Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 819 Zhang Juzheng digs holes even if he jumps into them

A great court meeting, a great purge...

Sixteen court officials sadly left the court and embarked on their new posts. This post sounds lofty, and they would discuss state affairs with His Majesty and discuss the most top-level state affairs. However, everyone knew that His Majesty might not be able to do so during his lifetime. , will not discuss state affairs with these people. Of course, the channels for discussion are also open. If you are interested, you can write a letter to His Majesty in one day. However, His Majesty will not read it. After reading it, he will wipe it with your letter. If you still wipe the table with your butt, that's your Majesty's business.

There is a kind of consultant, just hire without asking!

Yes, that’s them!

Some people may also mention a person, Lin Su!

Lin Su was also one of the seventeen people who were demoted. What should he do?

Haha, he has no official position in the first place, why are you demoting him?

He is a member of the State Council, and he can also write to His Majesty. Please take a look at his letter to see if Your Majesty can read it...

This is a replica of when Lin Su first entered officialdom. Every memorial written by Lin Su would be selectively implemented by his superiors. Now it is Lu Tiancong's turn.

Every memorial issued by Lu Tiancong and his team will probably be selectively implemented by Ji Guang...

There was a storm at the Great Court Meeting, but it didn’t look like it was big...

Because Ji Guang also played a game of chess...

Qiu Mochi and other three people came to Prince Wen's Mansion again after the court meeting, with great excitement. However, they also received a rejection today, but this rejection was completely different from the general rejection.

It's not that Lin Su didn't see them, but that Lin Su had already left the capital.

The steward told them: Your Majesty has said that the three adults are currently serving as Zuo Shilang and have important responsibilities on their shoulders. The national policy of the court is about to be greatly changed. The fields involved are all within your authority. You must go all out and not slack off!

Qiu Mochi, Huo Qi, and Li Yangxin looked at each other: The national policy of the imperial court is about to be greatly changed... Could it be related to people's livelihood, tax system, and criminal law?

The three of them were the left ministers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Ministry of Punishment. Lin Su clearly stated that the three of them were serving in response to orders, so Lin Su must be planning to make a fuss about people's livelihood, tax system, and criminal law.

The three of them serve in a relay battle!

Li Yangxin said: Brother Zhang directly took over as Minister of War. It seems that Brother Lin should have more than these three items on the chessboard. Military affairs and reform should be the greatest.

Huo Qi looked at the sky from a forty-five angle and sighed faintly: Suddenly he was promoted from the seventh rank to the third rank Zuo Shilang. It seems that the ancestral graves of my Huo family are emitting green smoke. My old man is probably worshiping his ancestors at the moment. It feels good to be promoted. Okay, just one thing makes me a little confused.


We are already third-grade high-ranking officials, can we still happily go to a brothel?

Depend on!

The two brothers hid their faces at the same time...

In Zhang Juzheng's study at Green Willow Villa, Zhang Juzheng looked at the clouds in the distance, and in his eyes there was excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

A kind of excitement is called promotion.

There is a greater excitement for children to be promoted.

There is one of the greatest excitements that urges children to advance to eight levels in a row.

Although Zhang Juzheng has lived near the court for a long time and is used to seeing the ups and downs in the court, his heart has long been like a century-old bamboo, untouched by wind and rain, but today he still has a dreamlike feeling, and even has thoughts of worshiping his ancestors.

He wanted to tell his ancestors that the Zhang family was not in decline.

He wanted to take his father, whom he had not seen for thirty years, back home and tell him: Your great-grandson has become successful and is better than you and me! In just twenty years, he was already the Minister of War of a country, creating a thousand-year legend in the world!

The shadow was sitting on the roof of the building, drinking heavily. The drink was the top-quality Baiyunbian in a silver pot from a close relative of the Lin family. Suddenly, the clouds moved in the sky, and the shadow stepped through the air and landed in the study: Master, the young master is back!

Go, let him come over! Zhang Juzheng said.

He's already here! Shadow said with a smile: Today's meeting of ancestors and grandsons of Green Willow Villa is also a meeting of senior officials of Wenyuan Pavilion Grand Scholar and Minister of War. Don't you think it's particularly interesting?

What kind of high-ranking officials know it? I'm here to teach him how to be an official!

You really don't need to teach me about this master. You are much better at being an official than I am. At his age, I seem to be only in the fifth rank, right?

