Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 827 I don’t know what I can do, I’m willing to fight the moths in the fire

you say!

Jiang Yun looked at him tenderly, her lips slightly parted. However, these words seemed quite difficult for her. For a moment, she hesitated...

There was a big earthquake in the outside world, like the heaven and earth opening and closing. Thirty-eight secret realms separated at the same time. A holy light emerged, and the thirty-eight people trapped in the secret realm appeared outside the Jin Pavilion.

These people were shocked all over. They raised their eyes and saw a pavilion in front of them: Jinyun Pavilion!

And their closed cultivation levels were all restored at this moment, and everything in the secret realm turned into a ridiculous dream...

The great elder's voice came: This is the end of the second level. All thirty-nine candidates gathered outside Jin Pavilion, asking the fourth lady to make her own choice!

Thirty-eight geniuses are waking up from a dream...

It turns out that the secret realm is an assessment...

How did I do?

At least a few people are very confident, the Seventh Prince and Zhuge Qingfeng are especially confident, because one of them has substantially achieved the position of city lord, and the other has substantially achieved the position of leader of the village, and the life and death of the city lord is also determined by him. Under the control of the people, military strategists are good at planning. Is their planning taken to the extreme? To achieve this level in just one month, who can be as awesome as them?

In the brocade pavilion, the gauze rose with the wind, and a clear and elegant voice came: Everyone of the geniuses attended the little girl's wedding party. The little girl is deeply grateful. Now the little girl has found the right husband, and he is... Da Cang Su San!

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at Jiang Yun in front of him.

Jiang Yun also looked at him tenderly, and a voice penetrated into his ears: Brother, this is what I want to tell you. This is not just telling you, I want to tell the whole world!

Da Cang Su San!

The seventh prince's expression suddenly changed, it wasn't him! It's not him! He is the authentic royal family of Burian State. If Makino Villa comes to do this, where is the dignity of the royal family?

The smile on Zhuge Qingfeng's face also stiffened, was it him again? The one who once told him: As long as I am here, you have to get used to failure! This kind of contempt gave him enough anger and motivation. He was still thinking about the test in the secret realm. When he, the wise man who determines the world, should overwhelm the opponent no matter what, Jiang Yun directly gave the cruelest answer. , she chose Su San!

The other thirty people also felt lost at the same time...

One person took the step forward, but it was Yan Qing: Fourth Miss made her own choice, so naturally I can only accept it, but I really want to know where I failed!

Exactly! Zhang Xiushui said: You have to win with light when you win, and you have to lose with integrity when you lose. I really want to know what kind of trump card does Brother Su, who comes from a foreign country, have to defeat all the talented people in Burial State!

His words were extremely inflammatory, because he tied up everyone in Zianzhou in one fell swoop. You need to know that of the thirty-eight people in their team, thirty-six of them belonged to Zianzhou, which accounted for the absolute majority of locals in Zianzhou. , being completely defeated by an outsider, who can be convinced?

Suddenly, the crowd was excited and the words started to get a little too extreme...

Although everyone was a scholar and no one said anything, the meaning of the words was already a bit playful, and they began to point to whether there was a secret operation at Makino Villa, and whether there was any intention to tease the sages of Burial State...

The great elder finished with one sentence: You thirty-eight are still in the secret realm thinking about the plan of lining up and connecting. Su San has defeated the bandits and Lishan City, and has also crossed the peak and left the secret realm!

Everyone's eyes showed disbelief.

If the cultivation level is not sealed, it would be easy for any of them to level up the mountain bandits and destroy the city lord, but in the secret realm, the cultivation level is sealed.

They are all ordinary people!

An ordinary person goes to a strange place and kills more than a thousand bandits and a city lord with tens of thousands of troops in just one month? How can it be?

The Seventh Prince narrowed his eyes slightly: As an ordinary person, it is unimaginable for me to do such an earth-shattering thing in just one month. Is the Great Elder sure that you, Makino Villa, did not provide him with any help?

