Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 820: Having a female companion is like Danyue (monthly ticket comes)

Lin Su, the Painting Saint and the Holy Family, played a big game of chess.

Kill both with one sword!

The first is to use the demonic path Yueying to kill the Holy Master of the Holy Family of Painting Saints.

The second is to use the hands of the temple to eliminate the evil path Yueying.

From an ordinary person's point of view, Lin Su's plan will definitely work, because the Holy Master of the Painting Saint is almost the biological son of the Painting Saint, and is a pillar of the Painting Palace in the world.

The holy family of the Holy Painting is prosperous, and the face of the Holy Painting Palace is bright.

The Holy Lord was fucked by a demon. It was a slap that swept across thousands of miles of void and directly hit the third heaven.

Can the painting palace bear it?

Can the painting saint endure it?

Therefore, the superiors must react strongly, otherwise, your drawing of a lineage of Taoism will become a joke of Wen Taoism.

This is the logic of ordinary people. Does Lin Su have this judgment?

Of course!

He also hopes that his judgment is correct. He hopes that the saint will take action to cut off this evil. After all, this hidden demon is really too dangerous. Even the painting saint can be killed without any suspense. If the demon is attracted to him, He is equally certain to die.

This hidden Yueying may not be the most powerful among his opponents, but it is undoubtedly the most dangerous - because he does not reason with Lin Su at all, reason or rules. Lin Su's big troublemaker can make others confused. But if you are unreasonable, it will be useless no matter how hard someone Lin tries to stir things up.

However, Lin Su also knew that things in the world were not as he expected.

His understanding of the situation in the temple so far is still superficial.

But he looked at the essence through the phenomenon and captured some thrilling things.

He believes that wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

He knew that the temple was not as clean and transparent as the world saw it.

If there were demon spies in the temple, everything would be completely different!

Now Yaogu tells him...

The temple's response to the murder of the painter saint was not violent!

This is a confirmed signal!

Logically speaking, this matter is definitely beyond the scope of Yun Dan Feng Qing. Whether it is a painting palace or even a saint, they must react immediately. However, once the reaction is made, the intensity drops thousands of times, and there is no Plan to eradicate Yueying!

Lin Su frowned slightly: The reason on the table is that the demon Yueying can't be found, right?


That's the reason! Lin Su said: This is our ultimate goal in going to Burial State this time.

Yaogu said: Find the descendants of the military strategists, find Zhou Tianjing, accurately lock the moon shadow, lock it straight to the third heaven, break all their excuses, and force them to face each other, is that right?

Yes! Lin Su said.

The reason why the temple doesn't seek revenge against Demon Yueying is that he can't be found. Well, I'll come find him! If I find this devil, you have no reason not to kill him, right?

Still not done? It’s not just the temple that can’t be passed, it’s the third heaven that can’t be passed!

Yaogu sighed softly: The scale of your plan is really shocking... I have recently fully understood the situation of the military strategists, and now I will tell you everything...

There are eighteen holy families in the world, and each of them is prosperous in the world. There is only one family that does not exist in the eyes of the world, and that is the military family.

The military strategist does not exist because the military valley where the military strategist is located has fallen.

The military strategist was originally in Mianzhou.

Thousands of years ago, when the power reached its peak, he assisted the warriors of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States to expand their territory and conquered the Buried State's 80,000-mile mountain and river. Yes, you heard it right, 80,000-mile mountain and river!

In terms of area alone, the Burial State at that time was five times larger than the current Da Cang Kingdom!

Therefore, it was not called Burial State at that time, but Xilie State.

What are Liezhous? A series of states to the west!

At that time, Xilie Prefecture was separated from the Nine Kingdoms and Twelve Prefectures and formed a continent on its own. The military strategists of that era were so sharp that one family surpassed the Seventeen Holy Families. At that time, the Temple Military Palace stood proudly. The palace, almost with the power of one palace, competed with the seventeenth palace. At that time, the soldier saint stood proudly on the third level of the sky, almost side by side with all the other saints.

This is the power of the art of war.

However, things in the world flourish and then decline.

Just when the military power reached its peak, problems first appeared in Xilie Prefecture.