Get out! Zhang Juzheng was angry and drove Shadow out of the house with a wave of his hand.

Zhang Haoran looked at the rolling shadow and was very curious: Grandpa Shadow, did you fight with my grandfather?

How could it be? Shadow smiled and said, The master was stimulated and said that you were promoted faster than him...

Ha ha……

Zhang Juzheng's laughter was heard in the room. His smile was extremely cheerful. Zhang Haoran entered the room and handed his grandfather a teacup. Zhang Juzheng looked at him with a smile: Haoran, how do you feel?

Grandpa is asking about the mood at this moment, or the current situation? Zhang Haoran said.

Sit down! Pour yourself some tea! Zhang Juzheng pointed to the coffee table in front of him.

The two sat facing each other.

Zhang Juzheng said: Your appointment is truly unexpected. It is inevitable to be emotionally agitated. Let's not mention this matter. Now that you have joined the job, you can analyze the current situation.

Grandpa said that I am in a state of excitement at the moment, but that is not the case. My grandson already knew today's outcome yesterday...

Zhang Juzheng was surprised: What did he say to you at Prince Wen's Mansion yesterday?

He talked about his appointment today, and even more. The appointment of his grandson is related to the changes in the military affairs of Da Cang. The appointment of Qiu Mochi and other three people is also related to his three national policies. These three national policies are military reform. , tax reform and people's livelihood reform...

Zhang Haoran went through each one one by one, and each one was thrilling.

Zhang Juzheng's heart was agitated...

After everything was said, Zhang Juzheng let out a long breath: Grandpa also knew that he would make strange moves, but he still didn't expect that it would be such a big move, both military and civil. Grandpa fully agreed with his idea. There are 20 million miscellaneous troops. , it is better to have millions of soldiers and streamline administration, which not only reduces the cost of money and food, but also truly strengthens the frontier army. Water conservancy and people's livelihood are even more urgent. The comprehensive promotion of the cement artifact is imperative, but the reform of the tax system is difficult... …”

Grandpa doesn't tell you what's difficult or easy first, but grandpa just says what's right and wrong? Zhang Haoran said.

Of course it should be changed! Zhang Juzheng said: There are five billion people in the world, and wealth is concentrated in the hands of less than 100 million people, and almost all of these people are the privileged class and do not pay taxes. All taxes have no way to survive. The people should shoulder the responsibility, and the people are the most valuable, so where is the value?

Exactly! This is the dead end of Da Cang's current tax system! This is also the key to Da Cang's empty treasury and empty national power. Rich people do not pay taxes, and those without money are taxed to death! If this evil root is not eliminated, what can Da Cang say? Rise?”

This matter is of great importance. In the past emperors of Da Cang, there were quite a few benevolent monarchs who wanted to change the tax system, which triggered a backlash in the world. Several benevolent monarchs became known as tyrants. Because of this, the former emperor was taken advantage of by Ji Shang. We Anyone who wants to change this system is also an enemy of the world's literati and noble families, and the consequences will be unparalleledly serious.

Zhang Haoran said: So, this matter is strategic. His Majesty cannot directly propose reforms. We need to learn from the song that His Majesty played in the hall today...

Come and tell me! Zhang Juzheng was shocked...

Zhang Haoran holds a cup and starts the discussion, going into details...

Reforms in the past dynasties will touch the interests of some people. The so-called cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

As a king of a generation, you should not blindly change the law. Once the king takes the lead, he will become a target and a thorn in the flesh of those who have suffered losses, directly triggering turmoil in a country.

However, things can take a twisty path.

We can stand up and create a firewall for His Majesty.

What's the meaning?

For example, grandpa, come to a Wenyuan Pavilion discussion to clarify the shortcomings of the current tax system, clarify the true meaning of the people as the most important, and at the same time, based on the holy scriptures, tell the world that if literati do not pay taxes, they are not What the Temple advocates, what the Temple advocates is always putting the people first! It’s not that literature is valuable! The temple advocates respecting the literati, respecting the literati, rather than allowing the literati to lord it over the people, eating the blood and sweat of the people, and the privileged class sucking the fat and anointing of the people. This is essentially a departure from the holy way!

Well said! Zhang Juzheng said: What next?

Then, it is foreseeable that many people will object to your argument, grandpa, but there will also be many people who will agree. In this way, contradictory opposites will appear, not between the privileged people and His Majesty. Rather, he appears between these two camps! Your Majesty is not the opposite of a conflict, he can stand up and act as a mediator from the perspective of the country, the country, the holy scriptures and the holy way!

