third prince and compete with the prince for eight years without losing. How can he not be a wise man?

When he was comparing poems with Lin Sub, he wrote colorful poems. How could he not be an outstanding literary talent?

For such a person, Lin Su said that he could enter the court if he took a step forward, and become a hermit if he took a step back. It was not too much.

So the question is, why don’t such people take the path of literature?

The answer from the world is: This person's family has offended the temple, and the temple has revoked his qualifications for scientific examinations, so he can only be a commoner for the rest of his life.

Lin Su was convinced by this answer at the time, because he didn't know the inside story of the temple at all.

But now that he was standing at a different height, he realized that the answer the world said was not the truth.

The temple has never disqualified the children of a certain family from taking the scientific examination because of the sins committed by the family. It will only disqualify the children from the scientific examination because of the person's own reasons.

However, he asked someone to check and found that Du Qing had never had a scientific examination record.

What serious crime could a person who had never taken part in the scientific examination commit for the temple to ban him?

This conclusion is wrong!

However, one record surfaced during the investigation...

What record?

It’s about Da Cang Mountain!

After the heads of the seventy-two tribes of Da Cang Mountain rebelled against Da Cang, the late emperor (Ji Guang's father) once issued a ban that the heads of Cang Mountain were not allowed to enter the court!

At the head of Cangshan Mountain, Du is a direct descendant.

Du Qing happens to be named Du!

This gave Lin another guess. The fundamental reason why Du Qing could not enter the court as an official may really be a ban, but this ban most likely has nothing to do with the temple, but because of the former emperor!

He is most likely the person at the head of Cangshan Mountain!

The head of Cangshan Mountain could not take root in Da Cang, so it crossed the Qingpan River and entered the Chi Kingdom, where it established Wenxin Pavilion.

A few disciples are left to cause trouble in the world, and the best way to cause trouble is to assist a certain prince. In this way, everything will fall into place...

After listening to Lin Su's analysis, Zhou Mei's eyes widened: If Du Qing is really an outside disciple of Wenxin Pavilion, and under such circumstances, he gives advice to the third prince to escape from his shell, there must be a sequel... How will they plan? ?”

Du Qingben is a commoner! The third prince is also a commoner now... Lin Su muttered: In the secret information, is there a word called 'Buyi Pavilion'?

Zhou Mei shook her head gently: Never heard of it!

Lin Sudao: Activate all the hidden fragrances in Da Cang and search for them!

Why are you so convinced that they will form a 'Buyi Pavilion'? Zhou Mei didn't understand: Just because the name is very nice and it fits their situation well?

Of course not! Lin Su said: Someone from outside the territory told me this name. Buyi Pavilion, Wenxin Pavilion, Yanyu Pavilion, Tianling Sect, and Broken Sword Valley all have people entering Da Cang. Focus on these forces. , In addition, focus on a few people...

Zhou Mei's heart was pounding: You are on a long trip and you can still gain something like this. I kind of doubt that you have built an intelligence system that I don't even know about in your spiritual practice.

Don't think too much, it's just a chance encounter!

Zhou Mei nodded slowly: The Jianghu system of Anxiang will be fully launched tomorrow!...Have you paid attention to a certain gardener in your garden?

Her voice suddenly dropped.

His demeanor is quite mysterious.

Lin Su raised his eyes: You pay attention!

Your focus is probably on whether her face is beautiful, whether her body smells good, and whether her breasts are high or not. My focus is a little different... Zhou Mei said: This girl Qi Yanran is indeed the direct descendant of the Qi family in Lizhou. Girl, the reason on the table is because you, the big troublemaker, Lin, destroyed Ji Shang and lifted the haze over her family. She came to your palace out of repayment and turned into a flower for you to pick. However, you You should understand that some flowers have thorns!

Lin Su nodded: Flowers have thorns, as is the case in the world... But if you have ever picked flowers with your own hands, you will know that as long as you are not so reckless, even if the flowers have thorns, they will not hurt you, so be gentle. , be careful, you can also pick flowers with thorns...

