Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 825: The Great Luck of time and space that only happens when your luck is extremely bad

So, you may lose your life during this trip! The great elder said solemnly: Makino Villa does not want any outstanding person to lose his life, so I solemnly warn you that if you are not willing to take this risk, you can withdraw now. Makino Villa I will never despise you, and no one in the world will despise you either. They will only respect you, and you will have to make choices before your big things are done and your wishes are not fulfilled.

All the heroes looked at each other...

Is this the time to make a life decision?

The Seventh Prince laughed loudly: With the purple energy of my royal way in my body, I can catch even one chance of life, let alone a murderous intention that is not very likely? I'm betting!

He took one step forward and became the first to take the lead.

Everyone else was thinking the same thing. The Villa had already said that it was a slim possibility. How bad would one's luck be before it happened?

Everyone who walks along the way and climbs higher step by step is a child of luck.

I won't admit that I have no luck.

Lin Su looked at the boundary river and thought in his mind...

Is this really just a reminder? Why did I interpret it as courage?

The way of a military strategist is based on courage!

Makino Villa probably uses this method to test the courage of the contestants. If you hesitate for a moment, you will lose points.

He takes one step forward!

There is no sadness or joy on the face...

In the blink of an eye, everyone stood up and no one quit.

Not one of you has withdrawn. I really feel that you are all geniuses! The great elder said, Please enter the boundary river!

With a swish sound, more than a dozen great scholars held up gold paper and came out, boat! OK! fly! wind……

All kinds of words flew out at the same time. Some turned into boats, some used gold paper as boats, and some used their bodies to cross. Anyway, the literati's flying skills were all displayed in an instant.

The Seventh Prince opened his mouth and spat out: Let's go!

This word is made of silver light, and he is also a great scholar in the literary world. With this word, he steps into the boundary river. At first, he lags behind more than ten people, but in the blink of an eye, he has reached the front, and his power is unparalleled, just like the emperor of heaven. Travel.

Almost at the same time, everyone entered the river at the same time. Above the boundary river, the mist was rising, the wind and waves were rolling, and it seemed to be activated in an instant...

A voice came to Lin Su's ear: Su San, how about we fight again? Let's see who reaches Jinyun Pavilion first!

It's Zhuge Qingfeng.

Lin Su smiled faintly: I have already said that wherever I am, it is not your turn to point out the country and inspire words. Don't you understand what I mean?

Haha, the means are not just what you say! Zhuge Qingfeng's body suddenly turned into a ball of fire and flowed away across the long river.

With a move of Lin Su's feet, he turned into a breeze and stepped into the clouds!

The way to cross the river depends on your own means.

There are no restrictions on this method. It can be on the spiritual path or on the literary path. Lin Su felt at first that the great elder seemed to have said something less, such as prohibiting mutual attacks on the boundary river. However, as soon as he entered the fog, Among them, he understood.

No restrictions needed!

Because of the strangeness in this layer of fog, he couldn't see anyone else at all! Even his thousand-degree pupil cannot see through the fog, and others cannot see through it even more.

Not to mention attacking!

Then, there is only one question left, how to distinguish the direction in the fog.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and pointed his fingers directly at his feet. The flow of water under his feet merged in his brain for a moment, and he straightened out the direction of travel in a moment.

There are many ways to find the direction in the fog. There are ways to find the forest in the forest, and there are ways to find the water in the water. Although the flow of water is unpredictable, and whirlpools are generated from time to time, which interferes with judgment, Lin Su's power of water rules It is his most effective tool for finding directions.

Soon, he started to speed up!

At the moment of acceleration, a sword light suddenly rolled horizontally from below. The meaning of the sword is ancient and vicissitudes, and it is quite decisive to sleep for a thousand years with one sword.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and said Get out of the fortress!

The protective wall formed by Wen Dao turned into a shield to protect him.

There was a loud earthquake, and the sword light collided with the Great Wall of Protection. Lin Su flew high, and a huge head suddenly appeared in front of him. He couldn't see what it was, but there was a chilling murderous intent. It enveloped Lin Su's whole body.

