Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 826 Is it actually Makino’s assessment?

Hundreds of thousands of villagers moved together. One day later, deep pits were spread outside Lishan City, and they were full of bamboo sticks inserted upside down.

What does this mean? Lishan City is trapped to death? Someone laughed: Lishan City has food and water, how can we be trapped to death? On the contrary, I want to see how many days these mud-legged food can last.

But Lin Su issued the second order: Climb up the west mountain and pour all the medicine into the water!

Dozens of men climbed up the nearby mountain and poured the medicine extracted from the mountain herbs into the water. This water was the water source of the city. In a moment, all the pools in the city turned into poisonous pools.

The city lord's face turned dark: Is it so sinister to pollute my pool?

The master next to him comforted him: The water in Xishan is endless and the water volume is huge. It only takes one day to take away the poison in the water. This is the reason why living water cannot be poisoned.

The city lord's expression softened slightly.

But at this moment, Lin Su issued the third order: Stop the flow!

Dozens of villagers wielded big hammers, and under the watchful eyes of sergeants all over the city, they smashed the water channel above, and the water flowing to Lishan City was directly redirected.

The master in Lishan City was really panicked.

Only now did he know the real intention of Lin Su's orders. They were originally intended to pollute the city's pools. If the water continued to flow and living water was injected, it would only take one day to dilute the poisonous water.

But once the water supply is cut off, there is nothing left to dilute.

The water in the city cannot be used directly!

People, you can go two or three days without eating, but you can't go a whole day without drinking water.

The water source of Xishan must be recaptured. However, Lin Su had already planned this step. Hundreds of men used shields as weapons and stood firmly at the highest point. The bows and arrows below could not hurt them. If they wanted to go up, they would risk their lives even if others did not follow. If you change, a few stones can easily kill you!

The city is in chaos!

Someone wanted to escape from the city, but the chess move Lin Su had laid out at the beginning showed its effect. There were already traps outside Lishan City, making it impossible to escape.

On that day, there were occasional fireworks all over the city, which was the water in the bucket continuing a little bit of life.

On the second day, only the city lord's mansion and a few large households could make fire for cooking.

On the third day, the city lord's mansion ran out of water.

On the fourth day, people began to want to leave the city.

However, as soon as you leave the city, you will be shot from a long distance by a bamboo pole.

Lishan City began to become a purgatory on earth.

On the seventh day, Lin Su waved his hand lightly, and a huge line of large characters was written on a piece of white cloth...

Everyone in the city who was dying of hunger tried to open their eyes and saw clearly these big words: If the city lord dies, the water will be open! Anyone who enters the city lord's mansion will keep all the gold and silver they get!

This sentence pointed out a clear direction to the people in the city, and people's desire for survival and greed instantly ignited...

The city lord's guards took the lead in rebelling, rushed into the city lord's palace, and robbed gold and silver. There was chaos and blood filled the city...

Soon, the city lord’s head was on the flagpole, and the city gate opened wide...

Hundreds of thousands of villagers surrounded Lin Su as he entered Lishan City. Lin Su's first order upon entering the city was to completely change the city lord's jurisdiction. Lishan City had no city lord or army, only a city committee, and the city committee was set to nine people. , held by respected elders.

In each of the villages below, villagers follow this method to select highly respected people in the village to form village committees to manage their respective villages.

Whether it is a city committee or a village committee, they are only part-time and do not require a huge system to support them. Therefore, all residents do not even need to pay taxes, or pay a small amount in a symbolic manner...

The villagers' self-governance law has basically been formed. It may still have disadvantages in this aspect and that, but it is undoubtedly a qualitative leap compared to before.

Lin Su left Lishan City and returned to Kaoshan Village. He returned to the hillside where he had stayed many times. He looked up at the sky. The clouds were rising and the rain was falling. A bamboo umbrella was opened above his head. Under the night, the clouds were falling. Looking at him quietly, maybe the night surrounding her gave her a little more courage, but she did not avoid his gaze.

Yun'er, I want to take a look at the other side of the mountain! Lin Su pointed to the distant mountain.

Yun'er said softly: I want to leave, right?

