Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 824 Have you ever set your sights on a prince?

In the long corridor behind, those who followed, the people in Makino Villa, including the fourth lady and the girl in the distant attic, were a little moved when listening to these poems, and recorded these poems in their own way. There are signs that tomorrow at the latest, today’s poems will appear on the poetry wall of Makino Villa.

Some people are even thinking: Is Makino Villa using this method to add a cultural touch to the Villa?

If so, this trick is very clever.

Can you learn anything from it?

After returning home, he also found a bride for his young lady. In this way, he attracted literary geniuses from all over the world to come and compete in a big competition, creating a garden full of wonderful poems...

However, when others discuss this idea, others sneer at it...

You think so!

Do you think that if your family recruits a bride, you will definitely be able to attract literary geniuses?

Makino Villa has its own strength, so it can attract so many literary geniuses. If you try another one, these people in the venue will not even bother to participate!

This basin of cold water can cool you from head to toe.

Yes, a place where literary geniuses gather can obviously become a holy land of literary and art, but you must also have the capital to attract them.

If Makino Villa was not Makino Villa, if they did not use the holy treasure as a dowry, how could there be such a grand occasion today?

Therefore, it is said that the superior family attracts the best people, and the phoenix does not fall among the crows. This is the truth.

When twenty people completed the monitoring, the first small climax appeared...

A poem came out of nowhere and shocked the whole audience...

I am a wanderer from the end of the world, and I once split the world with my bare hands!

How domineering and heroic?

Moreover, this person also has the capital to be domineering and heroic, because he once single-handedly defeated a group of thieves in Luohun Mountain, and there was actually a demon leader among the thieves.

In that battle, he earned the title of The Great Confucian of the Sky.

This person is the other person who attracted the lady from the distant attic: Zhang Xiushui.

This poem of his publicizes his most proud battle, and it is so heroic and unparalleled that the poem was rated as a golden light poem, and the golden light is rich and half-stepped.

At this moment, the whole audience was shocked.

But then, his limelight was split into two, because he was lined up with Chu Sanzui. Chu Sanzui wrote a poem about himself that was extremely free and easy: Man enters the way of heaven from a small place, and I enter from a drunk place. See your true face...

The poems are easy to understand, just like spoken language, but the profound truths contained in them cannot be ignored. His poems are halfway into color, and the color is three points thicker than Zhang Xiushui's.

The test has not passed half yet, two and a half steps into Cai Zhi's poem, and the people behind are beginning to feel stressed...

Even the seventh prince's expression changed a bit...

But Zhuge Qingfeng, the troublemaker, was still staring at him: Your Royal Highness, although you are not prosperous in culture, you still have a lot of talent. I wonder if these two people have ever caught your eye in the past?

There was Lin Su between him and the Seventh Prince.

Lin Su had always been quiet. Zhuge Qingfeng couldn't find any hot topics about him, so he passed him and found the seventh prince.

The Seventh Prince smiled faintly: After all this is done, I will naturally be enlightened by the Dharma.

You mean you didn't pay attention at all before? I have to say something to you now. The place where the state is buried is the most important place for literature and ethics. As a prince, you have to correct your mistakes.

The seventh prince's face darkened: Your Excellency, are you teaching me how to do things?

It's fair to say that His Highness understands this way! Zhuge Qingfeng said: I am a member of the Holy Family of Poetry, and it is my duty to discuss Taoism through poetry. And in the future, I will probably be regarded as half a person from Burian State. For many people from Burian State, These concerns are reasonable.”

In the future, he will be considered half a native of Mianzhou. This is because he thinks that he is determined to get a bride today - once he becomes the son-in-law of Mianzhou, won't he be half a native of Mianzhou?

The Seventh Prince's face turned livid: Your Excellency, a foreigner, how dare you be so arrogant?

A son from outside? Zhuge Qingfeng laughed and said, Withered trees are decaying, crows are flying, and phoenixes are occasionally roosting. They are also from outside!

He was able to kill a whole boatload of people with one bamboo pole. He compared himself to a phoenix. He regarded the literary world in Burian Prefecture as a dead tree and the literary men in Burial Prefecture as crows. Lin Su gently raised his hand and touched his forehead!