Zhou Mei crossed him fiercely: You still want to say that you have rejuvenation seedlings, even if the stabbing is bleeding, you can repair it!

Yes, I still have rejuvenation seedlings...


Zhou Mei stepped down hard...

Suddenly a voice came from outside: Your Majesty, the four young masters Zhang Haoran, Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, and Qiu Mochi have come to ask for an audience. Your Majesty, do you want to see them?

From now on, no notification is required when the four of them come to visit! Lin Su said with a smile.

Kick, kick, kick, kick…

The housekeeper ran away, yes, he ran away!

Because he knew who these four people were.

That's the prince's brother!

The housekeeper had something to do, and as soon as he arrived at the door, he told Zhang Haoran and others that the prince's shocking words just now...

Zhang Haoran smiled...

The four of them entered the palace side by side. When they saw the layout of the palace, they all sighed. Lin Su greeted them at the screen wall in front, dressed in casual clothes.

The four of them stood together and bowed at the same time: See His Highness King Wen!

Look at my head? Didn't you see that I'm wearing casual clothes? Lin Su stretched out his hand: Today is a gathering of brothers. If anyone follows me as a prince, I will throw him into the lake and take a bath!

The Bibo Lake in Prince Wen's Mansion is famous all over the world! Huo Qidao said: This seems to be a good opportunity to become famous all over the world. Why don't His Highness Prince Wen throw me into the lake now?

Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead and there was nothing he could do.

Li Yangxin jumped out: Brother Huo seems to be interested in poetry, why not write a poem?

Qiu Mochi said: I think Brother Li's suggestion is very good. In Brother Lin's garden, thousands of walls are completely white and hundreds of plaques are empty. Let's try our best to fill it with ten or eight yuan for him. How about it?

A poem?

Everyone was moved.

Going to other people's homes to compose poems is a common thing for literati.

Even though Nan Wang, a prince who couldn't read a basket of Chinese characters, still had countless calligraphy treasures from other people in his house.

However, writing poems in Lin Su's Prince Wen's Mansion is not something that ordinary people dare to think about. The class here is too high, how can ordinary people dare to do it right?

But how can the people who come here be ordinary people?

Lin Su smiled: What ten or eight yuan? The plaques and screens in this entire garden are reserved for you. You can write whatever you want...

Then open the door and let the sparrows out.

The brothers didn't show any pretense and really started to ask questions.

However, they did not dare to write the names of pavilions and buildings easily, they only dared to write poems...

Li Yangxin wrote on the pavilion in the middle hall: The breeze is ten miles away and the pavilion is fragrant, and the concubine is sipping wine to encourage guests to taste...

As soon as the golden poem came out, the courtyard was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Huo Qi wrote a poem on the west wall: There is no breeze, no emotion, the capital is complicated and the heart of the old people...

Poetry is also golden.

Two golden poems gave Prince Wen's palace an instant literati atmosphere.

Zhang Haoran did not write poetry, but walked along the embankment...

Grandpa is very concerned. When will the change of imperial officials take place? Zhang Haoran said: You are in Beijing this time. Do you have any arrangements for this matter?

What he said was what he said, and it was what veterans like Zhang Juzheng thought.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Tomorrow we will go to court! Clean up all at once!



A trace of blush appeared on Zhang Haoran's face: Including second-grade or even first-grade officials?

Including you! Lin Su smiled and said, Zhang Shangshu!

Zhang Haoran's heart skipped a beat, and he stepped on a white stone, freezing.

Lin Sudao: You must have never imagined that after tomorrow, you will be the Minister of War!

Minister of the Ministry of War... Zhang Haoran let out a long breath: Why...why do you treat me so favorably?

Do you think this is a favor? Not a heavy responsibility?

Zhang Haoran said slowly: It is a heavy responsibility, but... it is also a kindness!

