Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 817 The handed down poem Qinyuan Chun

With a swish sound, a slap came across the air and held Li Yangxin's mouth tightly. Zhang Haoran warned with stern eyes...

Today's Princess Yufeng is no ordinary royal princess.

She is a formal eldest princess.

There is no need to be polite in front of His Majesty. If you need anything, please go directly to His Majesty. A powerful princess who has never appeared in the entire dynasty cannot be as presumptuous as before in front of her.

Basic rules and etiquette must still be observed.

Lin Su and the four brothers stood up at the same time, the middle door opened wide, Princess Yufeng's sedan chair was carried into the palace, the palace door was closed, and the people inside came out.

Princess Yufeng, Lu Youwei, and Xie Xiaoyan are all inside...

The girl accompanying me is Youying...

See Your Highness the Princess! Lin Su took the lead, and all the brothers came together.

See His Highness King Wen! Princess Yufeng returned the gift with the same etiquette. She raised her eyes and smiled softly: Are you satisfied with this palace?

The only thing I'm not satisfied with is that it's too big! Lin Su said, If I got lost in my palace, it would probably be an anecdote for the ages.

Everyone laughed...

Come on, there is a pavilion over there, where these four talented men just wrote poems! Lin Su pointed to the pavilion where he was just now.

Xie Xiaoyan smiled: A place where four talented people wrote poems? Shouldn't it be the place where five talented people wrote poems?

Everyone was excited at the same time...

Among the five great talents, Lin Su is among them!

Xie Xiaoyan added: On the Western Mountain just now, you agreed to write a poem. When His Majesty came, your legendary 'poetry ordering' ordered food and saw it on the table, so the little lady and her party Four people made a special trip to taste Prince Lin’s dish.”

Lin Su looked up to the sky and sighed: It seems that I am really unlikely to owe debts. If I owe money on the front foot, a bunch of people will come to collect debts on the back foot. Okay... come and join the cabinet!

Entering the pavilion, fragrant tea was served, not to mention that the faces of the girls were all red, and even the maids had red clouds on their faces.

It is not easy for any of the maids to be selected into Prince Wen's Mansion. Not to mention killing six generals in five passes and crossing a single-plank bridge among thousands of troops before entering Prince Wen's Mansion as a maid, but there are still many choices - - Royal Dai Linsu's first criterion for choosing a maid is: she must be knowledgeable and courteous. Otherwise, how can she be worthy of the title of King Wen in the palace of King Wen?

All of them have read books (just because women don’t go to school doesn’t mean they don’t study. Women from wealthy families and scholarly families know more or less about music, chess, calligraphy and painting)...

It is precisely because they have read books and know poetry that they know what a legendary legend they have witnessed today!

Four people entered the garden, two golden poems, two colorful poems, and one person even broke the literary path in the garden!

Just these four strokes of color make today's first show at Prince Wen's Mansion a shining light.

But now, three talented women are here, and the most important scene of the day is about to begin.

What is a heavy drama?

King Wen wrote the inscription himself!

His poetry has a colorful beginning!

He also frequently writes poems and lyrics that have been handed down from generation to generation...

His poems will make everyone change their color...

But how many people can witness it with their own eyes?

You've finished the tea. Can you start writing the lyrics? Cipai is still the old Cipai! The second question is, are you still asking now?

Xiaoyan, you are really... an old-timer! Lu Youwei glanced at Qiu Mochi. This kid was confused right now...

Xie Xiaoyan suddenly became alert...

If she were on the west mountain, she could make any request to Lin Su. If you order food, I will order it for you. It is a high probability to order new words.

Anyway, opening a new word card is as easy as drinking water.

When King Wen first entered Wen's palace, he wanted to create a sensation, and the new word brand was even more sensational.

But the current situation is different.

Qiu Mochi has just opened a literary path and a new word brand.

There are two other friends stuck on this word card road and unable to move.

In this case, if you let him open a new word card, wouldn't you be stealing the limelight from your brother?