I may not be able to leave, but I still want to see the world outside the mountains.

Yun'er's voice came faintly: If the world outside was better, wouldn't you come back?

Lin Su smiled softly: You don't want to leave me, do you?

Yun'er's face turned red again. This time she did not avoid it and tried her best to meet his gaze.

If I can't get out of this prison after all, I will grow old with you! Lin Su grabbed her hand.

The sparkle in Yun'er's eyes didn't fade away, but there was another layer of bright light: Brother, remember what you said!

I'll remember it!

But you can't climb over that mountain after all!

No! I have a way!

Three days later, a strange object that the people in the backing village had never seen before appeared in front of them.

This is a huge bag woven from wild vines in the mountains. It is coated with tung oil and is airtight.

There is a hanging basket connected below. The hanging basket is hollow and filled with grease.

The grease ignited, and the big bag above quickly bulged, and the hanging basket began to lift off the ground. Lin Su stepped into the hanging basket and waved gently downwards: Folks, I'll go up to the sky and take a look.

Just as they were leaving the ground, a village girl ran over quickly: Brother, wait for me, I'll go with you!

Lin Su held her hand: Have you thought about it?

I've thought about it, and my mother agreed!

Come, follow me!

The huge hot air balloon took off, and Lin Su lifted off the ground. The mountain village below slowly became smaller, and the mountain peak got closer and closer. Finally, they crossed the mountain peak, and the sun's rays penetrated the clouds and hit Lin Su.

Lin Su's whole body was shaken, and his literary and spiritual skills were restored at the same time...


A voice came from the side: Brother, you finally made a breakthrough in this test at Makino Villa!

Lin Su's eyes dropped and he was shocked. Yun'er's body in front of him suddenly turned into a shadow.

Who are you……

I'm Jiang Yun, the fourth lady of Makino Villa! Yun'er said softly, I'll be waiting for you at Jinyun Pavilion!

After saying the last words, Yun'er turned into a ray of silver light and shot towards an attic in front of her. It penetrated into the eyebrows of a beautiful woman in the building. The beautiful woman's eyes slowly opened...

When Lin Su raised his head, he felt distracted for a moment. He was definitely not a lengtouqing who had never seen a woman before. It could even be said that he had seen too many women from the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States. Some were beautiful, some were beautiful, and some were beautiful. He has seen almost all ordinary people, including human beings and aliens, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water, but he has never seen such a woman.

How to describe it?

Extremely enchanting!

Her figure, her breasts, her ass, her face, every inch and every inch made people's hearts beat faster. Although Lin Su had never seen the nine-tailed fox Da Ji, this image naturally emerged in his mind. .

However, the moment she opened her eyes, this enchanting feeling receded from her body like a tide. Her eyes seemed to have the magic power to suppress everything, making the chaotic world of mortals suddenly become as quiet as night... …

How do you say something? Her body can make you rush forward regardless, but her eyes persuade you to retreat.

Because these eyes are clear and without any impurities, and seem to be detached...

Jiang Yun raised his head slightly, with a strange light flowing in his eyes: You and I are meeting each other for the first time in real life, but in our minds we have been together day and night for a month. Isn't it a little strange?

That's quite strange! Lin Su laughed.

Jiang Yun said softly: Brother, please sit down and I will pour you tea.

Lin Su sat down: You still call me brother?

Originally, there was no such title in Makino Villa, but in the past month or so, I have become comfortable with it. More importantly, my brother once said something... I don't want my brother to change because of the change of this title. The original agreement! A layer of red cloud slowly appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and her boundless temptation instantly made Lin Su's blood rush.

The original agreement...

That is really a very high-level promise - if I can't get out of the secret realm after all, I will accompany you until you grow old!

But I didn't know you were such a beauty at the time. If I had known you were so stunning, it wouldn't matter if you had this premise. For a moment, Lin Su's thoughts were so wild...

But at this moment, Lin Su took a deep breath and looked away from her face: We did have an agreement, but there is a premise that we cannot get out of the secret cage.

What is a cage? The secret realm is a cage, so why not the world? Jiang Yun said: Brother, if you want to cheat, you need to find another excuse.