The heavy responsibility is due to the character of your Zhang family, which is closely related to the military. The generous treatment is because you deserve it! Lin Su gently patted his shoulder: Brother, your Majesty has ascended the throne. You and I will help him get on the horse and send him off. Procedure!

Zhang Haoran's heart was filled with enthusiasm: Okay!

A one-word answer contains complex emotions...

Brotherhood, family and country are all in it!

He raised his eyes: What about the three brothers?

They are all Zuo Shilang! The Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs! Lin Su said: It is estimated that after tomorrow, there will be a rumor spread all over the world, that is, I, Lin Su, have achieved enlightenment alone, and chickens and dogs have ascended to heaven, and nepotism is practiced. But. It doesn’t matter, rumors will always be rumors, and we still have a set of national policies to roll out. I put the four of you in such a key position because I want you to work hand in hand with me to complete this unprecedented transformation of the Great Cang Country!

Your reforms are related to the tax system, people's livelihood, military, and criminal law? Zhang Haoran learned about Lin Su's business from the positions of these three brothers.

The most sensitive thing of the Ministry of Revenue is the tax system.

The biggest thing of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is people's livelihood.

The Ministry of Punishment is the natural representative of the law.

The Ministry of War controls the basic military base.

Except for him, the Minister of War, who is the first-in-command, the Zuo Shilang of each ministry is also the second-in-command. This second-in-command is very sensitive and acts as a check for the first-in-command. If the first-in-command does well, you are the first-in-command. If the first-in-command does not do well, the second-in-command can do it at any time. replace it.

Especially the second in command, who was promoted from above.

The leapfrog promotion itself sent an extraordinary signal, that is, the superiors had great trust in the second-in-command. Under such circumstances, the first-in-command in each department did not dare to be slightly disrespectful to the second-in-command.

Promoting four brothers at once, and all of them are in key positions, the turmoil at tomorrow's court meeting will be unprecedented.

Zhang Haoran let out a long breath: I kind of understand why you had to have the four of us follow you that day to break into the third prince's Prince Ping's mansion!

At that time, he thought that Lin Su was simply trying to embolden them and create a big battle so that the third prince would not dare to show his face.

Now it seems that this is a foreshadowing of Lin Su.

That day, the five of them advanced and retreated together, standing firmly on the opposite side of the emperor.

They have become representatives of bringing order out of chaos.

After the new emperor takes office, it makes sense to reuse them!

The courage they showed that day was just a preparation for them to enter the court!

This brother's secret plan is really watertight. He takes one move and sees three moves. Every move is not in vain.

Is Yiyu back? Lin Su's voice came to his ears.

Zhang Haoran didn't know how he felt for a moment. You have been sealed as King of Side by Side, but you still don't dare to have the original intention...

After my sister came back from the Bishui Sect that day, she was exposed to the mystery of heaven and went west in just seven days! Zhang Haoran said: She did not participate in the final decisive battle of imperial power. Don't blame her, she is just not in the capital.

I know! Lin Su said: I know that she has faced the final kick of Xiang Tian Fa Di, and Green Willow Villa is about to usher in a true legend on the spiritual path.

She's not the only one? Aren't all the fellow travelers on the scientific expedition road back then legends? Zhang Haoran smiled softly: This year is another scientific examination year, and the interval is only three years. Things have changed and people have changed. ?

Things are right and people are different! Lin Su said with a smile: Come, I will leave you that screen wall to write down your feelings about the right and wrong of things and people!

Zhang Haoran stepped forward and started writing...

When we attacked Ma Haining Tower,

An inch of shock and a half-month harvest,

Knowing from afar that the world is sweeping away,

Things are the same and people are not the same;

The storms of heaven and earth dare not rest,

The Yangtze River flows thousands of miles day by day.

Now I pick up Lingyun Zhi again,

Go to Qiongbiluo Youth Tour!