Everyone knows that one of Lin Su's characteristics is that he does not suppress his brothers. I recall that day at the Xishan meeting, when the brothers wrote poems and lyrics and had a great time, but he did not write that day!

Later, the third prince came to visit with Du Qing. Out of resistance, he wrote the stunning pastoral poem The Moon Farewells the Branches and Startled the Magpies...

Lu Youwei was as careful as her hair and thought of this.

Xie Xiaoyan is more straightforward, but not stupid. She quickly thought of it and decided on the old word card together.

Qiu Mochi naturally understood that this was a compromise for him, and he still felt warm in his heart...

Lin Su smiled: This poem is old, but you probably haven't heard of it. In fact, half of this poem is old, but you haven't heard of it either...

Qinyuanchun? Princess Yufeng was slightly surprised...

you know?

Princess Yufeng exhaled softly: I once heard the girl in green say that you once wrote half of Qinyuanchun, but stopped writing. We asked her what the half of Qinyuanchun was about, and she didn't know. Ken said, today, I can finally resolve my original suspense...

Lin Su laughed: I didn't write that day because I didn't want to irritate someone, but today, I just want to irritate him!

He gently raised his hand, holding the precious pen in his hand, and spreading the gold paper on the coffee table...

The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, and everything is done with just one swipe...

Qinyuan Spring Snow

Thousands of miles of ice,

Thousands of miles of snow falling,

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall,

Only the vastness remains,

Up and down the river,

Suddenly I lost my eloquence,

The silver snake dances in the mountains,

Original Chi wax figure,

I want to compete with God.

It must be sunny,

Look at the red makeup,

Extraordinarily enchanting.

The country is so beautiful,

Attracting countless heroes to their knees...

At this point in the poem, it’s already half-stepped into glory!

Zhang Haoran and others all left the table, their eyes filled with confusion. How heroic is this?

Lin Su continued writing without stopping...

Xi Ying Huang He Wu,

Slightly less literary,

Kangzong Yuezu,

A little less coquettish,

A generation of genius,

The white wolf respects the head,

I only know how to bend my bow and shoot at the big eagle,

All gone,

Count the famous people,

Let’s look at today!

When the pen falls, the blue light fills the sky, and green lotuses bloom across the sky!

Legendary poems! Huo Qi shouted...

Legend to the world! Everyone in the palace looked up to the sky...

A branch in Qi Yanran's hand was broken out of thin air, but strangely, where the branch was broken, another new branch was formed out of thin air, and the bright red that should have passed away bloomed again in her palm...

Zhou Mei didn't even see this magical scene.

She was stunned too!

Ci poems passed down from generation to generation!

She saw his handed down poems again!

Some people say that Lin Su is a man with a deep mind. His great achievements have not yet been accomplished, and his heart is full of emotions. Therefore, countless beautiful poems have come from his fingertips. But now, the overall situation of the world has been decided, and his peerless talent has been exhausted. No matter how hard it is, it will be difficult to write poems that will be handed down from generation to generation.

I don’t know where this judgment came from. It was passed down from word to mouth among the people.

Zhou Mei knew why.

One is because someone sets the pace.

The second reason is that literati like to hear such judgments.

Everyone is a literary person. If you are successful alone, while other people of the same era are under your shadow, which literati would be happy?

Therefore, if Lin Su's future is decided by a vote, probably 99% of the literati will agree with his Lin Su's talent is exhausted!

And now, on the first day he entered Prince Wen's Mansion, he wrote a poem that will be handed down from generation to generation!

This is to use hard facts to shatter the rumors from the literary world!

In the capital, on top of a restaurant, someone shouted: It's a legend again, is there no way for people to survive...

Before he finished speaking, a hand came from the air, pressed on the scholar's mouth, and gave a stern warning, you are seeking death, he is now His Highness King Wen...

The whole capital was very lively at this moment.

The pavilion in Prince Wen's Mansion was very abnormal. Everyone stared blankly at the large green characters flowing in the air, with light shining in their eyes...

The big characters flowed across the hundred-mile sky, and the sacred sound sounded in the sky...