I always want to see who is more of a troublemaker than me. I haven't found it in the land of the blue sky, but I have found it in the land of Burial State.

Zhuge Qingfeng still wanted to look for him: Brother, you are also the son of a foreigner. Do you agree with what I said?

Lin Su shook his head: You are playing your own game, don't drag me into the water!

Is it because the water is deep?

It's because oral pleasure is very boring. Lin Su said.

Zhuge Qingfeng praised: Brother's words are as sharp as swords. How do you know that the royal family of Burial State has the habit of talking about Taoism three times a day and making plain talk every time? Only Xiongtai can criticize the evils of the times in such a way. Only a man of such literary character can say that.

This is nothing more than looking for trouble!

Lin Su was talking about him, he just diverted the trouble to the east, leading to the imperial family of Burial State!

The royal family of Mingzhou did have the habit of discussing Taoism three times a day. Under the auspices of the royal family, the great scholars talked every day, but did not do much practical work, and the people had long complained.

Lin Su knew this and was quite speechless. However, Mianzhou couldn't even compete with him, so he didn't have to criticize him, but Zhuge Qingfeng was so awesome that he just gave him a big hat.

Just when Lin Su was about to ask Zhuge Qingfeng to remember a little longer, the seventh prince next to him spoke first: A unknown foreigner dares to talk about the country's national affairs? Who do you think you are?

Lin Su's eyes moved to the right, and the Seventh Prince locked eyes with him with a stern and majestic look.

Lin Su sighed softly. He was not afraid of opponents who were like wolves, but teammates who were like pigs.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to fight back.

His glance without speaking completely angered the Seventh Prince: Boy, who are you...

Lin Su raised his eyes and said calmly: Wait, it's in the poem!

How dare you! How dare Zhu Zian do this? the seventh prince became even more angry.

How dare you do this? Haha... Lin Su said lazily: The answer is also in the poems!

Zhuge Qingfeng was watching the play next to him, smiling happily...

In the attic in the distance, the girl was also smiling: Miss, the three characters we are focusing on have all passed a move just now. Let me just say it, Zhuge Qingfeng will always be a god.

The answer lies in the poems! The lady smiled softly: He successfully aroused my interest. I really want to see what is written in his poems.

The turmoil caused by Zhang Xiushui and Chu Sanzui's half-step color poems has not been subverted for a long time.

The next dozens of people were at most silver-colored poems, and there were even a few who didn't even have a flash of light.

Fifty people have passed, sixty people have passed, and the probability of falling is still maintained at half. Everyone has truly seen the difficulty and excitement of this level.

What's wonderful is that there are two half-step color poems.

Three golden poems.

More than twenty silver-light poems.

The difficult part is that everyone who fell out of the horse is a generation of romantic figures in Burial State. They have performed countless romances and achieved various reputations in their lives, but today, they left sadly.

The grand event has arrived here, and its high-end features have been fully displayed. However, the intense and intense war seems to have just begun.

Because the real geniuses that everyone is familiar with are all in the back.

The Seventh Prince, Yan Qing, Zhuge Qingfeng...

The seventh prince is the representative of the royal family.

Yan Qing was the number one scholar, the pinnacle of literary attainment.

Zhuge Qingfeng, no one even knew his name before yesterday, but today, he has become the most popular candidate to win the championship.

Of course, this is only the perception of most people, excluding Yao Gu.

In Yaogu's mind, there is always only one true genius!

She really wanted to see if there would be a Double Pride Club or a Triple Pride Club today, and the Jiao she imagined besides him were actually the same people, the Seventh Prince, Yan Qing, Zhuge Qingfeng, The focus is still on Zhuge Qingfeng.

Because Zhuge Qingfeng is a member of the Holy Family of Poetry!

Because when he was betting with others yesterday, he set his own tone before setting the question: colorful poems!

What does this mean?

It shows that no matter what kind of topic the other party asks, he is sure to write a colorful poem!

This is horrible.

Even Lin Su might not have such confidence, right?

Although it is said that each of his poems is either green or colorful, before writing the poem, especially before the other party came up with the topic, he was still not sure whether he could write a colorful poem.

Lin Su's poetry is invincible, and today is probably the first time he has put it into practice in the world.

The world is bigger than the vast sky...