As soon as the pen fell, the colorful rays of light illuminated the sky and the earth. This song Youth Travel completely recorded the meeting and acquaintance between Zhang Haoran and Lin Su, recorded an earth-shattering legend between them, and also confirmed his determination to soar to the top and fight on the battlefield again. It is heroic and open-minded, and was judged as a colorful poem by the temple.

As soon as the colorful poem came out, the whole garden was shocked.

Countless maids raised their heads, their eyes filled with brilliance.

Even Qi Yanran, the hard-working gardener in the backyard, had a different look in her eyes. A plum blossom in her hand bloomed in three colors, one was white, one was red, and one was green, and the other was green. Flowers, flowers and leaves are of the same color, integrated into one body, with a unique mystery...

Damn! Cai Shi! Huo Qi shouted: Our brother Zhang, are you going to the road of Cai Shi and Cai Ci and never look back?

At this moment, Qiu Mochi put pen to paper...

The Residence of King Qing is full of flowing lights and flying embroideries, and the pavilions are like silver trees. It must be the king of Wen; who holds the colorful butterflies and spring flowers? Thousands of buildings turn into painted hands. The jade corridors and brocades compete to wish each other, the bright moon and the clear breeze, I hope people For a long time; a lake has been white for thousands of years, how dare you treat the passing years like a gray dog?

The word is complete!

Colorful lights fill the sky and earth!

Suddenly a green light avenue appeared in the sky, leading directly to the palace...

Everyone was shocked, Kai Wenlu?

Qiu Mochi actually opened a literary path?

The holy voice came from the sky: On top of Ci Dao, a new card is opened. The name of the Ci brand is Qing Wang Ju, the founder is Da Cang Qiu Mo Chi!

The holy light filled his body and fell, and Qiu Mochi's whole body shone with silver light...

The brothers jumped up at the same time to congratulate Qiu Mochi for breaking into the Wenlu realm.

Lin Su felt extremely happy that one of his brothers had entered Wenlu.

This poem was written for him by Qiu Mochi to celebrate the completion of his new mansion.

It is based on his Ci Pai creation rules.

He must admit that there are many things in common in literature and art. It can only open a door for them, and their wisdom will move forward and create one word brand after another.

Qi Yanran in the backyard was holding a flower in her hand, trembling slightly. What's going on? Isn’t it said that writing colorful poems and lyrics is as difficult as reaching the sky? Why were two colorful poems written so easily in Prince Wen's palace today?

Isn’t it said that countless literati are stuck in the realm of Confucianism and are unable to struggle out, and opening up a literary path is regarded as a century-old legend?

Why did this inconspicuous Qiu Mochi start a literary career less than half an hour after entering the palace?

Everyone knows that Lin Su is a literary legend.

Why are the people around him so legendary?

There is a saying that goes well, you look at the scenery on the bridge, the people under the bridge look at you, and you yourself are also the scenery in the eyes of others...

This word is also suitable here.

Qi Yanran captured the alternative scenery of the palace, and she herself was also the scenery in Zhou Mei's eyes.

Zhou Mei was also observing her.

However, Zhou Mei also had to admit that she could not see any more information. She knew that this beauty had a sincere love for the literary world. Such a beauty would stay in his bottomless literary pit. Here, it was like sinking to the bottom.

Does she have a conspiracy?

If there is a conspiracy, will he be tricked into the bed and count Maomao?

Zhou Mei rested her fingers on the edge of the bed, thinking wildly...

South of the capital, Song Mansion.

In the study room, Song Du suddenly raised his head, and the lady sitting opposite him also raised her head at the same time...

There was a loud knock on the door, and the master's voice came: Master, the Qiu Mo Pond broke into Wen Road, but it was in the newly completed Prince Wen's Mansion!

The capital of Song Dynasty was slightly shocked: King Wen returned to the capital?

Exactly! Master said, We should return to the capital half a day ago. The first stop is the Xishan Courtyard. Your Majesty went to Xishan in person and discussed with him for two whole hours.