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled and said: Your Highness, why bother to ask this question? Since Muye Villa has made up its mind to make Brother Su the son-in-law of the Villa, there are always more ways than difficulties. It is said that ordinary people plan the situation, and experts plan their intentions. This is the case at Muye Villa. Gao Ming, how can you be trapped here?

He definitely didn't accuse Makino Sanso of helping from the side.

But who doesn’t understand the meaning behind the words?

The great elder's face darkened slightly...

At this moment, a person stepped out of Jinyun Pavilion and came to the opposite side of the thirty-eight people. It was Lin Su.

Lin Su smiled and said: You are all people who are quite confident in your own methods. You firmly believe that I, Su, can't do anything you can't do, right?

The Seventh Prince said coldly: It's just that I have doubts. Maybe Brother Su can clear our doubts!

Resolving doubts is very simple! Lin Su said: It's just five words!... I'm better than you!

The blood in everyone's hearts surged at the same time...

A winner stood on a high platform and told them in a contemptuous tone: The reason why I can win is only five words, I am better than you! Who among these geniuses doesn't want to beat him?

Even Jiang Yun in the attic was stroking his forehead. Oh my god, why is my husband-in-law like this? This is something I don’t understand at all about human nature...

Lin Su glanced across the audience: Are you all unconvinced? There is a way, you might as well use it!

What method? The seventh prince narrowed his eyes slightly.

Let's make a bet between myself and all of you. If I lose, I will give each of you 10,000 taels of silver as travel expenses, so that you will not have to go back and forth in vain and be upset!

Ten thousand taels per person?

380,000 taels?

Everyone in the venue stopped breathing at the same time!

At that time, how many families could easily afford 380,000 taels of silver?

There are only a handful of families with total assets of 380,000 taels in the state. Those who carry around 380,000 taels in white banknotes will probably never be seen!

Jiang Yunxian put her hand on her forehead and suddenly stopped.

She couldn't fathom his thoughts.

How could he carry 380,000 taels with him?

This is completely against common sense. If the 380,000 taels did not exist, the gamble he set must be a sure win.

The seventh prince exhaled softly: Brother Su is so proud. It is unheard of to make a bet for 380,000 taels, but you don't know where the banknote is?

Lin Su stretched out his hand gently and held a large stack of banknotes in his hand. There were forty or fifty of them. He rubbed them together and moved them away. Each one was ten thousand taels. Qiankun Commercial Bank, you will pay as soon as you see the check!

Everyone was dumbfounded, even Zhuge Qingfeng was dumbfounded. He was the master of the Poet Saint's family who was most in need of money. He always had ten thousand taels of silver on him, but he only had a little more than ten thousand taels. The ten thousand taels of notes were just for show. 13, only the broken silver is used. He has never seen this kind of behavior.

For some reason, he felt frustrated again.

Because the persona he created for himself at Makino Villa, rich in gold, wisdom, and talents, has been completely and completely crushed by Lin Su, 360 degrees without blind spots, even in the field of gold and silver, he has not let go .

The Seventh Prince said: How do you want to bet, Brother Su? If you are fighting with literary power, Brother Su seems to be seeking death when he opens his mouth with a pair of 38!

Lin Sudao: How dare you! I want to make a bet with my brothers, go up to the border and kill demons. The total number of demons you 38 have killed is compared with mine. If you can kill one more of me, I will lose. If you add one more, I will lose. Even if you don’t kill as many as me, you will be defeated!”

Kill the devil at the border!

Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining brightly, as if a small window had opened.

The great elder and the elder beside him looked at each other and saw the mystery in each other's eyes.

The 38 geniuses looked at each other. Are they going to kill the devil?

This is not their schedule...

Lin Su said calmly: As a person from Burial State, who calls himself the backbone of the human race, his biggest mission is to protect the country and the people, and his biggest pursuit should be to make achievements. Is it that you don't dare to go to war with the devil? Or are you unwilling?

38 people's hearts jumped together, and they heard some meaning from his understatement...