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting...Qinyuan Spring Snow, the lyrics have been handed down from generation to generation...I will give you the cultural treasure Red Makeup and Plain Wrap!

The green lotus in the sky changed and turned into heavy snow!

The snowflakes fell into the garden, and the dust and dirt in the garden were gone. A faint stream of light appeared around Prince Wen's Mansion. This stream of light has the same function as the heaven and earth of Xishan Villa, and is the most wonderful guardian of the garden - —Guardian of the great power of literature and art.

Zhang Haoran exhaled softly: I'm a little afraid to go home. I'm worried that my grandfather will be stimulated. If I have to write a poem that will be handed down for generations in exchange for the literary protection of Green Willow Villa, then I will die!

Huo Qi frowned: Who says it's not the case? Ever since my old man knew that Brother Lin had brought a literary defense to Xishan Villa, he has been urging me to take Brother Lin to Huo's house to sit down. I also told the old man that this Poems handed down from ancient times are rare things, but now another one has appeared while Brother Lin raised his hand. I really can’t explain it to the old man...

Literary guardianship is the ultimate guardian of all gardens. This guardianship is not only powerful, but more importantly, it corresponds to the ultimate in literary elegance. Who doesn’t want a garden that not only has the function of guardianship, but also displays the atmosphere of literary education?

However, such protection is truly rare!

Wen Dao is the first of the five ways. How could the temple easily use the power of Wen Dao to help people guard their houses?

Therefore, this kind of strange thing is only heard as a legend.

It was also in Xishan Villa that Lin Su sang Lang Tao Sha. Gurgling Rain Outside the Curtain for the first time, which brought a literary guardianship to Princess Yufeng's Xishan Villa, which became an eternal wonder.

But now, with another song, he has won the protection of Wen Dao for his own Prince Wen's Mansion, declaring that the judgment that Wen Dao's wonders cannot be copied has failed. Under his hands, Wen Dao has been subverting.

Qiu Mochi raised his gaze: Brother Lin, your words are quite connotative... What is your intention?

Everyone's thoughts were instantly turned back...

What I didn’t mention in the first half of the poem is the heroic snow!

But the last few sentences are full of meaning.

Yinghuang, Hewu, Kangzong, and Yuezu are all the four heroes who have been recorded in the history of Ohsumi!

The white wolf head is an allusion, that is, Li Chi, the contemporary king of Osumi, said that when Li Chi was born, there was a white wolf shadow above the palace. The white wolf is the common totem of all the tribes in the north. Therefore, Li Chi , was given the honorable title of White Wolf Head since birth.

Lin Su's heroic and unparalleled Qin Yuan Chun. Snow trampled on all the five legendary figures in Osumi's thousand-year history!

The one who stepped on him the hardest was Li Chi, the current king of Dayu. Lin Suyan only knew how to bend a bow and shoot a giant eagle!

The one who bends the bow and shoots the eagle is a warrior!

No strategy at all!

This poem is a poem that has been handed down from generation to generation. The Confucian temples in the capitals of various countries have already received it. It will take at least three days for the literati in the world to know it. What will happen if Li Chi is so insulted by him?

This is a provocation!

As Lin Su's closest brother, I really want to know what Lin Su is thinking at this moment...

Lin Su smiled: Brothers, what do you think my intention is?

Stimulate Li Chi! Zhang Haoran said: This is a declaration of war against Li Chi. Does Brother Lin have a strategic plan to send troops out of Lingding Ocean and sweep across Da Yu?

This is already an out-and-out military thinking.

The eyes of all the brothers were bright at the same time.

It has been more than two months since the Jin Dynasty was recovered, and the three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in Jin Dynasty have been merged into the territory of Da Cang. Could it be that Lin Su's eyes have crossed the Lingding Ocean? Face the billions of miles of mountains and rivers in Osumi?

Otherwise, why would you pull out the five great kings from the past dynasties in Ohsumi... and look down upon them?

Unless he has a strategic intention to stimulate Li Chi.