Song Du stood up slowly, his eyes shining with light.

Master, do you want to see him in person? the lady asked.

Song Du's face was slightly tangled: Madam, do you think... is it appropriate?

In the past three years, the relationship between this wife and Song Du has been deteriorating. However, in the past two months, it seems that she has returned to the honeymoon period. Song Du is with his wife almost all the time. His favorite concubine, I have been alone in an empty house for more than two months...

The lady mused: I went to Haining two months ago, and met my sister very happily. However, my sister had spoken first, and she would not interfere in the affairs involving King Wen... I really don't know how he will treat the master.

Song Du sighed: I was so humble that day that I failed to save your brother-in-law. King Wen criticized me a lot. How could I not know? My wife came to the Lin Mansion in person. Although King Wen avoided seeing her, he finally accepted this goodwill. Now, it’s time for me to come forward in person and settle all the differences with him.”

The lady nodded: What do you want to do, master?

Of course it's a kiss!

This is Song Mansion.

In the prime minister's house, Lu Tiancong also stared at the green fields in the sky for a long time. A young man next to him looked at the sky, and it was Lu Yujing.

In the scientific examination three years ago, Lu Yujing was the one who took the imperial examination.

In a scientific examination, although he did not step into the Sanlang realm of No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, he was still an out-and-out Holy Scholar.

On that day, he made his debut as a holy jinshi. His grandfather was the prime minister of the dynasty. The first stop of his debut was Wenyuan Pavilion, which represented the pinnacle of literary education. No matter how you look at it, he was the pinnacle figure of the younger generation in the world. However, he was directly knocked down by Zhang Juzheng. , and has since become a literary waste.

Now that he saw Qiu Mochi starting a literary career with his own eyes, he should be vomiting blood!

However, what is strange is that his face is very calm, even a little mysterious: Grandpa, Lin Su returned to Beijing today, His Majesty had a secret talk with him in Xishan, and a grand meeting will be held suddenly tomorrow. Can you think of the connection points between them?

Lu Tian withdrew his gaze from a distance and stared at Lu Yujing: What kind of connection?

Lu Yujing said: Tomorrow's court meeting will be a purge meeting. Grandpa, your official career has come to an end!

This sentence should be earth-shattering.

But Lu Tiancong didn't seem to be shocked at all, staring at him quietly: Jing'er, who told you what you said?

I don't even know who this person is, but he is really talented in the world, and he has the eye to see through the general trend of the world. Lu Yujing said: In the current situation of the dynasty, Ji Guang is in power, Lin Su covers the sky with one hand, Zhang Juzheng, Chen Geng and others They are already loyal confidants, and Grandpa alone cannot defeat them. However, Grandpa needs to believe that the world is vast, and compared to billions of miles of rivers and mountains, a palace of political virtue is only a small square inch...

In Prince Wen's palace, the green light was all over, and Lin Su, Zhang Haoran, Li Yangxin, and Huo Qi all congratulated Qiu Mochi.

Qiu Mochi beamed with joy and patted Li Yangxin and Huo Qi on the shoulders: On the literary road, Brother Lin is a master of martial arts. Brother Zhang and I have already taken this step. You two, stop visiting women. If you study the art of Ci Pai more, you have to catch up earlier! This sentence is quite rude when used between literati, and it can probably only be used between brothers.

Damn it! Huo Qi shouted: You can open up a literary career by having fewer whores. Just ask Brother Lin if he agrees? He doesn't even care about the monastery, so why doesn't it affect his opening up a literary career?

The topic has gone awry here...

Just as there was chaos, the housekeeper ran over in three steps and two steps: Your Majesty, we have a visitor!


Her Royal Highness Princess Yufeng!

Haha, the princess is here, so someone from the temple must be here too. Facts have proved that Brother Lin's 'gentlemanly elegance' has basically nothing to do with the region. The temple is still the palace, it just depends on one thought...

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