Xilie Prefecture has become a kingdom of humans. It has compressed the demons and aliens to the border of Wuxin Sea and the forest outside the territory. Confucian temples symbolizing the governance of the human race were built one after another. The establishment of each Confucian temple represents a thousand-mile radius. The territory expanded, but the demons counterattacked. It seemed that overnight, 18,000 Confucian temples were destroyed, the human race was greatly defeated, hundreds of millions of people were massacred, and even the seat of the Holy Family of Soldiers, Soldier Valley, was conquered by the demon army. Xilie Prefecture, which lit up 19,000 Confucian temples, was swept thousands of miles away by the demonic army with a devastating force, and almost the entire Xilie Prefecture was destroyed.

Advances and retreats, gains and losses on the battlefield are common things for military strategists.

However, the loss this time was unusually large. The human race's thousands of years of expansion and the 80,000 miles of land conquered by generations of human race warriors were all lost at once.

More importantly, internal strife broke out in the temple at this time, and the temple military palace was removed from the list.

The most terrifying thing is that a great battle broke out on the third level of the sky, and the whereabouts of the Soldier Saint are unknown from now on.

The military strategist lost its holy land and the foundation of the temple, and also lost the soil for survival. This is the decline of the military strategist.

The current Burial State was conquered bit by bit by the human race over the past thousand years. Although it took thousands of years and countless lives as a price, the territory it conquered was only a small area compared to the original eighty thousand miles. At present, 81 Confucian temples have been lit up, but compared to the grand occasion when 19,000 Confucian temples covered 80,000 miles of country, they are just a faint glow.

A magnificent history of human struggle.

A turbulent history of the decline of military strategists.

A piece of history that was buried in the depths of history and unknown to outsiders was told from Yaogu's mouth. Lin Su's heart was filled with excitement. There were some things he knew, and some things he didn't know. He knew the decline of the military strategists, and he knew the temple military palace. He knew that there had been a Taoist struggle that changed the world in the third heaven, but he did not know that Burial State, a state that was only ranked at the bottom of the Thirteen States of the Nine Kingdoms, had such a glorious moment. And such an incredible transformation.

The funeral of the West Lieutenant...

The decline of military strategists...

The destruction of 19,000 Confucian temples...

Hundreds of millions of national heroes perished...

Is it really just a demonic counterattack?

The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them. The military strategists are amazing, the military strategists are powerful, and the military strategists are brilliant. Is it true that the only one who wants to destroy it is the devil?

There is nothing new under the sun!

History always reincarnates again and again inadvertently...

Yaogu gently held up the tea cup: After this calamity, the military strategist went straight from the peak to the bottom. In a thousand years, almost no one in the world considers himself a military strategist. However, a soldier is also a master of strategy. We must not underestimate him. We firmly believe that he still exists!

Of course it will exist! Lin Su breathed out softly: What form I am thinking about will he exist in?

There is a villa that quickly rose to prominence after the military dynasty was wiped out. Now it is the most prestigious villa in Burial State.

What villa?

Beside Weihu Lake, Muye Villa, Jiang family!

Weihu, Muye, Jiangshi...

Six words quickly flowed through Lin Su's mind, and he slowly raised his head: The one from the Third Heaven, a native of Muye, originated from Weihu Lake, and also has the surname Jiang!

Exactly! Yao Gu's eyes flashed slightly.

Muye was born in Weihu and had the surname Jiang. This was the foundation of the Soldier Sage.

They just took the initiative to erase the halo above their heads and did not intend to hide it deeply. Lin Su said: Otherwise, there is no need for them to list so many distinctive features.

Yao Gu nodded: They dare not change the surname of their ancestors. The character of their ancestors also makes them disdain to remain anonymous. They just erase the halo above their heads and give them a step to get down.

So, we can go directly to Makino Villa and see him in a formal manner!

It's a hundred thousand miles away. If we drive slowly in this way, it will take about half a month. Can you afford to delay your journey? Yaogu said.

Lin Su pondered for a while: Can you speed up a little bit?

Yaogu smiled softly: Of course, I also have a pair of broken scissors...

She stretched out her hand gently, and there were copper scissors in her hand!

With a slight cut, the light flows in front, as if a cut has opened the passage of time and space.