Lin Su shook his head: Of course stimulation is stimulation, but it is not stimulation to Li Chi!

Who are you stimulating? The brothers, Princess Yufeng and four other beauties asked together.

Ying Huang, He Wu, Kang Zong, Yue Zu, plus the current emperor Li Chi, these five are all heroes in the history of Dayu. Everyone has a halo above his head, but brothers, do you know that these five Where did the halo above your head come from?”

Zhang Haoran's eyes lit up: I understand! You are irritating the people of Lu, Chu, and Han. You are also irritating the remnants of the Eighteen tribes on the northern grasslands!

The eyes of all the brothers also brightened up...

They immediately interpreted the magical meaning of this poem...

There are fundamental differences between Ohsumi and Da Cang's governance models.

Osumi is the result of the merger of nineteen grassland tribes. The grassland tribes are barbaric in nature and use force to establish their country. Their purpose is to invade and conquer by force. As long as they call the heroes, they will kill them all and eventually achieve hegemony. of.

Especially Ying Huang, He Wu, Kang Zong, Yue Zu and Li Chi!

They led one of the nineteen tribes: the White Wolf tribe, and used extremely cruel methods to fight their way out of the grassland, unify the northern border, establish Dayu, annex the four kingdoms of Han, Chu, Lu, and Jin, and become the overlord of the north.

In the eyes of the White Wolf tribe, these heroes are naturally the heroes of generations.

Because they led the White Wolf Tribe and achieved the ultimate glory of a tribe.

But what do these heroes look like to the descendants of the rest of the tribe?

What do the survivors of the three kingdoms of Lu, Han, and Chu see?

It's their ancestor-killing enemy!

They are bandits who have invaded their land!

They are invaders who destroy their ancestral temples, communities, and traditional regulations!

Thousands of years of history are enough to make many things sink into the long river of time, but it does not allow all future generations to forget history!

Lin Su's poem Chuan Shi Qing Ci names these five heroes, which seems to be just a mockery of Ohsumi, but in fact it is in the most popular way (Jiu Shi Qing Ci is the most popular thing in this era). Put history before the people of Osumi again.

Tell them a historical fact that existed in the first place, but that many people choose to forget: the hero in the eyes of the White Wolf Tribe is actually the enemy of the rest of the Tribe! The Osumi Li Dynasty was built on the bones of countless tribes and countries!

They are not qualified to enslave all their people forever, and they still owe you a heavy blood debt!

This famous poem handed down from generation to generation is heart-breaking!

What is being punished is not only Li Chi’s ambition, but also the hearts and minds of billions of people in Dayu!

This is the key reason why Lin Su completed Qinyuan Spring Snow today.

At Green Willow Villa, Zhang Juzheng and Chen Geng sat across from each other, enjoying the view of the Lin family beside the white clouds.

As the leading historian in the world, Chen Geng is naturally better able to interpret the wonderful functions of Qing Ci interpreted by Zhang Haoran and others, and he also went a step further: A Qing Ci can kill people and kill people, and Da Yu will He fell into civil strife because of this legendary poem, which shows that he is determined to attack the capital city of Osumi!

Zhang Juzheng let out a long sigh: The Confucian way of governing the world by benevolence has now conquered even the most dangerous places in the world. We are fighting in the corners of the sky and the sky has won a great victory. Is it really necessary to go further?

Chen Gengdao: In the history of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, when the two countries clashed, there were those who gained the upper hand and lived in peace, and there were also those who fought the tiger but did not die but suffered the consequences. Which step of the war is appropriate depends on the enemy's strength. As for the way of governing a country, if the enemy country is based on Confucianism and governs with benevolence, peace and harmony will be more consistent with the holy way. However, if the enemy country uses killing as the way to build a country and conquest as the way of a great king, then the grass must be cut off and the roots must be cut off!

Zhang Juzheng's heart skipped a beat: The predecessor of the Li Dynasty of Dayu Kingdom was the White Wolf Tribe. The road of killing and conquest has never stopped, and it has penetrated into the bones of every generation of monarchs. Therefore, it doesn't matter if we live in peace, It doesn’t apply to them.”