A poem by Yan Qing came out: In one night in the rivers and lakes for ten years, I looked at the wise men with cold eyes...

The poem that emphasized his status as the No. 1 scholar was written boldly and freely, with golden light and rich richness. It showed the specialness of the No. 1 scholar in the buried state and set off a trend. However, the trend was not intense because the person next to him The most popular candidate today: Zhuge Qingfeng!

The ratio of poetry to poetry has finally reached Zhuge Qingfeng!

As soon as the white paper came into the hands of the great elder, his expression changed...

Under the green lotus in the southern country, there is an unparalleled son in the world. He turned his hand to the East River and changed it, and defeated the world with one word. Going north to Xiangzhang, the autumn water is half vast, and there are wild animals all over the world. How can I pay Li Shang?

At the end of the poem, the colorful glow filled the whole place.

With a bang, the entire villa exploded!

What a great poem!

Zhuge Qingfeng wrote a colorful poem, refreshing the poetry ceiling of this wedding party!

On the corridor, almost everyone stood up, very excited...

The elder's beard trembled slightly: Young Master is... the actual person in charge of the chaos in the ancient southwestern country of Donghe? Or the planner of the Xiangzhang Battle?

Exactly! Zhuge Qingfeng bowed and said: Although Xiaoke is a member of the Holy Family of Poetry, poetry is not his specialty. He especially enjoys playing chess games with counselors and competing with thousands of armies on the battlefield.

The great elder's eyes were filled with light...

Everyone in the audience was shocked...

He claims that poetry is not his specialty, but he has written four colorful poems in a row since yesterday!

He claimed that he liked to play games with counselors, and he casually cited two successful cases...

The chaos in Donghe was so brilliantly conceived that the world was stunned. No one knew who was actually in charge of this chaos.

In the Battle of Xiangzhang, the weak defeated the strong. Makino Villa had also learned that the most critical reason for the success of this battle was the strategist behind the dragon who had never seen the beginning. Who was this person? Makino Villa has been searching for a long time, and some people say that he is the top master of Wenxin Pavilion.

Now the answer is out. In these two wonderful games that shocked even Makino Villa, the person behind them turned out to be today’s relative: Zhuge Qingfeng!

If the Great Elder had the power to make decisions on the spot, he would probably make the decision now!

Muye Villa is named after Muye. What does it mean?

The world is a pasture!

What it wants to shepherd is the world!

And a wizard who can compete with top counselors and turn things around in chaos is exactly what they need!

On the distant attic, the girl jumped up: Miss, don't you believe it now? If Makino Villa is looking for a bride, it must be him! His way is the most consistent with Makino Villa. I have already seen the owner of the village. Your face is pale, miss, your husband has been decided...

The young lady's eyes flickered, as if she was really thinking about it at this moment.

Zhuge Qingfeng, so far, is indeed the most suitable person to recruit relatives in Muye Villa. The terms and conditions are in perfect harmony...

Are there any bigger surprises later?

The great elders seem to have lost the desire to move forward...

When the colorful light slowly faded, Zhuge Qingfeng slowly turned his eyes to Lin Su beside him: Brother, it seems that he comes from Da Cang?

Yes! Lin Su said: There is a line in your poem, 'One word can defeat the world.' I don't know which glorious battle it refers to.

Zhuge Qingfeng said: Four years ago, Da Cang Kingdom gathered great Confucian scholars from the thirteen southern states. They came to the ancient southwest country to meet their friends with poems. I just defeated them all with one poem.

Four years ago! Lin Su nodded: Brother, if you even show off such a trivial thing four years ago, is it because you can no longer achieve any impressive results in the past four years?

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately became abnormal.

Originally, he and Zhuge Qingfeng were talking and laughing in harmony, but from this moment on, the harmonious atmosphere was gone, because Zhuge Qingfeng insulted the heaven thousands of miles away!

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled faintly: Brother, are you a little slow to react? Or do you not understand the allusions listed in the poem below at all?

He was talking about the chaos in Donghe and the battle of Xiangzhang.

These amazing strokes all happened within four years!