Zhang Juzheng's heart was pounding...

He got it!

Reform is inevitable, but during the process, His Majesty must be protected.

Your Majesty can only be the mediator, he cannot end the situation personally.

Only in this way, when conflicts break out concentratedly, will the flames of war be outside the palace walls.

But where do you put my grandfather?

Your Majesty is not suitable to be the focus of conflicts, so am I?

Now that I have stood up and been denounced by the world's literati and targeted by privileged people, will you be happy? Whose grandson are you?

its not right……

You kid can't think of such a strategy!

Who is such a bad ass? Catch me, Lao Zhang, and trick him into death?

Zhang Juzheng suddenly figured it out: It's Lin Su's bad idea, right?

Ahem... Zhang Haoran said: He said that the first person to stand up is very particular. He must act upright, sit upright, and be honest with others about everything. Only people like this can make those privileged people who have no place to express their grudges and hatred even if they want to smear them. There are really not many such clean figures in the world...

The black lines on Zhang Juzheng's face disappeared layer by layer, and he felt relieved...

He agreed very much with what Sun Tzu said.

The first person to stand up will have to withstand the counterattack. This counterattack is very skillful. When the other party cannot make sense from the perspective of justice, they will often use dirty tricks, such as searching you for dirty information to smear you. reputation.

Who of the average person can withstand the all-pervasive search all over the world?

Even Lin Su couldn't stand it!

However, I, Lao Zhang, can withstand it!

My third generation is clear!

I have never used power for personal gain!

My noble character even moved my father!

Apart from me, Lao Zhang, there is no other person in the world who can stand up for the first time!

Seeing the change on his grandfather's face, Zhang Haoran felt happy and nervous at the same time. Brother, this idea you came up with is really pushing our old man into the fire pit. Even though he seems to be quite happy at the moment. , I suddenly thought about it. Maybe he will take countermeasures against you. If he vetoes your relationship with your girl all of a sudden, then I don’t care...

Zhang Juzheng spun around three times and slapped his thigh: Come on, I've been tricked by this kid again. However, I can't be tricked alone. Chen Geng can't even think about running away! He also has to argue, In addition, Li Yunfei from the Hanlin Academy and Wen Qi from the Gongyuan Academy all came to this trap for me, and we, the four great literary figures in the capital, all fell into this trap together!

Zhang Haoran's eyes widened: Four major literary figures in the capital? Grandpa, shouldn't the Taoists you invited be Ouyang Dong and Su Changhe?

Li Yunfei, Hanlin Academy, is a scholar of Hanlin Academy.

The Gongyuan smells, the Gongyuan learns the truth.

The so-called Xuezheng is a subordinate of a bachelor, and his status is not the same as Zhang Juzheng and Chen.

Those who truly represent the four pillars of culture should be the leaders of the four pillars.

However, Chen Geng did not invite Ouyang Dong, a bachelor of Hanlin Academy, and Su Changhe, a bachelor of Gongyuan Academy. This was very rude.

Zhang Juzheng laughed loudly: Your Majesty's great purge of the court cannot touch the literary and moral aspects. I will be responsible for the purge of the literary and moral matters. What achievements have Ouyang Dong and Su Changhe made in the literary and moral matters over a long period of time? I'm sorry. Have you ever looked at him? This time, I just want to slap them in the face. If you can't bear it, you should enter the State Council Hall!

Zhang Haoran looked at his grandfather with a sour expression.

Someone Lin once said something very reasonable. In a group, the atmosphere will be contagious. If one person deviates from the norm, the atmosphere of the entire group will be distorted. Lin Su has undoubtedly distorted a lot. Now Grandpa seems to be the same. I was led astray by him, and I started to go off the beaten path.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this emotion because he was afraid that his grandfather would punish him to copy Xia Li a hundred times.

Today he conspired with Lin Su to drag Grandpa into trouble. It was really suitable for him to copy Xia Li.

The storm caused by Green Willow Villa is just a storm in a teapot.

In the former prime minister's house, Lu Yujing's face was already marked by the storm. His father, Lu Shuizhou, was beside him in despair. Lu Shuizhou, a third-rank official, had just been mentioned in the Golden Palace by the Minister of Rites as a good gesture and was promoted to a state affairs official. As a member of the State Affairs Hall, Lu Tiancong accepted him with his high-spirited attitude of promoting talents without avoiding relatives, and he became a member of the State Affairs Hall.