With this cut, the 80,000-mile journey passed by in one cut, but the vegetation in Yaogu's true world withered instantly.

The vegetable garden has become a deserted garden.

Lin Su looked at all this and felt a little shocked in his heart: You didn't say that cutting it would hurt your origin.

Yao Gu smiled softly: It's not an injury, it's just that I took some time to recover my literary energy. When I got to the Jinsha River, my literary energy recovered naturally. Well, now there are only 20,000 miles left. We can arrive in two days. I will make dinner.

The moon rises, and the moon above the clouds is clear and boundless.

The galaxy is extremely far away.

In the small garden, the withered yellow vegetable leaves are slowly recovering.

The breeze blew by, like the wind from the sky, but also seemed to come from inside the hut.

Yaogu is busy working in the hut, her body is light and her movements are skillful.

Lin Su was lying on the recliner where he usually lay, quietly watching the light flying across the sky and doing things with others. He had never had such a moment before. He only had to lie down on the chair and leave everything to others. .

And it can be done so without any worries.

Her true world of literature and art has traveled thousands of miles on its own.

If you think it's too slow, she would point a pair of scissors at the sky and cut it 80,000 miles out of thin air.

With this cut, any enemy tracking him will be cut off.

This trip was all the way to the west. The cuts they made just now actually cut off his entire trip across Daqing Kingdom and Xitian Fairy Kingdom.

Westbound road...

It is the path of many people!

After he won the first prize that day, he told him in the dark night, in order to spend more time with you in the mortal world, I have to embark on the westward road. She went and came back. Is this road she walked on her own? This path?

Wu Xue also said that day, is this the way to embark on the westward journey, see the billion-year-old glaciers in the extreme west, and understand the laws of water?

That day, the old monk from Xixin Temple gave Yan Jiuding some guidance and set off on the westward journey. Yan Jiuding also came. Meeting him at Yandang Mountain made him feel that this old monk was indeed a bit magical, but now... it's even more magical, Yan Jiuding Didn’t you follow Jun Tianxia to Mianzhou?

Burial State is the real place in the far west.

Could it be that the westbound road pointed out by the old monk Yi Yao was the road Yan Jiuding was currently on?

Also, the peach demon in my house said this when flirting with him: Before I leave the Lin family and embark on the westward journey, I must rub it with you and try it out.

This sentence means that people with color can see color, and people with wisdom can see wisdom.

The mystery Lin Su captured through the peach blossoms in the trees was: She will also embark on the westward journey in the future!

That's why he sang her the song Why Are the West Thousands of Miles Away to her.

Why do so many people want to head west?

Now the results seem to be out. On the way to the west, there are thousands of years of fighting between human beings and aliens. On the way to the west, there is the sea of ​​​​unconsciousness. On the way to the west, there is the ultimate cultivation, and there are also the biggest conflicts and entanglements in the world, and there are even hidden things that have been hidden for thousands of years. A mystery whose appearance cannot be glimpsed...

This is a real side dish, not a cultural achievement, so you can eat it without any problems. Yao Gu served several plates of side dishes, the aroma was fragrant.

Green vegetables, white rice, green and white bean sprouts...

Lin Su smiled softly: After all, this grew from your vegetable garden. Is it fair to say that it was influenced by your literary spirit?

Yaogu rubbed her forehead and was a little confused: Actually, this is my big confusion. It is said that the things that grow in the literary world are essentially my literary spirit, but I won't lie to you, these vegetables are really grown from seeds, bean sprouts Same with rice, I’m a little confused as to what this is…”

It's okay to be confused! In the real world, I've heard that first it's virtual, then you can't tell whether it's real or virtual, and then later, no matter whether it's real or virtual, you've reached the second step and you can't tell whether it's real or virtual. Real or not, we are one step closer to the ultimate goal, congratulations...

Yao Gu chuckled and said, Your discussion is superficial to the extreme, but even this extremely vulgar discussion can always give people the feeling that it is clear at the first glance. It's really strange.

Is it just a strange thing? This is a skill!

Okay, okay, you have what it takes, okay? Eat your food! Yao Gu rolled her eyes at him.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed...

After eating, they both lay down on the lounge chairs...