Lin Su raised his hand suddenly, and a silver moon circled out!



The head of a giant snake that could only be seen clearly under the light of the silver moon was separated, and Lin Su passed through the middle of the head.

The misty river water in front suddenly spiraled up and turned into nine palaces. Lin Su suddenly fell into it. Lin Su raised his hand, and a bronze pen in his palm touched the gap in the formation in front, and the formation was broken!

After passing three levels in a row, Lin Su was secretly frightened. The protection of Jiehe was very strong. How many people could survive it?

Why does he feel that there are few people besides him?

Soon, a huge suction force suddenly came from below. As soon as this suction force came, even Lin Su couldn't resist it and fell involuntarily.

Lin Su's heart was shocked, and he made a sharp circle with his hand. The power of water rules acted on the river surface, and the power of the whirlpool was reduced by 90%!

Immediately afterwards, his literary power exploded to its maximum, and with a bang, he flew against the water and soared into the sky!

After finally escaping this blow, Lin Su's back was sweating. How could this be possible?

This is just a marriage recruitment at Makino Villa. Does it need to be so tough?

The rules mentioned by the great elder are that if you successfully cross the river and get the inner elixir of the monster, you have passed the second level. If no one can pass, the winner will be determined by the distance traveled in front of the river...

You old guy, are you deliberately trying to prevent everyone from getting through?

Then I have to pass it!

If I was the only one who could get through it, I would save myself a lot of headaches next time!

Lin Su rushed ten miles away with overwhelming pride!

Ten miles away, a large net was waiting. It was impossible to see where the edge of the net was. Lin Su's sword came out!

Fusion of the sword's heart and a strike to break through the big net!

Ten miles later, countless birds descended from the sky, covering the entire sky. Lin Su raised his hand, and the law of space came out, opening a gap in the northwest corner...

Passing through the gap, a mighty force of the Holy Dao suddenly appeared...

Lin Su shouted: I am C!

Under the mighty power of the Holy Dao, all Lin Su's magical powers were cleared, and the earth spun with a cry. The next moment, the fog dissipated, and the stream of light was infinite. In the stream of light, Lin Su still couldn't see anything clearly. He only knew that he was falling rapidly, and His cultivation and literary skills were all blocked by Liu Guang.

He is just like an ordinary person...

Free falling from an altitude of thousands of miles...

With a bang, Lin Su felt that all the organs in his body seemed to turn over at once, and he fell into the water.

Finally fell into the water!

You played too much at Makino Villa and even used the mighty power of the Holy Dao. Who can escape?

According to what Makino Villa said, when everyone falls into the water, the winner or loser is determined by the distance traveled. I should have rushed to the front, right?

Then the water under your feet should be a water prison. Blocking all cultivation and breaking into the water prison is the basic function of the boundary river.

This is really powerful, and everyone in the world is afraid that anyone who crosses the line will eventually have to enjoy this kind of treatment.

After thinking about this, Lin Su calmed down.

With a movement of his body, he swam toward the water and his head came out of the water. Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened wide. Damn, thatched house? A valley? Are there people still doing farm work in the fields?

Is this the dungeon of Makino Villa?

Why does it look like a paradise?

Lin Su climbed up from the river and went to the field in front. Several old farmers looked at him with hoes in hand, a little surprised...

Lin Su smiled: My father-in-law, please! Su San cannot cross the boundary river after all, and the attempt to cross the river has failed. I also ask my father-in-law to take me back to Makino Villa.

The two father-in-laws looked at each other in confusion: What are you talking about? Why can't the old man understand a word? Where is Makino Villa?

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: Isn't this the dungeon of Makino Villa?

Young master is talking about Makino Villa again, but the old man really doesn't know where Makino Villa is...

The hair on Lin Su's back stood up silently, and a terrible thought came to his mind...

Before departure, the great elder gave a reminder...

In the boundary river, hundreds of paths run parallel, and the conflict between realms may open a different space. Although the possibility is not high, it must be mentioned. If you crash into this place, you will die without life!

Could it be said that I... I just got lucky? Plunging into a different space?