I'm not cheating, I just have to face reality! Lin Su said: The reality is that I failed the second round of assessment at Makino Villa. I have probably lost the qualification to fulfill my promise.

He entered Makino Villa to ask for marriage.

Makino Villa has assessments.

Of course he won the first round of assessment, and he won very well.

But he lost the second round of the assessment. He failed to cross the boundary river and bring back the demon pill. He even delayed it for more than a month. The marriage recruitment at Makino Villa must have ended long ago. Although the fundamental reason is that he was unlucky and fell into the secret realm, luck has always been a part of strength. If you are unlucky, if you lose, you lose.

Makino Villa has been established for thousands of years and has its own rules.

Holding such a grand event also has its own rules.

If he loses, trying to make a comeback is tantamount to challenging the entire order of Burial State.

Jiang Yunmiao's eyes flickered, and her red lips parted slightly: Do you really think you lost?

Lin Su suddenly raised his head...

The so-called crossing the boundary river to pick up the demon pill is purely an excuse. All the candidates will end up falling into the secret realm without exception, and you are the only one who has left the secret realm so far!

Lin Su's heart was pounding...

The Great Elder lied!

The so-called second level is actually a level that no one can pass!

It is impossible for anyone to cross the boundary river. Everyone must go down to the secret realm. The real second test starts from the secret realm.

Why is this happening?

He had a vague guess...

Jiang Yun said directly...

Just as Lin Su guessed at the beginning, Makino Villa has a purpose for recruiting brides. What purpose? Two purposes, one is to find out the forces in Burial State that are involved with the demons; the other is to find out the mentality of the young people who will dominate the overall situation of Burial State in the future.

That's why Makino Villa offered such attractive marriage recruitment conditions.

It is meant to attract the top figures among the younger generation in Burial State, and it is meant to attract people who are involved with the demon clan.

These people are aiming for the legendary holy treasure of Makino Villa, and are also aiming to become famous and achieve great things. They will definitely come. As long as they come, they will inevitably fall into the secret realm.

This secret realm can comprehensively test a person!

From one’s character to one’s knowledge, from one’s holy path to one’s adherence to one’s principles.

After seeing through this, Makino Villa can truly understand this person!

You will know what direction this person will take in the future!

Of course, such a secret realm cannot be known to the participants in advance. If they know that this is just a test, they will deal with it in the same way as a test, and you will not be able to see into his heart.

Only when those who participate in the test are completely unaware and face a real life-and-death crisis can a person's true nature emerge and the person's code of conduct truly be seen clearly.

Therefore, the great elder’s initial words were learned.

He seemed to have unintentionally added: There is danger in this world river. Although the probability of this danger is small, once it hits the Ten Deaths, there will be no life.

This is foreshadowing!

Therefore, after everyone falls into the secret realm, he will interpret two pieces of information. First, he is too unlucky and has hit the one-in-a-million great fortune; second, since he has hit it, he is facing a real challenge. A life and death crisis.

In this situation where there is no way back and no way forward, everyone will choose the path that suits him best according to his own inner guidance...

Lin Su straightened out everything in an instant. Even though he prided himself on being incredibly resourceful, he was also shocked by the mastery of Makino Villa. He must admit that Makino Villa really has the potential to be a military strategist, because a non-strategist would really not be able to come up with such a strategy.

In addition, he also wanted to ask: Are everyone's secret realms the same?

Yes! The secret realm is exactly the same!

There is also in every secret realm?

Jiang Yun: Each secret realm has a monitor, who is served by all the young men, ladies, and high-end girls in the villa. And I chose your secret realm.

Why choose me?

Jiang Yun smiled softly: Maybe it's intuition. I have to be lucky that I didn't make the wrong choice!

Lin Su also smiled: I really want to know how other candidates started their journey to the secret realm when faced with such a situation...

The smile on Jiang Yun's face disappeared, and he sighed softly: I really have to admit that the current situation of Burial State is not optimistic, because the choices made by the leaders of the major forces in Burial State in the future have made the Villa very difficult. disturbed……

She explained in detail...