Lin Su smiled and said: The chaos in Donghe is just a small situation that doesn't go on to the stage. The battle in Xiangzhang is essentially about suppressing bandits, so it's not qualified to become a classic case! Winning an ordinary literary conference four years ago is even more... It’s not an impressive achievement. You list all these and compose a poem to feel proud. There is only one fundamental reason. Your vision is only so big. In the eyes of the frog at the bottom of the well, if a small pebble falls into the well, it’s you. What a shocking change in my eyes! Nothing in the world is shallower than this!

This is a long speech.

These words are sharp!

Everyone in the audience was shocked at the same time. This was no longer a polite conversation between literati, but a sword fight! A colorful poem by Zhuge Qingfeng was published to the world. Before the afterglow had dissipated, and before the praise was muted, it was torn to pieces by Lin Su in a few words. His words were harsh and sharp, unprecedented!

Yaogu's eyes lit up, did she start to fight back?

The young lady in the distant attic also has her eyes brightened, is her edge beginning to show?

Zhuge Qingfeng's face suddenly darkened, but he soon relaxed: Just because a piece of historical data from the past was recorded in my poems, are you so angry?

Lin Sudao: I need to tell you three things. First, this is not four years ago! Second, the Da Cang students who competed with you for the literary world cannot represent the Da Cang literary world! Third, those who insult others will never be the same. Those who humiliate the country will not be tolerated by the country!

That's good! Zhuge Qingfeng said: Now is the time to test your poems. Let's see if the poems you write can reach the five colors!

That’s the point!

Today’s theme is writing poetry!

If you want to avenge your shame, you should write a colorful poem!

Only by writing colorful poems can you be qualified to fight back against Zhuge Qingfeng!

Lin Su raised his hand and said, Please ask the Great Elder to review the poem!

The great elder raised his hand, holding a blank sheet of paper...

The holy incense curls up and I begin to recite poems...

Partridge Sky I am the Shanshui Lang of Qingdu. I was assigned to Shu Kuang by the Heavenly Cult. I once granted coupons for rain and wind, and I borrowed monthly stamps from Liuyun when I was tired...

Thinking of this, golden light shines...

The whole audience was shocked!

The smile on Zhuge Qingfeng's face suddenly disappeared. How magnanimous was Qingdu Shanshui Lang? How free and easy is the teaching of heaven and the madness? He once granted coupons for rain and wind, borrowed moon stamps from clouds on the clouds, and called for wind and rain. How heroic is that?

In just half a poem, the ultimate style of a literati has been captured.

The second half of the song...

With thousands of poems and thousands of glasses of wine, how many times have I laid eyes on the princes? The Jade Tower and the Golden Tower are returning lazily, and I am drunk with plum blossoms in Luoyang!

The words are completed, the golden light turns into five colors...

No, not just colorful!

The colorful light fills the sky and the earth, with a faint green edge!

On the corridor, there was a loud explosion!

In the villa, countless people's eyes have colored lights!

Zhuge Qingfeng's face flickered brightly and darkly under the colorful light...

Lin Su said calmly: Wherever I am, it is not your turn to point out the country and inspire writing! Zhuge Qingfeng, not only do you need to remember this, you also have to get used to this!

You...who are you?

Didn't the Great Elder read out the name at the end? A member of Da Cang Guo Literary Dao, Su San!

The expression of the Seventh Prince beside him also changed...

He once asked Lin Su, who are you?

Lin Su told him that it was in the words!

He also asked Lin Su, how dare you speak to me in such a tone?

Lin Su told him that the answer was also in the poems.

Now the answer in the poem comes out: How often have you set your sights on a prince?

Just seven words, so heroic!

There has never been a prince in my eyes! Do you think I dare to speak to you in that tone?

In an instant, the powerful seventh prince who was running rampant in the Burial State felt like he had eaten a lot of steaming dog shit...

In the distant attic, the girl lost her excitement for the first time and stared at the colorful light in the distance, feeling lost...

She has always been optimistic about Zhuge Qingfeng.

However, Su San, who came from Da Cang, defeated Zhuge Qingfeng in the field he was best at!

And in just a few words, Zhuge Qingfeng's face turned green.

It was also the first time she discovered that the livid Zhuge Qingfeng did not seem so handsome. Compared with this Su San, she immediately pales in comparison...