I originally thought that this would be the beginning of a great cause for a family of two scholars, but little did I know that the State Affairs Hall was simply a bottomless pit. Lu Tiancong was dismissed, Lu Shuizhou was also implicated, and was tricked by Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites. , was also dismissed...

In the blink of an eye, the Lu family, which was once famous all over the world and famous both in the government and in the public, has become a country idler - the State Affairs Hall has now become synonymous with country idlers.

The kind that makes one's heart ache.

Grandpa, can you see clearly now? The direction of the court has changed drastically. We shouldn't have any illusions...

Lu Tiancong's hand suddenly raised, and Lu Yujing's voice stopped suddenly...

The room was deathly silent.

After a long time, Lu Tiancong slowly raised his head, exhaled softly, and a familiar smile slowly appeared on his face: I have been an official for more than forty years, and I have long been tired of the political affairs in the court. Your Majesty is considerate of the old minister. How can I not recognize your Majesty? After all the hard work, let it go, let everything go, it’s great! I just relax and take care of myself! The spring in Xiangjiang is fine today, so I can set the fishing hook in the wind! Let’s go!”

He stood up and left Lu Mansion.

Lu Yujing's eyes showed a glimmer of light...

Last night, he mentioned something to his grandfather. Someone wanted to see you, but grandpa stopped him!

But today, grandpa didn’t stop him!

The spring in Xiangjiang is still good today, and you can set your fishing hook in the wind. What does this mean?

It shows that grandpa has really given up his fantasy, and a new path has been laid out in front of everyone...

The court is undergoing major changes, and three national policies are about to be launched. Lin Su is naturally the focus of the capital.

Everyone knows that as long as you climb onto the lap of His Highness King Wen, you can do anything in the court, even if you are promoted to eight levels in an officialdom, you can have one after another.

Therefore, none of the currently reigning court officials would not want to knock on the door of Prince Wen's Mansion and have an in-depth encounter with this prince.

In addition to them, Lin Su's brothers and seniors on the line also wanted to meet with him to discuss the next major policies in detail.

Therefore, in theory, Prince Wen's Mansion will face the comings and goings of people from now on, and there will never be peace.

However, all this disappeared as Lin Su flew away into the air.

Lin Su is not at home!

He left the capital again!

There may be some court officials who would go to Haining hard, but if they really go, they will be disappointed because Lin Su is not in Haining either.

Where did he go?

No one could have imagined that he would go to Nanshan.

He was once the magistrate of Nanshan, and the head of a government should live in the mansion. He was very busy, but he didn't. He proudly told the prime minister Lu Tiancong at the time that I went to Nanshan Prefecture three times in total, and my stay in Nanshan Prefecture did not exceed twenty days. , colleagues in Nanshan Mansion have become accustomed to the absence of the Mansion Master!

Lu Tian was choked from that moment on.


Now the prefect of Nanshan, who has long since left office, went to Nanshan without any reason to go there!

When he went to Nanshan, he did not alert He Xingong, Cao Li and other officials. Instead, he dressed in knight's clothes and gently opened the small garden gate on the side of Nanshan City.

In the small garden, Yaogu looked up with a smile: Here we come!


Would you like tea or wine today?

Your tea is actually your literary spirit. It would be unethical for me to drink your literary spirit as tea every day, so I brought you secular tea!

Lin Su raised her hand slightly, and a tea box appeared in her palm.

Beidi Maojian, a specialty of Shanxi, is made by green clothes with skillful hands, especially for Lin Su.

When the boiling water is washed down, the tips of the hair stand upright in the water, and a green color and the fragrance of tea spread out.

Yao Gu took a sip and said, Good tea!

Lvyi made it with his own hands!

Yaogu smiled: I think I need to correct my original statement. It's not a bad thing that you have many wives. At least I can get some credit and drink a cup of tea made by your wife.

Lin Su laughed loudly, and after laughing, he sat down: Two months ago, the battle in Miyagi City, thank you for your help!

Hey, don't thank me haha... Yao Gu quickly denied: I did not participate in the battle for secular imperial power. I have been in this small garden all the time, and everyone in Nanshan City can testify.

Yes, I saw it wrong. During the battle in the palace that day, I only saw a pair of scissors. No one can prove that the scissors are yours. There are many people in the world who use scissors...