Zhuge Qingfeng is probably the one you pay most attention to. Do you know what choice he makes? He chose to join the bandit team, and after a month, he had become the bandit's strategist and was deeply trusted by the bandit leader. His military training method was quite regulated. In just over ten days, the bandit's strength was greatly improved. The number has at least tripled, and he has defeated the city lord's team head-on twice, and he also instigated the city lord's servants to betray him and plotted to assassinate the city lord.

The seventh prince directly entered Lishan City and used his superb management skills to help the city lord renovate Lishan City and formulate a new tax policy. It seemed like a benevolent policy, but in fact the people's lives would be even more difficult. He was probably entering this secret realm thirty years later. Days later, he bribed a medicinal merchant and obtained a poison. Then he seduced the city lord's concubine and asked the concubine to poison the city lord. The city lord was dead, but kept it secret, and the body was still stored in the city lord's mansion. He is currently acting as the city lord. In ten days at most, he will clear the obstacles and become the official city lord.

Wang Yibo became a teacher in Lishan City. However, the people in Lishan City did not understand or be interested in the holy way at all. He was currently living in a state of despair and had not had a formal meal for several days.

Yan Qing still follows his usual prodigal style in this world, seducing a decent woman. Unfortunately, his familiar script is subverted here. His legs were broken - probably no one would have thought that his karmic retribution for his rebellion against the Qing Dynasty people in Mianzhou would be repaid in this secret realm in this way.

What is more surprising is Zhang Xiushui. This person appeared in Burial State with the title of The Great Confucian of the Sky Split. He once leveled a mountain by himself, but in this secret realm, he completely changed his personality and acted as an accomplice of the bandits...

Jiang Yun told the participants one by one, and Lin Su felt like he had stepped into a kaleidoscope.

In the same secret realm, thirty-nine candidates performed thirty-nine completely different life experiences.

Some are plotting directly against the city lord, some are scheming to be the leader of bandits, some are incarnate as teachers, some have become think-tanks for big families, some are writing letters for people on the street, some are offering advice to the city lord as counselors, some are swimming across the river alone and finally passing out in a coma. At the bottom, there are also those who climbed the mountain and fell in the middle and broke their legs. They are still humming to this day...

The secret realm is like a mirror that magnifies everyone's personality traits and all kinds of details under certain circumstances.

There are three people who are very suspicious! Jiang Yun said: One of them is Zhang Xiushui. This person is well-known to the outside world as the 'Heaven-Splitting Scholar'. When people mention him, they say he can be the Minister of the Ministry of War of the Buried State. Now it seems that, He is definitely not suitable. Once he finds out that he is weak, he will definitely rebel and surrender to the enemy. The second is Bai Luoshui, a famous scholar in Xizhou. This person is quite a scholar in Xichuan, the burial state, but he deceives himself in the dark room in the secret realm and seduce the good family. Women, after the matter was exposed, they killed people and silenced them. How is this move different from the demons? The Xichuan Bai family behind him needs special attention. The third one is Zhuge Qingfeng. This person only seeks success in his actions and does not care about right or wrong at all. This person is in line with the demon clan’s philosophy of behavior. The next step of Makino Villa will be to comprehensively investigate all of this person’s past events.”

I admire you! Lin Su said.

Jiang Yun cast his eyes at him and said, You admire Makino Villa, and the elders in the Villa really admire you. Of the thirty-nine candidates, you are the only one who chooses to base your life on the villagers. Every step you take is the most appropriate choice in that scenario. Every step you take reveals the thinking of a military strategist. You have a profound understanding of the high-level realm of the art of war that all things in nature can be used as soldiers, including water, fire, earth, medicine, weather, and location. , People’s minds are amazing in everything, the Great Elder guesses that you have a military heart, right?”


Even if you have a military strategist's heart, there are still some fantastic ideas that cannot be interpreted by a military strategist's heart... For example, your water wheel should be the inheritance of the farmer's family, and the hot air balloon you finally broke out of the secret realm should be from the Mohist family. Inheritance, the great elder is very interested in your origin.

Actually, I'm also very interested in your Makino Villa. Lin Su smiled.

Jiang Yun smiled softly: You are, let me tell you the truth, our Muye Villa is originally the family of the Saint of Soldiers!