Exactly, war strategies also vary from person to person. It is absolutely impossible for a country like Osumi to coexist peacefully with Da Cang. As long as there is a slight possibility, we can only give them a chance, and they will still be a fatal problem in the north of Da Cang!

The Great Cang has him in this generation, but it is impossible to have him in the future. Therefore, he must complete his efforts in one battle and completely solve the northern border troubles! Zhang Juzheng said: Dean Chen, since he has made up his mind, you and I, the old people, Let's do something for him at the back...

On the same day, Osumi Imperial City.

Li Chi held a copy of the lyrics in his hand, his face turned green!

There was a loud earthquake, and the imperial desk in front of him fell into pieces. Li Chi roared and shook the palace: Young Lin Su, how dare you insult me!

Cao Ru, the Grand Scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion next to him, trembled slightly and did not dare to speak.

This manuscript was given to His Majesty by him. As a bachelor of Osumi Wenyuan Pavilion, he was the first to look up the new poem Qinyuan Chun. Snow handed down by the temple. Something didn't look right at first sight, so he hurriedly presented it to Your Majesty. Your Majesty When he saw it, he became furious.

But another old man with a fairy-like manner spoke up: Does Your Majesty only see the intention of humiliating the Emperor in this manuscript?

Li Chi's eyes fell on his face, and he said gloomily: What did Elder Wu see?

Most people are not worthy to enter his royal study, let alone speak when His Majesty is furious, but this old man is obviously an exception because he is the top elder of the Holy Family of Painting Saints.

Elder Wu said: This piece of chessboard placement is based on one thing and another. This famous poem that has been handed down from generation to generation is not just an insult to His Majesty, he intends to tear Dayu apart!

Cao Ru suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining...

Li Chi's heart also skipped a beat...

Osumi founded the country based on military force. Emperor Ying, He Wu, Kang Zong, Yuezu and himself were all representatives in this regard. Of course he knew that there were countless people in Osumi who hated the Li Dynasty. As an emperor, he He is probably the king who has suffered the most assassinations, but he doesn't care. He believes in the basic philosophy of the White Wolf clan. As long as the White Wolf is strong enough, all beasts will bow at your feet.

However, this strength is based on the premise that the dynasty is going smoothly!

Currently, Osumi is bound to lose in almost every battle against Da Cangzhi!

In this case, his prestige has dropped to the bottom!

On the grassland, when the wolf king shows signs of weakness, the other wolves around him will become disloyal, and so will the prey under his feet!

This son seized on Osumi's rare image of weakness and began to tear open the dust-laden scars of various races, stir up hatred, and tear Osumi apart...

What are the sinister intentions?

Elder Wu stared at Li Chi's face and said slowly: Your Majesty, the Flying Dragon Legion has a peerless killing formation. It is sitting on a small and advantageous location, strangling Your Majesty's throat. It has been unable to attack for a long time. There are strange noises everywhere in the corner of the country. This son is one of the most famous poets in the world. Come out, the situation in Da Yu is even more difficult, your Majesty, why don’t you listen to what sounds are coming from the other side of Beihai!

Beihai? Li Chi said in a deep voice: How can the Great Elder not know what they are planning? I am the king of the human race, and it is absolutely impossible for me to act as a traitor to the human race, open the passage to the sea of ​​​​humans, and let the sea people enter!

Elder Wu smiled softly: Your Majesty is a human race, isn't this old man also a human race? The one who drew the line dividing the human sea and protected the human race for thousands of years, how could the old man betray the human race? How dare he betray the human race? But on the other side of Beihai, there is no broken They also don’t dare to enter the dividing line of the human sea! They are just willing to help His Majesty in the next round of strategic twists and turns!”

Li Chi's eyes lit up: What kind of winding path leads to the secluded place?

Beihai Dragon Palace is willing to act as a troop transport, transporting Osumi's army to the east, west, and south seas, and attacking Da Cang from three sides!