It is an indisputable fact that the Burial State has been infiltrated by demons. All families are working hard to cleanse themselves. No matter when and where, killing demons is politically correct and is the foundation of the family. Who dares to play ambiguous with the demons? , the family will be stained.

Lin Su made a bet and pulled everyone into this whirlpool.

If you dare to refuse, you will bring shame to the family or even bring disaster...

The seventh prince took a deep breath: The 39 geniuses are betting on the devil's head. A huge bet will surely shake the earth... What do you think?

The people behind looked at each other in confusion, not making up their minds. The most important thing was that the bet was a bit big. If they lost, they wouldn't be able to take out the ten thousand taels of silver.

Lin Su smiled: Wait a minute, my bet is not over yet. If I lose, I will lose ten thousand taels of silver to each of you. If I win, you don't need to pay half of your gambling money!

Zhuge Qingfeng stared at him: Then what do you want?

Lin Su smiled faintly: I, Su, have all the worldly things, so why do I need to add more? All I want from beginning to end is the devil's head!

How heroic! Zhuge Qingfeng said: I bet!

It's a bet!

Everyone behind is betting!

Okay, dear geniuses, please go to Makino's guest room and rest! The great elder gently guided his hand and bowed before sending him off...

Lin Su smiled slightly and returned to the pavilion.

In the pavilion, Jiang Yun stood up and greeted Lin Su. Since she said those words, she has changed her role. She is no longer the high-ranking star of the villa, she is a woman to be married, leaving everything behind. Welcoming her husband.

How should I call you now? Brother, or... husband-in-law?

Speaking of the last two words, Jiang Yun's delicate body moved slightly. The attic with boundless charm could not be locked at all, and Lin Su's heart was filled with waves...

He gently stretched out his hand and put it on her shoulder: The marriage recruitment at Makino Villa is known to the whole country and cannot be without a result. Therefore, I accept your conclusion just now and put an end to the marriage recruitment at Makino Villa first. However, my You actually don’t know the details. I can’t give you an unprepared husband. Therefore, the word “Xiangong” will be sealed for the time being. You can wait and see. If this trip is over and you still firmly believe that your choice is correct, I will accept you again. How about this title?

Jiang Yun felt a little cold after hearing the first half of the paragraph. I have already expressed my own attitude, but you are still so vague?

However, after hearing the second half, her heart warmed up. This was not resistance, it was just responsibility. He didn't want this matter to be unfair to her. He gave her a chance to wait and see. This is her elder brother. , consider everything for her...

Brother! Jiang Yun said softly: This gamble of yours is arrogant. Are you really sure that you can defeat them on the battlefield with one against thirty-eight, and use the iron facts to eliminate the suspicion in the marriage recruitment process?

Makino Villa's choice of Lin Su aroused suspicion from all parties involved, and everyone suspected that Makino Villa was involved in something fishy. This suspicion was a big worry for Makino Villa.

Regardless of the royal family or major forces, if there is a barrier to Makino Villa due to this matter, the impact will be terrible.

If he could defend himself and Makino Villa in an extremely powerful way on the border battlefield with one against thirty-eight, he would naturally clear away this suspicion, but can he do it?

Jiang Yun was worried...

Lin Su smiled: Winning or losing is not important! What is important is that through the act of killing the demon, these thirty-eight people can be truly bound. This is called the 'voting certificate' in the world!

Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head: Sign up for a certificate?

Exactly! Lin Su said: I don't care whether these thirty-eight people and the forces behind them may have been infiltrated by the demon. I will force them to go to the battlefield first and kill the demon with iron-blooded wrists. If they don't kill, I will If you expose yourself and kill them, you will drive a nail with your own hands. This nail will more or less affect the devil's recruitment of them, and it will also affect the connection between the devil and their family...

Jiang Yun's heart was beating wildly...

This move was beyond her expectation!

This is a carefully planned move!

What is the purpose of recruiting a bride at Makino Villa? It is important to determine the character of the future rulers of the land of Burial State so that they can make targeted arrangements.