In about an hour, Lin Su met seven old farmers and a village girl. After a bunch of words gathered together, Lin Su sat down on the hillside and looked up at the sky...

This is really a different space.

In this space, there is no power of literature or cultivation. It is just an ordinary feudal society. People cannot jump one foot high or carry a load of three hundred kilograms on their shoulders.

This is a basin surrounded by mountains. The mountains are tens of thousands of feet high and no one can cross them. There are millions of people living in it from generation to generation.

Their ancestors came from outside. Because of the war outside, they went to the valley to avoid disaster. The war never stopped, and more and more people took refuge. Until one year, a big earthquake occurred and two mountains filled up the passage. , no one came in anymore. However, the people who had entered the valley still reproduced a race of millions of people.

Lin Su's mind was focused on the center of his eyebrows, and he could not sense the existence of the mighty power of literature and art.

The mind is concentrated on all parts of the body, and the existence of true energy cannot be felt.

As for the long river of time and space deep in the brain, there is no trace.

He wanted to drink a cup of Baiyunbian to stimulate his numb brain, but he couldn't open any space.

He stood up with support on the stone wall under his buttocks. The sharp gravel made his hands feel a little painful. It was also the first time that he found that his body was a little heavy.

So, he sat down again and looked at the sky quietly to sort out the pile of thoughts in his mind.

As the sun set, an old yellow dog at the entrance of the village looked at him with an unfriendly look, but he didn't pay attention.

In a hut at the back of the village, a fairly pretty village girl looked at him quietly, but he didn't pay attention. It was still late at night, and a chill came over him. A thick bowl was handed to him, and the village girl whispered: Drink some hot soup to warm yourself up.

A bowl of wild vegetable soup became Lin Su's first dinner when he entered this world.

The outhouse of her home where he spent his first night.

Over the next three days, he accepted the reality that he might not be able to get out.

On the fourth day, he worked hard to integrate into this world. He helped the villagers build a waterwheel, and the villagers looked at him seriously for the first time.

On the fifth day, he learned the name of this kind-hearted village girl. Her name was Yun'er. Of course, she could also be Yun'er. The villagers didn't read many books. I heard from them that people who study will go to the city, and scholars should be in the city. The subordinates work as errands, and the popular ones drink spicy food.

So Lin Su took off his robe, which symbolized a scribe, so that he would appear more in tune when walking around the village.

On the sixth day, something happened.

A group of bandits broke into a small mountain village at night. Although the total number was only more than thirty people, they came on fast horses and held sabers with fierce looks. The villagers could only watch as they broke into their homes and rummaged through boxes and cabinets. , taking away their little food.

A few men wanted to stop them, but the old village chief stopped them because these people were the Black Mountain Bandits. There were thousands of Black Mountain Bandits. If you hurt one of their people, the Black Mountain Bandits would not let you go easily. Three months ago , a village next door was completely wiped out because they killed one of the bandits.

The bandits got the food. If they left like this, Lin Su might not care. After all, it was not worth taking such a big risk for such a small amount of food. However, something happened that challenged Lin Su's bottom line.

Those bandits extended their claws to the village girls, and one of them was Yuner!

Just when the bandit's hand was about to touch Yun'er's chest, a piece of bluestone hit his head!

The bandit's brain exploded, his eyes were wide open and he fell down with disbelief on his face. The bluestone in Lin Su's hand was stained with blood.

The old village chief shouted: No!

Before he finished speaking, Lin Su pulled out the bandit's saber with his backhand, rushed towards the two bandits who had not yet reacted, and slashed twice...

Now the bandit is really angry!

One of the leaders roared angrily: You are so brave. We, the heroes of the Black Mountains, will kill your whole village...

Lin Su roared angrily: Kill the bandits without leaving any trace!

The first one rushed out, and there was hesitation behind him. However, soon, a furious wave headed by him swept away more than thirty bandits. In a blink of an eye, hoes and sticks came up, and more than twenty bandits fell in a pool of blood. The remaining More than a dozen bandits broke out of the encirclement and got on their horses. The villagers flew out with hoes, sticks and knives, knocking down five or six bandits. However, five or six people still escaped.