The vegetables in your garden are still half withered. Do you want me to use the rejuvenating seedlings to nourish them for you?

It's really not necessary, it can recover on its own. Yaogu said.

There are really few moments like this... Lin Su sighed.

What kind of moment?

Sitting in your small vegetable garden, blowing the wind that I can't tell where it comes from, eating vegetables that I don't know what they are, looking at the sky I don't know, these messy thoughts should have made me tangled up, But I just didn’t worry about it, my heart was as calm as if it had been washed by the watery moonlight for eight times...

I can't stand you being so calm, I have to do something for you... Yao Gu showed a smile on her lips.

Get it right!

I can see that your future schedule is quite urgent. What unfinished business do you have in Da Cang?

Lin Su smiled: In your opinion, shouldn't something happen to me?

It's not that in my opinion, nothing should happen to you, but in the eyes of Da Cang, that nothing should happen to you...

Lin Su has helped King Chen conquer the world. His reputation and status have reached its peak. All his travels seem to be over. In fact, he should not have urgent matters...

This is the common view.

Yaogu is not an ordinary person, she knows some things that maybe she shouldn't know...

For example, his conflict with the temple...

Why shouldn't she know this?

Because she is a saint of the Holy Family!

She shouldn't have come to Lin's side when he showed his hostility towards the temple.

In particular, we should not get involved in the muddy waters of the military strategist.

Everyone in the world should avoid military affairs, especially those in the Holy Family.

Because at that glorious moment when the military strategists dominated the world, her farm family was actually included among the people who were dissatisfied with the military strategists!

But she still guided him to embark on the westward journey, and used her sacred weapon to help him find the descendants of military strategists.

Taking this step, no one knows what the consequences will be.

She didn't even communicate with her family.

Even if her Nong Sheng Holy Family was absolutely kind to him at the moment, they would never allow her to take this step...

The matter of the Great Cang still needs a clearing up, and this ending is not easy. I can't predict the counterattack of those people and what bottom lines they will break. Therefore, when the curtain opens, I must be in the Great Cang! Lin Sudao: In addition, there is another small thing, a small thing that seems too small to the world, but I don't want to miss it...

I don't pay much attention to big things. I just want to ask you what this little thing is.

I once made an agreement with someone to meet her every September 19th. Last year, I missed it. This year, I don't want to miss it. I'm afraid she will cry...

Yao Gu turned half sideways: It's a woman, right?


With your methods, no one in the world can stop your visit. Why does it have to be September 19th?

Because she is not a human being, she is in the abyss of innocence!

The door opens on September 19th, and you are waiting for you once a year... Yao Gu's eyes flickered with light.

Yes, even if I break the promise, no one in the world can see her disappointed look, and no one can know even if she sheds tears, but I still don't want to break the promise.

You won't miss the appointment! Now that I know, I will remind you to keep the appointment... Yaogu murmured.

Lin Su's eyes fell on her face. At this moment, Yaogu's face was covered with a layer of faint moonlight, covering up all the imperfections on her face. She was as pale as the moon!

The true world turns into a boat and travels a hundred thousand miles, flying all the way over Daqing Kingdom, Xitian Fairy Kingdom, and all the way over Dongsheng State, Manzhou, and Huangzhou. By the way, Dongsheng State is really not in the east. It is only relatively speaking. Among the twelve states, it is the easternmost, close to the Xitian Immortal Kingdom. Thirteen states among the thirteen states of the Nine Kingdoms are all in the west, outside the Xitian Immortal Kingdom.

In fact, they are all humans who came from the wilderness to open up wasteland.

The twelve states have been completely integrated into the human race territory.

The unique Burial State is at the forefront of the battle between the two races. If the human race in Burial State prevails, the human race's territory can be expanded to thirty, forty, or one hundred states in the Nine Kingdoms...

If the human race loses this frontier, then the human race's territory will be reduced to nine countries and twelve states.

Lin Su arrived at Jinsha River.

The Jinsha River looks like gold in the sun.

Some people say that the Jinsha River is full of golden sand, so it is called the Jinsha River.

Some people also say that this golden color is not actually the color of the sand in the river. It is the power of literature and art. In the past, the soldier sage made a stroke and turned it into a big river. No foreign race can cross the border. Therefore, this river is also a replica of the dividing line of the human sea.