The young lady's eyes were filled with light, and she exhaled softly: This is his answer. He is the Landscape Master of Qingdu. He has never looked at the prince, so what can he look at?

Maybe Banbu Qingci has such charm, and everyone in the audience was distracted.

Not many people paid attention to the process behind the Great Elder. When the Seventh Prince wrote the Golden Light Poem, not many people remembered it, and even said that not many people paid attention to it...

Among the next few, two reached Silver Light Poetry or above, but no one paid attention to them either.

At the end of the first level, there were 73 people seeking relatives, and 39 people were left.

Also left behind is the first legend of the Makino Villa wedding reception...

Half-step Qingshi came out of nowhere, Su San from Da Cang Kingdom.

A colorful poem comes from Zhuge Qingfeng, a poet saint. He also created a new record after writing colorful poems. What record? Zhuge Qingfeng, who was in the worst mood, lost the smile on his face. If there was a regret medicine in the world, he would definitely regret it. He should never be greedy for the other party's mirror and put himself in such a situation where he wanted to die.

The five golden poems were written by the number one scholar Lang Yanqing, the Seventh Prince, Chu Sanzui, Zhang Xiushui and Wang Yibo.

There are also thirty-two people who wrote silver-light poems.

This is a result that has never been achieved in the entire Burial State.

Even among all the poetry events in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, there are few such grand events.

In a general poetry event, there are a few silver-light poems that are worth the trip. Why is it as high-end and grand as it is today?

This also shows from another aspect that everyone who came to participate in the marriage recruitment today was fully prepared.

Recruiting a bride enters the second level: fighting to cross the Wei River!

The great elder waved his hand lightly, and everyone followed him to a large river. This river was a tributary of Weihu Lake, but it was obviously different. It was possible that it was just an ordinary river originally, but the villa made some efforts. , making this river extraordinary.

Because Lin Su's thousand-degree pupils saw the peculiarity of this river, which was full of unpredictability...

The great elder said...

On the other side of the boundary river is the mysterious Wanxiang Jungle. In the Wanxiang Jungle, monsters run rampant and are extremely dangerous. However, with this river, monsters and demons cannot cross the river to attack. Therefore, this river is Makino The river that protects the villa.

All heroes come here to recruit brides, and the villa selects the best. This level is a test of your actual combat skills. But those who can successfully reach the jungle opposite and hunt a monster inner elixir will finally step into Jinyun Pavilion and accept the lady. Eligibility for in-person selection. If no one can successfully cross the boundary river, then the five people who have traveled the farthest on the river will be selected as ladies.

All the students were excited together.

Especially those whose early poetry performance was not outstanding.

As a person who has passed five levels and killed six generals, and traveled thousands of miles during the scientific examination, few of them lack the fighting spirit. If they didn't get the limelight when writing poems in the early stage, let's talk about actual combat power. As a great scholar, everyone is full of confidence.

However, what the great elder said next made them quite afraid.

Don’t underestimate this boundary river...

Because it is related to the safety of Makino Villa, the elders of the past thousands of years have set up various mechanisms in the river, leaving countless killing moves. After thousands of years of accumulation, the Villa itself cannot tell where these killing moves are. Therefore, the elders of the Villa No one dares to step into this boundary river easily.

Holy shit!

You yourself don’t know where the ultimate move is, so let us try it?

The Great Elder saw through everyone's thoughts and smiled slightly: Don't be too nervous, everyone. If you encounter a killing move and are shot into the water, there is a 99% chance that you can be teleported back to the villa without any harm to your life. There is only one situation, which is extremely dangerous. Once encountered, there will be no life or death. Although this is unlikely, I must make it clear to everyone...

For thousands of years, killing moves have been deployed in the boundary river by various means, literary means, spiritual means, formations, magic weapons...

Every method has the ultimate goal of capturing, so once caught, they will be transported back to the dungeon of Makino Villa.

However, the convergence and collision of various means on various paths for thousands of years have produced a strange change, which is the theoretical possibility of space tearing.

This kind of change is not the original intention of Makino Villa, it is just caused by the conflict between Tao and Tao, and Makino Villa is completely unable to control it.

If your luck is extremely bad and you fall into a different dimension, it will really be over.

No one can come out of it.

Not even a quasi-sage!

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