That's right, why does it have to be me who uses scissors? Who doesn't have a few scissors?...

The tone was set, Yaogu had no intention of admitting her participation in the war.

Lin Su also denied her participation in the war.

The two of them smiled at each other, very relaxed.

Yao Gu took another sip of tea and said, When you come to Nanshan today, do you want to see your former subordinates or the new look of Nanshan?

No! Lin Su said: It's the promise you and I made before!

Previous appointment?

Yaogu was slightly shocked: Have you finished what you are doing?

There are some things, like making wine. The ingredients have been put down, the wine koji has been put down, and it has to wait for it to ferment slowly. It is not suitable for me to be around at this time. I can just go to Mianzhou.

This is the agreement between them.

Take a trip to Burial State.

He went with Yao Gu.

Yaogu thought slightly...

What? You can't leave? Lin Su said.

No, I'm thinking about a problem! Yaogu said: When I leave, should I take the garden away directly? Or should I lock the garden gate and end the problem?

Take it with you. I like this garden very much. During a long journey, it seems to be a very unique feeling to be able to sit in the garden and watch the flowing clouds fly...

Yaogu smiled softly: Let's go!

With a slight roll of his hand, outside Nanshan City, the small garden that originally existed suddenly disappeared, along with the thatched hut, the bamboo forest behind it, and the three vegetable plots in front of the thatched house. On the side of the Lu River, everything was empty.

Nanshan Mansion was alarmed.

Pedestrians on Nanshan Street were startled.

Luyang Mansion halfway up the mountain was alarmed.

A slender monk looked at the side of Nanshan Mountain: It's interesting. The small vegetable garden outside Nanshan City turns out to be the literary world of experts!

Another person appeared next to him: Lin Su has left!

Are you really leaving or are you just pretending to be mysterious? the young monk asked.

Whether it is true or false, we will know the accurate information soon!

Soon, accurate news came that Lin Su had left the country.

He really left!

The true world of Wen Dao flies through the air.

Its mystery is fully revealed.

The first miracle is something that no one on earth can see.

The second wonderful thing about the sect, Yaogu told Lin Su, is that the greatest benefit of this true world is that it almost consumes no literary energy. It can even be said that the literary energy is always increasing and is not depleted due to long-distance flights.

Even Lin Su was shocked by this. Why?

Yao Gu smiled softly and told him, what do you think is growing in this vegetable garden?

What grows in the vegetable garden is vegetables, and what grows in the bamboo forest is bamboo. However, it is not just vegetables that are bamboo, it is also culture!

The true world of literature and Tao is transformed from emptiness into reality. The true world of literature and Tao is endless.

Literary spirit can grow spontaneously.

Even if the Confucian Temple cannot cover the ground, there is a true world that can guarantee the immortality of literature. Within the true world, literary methods are still effective.

This is to carry a signal base station with you!

Hearing this, Lin Su stared at Yaogu for a long time, wanting to say you are awesome! But considering that the other party is a lesbian, his words should not be too rough. He can only change his perspective and ask the last question: Are you really sure that the Bo world is better than the real world? Why do I find it so difficult to imagine that there is something better than the real world? The realm of cattle?”

This indirectly admitted that Lin Su was envious and jealous of her true world...

Yaogu smiled softly: It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you just can't cultivate into the true world anyway.

Human, those who are content are always happy! Lin Su sighed: I don't have to worry about it anymore. Anyway, I am away from home, so I regard your true world as my own. I have no grace, so I will borrow it from you!

Yao Gu smiled softly: Anyway, you dug out the vegetables here with your own hands, and they are no different from your own. You can use them however you want... There is one thing.

At this point, her voice was somewhat mysterious.


The Holy Master of the Painting Saint Holy Family died at the hands of the devil Yueying, I know!

Lin Su nodded: You want to ask if you have anything to do with me?

No! Yaogu said, I don't make any meaningless guesses. I just tell you some things I know.

you say!

The temple did not react too radically to this matter!

No response? There was a strange light in Lin Su's eyes.

There is definitely a reaction, but it is not excessive. At least, there is no sign of eradicating the demon Yueying. Yao Gu sighed softly: Who would have thought that even if such a big thing happens, the result can still be calm?

Lin Su smiled faintly: Actually... I have already thought of it! Otherwise, we wouldn't have to travel far and wide today!

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