Every drop of water in the river is a powerful force of literature and art, but if a demon or demon flies over it, it will definitely die.

Only the Nine Kingdoms and Twelve States can become a pure land for the human race.

And Burial State is on the other side of the Jinsha River.

Yaogu took over the real world, and the two came to the side of the river and stepped on a golden bridge.

The bridge connects both sides. The east bank is the boundary of Huangzhou, and the west bank is Burial State.

Although it doesn't seem like much difference, both of them know that they are worlds apart!

The east bank is within the dividing line and is a safe place for the human race. The west bank is outside the dividing line and is an area where the human race and alien races are still entangled in disputes.

Although the land of Burial State is generally the territory of the human race, because there is no strict dividing line, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mixture of humans and demons. The demons crossed the border town and sneaked into Burial State, causing a bloody storm in the human world. Wind, not to mention common, is something that happens every year.

Therefore, in the land of Burial State, everyone is in danger, and the folk customs are extremely tough. It is common for them to draw swords against each other if they disagree with each other. Few of the forces that can survive the great waves and sands of thousands of years are weak. Therefore, When entering the Burial State, be careful not to go forward blindly, because no one knows what kind of disaster you will get into.

These are the exact words Yaogu told Lin Su.

Lin Su nodded slightly to indicate receipt.

Yao Gu also has instructions: You are on the Demon Clan’s Death List. You are on the other side of the dividing line. If the Demon Clan wants to attack you, they can only use Yueying’s level of means. But once you enter Burial State, as long as you As soon as the news spreads, a large number of high-end demons may cross the border and carry out all kinds of assassination methods on you.

Lin Su nodded again: Of course I am happy to fight the demons outside the dividing line, but things have priorities. I know the right way to go. This trip, my name is 'Su San', and I am a down-and-out member of the Da Cang Kingdom. Great Confucian.

Yao Gu smiled softly: My name is Yao Gu, and I am Mr. Su San's maid.

Maid? Is it appropriate?

Yaogu smiled sweetly: Only a down-and-out scholar like you can use an ugly maid like me, right?

Lin Su shook his head gently: Have you ever heard of a poem? Your life is wrapped in a rough cloth, and there is poetry and calligraphy in your belly!

Yao Gu murmured: My life is wrapped in a rough cloth, and I have poetry and calligraphy in my belly...

The moon in the sky doesn't bother to compete with the flowers on earth, and the rainbow in the sky doesn't bother to set rules with rockeries and rocks! Lin Su looked into her eyes: Let's go, Makino Villa!

The two of them jumped into the air and crossed thousands of miles of void like great Confucians...

Ahead is Wei Lake, which stretches thousands of miles across and is surrounded by pavilions and pavilions, a standard bustling place for human beings.

The largest manor among them is Muye Villa. Four large characters are carved on the rocks, which are simple and vigorous. There is an imperial seal as an inscription below. The name on the imperial seal is Zhuge Qinglong, the first king of Burial State.

There is a villa first and then there is a king. All the heroes and virtuous people are famous.

This is the world’s conclusion about Makino Villa.

First there is the villa and then there is the king.

Yes, Makino Villa has been built for thousands of years, but Mianzhou has only truly established a human kingdom for eight hundred years. Makino Villa watched the rise of the Mianzhou dynasty, and it also accompanied the changes in the dynasty.

The dynasties take turns like water, and the villa has been a town for thousands of years.

Before Lin Su and Yao Gu came to the villa, they were rejected...

The gatekeeper of the villa told them: I'm sorry, sir, we have something big to do. Except for special guests, we won't accept any other guests. I'll forgive you!

I wonder what kind of big event we are doing? Lin Su said.

Sir, you must not be a local, right?


That important matter in the villa has nothing to do with you, sir, so you don't have to worry about it! He closed the small door, blocking Lin Su's way into the mansion.

Lin Su and Yao Gu looked at each other.

Yaogu said: There is a restaurant over there, why not go into the restaurant to find out some news?

Lin Su nodded: I see that there are so many people in the 'Juxian Residence' today. They must be here because of important events in the villa. Let's go, let's have a meal of Burial State delicacies first... (End of Chapter)

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