Li Chi's heart skipped a beat...

The battle between Dayu and Da Cang has reached a dead end. Li Xiaotian strangled him by the throat in Lingdingyang, and he could not get past the defense line of the Feilong Legion.

In this case, Beihai Ryugu is willing to provide assistance to help the Osumi Cavalry bypass the Lingding Ocean and transfer to the South China Sea, the West China Sea and the East China Sea on the vast sea.

This twist was absolutely beyond everyone’s expectations!

Even if Lin Su was a god, he wouldn't have thought of it!

More importantly, once they enter the sea, they have countless landing points. You can't stop them even if you want to intercept them. Once Ohsumi's army lands, the sky will be surrounded by flames, and Lin Su can't stop it even with three heads and six arms. So many openings.

But once Da Cang fell and swept in from behind Li Xiaotian, Li Xiaotian's Ling Ding Yang Tian Tian Deng was also in ruins.

Such long-distance projection is basically impossible in this era. However, Beihai Dragon Palace can do it because they are aquatic tribe. With their strength, even if there are tens of millions of troops, let alone millions of troops, they can do it quietly. Silently delivered to any country with a coastline.

The blood of conquest that had just fallen silent for Li Chi, a genius hero, suddenly rose into the sky: What does Beihai Dragon Palace want?

They want nothing!

Don't want anything? Li Chi frowned.

Elder Wu said: To say no is actually a lie. They still have an agenda. This matter starts with the just-concluded East China Sea Encirclement and Suppression Campaign...

The thrilling battle situation in the East China Sea reappeared in his words...

The Dragon Palace of the North Sea, the Dragon Palace of the West Sea, and the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea united hundreds of races at sea to attack the East China Sea...

Originally, the East China Sea Dragon Palace was completely vulnerable to an army of hundreds of millions, and the ancient Dragon Gate would also be captured by the coalition forces...

However, one person suddenly went to the East China Sea, and he was Lin Su!

Lin Su entered the East China Sea, upgraded the Dragon Palace Array, performed a peerless strategy, and almost single-handedly destroyed the hundreds of millions of troops that invaded the East China Sea!

Afterwards, together with the East China Sea Dragon Palace, they directly destroyed the West Sea Dragon Palace and the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

There are now only two superpowers left in the million-mile sea area, East China Sea Dragon Palace and Beihai Dragon Palace.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace has the help of the ancient dragon gate, and its strength is growing rapidly every day.

Beihai Dragon Palace cannot sit still and must take action.

It also has advantages. Its advantage is that it is millions of miles away from the sea. Almost all races have a bloody feud with the East China Sea Dragon Palace and can join forces with them. However, those races are wary of the North Sea Dragon Palace. In order to eliminate this wariness , Beihai Dragon Palace needs a certificate of nomination!

What is its investment certificate?

Let out a strong breath of anger for these races!

Don’t you hate Lin Su?

Then, join forces with Da Yu to cripple Da Cang and let everyone in Da Cang know that the suffering they suffered is because of Lin Su!

In this way, the literary name that Lin Su worked so hard to build and everything he insisted on will be wiped out!

The North Sea Dragon Palace avenged the blood of these races, gathered the power of these races, re-formed the suppression of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and finally annihilated the East China Sea Dragon Palace and monopolized millions of miles of sea!

Li Chi let out a long breath: I have also heard about the battle between the Three Palaces surrounding the East China Sea. Lin Su's devil's claws have actually reached the sea! I can understand the plot of the Dragon Palace in the North Sea... However, Elder Wu was involved in it, but it was... Why?

Elder Wu said: The Holy Family of the Painting Saint Qing Lian Lun Dao and the Lin Thief were enemies in the front, and the two saint sons were in a blood feud. Now, the head of the family has lost his life because of him. How can he share this blue sky with this son? Although the painter and Hai The clans have different paths, but their desire to crush the Lin family into ashes and destroy the world are the same!

Li Chi slowly raised his eyes and looked at the sky: ...

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