She said brother again, and when she said these two daily terms, there was a certain lingering, a certain kind of undulation...

Lin Su understood this title and understood it deeply...

Lin Su breathed out softly: You just said that this marriage invitation is not essentially a marriage invitation, it is just a good intention based on the overall situation of Burial State. So, your marriage invitation...

He did not continue, but Jiang Yun also understood: Although this recruitment has some military plots, one thing is true, the recruitment itself is true! I must get married, it is related to the border, and it is related to the whole world. Bury the state!”

Why is this?

Jiang Yun gently held up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and told him...

In the far west of Burial State, the defense of the border city is becoming increasingly difficult. The demons, monsters, and monsters in the restricted area are becoming more and more powerful. The border town formation has received unprecedented challenges. A breakthrough is inevitable. Once a breakthrough is made, Burial State will become The true burial place of the human race.

There is a holy object that can change this adversity.

The name of this treasure is the Dianbing Pot, which is a sacred weapon tailor-made for military strategists. Her father used this treasure to sweep away the demons in the border town and made great military exploits. However, when he went out to fight once, he was trapped in a tight siege. Seeing that he was about to die and his treasure was lost, a foreign woman appeared and saved him at the critical moment. That was her mother!

Her parents met on a foreign battlefield where they almost died, fell in love, and soon had her.

Her mother didn't want her to be born in a foreign land, so she followed her father back to Guan with a big belly.

However, after the couple returned to the border town with this sacred object, they were suppressed by all parties. When she was only three years old, her father died due to the Dianbing Pot. Her mother was furious and said: Dianbing Pot Because of me, I returned to the human race and saved the border town but could not save my husband's life. How can God tolerate this? I will take this treasure back to the Holy Land of the Military and bury it. Only when my daughter comes of age can she and her husband take it together!

I took this treasure out of the border town and disappeared.

Jiang Yun, who was only three years old, was left in the pass.

When she was young, she didn't understand why her mother was so determined to take away this sacred treasure that was related to the lives of hundreds of millions of people, but later she understood her mother's good intentions.

The mother took away the holy treasure just to protect Jiang Yun with the promise of this holy treasure!

The mother is a member of a foreign race. She does not want her daughter to follow her into the forbidden land. She hopes that her daughter will grow up in the human world, but she is worried that after she leaves, her daughter will be persecuted and not treated well.

Therefore, she left the promise of the Holy Treasure as a threat!

She buried this holy treasure at the ruins of the Military Holy Land and sealed it with a secret method. No one can take it except her daughter. If the human race wants to regain this treasure, they must take good care of her daughter and help her embark on her spiritual journey. road, and choose a good son-in-law for her.

Lin Su infinitely sighed: Who forced your father to die?

The sparkle slowly appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes, he raised his head, looked up at the sky, and said quietly: Between you and me, we can be honest about everything, but please don't ask about this matter.

Lin Su already understands!


Her father's death must be caused by the temple!


Or is it because of that indescribable dispute between great avenues!

Certain factions in the temple cannot see the rise of military strategists!

When the Dianbing Pot, which symbolizes military strategists, appeared in the world, they were deeply afraid of it, just like they were afraid of Weiyang's pen!

That day, the Dianbing Pot appeared, and the temple forced Jiang Yun's father to death.

So, if the Dianbing Pot is now in Jiang Yun's hands again, will the scene like that happen again?


Not anymore!


Because the current situation has changed drastically, Weiyang Bi has reappeared in the world, and the storm has arisen in the third level of the sky. Everyone's eyes are focused on the return of that one, and there is no time to pay attention to this pot of weapons and the intensity of the pot of weapons. , is no longer enough to stimulate the people in the temple.

Therefore, Makino Villa decided to take back the Weapon Pot again.

The weapon-pointing pot was sealed by Jiang Yun's mother, and it has been set. Only her daughter can find it in the world, and can take it out with the help of literary means. Therefore, she needs a literary genius with profound literary background to accompany her. .

This is the whole inside story of Jiang Yun's marriage.

Recruitment is real!

But Makino Villa also used its brains!

Jiang Yun slowly raised his head: Brother, I want to tell you something now!

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