The old village chief sat down, his face as white as dirt, and he muttered: It's over now! It’s over!

Lin Su stood up and said, Fellows, bandits are rampant in every village, robbing your food and humiliating your wives and daughters. Can you bear it?

A group of men suddenly stood up, about thirty of them, all of whom he had led just now and whose hands were stained with the blood of the robbers.

Are these thirty-two men the only ones in such a big mountain village?

Lin Su's voice spread throughout the audience.

The remaining men stepped forward one after another, totaling more than two hundred people!

You think there are thousands of bandits, and you alone are not enough to kill them all with the strength of a village of men. Let me tell you, as long as we use the right method, we can kill a mountain of them with just one village!

Are you serious? The old village chief suddenly raised his head.

As long as you do as I say, I promise to wipe out the Black Mountain bandits within a month, completely clear the haze above your heads, avenge the compatriots who died at the hands of the bandits, and avenge the sisters who were insulted by the bandits! Lin Su The voice became louder and louder: As a foreigner, I dare to fight to the end for the village I support, but you people from this village don't dare to refuse?


Almost everyone in the village gathered in front of him!

Thousands of people in total!

Lin Su waved his hand: Start preparations now! At the earliest tomorrow, and at the latest the day after tomorrow, the Black Mountain bandits will come again! And what we have to do is to kill all the enemies who will commit the crime!

Two days later, a group of bandits from the Black Mountains came out. More than three hundred horses galloped from the valley with the momentum of annihilating everything. Today's battle will wipe out the mountain villages!

They want to rely on this iron-blooded purge to tell the 100,000 residents around here that the heroes of Montenegro will not tolerate provocation!

However, just as they were about to approach the mountain village, the bandit in front suddenly stumbled. The bandit fell off his horse and plunged into the ground covered with dead leaves. Unknown when, countless large holes were dug on the ground. Under the pit, there were bamboo thorns over a foot long. When the bandits were in a mess, huge boulders rolled down from the rocks on both sides. The bandits fell on their backs. All three hundred bandits were killed without even entering the mountain gate of the mountain village.

So the villagers got the first batch of military supplies.

Three hundred sabers, two hundred usable horses, and more than a hundred bows. That day, the villagers threw Lin Su high into the air. Lin Su was playing this different kind of lifting, feeling a little excited and a little nervous. , he was worried that this damn place might accidentally throw him and paralyze him.

If that really happened, he would be like Zhuge Liang on the Wuzhang Plain, designing a wheelchair, shaking a broken fan, and commanding these motley villagers to capture Black Mountain.

Also that night, Yun'er brought him sweet horse meat soup, watched the stars with him in the middle of the night, and asked him: Brother Su, where are you from?

Lin Su looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed quietly: Where Brother Su is from is not important at all. What is important is that I may have a supporter from now on.

Yun'er's voice also became faint: The village chief just said that he would find the most beautiful wife in the village for Brother Su, so that Brother Su can settle down here...

The most beautiful one...isn't that you?

In Lin Su's sight, Yun'er's face was so red that it was almost bleeding: mother still has something to do with me...

Stumbled away.

The next day, he didn't see Yun'er after he got up. He walked to the door and saw Yun'er from a distance. She was washing clothes in the river, and she was washing the same clothes he wore yesterday...

Looking from the side, her face is really beautiful. She is said to be the most beautiful in the village. At least at this moment, there is no obstacle.

The village chief came over with a cane and asked: Sir, although we won a big victory yesterday, the Black Mountain bandits will definitely not give up. What will happen next?

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and in his palm was a half-dried grass: You mobilize the whole village to go up the mountain to look for this kind of grass. The more the better!

So, for the next three days, this kind of grass called Miscellaneous Grass was piled up in the square and slowly dried under the scorching sun.

Sir, do you plan to use this grass to stun them? A young man came over: But the medicinal properties of the grass are not particularly strong. It is effective for smoking mosquitoes, but it cannot smoke people.

Lin Su smiled: Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible, but if you use military thinking, anything can be done!