And what about him?

Go further down the road!

He forced these thirty-eight future masters to kill the devil!

If you show mercy to the devil, if you have an affair with the devil, you won't dare to kill him, and you will be exposed.

If you are really determined to kill the devil, your killing today will be a nail between you and the devil. The devil and your family will be torn apart. The gap can be big or small. Once If you kill too many people and are too powerful, it would be even better if you are on the Demon Clan's fatal list or fatal list. If you want to surrender to the enemy, you have no chance...

A bet!

38 people on the chessboard!

On the chessboard, 38 earth-shaking young people have either changed their lives or their families!

What kind of plan is this?

What kind of skill is this?

Jiang Yun's beautiful eyes were filled with light: Brother, I think you should be the son-in-law of Makino Villa. Otherwise, I will call you husband-in-law now...

Don't! Lin Su stopped quickly: You have to have some knowledge of yourself. You are so charming and charming. If you call me husband again, I'm afraid that I will turn into a beast. I will leave quickly and go back to the guest room to rest. Meditate and practice to calm down the wandering thoughts in your mind...

Before he could finish his sentence, he flew away!

Jiang Yun's face turned red, his heart blossomed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Brother, it's quite fun...

In the guest room, Yaogu sat by the window, looking at the stars...

For more than a month, the silent marriage recruitment finally came to an end today...

Unsurprisingly, he won the final victory!

People who have traveled thousands of miles and are guests in my boudoir today, Yao Gu doesn’t know whether she should express her gratitude...

Logically speaking, she should be happy for him.

Because this is a crucial part of their strategic plan.

But why is it that when I look at the stars and the moon outside the window, I feel so uneasy inside?

She gently touched the mirror he gave her under the moonlight. What she touched was the silver back, which she had polished to be spotless.

However, she never turned over.

She was not like this before!

She had also looked at her appearance in front of a calm stream. Her heart was as calm as a stream. She didn't care about the ordinaryness of her appearance, just like she could accept the ordinaryness of weeds in the mountains, because she knew the value of people. It has nothing to do with appearance.

But that was only the past.

After meeting him in Nanshan City, her heart had already gone astray...

Now that she got the silver mirror he gave her, she no longer dared to look at herself in the mirror...

The door knocked softly...

Yao Gu turned her hand and the mirror in her palm disappeared without a trace. She arrived at the door...

As soon as the door opened, she saw him!

He disappeared for a whole month!

A smile appeared on Yaogu's face: I have heard complaints from all directions, and felt the grievances from the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States. There are different teachings: the eighty-year-old genius gathered in Muye, Su San's skillful hand broke the golden branch... I have to congratulate you!

Lin Su sighed softly: Things are not ideal!

Yao Gu's eyes widened: Is it possible that this golden branch and jade leaf deviates from your aesthetic taste?

Lin Su shook his head: Our prediction of the Holy Treasure has gone awry. She does have a Holy Treasure as a dowry, but this Holy Treasure is not Zhou Tianjing!

So, today's trip is not the last trip in Burial State! Yaogu said, There are more difficult trips waiting for you!

What happened here is that we have to go to Wudao Mountain to find a bronze temple!

Where is Zhou Tianjing's location?

I'm not sure, just a source of information...

“Is the information reliable?”

Lin Su raised his hand and pressed it on his forehead: Let's not talk about reliability... In terms of unreliability, there is probably no one in the world who is more unreliable than the person who released the news...


Because this news comes from Master Yiyao of Xixin Temple!

Who is Master Yi Yao?

He is a person who would be beaten in the world!

He is incompatible with the eminent monk Fan!

Everything he did was clearly marked with the word liar!

However, some of his words proved to be miraculous time and time again afterwards.

Lin Su came to him that day because of the matter of Mermaid Yingying's mother. He spent a lot of money and got information about Wudao Mountain, Ancient Bronze Palace and Zhou Tianjing while talking about Buddhism.

Now you ask me, is this news reliable?

What do I say?