For half a month, there was no rain. Under the scorching sun, the fields were all yellow, and the clouds in the sky were faintly...

The sun is setting in the west and the mountain wind is getting stronger...

Lin Su stood on the top of the independent hillside, looking up at the sky.

Brother Su, what are you looking at? Yun'er came over with a bamboo tube. When she saw Lin Su, her face was smeared with red clouds again...

Watch the sky!

...You want to see if it's going to rain, right? Yun'er seemed to not understand the celestial phenomena.

It won't rain within three or two days! Lin Su said: But the weather is not only sunny and rainy, but also the wind direction! The wind has risen, which is good!

Yun'er didn't quite understand what very good meant, but she understood it the next day!

Lin Su led 300 villagers out of the backing village and under the Black Mountain. They divided their troops into four groups and lit fires at the same time!

The fire took advantage of the wind and hit the top of the mountain!

For ordinary wildfires, the Black Mountain group of thieves above had already taken precautions and established an isolation zone to ensure safety, but today's fire was spiked!

It’s a herb that can be found everywhere in the mountains!

Tens of thousands of kilograms of fragrant hay are ignited at the same time, and the billowing smoke is no ordinary smoke!

The entire mountaintop was shrouded in smoke!

After the smoke had almost dissipated, three hundred villagers went up the mountain. There were bandits everywhere on the mountain. Some were dead, and some were still like fish out of the water, breathing with their mouths wide open. The villagers showed no mercy and stabbed them. One, to the top of the mountain.

All the Black Mountain bandits who had been traversing this area for more than ten years were wiped out.

Three hundred villagers handed over the Black Mountain lair to Lian Guoduan, and the gold and silver treasures inside became trophies for the backing village.

That night, the villagers used the wine collected by the Black Mountain thieves to knock down the legendary Mr. Su.

Lin Su fell asleep all night, and when she woke up, she saw Yun'er beside the bed.

There was not much surprise in Yun'er's eyes, but instead there was deep sadness. She told Lin Su that something happened after Lin Su fell asleep last night. Thousands of soldiers came over from the city lord's palace and stole them from the Black Mountain Group. They took away all the gold and silver they got, and confiscated all the original horses and weapons. Dozens of men resisted and died in their hands. They also said that they should quickly prepare this year's taxes and fees. In one month, , they came to collect this tax. The villagers simply couldn’t bear it...

Lin Su was furious!

The Black Mountain bandits have been ravaging this world for ten years, and they have ignored them! Now that we have eradicated them, they are the first to jump out! Lin Su said: Okay! I will replace the city lord!

Yun'er was startled and grabbed him: Don't be impulsive. The City Lord's Mansion is no better than the Black Mountain Bandits. They have tens of thousands of troops!

Lin Sudao: Then do you know how many people there are?

No matter how many people there are, it won't be of any use. Ten thousand people are not worth a hundred soldiers...

You are wrong! Lin Su said: There is a tactical term called People's War! Once the People's War is launched, no matter how tyrannical they are, they will be submerged in the wave of People's War!

In the next ten days, Lin Su led the village chief and hundreds of villagers into each village and told them about the process of the destruction of the Black Mountain bandits. He told them that power is not terrible. As long as everyone works together, they can break the deadlock. This is how the bandits are. , the same is true for the city lord. Lin Su’s classes are very contagious. The people he brings can learn his posture and tone of voice and walk around the village after just two lessons. Snowball is in the sight of the city lord. With such a sudden change outside, in just ten days, the situation has changed beyond recognition.

One month after Lin Su entered this world.

An army was formed out of nothing.

Lishan City was surrounded from all sides!

The fat city lord of Lishan City was not alert until now. When he saw the flag written on red cloth holding a bamboo pole outside, he smiled: If you take down the city lord, you will not pay for the food! Haha, let's see how these mud-legged people can break through my army. city……

The people around Lin Su looked at the high city head and felt a little frightened for a moment. Above the city head, there were all spears and arrows shining with cold light...

Lin Su's face was as calm as ever, and he gave an order: Dig a hole and bury the thorn!

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