Yao Gu said: How about you ask your wife?

Lin Su glanced at her: Can you confirm the reliability of Makino Villa?

Yao Gu understands!

People's hearts are separated from each other, and no one can be reliable, especially at Makino Villa. Its water depth is unfathomable. Blindly revealing their coveting of Zhou Tianjing will definitely cause endless troubles. This matter cannot be alerted.

After pondering for a long time, Yaogu said: I have vaguely heard of the place name Wudao Mountain. According to legend, it is really an extraordinary place. If you want to go, I will accompany you. Are you going before the wedding or after the wedding?

How can there be a new marriage? Lin Su said: We have already analyzed that the marriage recruitment at Makino Villa is not a formal marriage recruitment in nature. This analysis is correct!

A glimmer of light flashed in Yaogu's eyes: So, you just accompany them in a show?


So, we can leave overnight?

That won't work... Lin Su said: There will be a bet tomorrow, we have to go to the border...

After explaining the words, Yao Gu was silent for a long time and slowly raised her head: Tonight at Makino Villa, I am afraid I am the only one who believes that you can really win this one-to-thirty-eight bet on your own!

Of course I will win! Lin Su said.

Yaogu's eyes flashed: You, the white-robed God of War, will rule your world when you reach the battlefield. It's not a surprise if you win anyone. But have you ever thought about another question?

you say!

You have established such a close connection with the descendants of military strategists, and shocked the world with your military skills at the border. Will the temple see... clues to the revival of military strategists?

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at the horizon: Of course I will!

The battle between the great avenues, the disintegration of the third heaven, the removal of the military palace, and the hiding of military strategists are all due to the strength of the military strategist. For a weak military strategist, the temple can accept its existence, or it can watch Makino Villa act in both positive and negative ways. However, once the military strategist is revived, If you touch the most sensitive nerve above, how violent their reaction will be, can you predict it?

Already predicted!

No one who is stronger than the Third Heaven can stop this wave. Can you stop it?

It's hard!

Then why are you seeking death?

You have talked a lot about the troubles caused by the revival of the military strategist. I would like to ask you in turn, what will happen if the military strategist does not revive?

Yaogu said slowly: Mianzhou may fall!

It's not possible, it's bound to fall! Lin Su said: With the fall of Mianzhou, the dividing line drawn by the military strategist is the only line of defense in the human world. Do you really think that this dividing line is blocking it? Nothing to worry about?

No! In fact, this dividing line is already riddled with holes!

In the past, this genius of the human race spent 80,000 years of his life and gave everything he had for the human race, including himself, his people, and his subordinates. It is also the turn of the people under his protection to do something for him. Yes! Lin Su said: I, Lin Su, don't know what I can do and am willing to be a moth that flies into the fire!

His voice was understatement.

But his expression was as solemn as a mountain.

At this moment, he was no longer a light-hearted and free-spirited scholar, no longer a troublemaker who made fun of officialdom, but a mirror under the moonlight that reflected his heart.

Yaogu breathed out softly: I, Jia Xianyao, was born in the back hill of a farmhouse. Before I was twenty years old, I had not even left the farmhouse. I had no contact with military strategists. I rarely had any emotional entanglements in the common people. However, I am also a person. I’m just a moth flying into the fire, and I’ll accompany you!”

The next day, under a clear sky, a flying boat soared into the sky, departing from Makino Villa to the border.

On the flying boat, there are no shortage of thirty-nine players, all of them are included.

The head of the flying boat is like a living room, as wide and boundless as possible.

Thirty-eight contestants formed a large arc, showing their grace.

Lin Su and two women sat next to them. Although they did not deliberately divide them into two camps, they were actually two camps.

Beside Lin Su, besides Yao Gu, there was also a woman wearing silver armor. This woman was Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun is wearing silver armor, collecting all the curves of his body.

She also wore a silver mask on her face, and even her eyes were completely unclear under the special mask.

Her true appearance only appeared in front of Lin Su.

The boat traveled thousands of miles all the way to the border.

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